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Important notes from RMS first two classes

Darcy`s equation is used to dictates the flow of fluid in porous medium .

Continuity equation refers to mass conversation , and the equation for it can describe as :

(1) =

() =





(2) ( ) =



Let ()=0


Discretization process is means dividing the reservoir into a numer of grid blocks . as
continuous forms of the partial differential equations are written in a discrete form. We
perform this discretization process not only on the partial differential equation, but also on
the physical systems. This means that we divide the physical system into a number of sub
domains that are coupled to one another.

Continuity equation can be used to describe the single-phase flow of real gases. no
assumption made regarding the compressibility of the fluid as well as the density and
viscosity of the fluid. Hence, density and viscosity inside the partial differential derivatives
can change with pressure. As pressure change with x and t, then density and viscosity can
change with x and t.

Dirichlet boundary condition refers to constant pressure at the boundary. This type of
boundary condition usually arises when there is a continuous support from aquifer in
maintaining reservoir pressure . In case of Neumann boundary the condition of a constant
pressure gradient is equal zero as there is no flow along the reservoir ,it`s happened when the
reservoir is bounded by sealing faults .

For the reservoir homogeneous type, this means that the permeability and porosity is in
dependent of the location, and is not a function of x and is constant. We can drive it from the
equation .




As the second derivative = 2 , Therefore


( 2 )


Heterogeneity refers to the variation of rock and fluid properties with respect to location.
While anisotropy refers to the variation of permeability with respect to direction. The
vertical permeability is usually lower than horizontal permeability due to variation in

The difference between implicit and explicit can be describe as Explicit methods are
conditionally stable and thus for stability of solutions, they require small time steps or small
grid blocks resulting in large computational times. On the other hand, the implicit method
provides unconditionally stable (no stability requirement on time step size and block size)
solutions and thus, unlike the explicit methods, they do not suffer stability problems and can
be used more efficiently than explicit finite difference methods.

Derive Diffuivity equation in terms of pressure by assuming a slightly compressible fluid

of constant viscosity in a homogenous porous medium where both k

The continuity equation combining Darcys equation (Eq. 4b.1) is:

( ) = k p
x x
As we have homogeneous reservoir, that is the permeability and porosity are
uniform in the reservoir and do not depend on pressure, then Eq. 4c.1 can be
expressed as:

( ) = k
x x
Furthermore, we assume that the viscosity of fluid is constant, i.e., does not
change with pressure and the spatial coordinate x, then Eq. 4c.2 becomes:
k p

x x
The continuity equation given by Eq. 4c.3 applies for compressible 1D linear
flow, but for a homogenous reservoir. Here, we are asked to derive the
approximate equation for a slightly compressible fluid of constant viscosity
starting from Eq. 4c.3.
Recall that we classify single-phase fluid inspecting the behavior of its
isothermal compressibility, denoted as c and defined as:
1 V

c f =
V p T p T
(i) The fluid is classified as compressible if the isothermal compressibility of
fluid c changes with pressure and density of single-phase fluid changes with
pressure in a nonlinear manner, e.g, single phase flow of gas.
(ii) The fluid is classifed as slightly compressible fluid if the isothermal
compressibility of fluid c is constant with pressure, i.e., c is independent of
pressure, and as a consequence of this approximation, the density of the fluid
changes linearly with pressure. This is a good assumption if we consider
single-phase oil flow or water flow, as the compressibility is small and
constant in the range from 1x10-6 to 5x10-5 1/psia.
(iii) The fluid is classified as incompressible fluid if the isothermal
compressibility of the fluid is zero, i.e., the density of the fluid does not
change with pressure and it is constant. This is a good assumption if we have
single-phase water flow, as the the isothermal compressibility of water is quite
small about 1x10-6 1/psia.
As in the general case, the density of fluid is a function of pressure (in the case
of isothermal reservoir, i.e., temperature of the reservoir is constant and the

same everyhwere in the reservoir). This means = (p), but p = p(x,t). So, the
density of the fluid changes with the spatial coordinate x and time t. Now, we
start with the change of density with respect to time in left-hand side of Eq.
4c.3 and use the chain rule to obtain:
1 p

