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not so
different you
and I

A thesis on patterns of humanity

By Sean A. Smith



In this life of quarrel
Wisdom is what we seek

For in a life of virtue

Without we must repeat
Time is of the essence
Knowledge is incomplete
Due to ones perspective
On how one moves their feet

The Universe is but a constant state in which all that is, and ever
will be, already exist. We interpret these circulating energies and the
numerous forms they take through our senses. This causes us to be
highly susceptible in making rash judgments due to our perspectives
being limited. We are simply unable to fully conceive the vastness and
complete dynamics of the information provided within the field; light,
sound and matter exist within the realm of infinite time and space. Due
to this, our reality is never truly what it appears to be.
Since energy cannot be created nor destroyed, everything that is
or will be already is. It is constantly in motion within the universe. The
rationalization of this change, as well as what has been consistent in
the past, is amongst the greatest tools in constructing what we perceive
to be truth. If we are essentially a combination of all experiences prior
to the present, we are currently the greatest product of our own
potential that has ever been.
Since consciousness cannot be found in any compartment in the
brain, I believe it to be an accumulation of the whole. It is my view that

the terms of conscious and subconscious should be redefined to

conscious-aware and conscious-unaware. Conscious-aware would be
the most prominent, neural connections between stimuli in relativity to
the individual at any point in time. Conscious-unaware would be
supportive and dormant mental stimuli that act without knowing, while
still being related as individual experience.
For example, if the universe were to be alive, and we existed as an
organism within the whole like a brain cell within a mind, serving an
individual purpose as well as fulfilling its need to the whole system.
Without full recognition of our relation to the whole, the two almost
appear to be one in the same. The only difference is one is more aware
of its own existence, partially.
If we proceed with the idea of conscious-awareness being an
overall grouping of the connections made amongst the most prominent
mental stimuli, as well as the perceived relation to ourselves at any
point in time, the rationalization behind said stimuli is what we
perceive to be reality. Thus, our collective realities are relevant to how
we perceive both external and internal stimuli, and the relationship
between the two as the way we view the universe and the way we view
Being human is both our greatest blessing and fatal flaw. Part of
this flaw includes we are without knowledge. We are ignorant of many
things, as well as the extremity to which we are ignorant. The
foundation on which our ideals have been based have been interpreted
through our own perspectives; who, what, when, where, why and how
we are. All of our knowledge is hindered by our interpretation of these
things. First, we are unable to observe outside of the five senses. We

cannot place our observations into context until they have been placed
into relation with the senses.
As we grow older, our constructed beliefs and associations
become more structured as a result of our outstanding ability to
associate external sources with internal sources of information, all
while also utilizing repetition and archetypes to validate or invalidate
information. Throughout this process, we construct a foundation for
future actions and access potential actions as well as set limitations for
these actions to best generate favorable results. Alas, If only it were so
Due to our lack of knowledge, we are highly capable of grossly
over and/or underestimating information and potential actions due to
an imbalance of dependence on repetition and archetypes, as well as
dependence on outdated and overstated beliefs. We are capable of
many misjudgments that guide, and/or mask our abilities to act in a
manner that is most congruent with the potential to achieve the
desired results that we are capable of.
The infinite is far more vast and rich in detail than any
rationalization that can be brought about by the tools we utilize to
support the already brittle sensations that we posses. Also, while at
rest, our minds formulate new connections. These alter our memories
so that all we may be certain of in regards to the past and what has
once been are the peaks and valleys of our minds. Thus each outlook is
constructed on faulty foundations.
The most rational choice I can conceive to account for this
disproportion is to construct our realities in a manner that
acknowledges our own ignorance. We must act in pursuit of higher

levels of wisdom and enlightenment in the direction of deeper

understanding and consciousness.
The Truth Is In the Details

Cant he take a hint? Shes so clueless! Whats the matter
cant you read between the lines? Even statements like, One small
step for man, one giant leap for mankind are timeless examples of
how the pieces help us get a better perspective on reality and how the
little things relate to the big picture. Time and time again, when
communicating with one another, we are given examples of why details
are so important. Its the little things that count said the mentor to
the young man destined for greatness. He taught him everything from
hand to hand combat to expert leadership techniques. We all are
unique he would say, each of us serves a purpose in this world that
we share. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
and the key to finding our purpose lies in training our actions in pursuit
of favorable reactions through practice and self-control. By all means
do what you can, however, let fate sort out the rest!

