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Prob orala

la Limba i literatura englez

Varianta 1

Read the text and do the tasks below the text.

Mental Risk of the Facebook
A generation that is growing up using social network websites, such as Facebook and
Myspace, is less likely to form lasting relationship and is more likely to act without thinking, an
expert has warned.
The annual meeting of the Royal College of Psychiatrist was informed about the fact that
many people who were born in 1990 or later have only a world with Internet, so they could grow
up with an unrealistic view of the world and themselves. Moreover, while social networking sites
offer great benefits, there are potential problems.
Dr. Himanshu Tyagi, a psychiatrist , says social networking sites have encouraged the idea
that friendship and relationship can be formed and ended quickly and easily. He says, Its a
world where everything moves fast and change all time, where relationships are ended at the
click of mouse. Online, you can delete your profile and change who you are in few seconds. He
explains that because everything happens so quickly on social networking sites, people may start
to find the real world boring.
Moreover, Dr. Himanshu Tyagi says teenagers who socialize online are more likely to make
quick decisions without thinking about the consequences of their action. The might not pay
attention to their real world selves, and might find it difficult to form relationships in the real
world as they dont learn about their body language, tone of voice and facial expressions online.
He says that if you can see someones face or body language or hear the changes in their voices;
these will influence your understanding of whats going on. He added that friendship means
something very different to internet generation.
However, there are also benefits. When youre online, you often dont know the wealth, race
or gender of the person youre communicating with. Br. Tyage added, No one is a stranger on
the net. It may not be the best way to make tasting friendship, but it does make everyone equal.
Graham Jones, a psychologist with an interest in the influence of the internet, said: For every
new generation, the experience they have of the world is different one. When the printing press
was first invented, I am sure there were thousands of people saying it was a bad think. Jones
added that people who tended to be more active on sites such as Facebook were those who were
the most socially active anyway.
So, the scientists points of view on the impact of social networking sites are divided and it is
up to each parent and teenager to make a safe choice.
Answer the question.

1.Why do people who were born after 1990 might have an unrealistic opinion of the world?
2.Find in the text the synonyms for the words given below.

to tend-


to inspire-

3.Comment in 4 lines the phrase below.

For every new generation, the experience they have of the world is a different one.


Choose the correct word from those given in brackets. Fill in the gaps with the suitable article
and preposition. Write the correct form of the words in brackets.
When I was a child, my mother advised me to study. She did not want me to lose out on a
quality education.
( Therefore, Although, Nevertheless)
she forbid me to watch
much television.
Instead, she would tell me to practice

( too/ enough/ hardly)


I absolutely hated when my mother made me ( to play)


So, while most of my friends were busy chatting online with each other, I ( to
Well, today I ( had better/must/ may)
thank her. As a well-know
pianist who travels around the world, I am happy that she convinced me to appreciate hard work.
I ( never, to get)
where I am now today without her focus on
education and practice. Nowadays, besides giving concerts, I mentor children. When I am asked
about the person who motivated me to pursue my career, I tell them it was my mother. She was
the one person who believed in my talent. It was one of the many things that ( to give)
to me and I simply did not ignore it. Today I am looking forward
the new gifts that will be given to me and be sure this time
Needs to motivate me. I will jump on opportunity to work hard and to be the best.
Change the following sentences from direct into Indirect Speech and vice versa. (5 points)

The man told us to have our passport ready.


He said: We have forgotten to take the ball!


He told us to pass up the gangway.


I said: How long will it take you to get there?


I said to Boris: Does your friend live in London?

