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Paige Kibbler

Lesson Plan 1 Bunker Hill March
Date: September 16, 2016
Length of Lesson: 7 Minutes
Class Setting: A sixth grade beginning band class. Students years of experience range from 1 to
3 years. This is the third time the students have played together in this configuration.
Standard(s) Addressed:
1. PERFORMING MUSIC: Singing alone and with others.
2. PERFORMING MUSIC: Playing an instrument alone and with others.
5. RESPONDING TO MUSIC: Reading, notating, and interpreting music
Lesson Objectives Addressed:

The students will perform a one-octave Bb scale, 4 quarter notes on each note of the
scale, in legato, staccato, and marcato styles.

The students will perform measures 9-16 with 100% rhythmic accuracy.

The students will demonstrate a lively march style in measures 9-16 with clear contrasts
between sections.





Teacher asks students to play the first five notes of the Bb scale. Four quarter notes for
each pitch, up and back down.

Teacher asks students to repeat the same exercise with a staccato articulation, then with a
legato articulation. Teacher notes that we will be using both styles in this piece.

Teacher asks students to look at measures 9-16. We have 3 separate groups playing here.
The Rhythmic Bass group, the Connected Lyrical group, and the Sparkly Interjection
group. (Cake analogy: Bass is cake, Lyrical is icing, Interjection is candles)

The teacher asks the Rhythmic Bass group to play measures 9-16 while the Lyrical group
practices fingers (Accidental in Horn and 2nd Clarinet), and the Interjections sing their
part and think about their relationship to the bass line.

Teacher asks Bass group to rate selves on a scale of 1-4 on how well they performed.

Teacher gives feedback to the bass line. Was the line moving? Were correct notes
played? Were the 1/8th notes stout and disconnected? Were the notes smooth and

Teacher asks Interjection group how they are related to the Bass. They both use eighth

Teacher asks Interjection group to play eighth notes how the Bass played theirs. Stout
and disconnected, with a sparkly side.

Teacher asks students to rate selves on a scale of 1-4 on how sparkly their interjections

Teacher asks Lyrical group to play 9-16, separating notes only with light tongue. Notes
should sound as connected as possible.

Teacher asks students to rate selves on a scale of 1-4 on how well they performed.

Teacher gives feedback to Lyrical Group. Were correct notes played? Are fingerings
connected? How smooth was the line?

Teacher asks all students to play measures 9-16 together, remembering the characteristics
of their group.

Teacher asks students to rate selves on a scale of 1-4 on how well they portrayed their
piece of the cake.

(If time allows) Teacher asks students to play a bop drill of measures 9-16. Students will
only play attack of each note. Even though each note is short, it still needs good timing
and tone.

Informal evaluations: listening, self-evaluation on a scale from 1-4, walking through ensemble to
observe fingerings and posture.

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