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Cast List:

Scene 0:
(Tech Green, Quad behind Crecine)
Open on Bosss funeral:
(In still shots)
Higher up gang members are there, Liz (trophy wife), brother Rich, son Edd. Extras also
Liz crying on casket (dark filter), crying.
Working Title: Richard III
Narrator: So, whos the new boss?
Scene 1:
Edd enters toward Rich. Rich opens his arms for a hug, Edd does.
Rich: Im glad to see you, nephew. Im sorry we had to meet in such,
somber circumstances.
Edd (sadly): Its alright uncle. Father always said, ya win some, lose some.
Rich: Smart man, and a smart one to listen to him.
Edd: hows ma and R.K.?
Rich: your mother is quite upset. You ought to go see her. Oh, one more thing, buddy. Try to lay
low for a while. Until all this, yknow, blows over. I got a place a few cities over. Why dont you
stay there for a while?
Edd: (sadly) Yeah. Ill go see ma.
Exit Edd. Enter Buck and Catesby.
Rich: Hastings and Stan will be useful for our ... cause. We need to get the both of em on our
side. The more people with me, the easier it will be to take over.
Buck: What if they wont?
Rich: Kill em. Quickly, and quietly. If all goes well, well be running the gang before too long. No
need for another Eddy.
Catesby: Ill go talk to Hastings. If things dont go well, you, Buck, can clean things up.
Scene 2:
(In Dorm room)
Stan wakes up.
Stan: hey, boy, get in here quick!
Boy: Yes, sir.
Stan: Want to do something important for the mob?
Boy: Yes, sir.
Stan: Good boy. Now, go to Hastings and tell him I had a dream that Rich tried to run me over
with a car, and I think were in trouble. Tell him we got to go now. Start somewhere new. You got
that, boy?
Boy: Yes, sir.
Exit All Scene Shifts to boy telling Hastings

Hastings: Is he serious? Is he fuckin nuts? You go and tell Stan that dreams dont mean shit
and that were perfectly safe.
Boy: Yes, sir.
Exit Boy. Enter Catesby.
Catesby: Soooo.. I heard Rich was thinkin bout heading up the family business. Hows that
sound, huh? Good ol gang back to the way it was, even better.
Hastings: Hell fuckin no! Rich would run this mob to shit. The family would be better off with
Edd at the head, not that power-hungry gremlin.
Catesby: (unconvincingly) Ya I guess
Exit Catesby. Enter Stan.
Stan: Hastings, youre like a brother to me. We got to leave. Its for our own good.
Hastings: Stan, do you trust me? Im tellin you. Rich has our backs. You remember Lizs side of
the family? The ones who tried to go off on their own and tried to pin it on me? Rich personally
told me that Id never have to worry bout them again.
Stan: Aight. If you feel safe, then Im gonna stick here with you.
Hastings: Trust me, Richs got us covered.
Scene 3:
(Hefner 2 Lounge)
Scene opens on a few men, Lizs family, having dinner.
Rich and goons enter dining room and open fire. Same general death effect.
Blood packs?
Rich (standing, looking at his work): fuckin inlaws.
Scene 4:
Rich and Buck are outside the meeting room. (GT Connector meeting room)
Buck: We tried, Rich, we really did. Hastings aint with us. We tried, but, no dice.
Rich: Why, then, is he still alive? I told you exactly what the fuck to do in this situation, didnt I? I
guess I gotta do everything myself.
Rich enters the meeting room.
Family meeting. Everyone is seated at a long or circular table.
Hastings: I think were all in agreement, here, about Edd being the new boss, yeah?
Rich: Dont be so hasty. {drum hit} Lets think this through. Edds still young and I heard him
talkin bout making the family business legitimate, yknow, doing somethin else. None of our
liquor smugglin. If we go legit, we lose all our money. All our power. Is that really what we want?
Hastings: But then who would take over?
Catesby: well, by the family line, the brother, right? Rich.
Rich: This is a lot to think bout.
Hastings: It sure as hell is! Whaddaya mean, Edd said we were goin legit? Why the fuck would
the Bosss own son say that? The Boss led us here, to this biz!
Rich: I need some fresh air Hastings, come walk with me.
Rich and Hastings leave and walk. Rich leads Hastings to a water source (Campanile).
Rich(holding a gun to Hastingss chest?): Im sorry Hastings. I gave you a chance to be on my
side. Ill make this as painless as possible.