The young man went on to facing trial after trial, piecing together
every little skill that he gained along his journey and applying it to every
new trial that came his way. He went on to conquering each trial, but
he was anything but graceful and flawless. Instead he was overpowered
time and time again, but this did not shake him. No matter how many
times he fell, he got back up on his feet and never missing a beat drove
forward more experienced and stronger. He may have lost his footing
at times but he never failed! He kept coming back with a tenacity that
his enemies envied and, almost as if subconsciously, they lost

themselves to his will. For it was not as if the boy had been born a hero,
through his actions and character he became one.

Many of you are saying nice story, it reminds me of something I
have seen or heard before. Thats because these traits that the
protagonist have demonstrated are universal and no they dont only
generate success in fairy tales.

A valuable step in making the most out of our potential is through
the cultivation of our own self-esteem. Self-esteem, also known as selfrespect, is the amount of emotional value that we place on our own
worth. It is the way that we perceive ourselves as well as the attitude
that we direct toward ourselves. In order to accurately portray selfesteem we must first have a clear perspective on what our selves really
In philosophy we describe the self as the essential qualities that
make us unique as individuals and in psychology it is known as the
representative of ones own identity. In other words the self is the
engineer in charge of the conscious mind and attempts at making sense
of the trillions of unconscious associations that pass through our minds
on a daily basis and is unique to every individual. Thus the amount of
value that we perceive that engineer to posses in relativity to rest of
the world, in turn, is equivalent to the amount of self-esteem that each
person has.
In Abraham Maslows hierarchy of needs he describes two
different forms of esteem, the need of respect from others and more

importantly the need for self respect. The respect from others is the
more fragile entity of the two and is composed of acceptance,
appreciation, recognition and status. However self-esteem, in
comparison is built on a more sturdy foundation and without it the
individual is unable to achieve self actualization and is also motivated to
pursue it.
When evaluating ones own self-esteem an effective approach is
through a thorough comparison of our Ideal-Self, the individual we
strive to be, with our Real-Selves, the individual we currently are, in
relativity to our Dreaded-Selves, the unsuccessful individual that we
often despise becoming. People closer to their ideal selves tend to be
happier and often share the same qualities. A person with a healthy
self-esteem more often than not has a solid belief in ones principles
and values and possesses the morality to defend them. They are more
likely take the initiative to act on what an individual believes to be the
best decision and sticks with it. They remember the past and plan for
the future but spend the majority of their time living in the present.

Laws of self esteem
1. Believe in your own principles; be prepared to defend them
even when finding opposition and yet feel secure enough to
modify in light of experience.
2. Act according to what you think is the best choice. Trust your
own judgment. Do not feel guilty when others dislike your
3. Do not lose time worrying excessively about what happened in
your past nor what could happen in your future. Learn from the
past and plan for your future but live in the present intensely.

4. Fully trust in your capacity to solve problems and do not

hesitate after facing failures and difficulty. Ask others for help
when needed.
5. You must consider yourself equal in dignity to others, as
opposed to superior or inferior. Accept differences in certain
talents, personal prestige and financial standing.
6. Take for granted that you are an interesting and valuable
person to others, at least to those with whom you share
7. Resist manipulation; collaborate with others only if it seems
appropriate and convenient.
8. Admit and accept different internal feelings and drives, either
positive or negative and reveal those drives to others only
when they choose.
9. Enjoy a great variety of activities
10. Be sensitive to the feelings and needs of others and respect
generally accepted social rules. Claim no right or desire to
prosper at others expense
11. Work toward a solution and voice discontent without
belittling yourself or others when challenges arise.

