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Jazmin Rojas

Yana Garbarg

October 24,2016

Reader Response Two

Write a 2-3 paragraph response with a clear claim, relevant evidence, and thoughtful analysis
This is your claim: My protagonist, ___________, wants ___________________, but is standing
in their way.
Evidence: What evidence do you have to support your claim? Use at least two quotations to
support your idea.
Analysis: Explain why your text evidence is important, what does it show or reveal about the
Upload to the Weebly under Independent Reading. Title this Reader Response 2
My protagonist, Jean Louis Finch, wants to read and learn higher level books/studies,
but her teacher is standing in her way. Jeans teacher is standing in her way because she
doesn't like how she is smarter than she is suppose to be meaning Jean is in a higher skill than
her classmates. For example, on page 22 it says As I read the alphabet a faint line appeared
between her eyebrows, and after making me read most of My First Reader and the stockmarket quotations from The Mobile Register aloud, she discovered that I was literate and looked
at me with more than faint distaste. Miss Caroline told me to tell my father not to teach me any
more, it would interfere with my reading. Here it shows Miss Caroline doesnt want to accept
that Jean is very smart and should be placed in advance class.
Jean Louis Finch deservers to be in a more advanced classes even if Miss Caroline
doesn't want her to leave her class. It really isnt fair for Jean to stay in a class that is too easy
for her and its even more not unfair that Miss Caroline is blaming her father for making Jean so
smart. On page 23 it says If I didn't I have to stay Id leave., that damn lady says Atticuss been
teaching me to read and for him to stop it-- don't worry, Scott Jem comforted me. Our teacher
says Miss Caroline's introducing a new way of teaching. This little part of the book shows how
much Jean wants to get a new teacher with more advance classes. Furthermore on page 24 it
says I was so bored so I begin a letter to dill. Miss Caroline caught me and told me to tell my
father to stop teaching me. Besides, she said. we dont write in the first grade we print you
won't learn how to write until you're in 3rd grade You could see here that Jean could be placed
in middle school or high school because if you just start to learn how to write in 3rd grade then
in middle school you would start to learn multiplication. Jean is a very bright girl she should be
able to get the education she needs.

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