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Ae) drole eS ca UNIT 1 FOOD FROM THE EARTH Lesson [AL staple food 2 farmer 3, moa hurd 5. flat 6. lima 7.rrauntsinous 8 grasslands 9-cop 10 region 11.geagranhy 12.oasta 1.2 Usually, Clu ets sh ands, Tonight shes eating a paas and sad, 3.2 Usually, Caudle cine water Tonight she ecintng cela “42 Usual, Clauca weatsa thi b Tonight se sweating arice dress 5.2 Usually Claela watchs V. Tonight she ital to her end Lesson 5 [A relons2.clinate 3. land mountainous 5. staple ood B. Answers vlan. G1 eas beothecinToly. 2. alvayzcata sandwich fr lunch, 3 Wie never akea vacation in wieer. 4 ice iste sep foadin Koes. 5. My English teachers form Aust, 6 Most of te students la the chy 7. Wl workin thacaice together. & Do youhave any brthersarssters? Lesson src! com Zecybers yams 2oats Scinhest tents Tyveca Rblackbears — & millet 9 potatoes T.redboeane went flew sent vate 2d 6 took mote M.diank bought 2s 1 found 15. 4. Bold 2. got Yeon A 8. Ansar vay. Datasets wily. Lesson ‘A.Honduias: 1, Mesiec:2 Spain 3, England, B.LTZERFATSFOF answers vay D.Ansves lly. REVIEW ‘Across wheat 7 clinate 7.401 V8 bought own tines 2 got 3 re said V7. tock UNIT 2 COMMUNICATION Lesson A [A the weather 2.boss 3 the sare. good morring 5.0146 H"7. never 8 sual understand 10.ight B.2 Ihave taken 3, have ea 4. shave gone 5.thave been 6, [have cooked 7 have wt have sant 3. have brought 1 heve come 11 havernede 12 [haveeaten 13 Thavegiven 14. Ihave heard 15. have dare 16. have p Note gone 13 regan 15, coast 5 tape food 6. 8s 9. ound 14 fat bough 6.2 Haveyou ever eaten Japanese food Yes, ve eaten sus 3 Have you ever ‘been shopping na Japanese department sor? Yo, thave Been to Saka Department Stor 4, Have you ever vied» Japanese tele? Yes, Ihave usted To} Tere TATA Workbook Answer Key LessonB A15.2,46,7,9,3,8, 10 B.Ansiers willy CAnsiers wiley. Lesson A. yet aeady, ready have, Have already, havent yet, never B. I. How do you ke this weatner” 2. Fem whore da you know Ange you enjoying yours 4 Hasitbeen along week? 5. Did you hear abour the Accident? 6 How ong have you been waiting? Answer wiley LessonD ALS2768463 BS h234 « inPatstan and Mghanitan.2.2small Answer wil van REVIEW ‘Reross2 gone 3 been 5 yet9, sn 10.eatn 13 aye contact 14 taken Down cure given 3 bought 4. dane 6. greting 7. informal 8. connect 9 sal a1 aleacy 12. writen UNIT 3 CITIES Lesson A A. nightife2. commutes 2. utban4 nosy. leaay 6, population 7. eal ‘8 crowded 9, suburt 10 vate 1. puble warepontaton 12 factory 'B.2.Wil most peopelve theciy rin the suburbs? Wl dies be cuit or nai 4 Whete wll people go shopoing? SW young people Wen rl rast Lessons |. How da you le ving in your neighborhood? Wel thas grea ight, but there ate some problems Like what? edoesns nave goes wansporaie, That sounds lke 2 prety big poolem Bur te ey is bung a subway station now Well have better tanspattion ne year B. 1. greenspace 2. heavy traffic 3 beaut old buldings 4 lot ofnolse answers will ay. Lesson [A si! 2. ary 3, cy nal. scale. 23 recyding center 7. key 8 spor B. Anessa .2.after 3 afer 4 before 5, before 6. afer LessonD 1 J..-pllation out ofthe 2. They also stop the noise fom heavy rac 5.They make the weather better. 