The knowledge of good and evil
So skewed our perspective so
The cause/effect of understanding
Heals the reflective soul.

I write this to express my own consciousness through extending

my wings in the pursuit of life, liberty and pursuit of opportunity that
my forefathers have promised to me. Knowing that nothing is more
beautiful than a mighty bird that is free, I must protect this, my own
right and the right of my fellows just the same, for nothing is more
pitiful than the sight of such a spirit to be in any other state. I am young
and therefore have not yet proven myself in profession amongst words
and yet I feel obligated to speak. So I must speak! I have the humility to
understand that this may rest upon deaf ears. If this were so, let them
My fellow lovers and protectors of freedom, I beseech you.
Spread your wings and soar higher, farther and ascend to greater
heights than that of any hawk, owl or vulture or any other that have
come before you. We are eagles, kings of both land and sky. The lord of
the universe dictates this to be our birthright and proclaims that we are
entitled to all its beauty thereof. Let our tongues be as sandpaper that
brings great discomfort to any worm that dares rear its head in protest
of that very birthright! And to any eagle that utilizes his talons to hinder
the flight of another, may they be clipped and may God himself hinder
his flight and cast him down to the earth were such a fowl may do no
further harm, for there is no more sinful a creature than one that
deprives his brother of his birth right and righteously so he must be
If not for retribution, to the very least he must be deterred from
repetition of such an act, lest he bring harm once more. If the threat is
great enough and his wings prove to be detrimental to the prosperity of
his fellow then and only then should a cage be provided by them to

protect both the birth right of his brethren and himself from the
vengeful wrath of those whom he has made victim.
If he is to be set free once again, let others be informed of his
treachery so they may fly with caution and tread wearily in his presence
and let the title be congruent with his crime. For simplicity let us call
such and individual a criminal, for he has beyond reasonable doubt,
acted with malice towards his fellow and they have collectively deemed
him such.
I ask you, who could commit a more hideous crime then one who
betrays his own brother whom would rather split his own flesh than
drop his cover. I ask you, what grater criminal than one who brings
harm to his fellow. None. Why? The answer is simple! We know this to
be true. We know this true because such an individual is exactly what a
criminal is by definition. I also know that one who chooses to bite his
tongue in the sight of those who suffer in his own country, and forsakes
his neighbor is the worst kind of scum.
Liberty is the ability to choose freely the actions that an individual
will utilize to respond to or initiate in to bring about change in any
aspect of life. The bounds for this freedom in ideal law stops only
where the liberty of another is placed in jeopardy. Ideal law will then
step up and intervene to ensure that the individual liberties of both
parties are accounted for properly and deterrents for discouragement
of violation of said liberties be placed to reduce conflict. This process
would be carried out in a manner as to be impartial to any other
aspects of the individuals lives, aside from the violation of liberty in
and of itself.

In this we see that justice will be carried out in opposition of

tyranny, the action of violating the liberties of others. Until the time
arises in which justice and tyranny are perceived as opposing forces and
the two no longer possess synchronicity in societies, the individuals of
any province that proceeds otherwise, will be a land of submissive
servants, tyrannical overlords and depravation of freedom for the
There is no greater a criminal than one that allows or causes his
brother to directly or indirectly suffer. I say this for I know that I am not
alone. I am not alone because I know that any peace-loving citizen, for
sake of his fellow countryman will gather first his shield and helm and
knows also, when your shield grows thorns; its time to clean your

Follies of Mankind
False knowledge without understanding
Pursuit of peace without kindness
Acknowledgment without action
Arrogance without humility
Pride in finite accomplishments
Frustration without prudence
Intolerance of others
Rage without justice