= c f
t p t
p t
Where the third equality of Eq. 4c.5 follows from the definition of isothermal
compressibility c given by Eq. 4c.4.
Now, we consider the partial derivative term in the right-hand side of Eq. 4c.3
and applying the derivative rule for products and the chain rule for the density,
we obtain:
2 p
p p
+ 2

x x x x
1 p p
2 p

+ 2
p x x
1 p p 2 p

+ 2
p x x x


p 2 2 p
= c f + 2
We assume a slightly compressible fluid, it means that c is constant and small so that

>> c f
This indicates that Eq. 4c.6 can be approximated as:
2 p

2 p

x x

Using Eqs. 4c.5 and 4c.8 in Eq. 4c.3 gives the desired result, that is:
p k 2 p
c f
t x 2
Cancelling the density from both sides, Eq. 4c.9 can be written as:
p k 2 p
c f
t x 2
Or can be expressed as:
2 p 1 p
x 2 t
where is called the diffusivity constant and defined by:
c f







Derive the explicit-finite difference approximation for the general

case of variable block lengths xi considering a block-centered grid system
For a non-uniform block centered grid, it is more convenient to consider
the partial differential equation (PDE) given by . S1a.3. We consider an explicit
scheme to obtain an finite difference approximation to Eq. S1a.3, we will difference the
PDE (Eq. S1a.3) and its all terms including the spatial and time derivatives of pressure at
xi,tn as given below:

1.127 10

k x p
q sc xi , t n B
ct p


Vb ,i
x x xi ,t n
5.615 t xi ,t n


It should be noted that Vb,i above is the bulk volume of the grid-block i that encompasses
the grid point xi. So, Vb,i is equal to:

Vb ,i = xi +1 / 2 xi 1 / 2 wh = xi wh


where xi is the length of the grid-block in the x-direction, w is the width of the reservoir
(i.e., its length in the y-direction), and h is its thickness (i.e., its length in the z-direction).

The spatial and time derivatives can be approximated, respectively, as


x x xi ,t n


x xi +1 / 2,t n x xi 1 / 2,t n

xi +1 / 2 xi 1 / 2

pin+1 pin pin pin1


i 1
i +1
xi +1 / 2 xi 1 / 2


pin +1 pin

n +1
t xi ,t n t

; where t n +1 = t n +1 t n


Substituting Eqs. S1b1-S1b.4 into Eq.S1b.1 gives:

1.127 10 3

pin+1 pin pin pin1

q scn ,i B
k x xi +1 xi xi xi 1
ct pin +1 pin

n +1

xi +1 / 2 xi 1 / 2


Multiplying both sides of Eq. S1b.5 by the bulk volume of the grid-block i (see Eq.
S1b.2) gives:

1.127 10 3

k x wh pin+1 pin

xi +1 xi

pin pin1
ct xi wh n +1

q scn ,i B =
pi pin (S1b.6)
n +1
xi xi 1

Define the transmissibility at the grid-block boundaries as (see also my lecture notes):

Tx ,i +1 / 2 = 1.127 10 3
Tx ,i 1 / 2 = 1.127 10

k x wh
k x wh
= 2 1.127 10 3
( xi +1 xi )
(xi +1 + xi )


k x wh
k x wh
= 2 1.127 10 3
( xi xi 1 )
(xi + xi 1 )

and the accumulation term for the grid-block i as:

ct xi wh
Vi =
5.615t n +1


Note that kx, , and ct do not have subscript i because we consider homogeneous
reservoir and slightly compressible fluid and these parameters are constant under such

Using these definitions, Eq. S1b.6 can be expressed as:

Tx ,i +1 / 2 pin+1 pin Tx ,i 1 / 2 pin pin1 q scn ,i B = Vi pin +1 pin


As the only unknown to be solved is the pressure at grid-point i, at time level tn+1, that is,

pin +1 , then we can rearrange Eq. S1b.9 to be solved for the unknown as pin +1 as:

pin +1 = ~ Tx ,i 1 / 2 p in1 Tx ,i 1 / 2 + Tx ,i +1 / 2 Vi pin + Tx ,i +1 / 2 pin+1 q scn ,i B .