3a. they make theair 35 Cooler Sb. they sop strong winds They make the cy more eau 5. They give peosle = place rel ard spend ne innate 6 an forests ae ool paces for walking and ates healthy exe 1. tosenyara2 Thames Chase 3. Kasvgaara and Thames ase Thames Chase 5 Kaugaaras Kasugayema Anais vay REVIEW [Across 1, shopping center trafic 9s 1. feeiay 12 urban 14 before 1S.eronded 17, publ Down skyscraper 2 pnpulation 3. nightlife commute neighbornoad rural 7 wl 1, spb 13, after 16, west UNIT 4 THE BODY Lesson A [AI brain 2 ater 3. lung 4, veh 5, heor 6, ule 7. fee ‘8 stomach bone 19. lrge intestine 11. small intestine B. Answers way Answers lan LessonB A.Anowersval ay 2. My hatdesttest was in matherates.3. Swimming more axing than running 4 We needa inthe livingroom 5. He's the emesieacher (Zour school 6 We'teleokng fra beter restaurant Lesson A Linsomnie acne Siheadeche ——z.dandiu Dsoretost nausea G.hleoups 8 indigestion B.Ansiets wl vay. Lesson D AN FOTRTAPSPGTZE B2d3e405.06.5 GoAnses wil vay. DAnsvsrswl vay. REVIEW ‘eros 2 bore 5.b1on6 9 more Interesting 11. ane 12s 12 beter 4 Isat 5. stomach 7. lunge Down i nsornnia 2 brain 3 ow in 4. muscles 5, biggest 6 etey 7. headache 2 lifestyle 10. indigestion 1 high in 16 worst UNIT 5 CHALLENGES Lesson ALL J2a3.9415.06d7.48F90I0IIL.CILA B.2 Wile we were playing tennis stared ang 3 sw an accent whit was wating forthe Bus 4 She was walking te school when she met her len. 5.0ur boss was talking on the phone wen we wentnto hi ofce. Ny brother care homme whée was watching 2 movi (Possible answers: | vor funda $100 bil when he was walking on the each, 2 Mins cell phoierang wile she was Fstening tothe concert, Lesson 8 A Ansvess ull yay, B. Answers wllvary 1/2 RATEAVS. AAS 187. AE Lesson ¢ A. Jruncuraf2. grew up 3. watch out 4. Keeps.on5, Ne Up 6 oUF Up th Tesetout B.2 rsrco expensive 3. isrit oud enough. 4 The waters war enough. 5 Therecipes easy enough. 6 This backnackisntbig enough 7.She's too busy 00 far rom my house {| too old 2. He isntstong enough to vakaross the des. 3. He'stoo Iheay to wa kacoss the desen 4, Possible answer Hes ch enough to go an an expeiton 5 Answers sl vay, Lesson D ‘A elernertacy school spel wor, spel sts down, ast ies Wshington, ‘winner fost BID FATATS TBF CAnanerwllvan, Di Ansnass ll vay REVIEW ‘cross |. gren up 4 watch out7.cimb 8 enough 1. challenge 15.109 1. hil nun cute own 2 put up with 3 physicals achieve 6. eep on goa! 10 ment crossed 12. amazing 13 equipmest 14.gve up 17. set out UNIT 6 TRANSITIONS Lesson ALb2esadcsd 8.2. adulthood 3. old.age 4 adolescence 5, chidhaod 6 adulthood (G1 have eaten has known, were 3 have worked 4 had Shave fished Shave seen. nae . Answers wl vay, Lesson. ‘A. Bath: Did you hear the big nev? Matk isang a deve, Julia: 3.1 he's 16 Tats oo young ta ve ‘Beth: hI dont row about that He's very careful And hisfatheris teaching him Jala: Tet re, bu trirche shoul waa ew yeas, ‘Beth: Wel what do you tines the best age tlearn to chive? Julia: rink people should getter dvr license after theyve graduated igh choot. B. Answers wily Slee tee Se ee Lessone [Arie 2.yourh ul 3. her thirties 4 chish 5 mature ede 7 mileage 1.2 How batly does he sing? 3. How woathys he? 4 How well doas she cool? S.Howificuewasit? 1. How od ishe? 2. How hard does he study? 3, How matures ha 4. How ‘ately does ha drive? 5. How wel does he speak English? Lesson © a ranstion [auince As [coming-oFAgeDay country Meo soon Age of peoples % Ey eslebrating When Fish | araay Sone Suey ara Where Shoat [crc nd arenoaee [cya What do ]ieswearnov [Gi wear aboastfal | 20yearclitmen tedor [ces Pers |sndorpennedes, [spenchetancget een pveZacerce |Foefamiygoeste | presents fem ie Zrstoeppeurs |envehintremornng | town meyer Tey weer Guenter” and hase huge patyin | ew cottes nd ty thartesctssig, | arestaars thre [samen wear imencs rcplayaancs |anédencrg ner | Tharfane tat lots or