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Shaira Faye T.


BSEd 3

One of our midterm requirements was to make a screencasting video.
It was actually my first encounter on the said activity; even its name was
new to me. For me, it came to be very interesting and challenging when the
website, screencast-o-matic was introduced to us; we would be truly tested
again with this newly existing activity in todays generation, the 12st century.
And I am very excited to learn of doing it.
Before doing the actual video, preparations were made such as on
what would be my discussion all about and on what would be the
appearance of my PowerPoint presentation; templates, font, graphics and
transitions. I also made a plan on when and what time would Im going to do
it, and I came with the idea of doing the video on the evening, where people
in the house were asleep because I thought It would avoid recording some
unnecessary noises but it only made things worst. Doing a screencasting
video in the evening made me felt very sleepy myself since it would take a
lot of recordings. In my case I actually ended my screencasting video already
passed midnight in which I reached up to 32 recordings.
Doing a sceencasting video was really not that easy for it needed a lot
of patience and preparations. Being prepared would be very effective when
there were things that needed to be done but it should also be planned
properly; for improper planning could lead to problems, and also you must
made sure that you were in an isolated room, free from recording some
unnecessary noises from the surroundings. But all in all, I came to realized
that it was really a nice and an effective way in the teaching-learning
process. Teachers could actually used it in either short or long span of
discussion and/or when theres an important event or meeting to attend to,
teachers could just leave the classroom and let the students watch the video.
And for the students, if they had something that confused them or had
something to clarify, they could just have a copy of the video and repeat
watching it.

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