This is the explicit formula for the PDE given by Eq. 1.5 or Eq. 1.6, and applies for i =
1,2,,Nx, where Nx is the total number of grid-blocks, and can be used to solve the
unknown pressure pin +1 explicitly from the know three values of pressures at the grid

blocks i-1, i, and i+1 at the previous time step, but for i = 1 and i = Nx, we need to modify
it to satisfy the no-flow boundary conditions given by Eqs. 1.3 and 1.4.

If i = 1, Eq. S1b.10 gives:

p1n +1 = ~ Tx ,1 / 2 p 0n Tx ,1 / 2 + Tx ,3 / 2 V1 p1n + Tx ,3 / 2 p 2n q scn ,1 B .


To satisfy the no-flow boundary condition at left-hand side boundary of the reservoir (see
Eq. 1.3), we need to set the transmissibility Tx,1/2 = 0 (please see my lecture notes; slides
156-168 for the implicit case with C = D = 0 as the idea is also the same for the explicit
formulation) in Eq. S1b.11 to satisfy Eq. 1.3:


p1n +1 = ~ Tx ,3 / 2 V1 p1n + Tx ,3 / 2 p 2n q scn ,1 B .


Similarly, if i = Nx, Eq. S1b.10 gives:

n +1
= ~ Tx , Nx 1 / 2 p Nx
p Nx
1 Tx , Nx 1 / 2 + T x , Nx +1 / 2 V Nx p Nx + Tx , Nx +1 / 2 p Nx +1 q sc , Nx B .
V Nx

To satisfy the no-flow boundary condition at right-hand side boundary of the reservoir
(see Eq. 1.4), we need to set the transmissibility Tx,Nx+1/2 = 0 (please see my lecture notes;
slides 156-168 for the implicit case with C = D = 0 as the idea is the same) in Eq. S1b.11
to satisfy Eq. 1.3:

n +1
p Nx
= ~ Tx , Nx 1 / 2 p Nx
1 Tx , Nx 1 / 2 V Nx p Nx q sc , Nx B
V Nx


For other blocks, i = 2,3,,Nx-1, we apply Eq. Sb1.10 as is given, that is,

pin +1 = ~ Tx ,i 1 / 2 p in1 Tx ,i 1 / 2 + Tx ,i +1 / 2 Vi pin + Tx ,i +1 / 2 pin+1 q scn ,i B .


Derive the implicit-finite difference approximation of Eq. 1.5 (or 1.6) for the general
case of variable block lengths xi considering a block-centered grid system. Give

also the definitions of the transmissibility for each grid-block boundary and the
accumulation term for each block. Specifically give the difference equations for first
block (i.e., i = 1) and also for the last block (i = Nx), where Nx is the total number of

In the case of implicit difference technique, we will difference the PDE

(Eq. S1a.3) and its all terms including the spatial and time derivatives of pressure at

xi,tn +1 as given below:

1.127 10

ct p
k x p
q sc xi , t n +1 B


x x xi ,t n +1
5.615 t xi ,t n +1
Vb ,i


It should be noted that Vb,i above is the bulk volume of the grid-block i that encompasses
the grid point xi. So, Vb,i is equal to:

Vb ,i = xi +1 / 2 xi 1 / 2 wh = xi wh


where xi is the length of the grid-block in the x-direction, w is the width of the reservoir
(i.e., its length in the y-direction), and h is its thickness (i.e., its length in the z-direction).

The spatial and time derivatives can be approximated, respectively, as


x x xi ,t n +1


x xi +1 / 2,t n +1 x xi 1 / 2,t n +1

xi +1 / 2 xi 1 / 2

pin++11 p in +1 pin +1 pin+11

x x x x

i 1
i +1
xi +1 / 2 xi 1 / 2


pin +1 pin

n +1
t xi ,t n t

; where t n +1 = t n +1 t n

Substituting Eqs. S1c1-S1c.4 into Eq.S1c.1 gives:


1.127 10 3

pin++11 pin +1 pin +1 pin+11

q scn +,i1 B
k x xi +1 xi xi xi 1
ct pin +1 pin

n +1
xi +1 / 2 xi 1 / 2

( xi +1 / 2 xi 1 / 2 )wh 5.615 t

Multiplying both sides of Eq. S1c.5 by the bulk volume of the grid-block i (see Eq.
S1c.2) gives:
1.127 10

ct xi wh n +1
k x wh pin++11 pin +1 pin +1 pin+11

q scn +,i1 B =
pi pin )

n +1
xi +1 xi xi xi 1

Define the transmissibility at the grid-block boundaries as (see also my lecture notes):

Tx ,i +1 / 2 = 1.127 10 3
Tx ,i 1 / 2 = 1.127 10

k x wh
k x wh
= 2 1.127 10 3
( xi +1 xi )
(xi +1 + xi )
k x wh
k x wh
= 2 1.127 10 3
( xi xi 1 )
(xi + xi 1 )


and the accumulation term for the grid-block i as:

ct xi wh
Vi =
5.615t n +1


Note that kx, , and ct do not have subscript I because we consider homogeneous
reservoir and slightly compressible fluid and these parameters are constant under such
assumptions. Note that the transmissibility and accumulation term are the same for
explicit and implicit methods (see Eqs. S1b.7 and S1c.8).

Using these definitions, Eq. S1c.6 can be expressed as:

Tx ,i +1 / 2 ( pin++11 pin +1 ) Tx ,i 1 / 2 ( pin +1 pin+11 ) q scn +,i1 B = Vi ( pin +1 pin )


The unknowns to be solved in Eq. S1c.9 are the pressures at grid-points i-1, i, and i+1, at
time level tn+1, that is, pin+11 , pin +1 , and pin++11 , we can rearrange Eq. S1c.9 for the pressure
to be solved in the left-hand side and the known ones in the right-hand side as:

Tx ,i 1 / 2 pin+11 + Tx ,i 1 / 2 + Tx ,i +1 / 2 + Vi pin +1 Tx ,i +1 / 2 pin++11 = q scn +,i1 B + Vi pin .


This is the implicit formula for the PDE given by Eq. 1.5 or Eq. 1.6, and applies for i =
1,2,,Nx, where Nx is the total number of grid-blocks, but for i = 1 and i = Nx, we need to
modify it to satisfy the no-flow boundary conditions given by Eqs. 1.3 and 1.4.

If i = 1, Eq. S1c.10 gives:

Tx ,1 / 2 p0n +1 + Tx ,1 / 2 + Tx ,3 / 2 + V1 p1n +1 Tx ,i 3 / 2 p 2n +1 = q scn +,11 B + V1 p1n .


To satisfy the no-flow boundary condition at left-hand side boundary of the reservoir (see
Eq. 1.3), we need to set the transmissibility Tx,1/2 = 0 (please see my lecture notes; slides
156-168 for the implicit case with C = D = 0 as the idea is the same here too) in Eq.
S1c.11 to satisfy Eq. 1.3. So, setting Tx,1/2 = 0 in Eq. S1c.11 gives


x ,3 / 2

+ V1 p1n +1 Tx ,3 / 2 p 2n +1 = q scn +,11 B + V1 p1n .


Similarly, if i = Nx, Eq. S1c.10 gives:

~ n
n +1
n +1
n +1
n +1
Tx , Nx 1 / 2 p Nx
1 + Tx , Nx 1 / 2 + T x , Nx +1 / 2 + V Nx p Nx T x , Nx +1 / 2 p Nx +1 = q sc , Nx B + V Nx p Nx .

To satisfy the no-flow boundary condition at right-hand side boundary of the reservoir
(see Eq. 1.4), we need to set the transmissibility Tx,Nx+1/2 = 0 (please see my lecture notes;

slides 156-168 for the implicit case with C = D = 0 as the idea is the same) in Eq. S1c.11
to satisfy Eq. 1.3:

~ n
n +1
n +1
n +1
Tx , Nx 1 / 2 p Nx
1 + Tx , Nx 1 / 2 + V Nx p Nx = q sc , Nx B + V Nx p Nx


For other blocks, i = 2,3,,Nx-1, we apply Eq. Sc1.10 as is given, that is,

Tx ,i 1 / 2 pin+11 + Tx ,i 1 / 2 + Tx ,i +1 / 2 + Vi pin +1 Tx ,i +1 / 2 pin++11 = q scn +,i1 B + Vi pin .


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