igo arate poten Shoo party etessna ia Workbook Answer Key T175 Ba Answers vary, Answers wllvary REVIEW ‘Across |. infancy 5.mature 6, have seon 7. rade & reed 10 senor cdzen 13 teenager 1 have done 18. ele 16 yout! Down 2 adulthood 3 get marie 4 nhs twenties, middleaged ® got ‘ehh 12. move 13, ac UNIT 7 LUXURIES Lesson A [Ast.champegne 2jenely 3. impor sh 5. fu coat 6.210077. precious metalsB peciousstones Pers 'B.2, Alot ou papers are checked by the each. 3 Alotofcasare made by Jepanese companies & Thebes rapes for wine ate gown by French farms. 5 Some computer progres ae wt by teenage (C.2.Cofees gewminthiopa 3.iamends are foundinThe Congo 4 Pots ‘madein Maroc. 5. Mavis a fmedn Nigeria 6 Catton i precede Lesson 8 Actas wll vay, B. Asner vl vary Cr kzajagsnelrceeso roid 1.1. On Sundays can eat inner wth ny famtvin the aernaon 2. those fur ‘oa 2 gapensive, but [dont sink hey e beau 3. Care's acing to isthe’ cousins in Mexico during her vacalion 4.Wheve di you pus those ‘ew DDs about animals? 5. We need bread il and eggs tem the stare 6; Andy sal because ne fled his Lig ath zest, Lesson [A.2.taken 3. used 4 wren 5, asked sun 7. flown 8, cocked 8. stolen Ye.giown 12. meant 12 chested 13 spread "4 seen 15. dug 16 fied 1.3. by phrase requis 4 OK 5 by phrase required 6 OK. ether esponse comect 8 by parase recited 9, CX 10 by phase requires Answers wl vay Lesson D ABSA NI26 B.Anovetswilvary Ansetsl vary REVIEW [Across |. flown jel 8 import 10 pracious tones 13s 14, perfume 15, meant 16. ug 17. pears owen uy 3. charge 4 recess S. precious metals 7. export 9 fur coat 1 stolen 12. spread 13. spun UNIT 8 NATURE Lesson ‘Ac Tentinc2 habit 3 lie 4 predator 5. pxey 6 wl 7. snc tare 9 protect 1. species B, | have/nl al 2, wont gartel 3, doesnt cat ge4.cuttnl not have schave/nll ace 6, lbecomaldit stop GAnswets wl vay Lesson 8 ‘Aan 1a ney closetho bach hte wilosarranay.b. thoy csethe bach, people wil be urhappy.c Armes. Pan a Fey put up asin, peor TATE Workbook Answer Key villacreadi b.Ftheyputup sign, everyone lic ail «Asie wlan Aan S.alfthey hurkte sha al oe dangers I ipeyhanteshat he tours il fgohame c Arswers wll vay. B. Answers wl vay 1. Markend!/wentta the mall lst weekend. 2.Dayouhave/ any brothers of sens? 2. That new restaurant serves very bd food / ad tebe dink 4bserd you/an eral / fi havetise. 5. The 20 has three Nan elephants, /fourtigers / and two kangaroos 6 wash ry face / and rush my teth/ when ge up Lessonc 1. | badly 2. angry 3. wonderfully 4 slowly Sel. fast 7.toudly 8. interestingly 8 saa 10. BuAnsiiers wil any. G1-toomary 2 lo of 3 many 4. too many 5 some 6, afew 7 alte. lot of DB. Answers vay. Biie2eat4ds.boe Ganev vay, DeAnswers wl vary. REVIEW ‘cross! sustainable prey 7. predator 9 wife 10. many 1 fast 12 habitat 15, protect 16, wel Down 2 space 3. badly 4 extinct easly & fot 12 hurt 13, ome 14, wl 16 le UNIT 9 LIFE IN THE PAST bessonA 'A1.0ld Word 2 New World. expressing ships. nian Native Arveians7.obacea laf eons. ete Bier wet er wei are cect foreach itm Pose arses. used 0 play used to make S woud st 4 used to rave 5, would use 6 used Rave (.2.Did you used to eat 3D you uc to wear 4 Did you used to walk 5. Did you used to have Asner wil vay. Lesson B Aaroweswilvay B.Ansnersslary Lesson 'A.2 Lputon my new shoes before he sary, 5 Jenie brought uphe te brother tthe parents ed 4 hela my frends outifthey dont understand thes asses 5. When wake up, switch my compute on 6 We wash ourhanes to keep germs aay B.2 Macbeth was witten by Wile Shakespeare 5. The GreatPyamtd wast by te Epa. ‘The