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Solutions to Assignment 1 of ELEG2202

Total: 10+10+10+15+20+20+15=100
Independent sources can provide stable voltage or current to a network with no loss on itself, i.e.
the internal resistance or conductance is 0. It is a kind of theoretical concept which simplifies our
analysis process, while realistic sources behave in a way which deviates from ideal sources. We
can use the combination of ideal elements such as a voltage source in series with a resistor to
approximate a realistic source. However, no perfect match can be found, and only approximation
is achieved. Controlled source is also an ideal model in that it has no loss and it is used for
analytical purposes. Different from independent source, the level of voltage or current supplied
by controlled source is dependent on some other variables in a circuit, usually voltage or current,
instead of being a fixed constant.
2. (10)
(a) P (3.2V 2mA) 6.4mW .
(b) P 6V 20 A 120W .
(c) P 6V 2 5 A 60W .
(d) P 4sin 2V 8cos 2mA 32sin 2cos 2mW 12.1mW .
The above results with minus sign means the element is actually supplying power, while positive
means it is consuming power.





10V +

In order to compute the power consumed/supplied by each source, we need to know the voltage
across the source and the current flow through the source. Applying KCL to the node in the
ellipse, we can determine the current in the 2V and 8V voltage source is -2A as shown in the
graph above. Thus the power consumed by each source is:
2V voltage source: P 2V (2 A) 4W , supplying power.
8V voltage source: P 8V (2 A) 16W , supplying power.

-4A current source: P 10V (4 A) 40W , being charged.

10V voltage source: P 10V 5 A 50W , supplying power.
-3A current source: P 10V (3 A) 30W , being charged.
It can be shown that power conservation is satisfied: 4 16 40 50 30 0 .
4. (15)












First applying KVL to the central loop shown as the red arrow, we know: vx 2V 8V 10V .
According to Ohms Law, i1 10V / 4 2.5 A , i3 8V / 2 4 A , i4 2V / 2 1A . The
current of VCCS is i2 4 10 40 A .
Apply KCL at node N2, i1 i2 i3 Is 0 , so Is 46.5A .
Apply KCL at node N1, iin i1 i4 Is 6A 0 , so iin 49A .
The power provided by the dependent source is: P 8 40 320W , actually it is absorbing
5. (20)

v1 v2 60V , v3 15V , v4 v5 45V

i1 27 A, i2 3 A, i3 24 A, i4 15 A, i5 9 A

(b) The absorbed powers of five circuit elements are denoted by pi i 1,,5 .

p1 v1i1 1620W
p2 v2i2 180W
p3 v3i3 360W
p4 v4i4 675W
p5 v5i5 405W
The sum of these absorbed powers is

p vi ii 0W
i 1

6. (20)

13V 10.5V
0.02 R 0.035
R 0.57

(b) To deliver a power of 25 W to the battery, the following equation can be established :

2.5 10.5

0.035 25
0.02 0.035 R 0.02 0.035 R
R 1.003

(c) To present a voltage of 11 V at the terminals of the battery, the following equation must be

0.035 10.5 11
0.02 0.035 R
R 0.12
7. (15)
(a) Lets denote 7 sources by S1 , S 2 , S7 for the left to right , respectively. The absorbed powers
by different sources cab be found as follows:

p1 2V 5 A 10W

p2 6V (5 A) 30W
p3 4V (4 A) 16W

p4 4V 4 A 16W
p5 7V 3 A 21W
p6 3V 12 A 36W

p7 3V 9 A 27W
(b) The 4-V voltage source should be charged to be -2V.

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