Prob orala
la Limba i literatura englez
Varianta 2
1. Read the text attentively and be ready to accomplish the post-reading activities.
Besides walking in the woods with his sister and playing make-believe games, Charles
Dickens loved to read and make up stories. When Charles Dickens was nine, his father
moved his family to the slums of London, where he started a business that failed. Since
people who could not pay their debts were put into prison in those days, Mr. Dickens
went to prison. His wife and six of the children moved to prison, too. A sister stayed with
another family, and eleven-year-old Charles was on his own.
Charles worked at a blacking establishment. He had earned money before by blacking
boots, but here he made covers for blacking pots and put labels on them. He earned little
money and was often hungry. Little did the lonely boy realize as he roamed the streets of
London that he was being prepared for his lifes work of writing.
Finally Mr. Charles was released from prison. The family moved to 13 Johnson Street,
and Charles was sent to school, where he became known as an excellent storyteller.
At fifteen, Charles went to work again, first as a helper in a law office, and then as a
reporter. He studied hard to learn shorthand so that he could take down any speech for
newspaper. He copied speeches on the palm of his hand, by the dim of light of a lantern,
while travelling in a horse-drawn vehicle, and while standing in pouring rain.
Charles Dickens distinguished himself as a reporter when he wrote the serial
Pickwick Paper, a humorous story that revealed ordinary people of England to
Section I Answer the following questions: ( 10 points)
1. How did Charles Dickens earn money for his living?
2. How old was Charles Dickens when he started working?
3. What happened to Charless father when he moved his family to London?
4. How many children were there in his family?
5. What for did Charles Dickens learn shorthand?
Make up a short summary of the text.

(20 points)


2. Fill in the gaps of the sentences with the correct tense of the verb
1. I

for seven hours last night. ( to sleep)

2. I

that you were here. ( not/know)

3. When I came to this city, I

4. You know where I live. I

anyone. ( not/know)
in the same place for the past

three years. ( to live)

5. You

my brother, have you? ( to see)

6. Where
7. I

last night? ( to go)

in bed when I heard the accident outside. ( to lie)

8. Did you just

_ me a liar? ( to call)

9. She is a mean person. I don't like


I don't know how . ( to dance)



to her. ( to talk)

I neveryou that I loved her. I only said that I liked her. (to tell)

to Greece until Sally and I went there last summer. (to be)


By the time I'm 50, I


I want the exercises for advanced students. (to try)

Hey, you

a million dollars. (to make)

at the computer all day. You should really take a

break. (to sit)

that he had never seen that man, but I know that


to her about last night? (to speak)

_ TV? (to watch)

He claimed
. (to see)

What have you been doing all day?


lunch when someone rang the doorbell. (to prepare)

She never when someone leaves her a message. (to call back)


Change the sentences from active into passive Voice and vice versa.
1. They broke the window last week.
2. The light has not yet been turned off.
3. They did not invite her to the party.
4. By three oclock everything had been prepared.
5. Betty often took her younger brother for a walk.
Fill in the blanks with the missing prepositions.
1. I received a lot of presents

(10 points)

my birthday.

2. Because we have no car, we go everywhere


(20 points)

3. Because of its importance, we studied the report

4. All clothes sold in that store were made
5. They came back

sunset, tired and hungry.


Prob orala
la Limba i literatura englez
Varianta 3
Read the extract below and answer the following questions.
A man was sitting with his feet up on a desk. He turned his head when Stanley and the guard
entered, but otherwise didn't move. Even though he was inside, he wore sunglasses and a
cowboy hat. He also held a can of cream soda, and the sight of it made Stanley even more aware
of his own thirst.
He waited while the bus guard gave the man some papers to sign.
"That's a lot of sunflower seeds," the bus guard said.
Stanley noticed a burlap sack filled with sunflower seeds on the floor next to the desk.
"I quit smoking last month," said the man in the cowboy hat. He had a tattoo of a rattlesnake on
his arm, and as he signed his name, the snake's rattle seemed to wiggle. "I used to smoke a pack
a day. Now I eat a sack of these every week."
'Holes' - Louis Sachar, page 12
Answer the following questions
1.Is there something strange strange about the appearance of the man described in the first
2.Why does the man have a sack of sunflower seeds nearby?
3.Complete each of the following sentences:
1. I never

you that I loved her; I only said that I liked her.

2. I to Greece until Sally and I went there last summer.

3. By the time I'm 50, I _
4. I want
5. Hey, you

a million dollars.

the exercises for advanced students.

at the computer all day. You should really take a break now.

6. He claimed that he had never seen that man, but I know that
7. What
8. He

to her about last night?

his granddaughter daily.

9. She

lunch when someone rang the doorbell.


3.Essay writing.
Does travel help to promote understanding and communication between countries?

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