As I look upon the broken masses and I see their pain masked
behind the veil that conceals their infinite heart which lies in all hearts,
my very own aches as theirs aches for I know their pain and tears are
my own. They wander aimlessly upon the paths of eternity and stumble
upon their own feet in search of a remedy for their suffering.
I call out to them but my cries become muffled whispers. I shout
in echoes, you must love; love is the remedy for it is all you need.
Love is the salve that mends all wounds. Love is the wine that quenches
all thirst. Love is the fare that fulfills all hungers. Yet they turn away
with eyes closed and arms outreached, grasping after spectral illusions
as ghosts dance beneath their fingertips.
Many dance the ballet of destitute; and theyre impoverished by
their own desires. They say when I have X then I will posses Z. Yet,
they are perplexed at the question when asked why? For Love is the
A. It pours from the Alpha in boundless streams unhindered by our
limited impression of time and space.
How might a person love their self without loving the love that resides
within all selves, for that is thee? How might a person love the love that
exists within all selves without loving themselves?
Love is the beginning of all things.
Love is the motivation for all actions.
Love is the action which is most misunderstood.
Many cause harm in its name and thus harm only there selves.

Throughout my journey in search for understanding of the human

experience the common denominator that I have concluded through
my observations is that behind the veil of human intention lies love at
the center of all desire.
Why do we love?
What do we love the most?
What are we willing to give for it?
The answer to these questions in relation to the individual reveals the
nature of all human intent.
Why, you may ask, what is love anyway?
When defined as an emotion in its simplest state, it is a passionate
action or desire. It is a strong felling of affection for the object of
affection. It is a strong liking for, or pleasure, gained from something.
It is in the fact that we all love that I say that humanity is most similar.
Nothing is more natural than a feeling of connection to the subject
In this, none are greater or worse than his brother or sister in humanity.
We love ourselves, yet what are we willing to compromise for this love?
1) If to avenge what we have loved, we harm what others love and
their recourse is harm, have we not brought injury to ourselves?
2) If we neglect what we love and it withers and fades, who is left to

3) If we engorge ourselves, and others are left to starve while our

health is compromised thought our own excessiveness, who have
we damaged?
4) If we are ruled by temptation and lose sight of our own hearts,
has the compromise become beneficial?
5) If we chose to steal from others, when we fall victim to the
plundering of our own possessions, which is to blame?
6) If we covet the possessions of others and in doing so lose sight of
our own, whom have we deprived?
7) If we are certain of our own surplus and are proven to be false,
who is shown the fool?
These are the classified as the seven deadly sins of humanity. When we
examine them, we see that sin is simply misguided or misunderstood
attempts at gaining the stability that can only be fulfilled through acts
of love.
When we stop viewing love as only an emotion, but also as the action
that is utilized to manifest the emotion, it becomes clearer as to where
the misconception lies.
Most issues that we have do not derive from a loss of love alone; I
believe it is rooted in an imbalance of it.
All the evil deeds of mankind string from misunderstanding.
In the bible 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 defines love by saying:
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not
proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily

angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but
rejoices with truth. It always protects, always hopes always
We may love ourselves, yet what are we willing to compromise for this
We may love one another, yet what are we willing to compromise for
this love?
We may love our positions, yet what are we willing to compromise to
maintain them?
We may love our family, yet what are we willing to sacrifice for them?
We love our friends, yet what are we willing to give for them?

For we are but wisp of dust passing through the fields of eternity,
blessed through love with form and in love with form we have become.
Though dust is but the form, and to dust we must return, why place
faith in dust? Surely love is the answer.

The Tree of life
Be like the tree that long endures.
It receives only what it is given,
It gives more that what it receives.
It plants its roots and is steadfast.

It bends against forces that are mighty,

Yet it holds itself upright.
It reaches up to the heavens,
Without neglecting the earth.
It ensures the life of its seeds
And gives them distance to grow,
While keeping them far from harm.
It is wise and strong,
Yet it is humble and kind and simple
Be like the tree my child.

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