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Abstract by : Agung Widiyantoro

Poltical Science Department

Faculty of Social Science and Political Science
Brawijaya University
For 32 years, Indonesia led by President Suharto. A president with a background
mliter create a pattern-militerisitik centralized administration. Freedom of speech
and democracy into the idea of a taboo to be discussed. As a capped mountains,
over time accumulate and peak people's anger erupted as well. The 1998 reform
was the highlight of accumulated public resentment against the tyranny of the
military regime of the New Order. Gus Dur, president after Suharto - Habibie trying
to change the political culture of this centralized with democratic culture. One
obvious example of this is the recognition of the press agencies, the recognition of
previously marginalized Chinese minority. Gus Dur as a political figure pesantren
(Traditional Islamic School) educational background, try to use humor as a strategy
to erode cultural communication cultural remnants of the New Order with its
militaristic character rigid and austere. Therein lies the humor; -according Gus durhumor can not topple a regime, but humor can addle a system of government. This
paper will explain about Gus Dur discourse analysis in relation to the struggle for
democratization especially grassroots democracy by diplomacy humor. The
democratization process that is meant Gus Dur with the strengthening of social
institutions such as non-state boarding schools, youth organizations, religious social
organizations such as NU and Muhammadiyah. of this idea, Gus Dur debunking the
myth that democracy is not just about government institutions such as the
legislature, the electoral process and so forth but democracies are substantial and
involve the people as the main force. From this view, Gus Dur who understand the
cultural patterns of grassroots easier to understand everyday language rather than
academic language. For that then Gus Dur using folk approach, a more effective
approach to humor and to convey his ideas related to democracy, tolerance and

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