telephone was paterted by Alcon Gram Gl 5. The Mone Lisa was painted by Leonardo Oa Wine GeAnsves al vy, Lesson ALTLTSFATSFOTIFOF B. actors for. people making pots ships, people cook, ncn boats. staple ods, dathesthat people seta weer CoAnsiernl vay D. Answers vy. REVIEW ‘cross |. Now Work 4 cate, Indians 10.Natve American 11. qiveup 12.use to 1B help out 15.puon Down 2.explorr 3 kegpaw 5sling ship 6. colons 7. switch on 8, bring up 4 teacco 16.04 Wesid UNIT 10 TRAVEL Lesson A AUN2E3 GIS TERRCIObT 8.2. You dont haveta have color photographs [You musthavea phoreropy of your plane ict 4: You have to pay $20 cash 5. ou musigo to the Visa ice. 6. You dostthave to go ety in the morning. 7 Youravere wait we weeks, CAnswer wl vay. Lesson 8 [AL walkten mils 2, amegrounds in nature tes 3. loa ood in pubs, hear lectures ram famous profesor 5. student aparrments college ring hall take a bus tour, castes and old houses the rest restau. Answers vay .foswers wl vy, Lesson [A .bearcing pss 2 aggage lim 3, cry on bag 4. departures ine agent6.secuy check’. gate &. terminal aval 10 checks counter B. 1. ticket 2 check 3. caryron bag 4 boarding pas 5, ga 6 secuty check 7g G1 must 2 cant3.dontthave te 4 have oS cant 6.must D. Answers vl ay, Lesson D A320 BL 1. Nose Lee 7 Carlo Lee 3. Malis, Lae Cal 5. Lee 6 Cao 7. Calo, elssa8. Lee C Answers wiley D. Answers vay, REVIEW ‘Reross2 ecotourism 6, gate passport 10. security check 2.cetyon 13.2 14 arale 15. ermal 16. nerary 18. must at Down sightseeing 3, deparures 4, boarding ass5. vaccination 7.tecket 9.resevation 11 have t0 17. agent UNIT 11 CAREERS Lesson A [Ac1.zsistant2 volunteering 3. qualifications 4. experence 5, owner 6. taining Thos 8.embioyee B. shoud 2 had beternot 3. shouldnt ought 105. should Answers wlan, Lesson |. |.Do yout to work with other people? 2.15 your sary imgora for you? 3:Doyou wantalocof vacation tm 4.05 you went tower net your home? B. Answers ill ny Anse vary DD 1.cass 2. interview 3. call ask 5, meow 6 lapanese 7. pay 8 car Lesson ‘A. teed 2 interesting 3. pleased 4. surprsed 5. sting 6, bored | Novane 2. anything 3 Someone 4, evening 5. something 6, veryone nothing GeAnswers wil vary. Lesson Aadoswersilvary B.Ancwers wll vary. Answers ll vary, REVIEW ‘Across? qvalfcations 7. owne’ 8. anything & volunteer 10 experience 18 bowed 15, no-one 16. traning Down |, homemaker 3 asctiant 4 tend 5 satfying 6.employee 11boss Ta nothing 1a everybocy UNIT 12 CELEBRATIONS Lesson A. portcoate 2 take place 3. celebrate 4. rowel 5, welHenown 6 holy 7. arm 8 colorful festa 10, exehing B.2,Cole'snotas old as Mike 3 Dale sas hea 35 Mk. 4 Dae isnotas intligent as Mike. 5, Dales not a busyas ike. 6. Dales assy a5 Mike Answers wllvay. Lesson. A.Ansnesvill vane BLAnswers wll vay {G1 Should we watch the video Mronight or Momortow? 2. Would youlhe Mish, hice, oF Npasa? 5: Doyou nant to ake an appolnemens for AMondy, Tues, or ‘vedo? 4, Wud youre study Canada or Mergland S. Wet king of plz de you mant— Aegetebe, Asausage, Aha, or Secheese? Lesson c |. Best ses 2. Mery Christmas 3. Hapay New Year 4 Happy Anniversary 5 Congrenaons 6 Happy thay B. Answers ava, ‘CAnsners il vay. Lesson ALFZTATAFSFOT 'B.1.Sweden,Finiand, Spain 2. Sweden Finland, Span 3, Spain 4 Sweden '5.Spaln6 Sweden, Finland, Spain, Answers ll vay, REVIEW ‘cross 2 costue 5. excing7.colrul9. wellnown 12, Congratulations 13 anual 1 rake place 15, esha 16 hala Down |. esr Christmas 3 Best wishes 4 cond 6 celebrate 8 parinate "ould rather 11 Happy New Year

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