Hastings: You son of a bitch. You crazy power-hungry son of a bitch. Youre going to run the
family business into the ground. No one will support
Rich shoots Hastings and he falls into water source
Rich: You talk too much, buddy. Even for me.
Scene 5:
Enter Rich and Buck
Rich: We need everyone to believe that Hastings was a traitor and drag our buddy Edds
reputation through the mud. And you need to help me. Are you sure you have what it takes to do
what has to be done? This is a mans game, and Im not so sure youre up for it, or even that
your loyalty lies with me.
Buck: Boss, Ive got every trick in the book down pat. Deceit is my middle name.
Rich: Alright then, good.
Rich cuts his own arm.
Buck: what the hell, Boss?
Rich: pipe down, would ya? Youll see.
Buck and Rich return to the meeting room.
Rich: You all aint gonna believe this.That bastard Hastings wasnt with us at all. He tried to
shank me as soon as I went to talk with im. He told me Edd was next, and he was gonna take
over the family, but I managed to shoot im before he got me. Fucking traitor.
Buck: I had suspicions about him from the beginning...always a slippery guy, always seemed
like he had something to hide. Good riddance, if you ask me.
Catesby: I say this meeting should be adjourned. Rest up Rich.
Exit everyone but Rich, Buck, and Catesby.
Rich: Aight, so, we got Hastings out of the way. Now we just gotta get my good ol nephew.
Buck, Catesby, I got an idea.
Buck: Ill fill the fucker with lead Boss.
Rich: No, you dumbass. We need to get the rest of the family to reject him as the true heir.
Spread the word that Edd is not my brothers actual son. He is a bastard child.
Buck and Catesby: Yes, sir.
Scene 6 (In R37):
Buck: Boss... I got some bad news
Rich: Spit it out then
Buck: Ive been talking to some people in the family, and they didnt seem all too happy at the
prospect of you as Boss.
Rich: Well, then, fucking try again.
Room of family without Rich. (Still in room etc)
Buck: Listen up Edd is a bastard. He doesnt deserve to head this family. He is too young, too
inexperienced, and too illegitimate to take on this responsibility. I say Rich should lead.
Random Family 1: I dont know he seems too too greedy. Theres just a look in his eye that
makes it seem hes up to no good.

Catesby: Hes loyal to this family. He listens to us, makes what we want to happen happen.
Hes responsible. Has Rich ever let any of you down? When Rich says hes gonna do
something, dammit, hes gonna get it done. Hes smart as hell. We hear it every time he talks.
He knows the business inside-out. Rich at the head keeps us alive, keeps us our money, and
keeps our enemies dead.
Random Family 2: They make a good point. Who else is there to lead?
Enter Rich.
Catesby: Just the man we were talkin bout.
Rich: Is that a good thing or bad?
Catesby: Id say its pretty good.
Buck: Rich, this family needs a new head. I speak for this room when I say, we want you to
Rich: No. I cant do that. There must be someone better to lead this family. The position
belongs to my dear nephew, Edd.
Buck: Rich, weve discussed it. Youre the right man for the job. He aint even your nephew.
Rich: Wait, what? He aint my nephew? But still. I dont know if Im meant for leadership.
Buck: The fate of this family rests in your hands.
Rich: (Looking at his hands)...I cant let this family down.........This aint what I want, but I feel
like its my duty. Ill take the reins.
Rich, Buck, and Catesby jump together into a high five. Camera freezes.
Credits roll above the photo.

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