Motor Differences Week 1

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Drs. Killick and Wyant (2013). Sport Pedagogy.

School Site: Cleveland Elementary

Date: 9/27/16 & 9/29/16

Activity Observed: Ball Toss/ Relay Race

Grade/Age Level: 3rd Grade

DIRECTIONS: You will observe many children performing many different kinds of skills. Select 8 (or as many
as you can) different tasks and describe how the high skilled students and the low skilled students are

1. Ball Toss
2. Ball Toss

3. Ball Toss
4. Ball Toss
5. Relay Race
6. Relay Race

Higher Skilled
Great technique. Front foot
forward, arm reaching back and
great throw.
Student was able to perform all
COTS of the skill and performed
the throw with ease.
Great technique. Front foot
forward, arm reaching back and
great throw.
Student Had great form and
performed well but got bored
because it was too easy.
Student ran without knocking over
the cone and was able to jump
with hoola hoop.
Student was able to run with no
problem, did the hoola hoops but
knocked over a cone.

Lower Skilled
Student stepped with the opposite
foot and had throw went higher
rather than to their partner.
Student did not keep eyes on their
partner and therefore the ball
landed somewhere else when
Student did not step with front foo
and just stood still when throwing
the ball.
Student stepped with the opposite
foot and had throw went higher
rather than to their partner.
Student knocked a cone down
while running but was able to do
some hoola hoop hops.
Student knocked over multiple
cones and could not perform the
hoola hoop hop.

7. Relay Race

Student ran with ease, didnt

knock over any cone, and was able
to hoola hoop hop.

Student was not able to jump with

hoola hoop.

8. Relay Race

Student was able to complete the

relay race with ease multiple

Student did not want to run,

cheated by cutting the race short
and did not perform the hoola
hoop hop.

Teacher _______________________ Time spent @ site _______________

Observer __________________________________ / _________________

Drs. Killick and Wyant (2013). Sport Pedagogy.

Teacher _______________________ Time spent @ site _______________

Observer __________________________________ / _________________

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