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)Personal History
Name : Roberto Malilay

Age : 52

Father’s Name : Narciso Malilay

Mother’s name : Dorothea Malilay

School : Silangan, Marulas, Elementary School

Birthday : September 4, 1958

Address : 5064, Sunshine Ville B Juan St. Ugong

Valenzuela City

Siblings : Eight

Roberto Malilay started to use different kinds of drugs in 1971 at

the age of 14. Among of those drugs that he uses are cough syrup,
marijuana and varieties of tablets. He attained grade two in primary
school in Silangan, Elementary School. His sister, Julie Malilay
mentioned that her brother Roberto is a slow learner in his school
days. Academically, he is in below average but he has a talent in car
painting which became his work at the age of 16. On the year 1977, he
was 20 years old that time, he suffer depression because of
disapprovement of the parents of his girlfriend regarding to their
relationship. Few days later after her girlfriend live him, he saw his
best friend died in front of him and was hit by a rushing car that made
him shock. His depression leads him to totally abuse drugs that he use
one match of marijuana, drunk a case of beer and took different kinds
of tablets all at once. After he took this mind altering drugs, his
behavior became extremely violent and out of control to the extent
that his family called a help from a Mental Hospital and from there, he
was diagnosed to have mental problems.
B.) Family Background
Roberto Malilay is living in a simple, decent and comfortable house
with his two sisters and his mother. His sister Julie and his Mother are his
guardian and who take care of him. His sister Marie, his 41 years old sister, is
an autistic. His sister Julie has a tailoring shop which gives financial support
for his daily needs. His other siblings have finished their degree in college
and working as OFW that they can pursue his medical attention and other
needs. Everyone in the family understands his situation and would choose to
live with him instead of sending him in a Mental Hospital.

C.)Daily Activities
In morning, he ate his breakfast with coffee. He sweeps in front of
their house every morning and sometimes would offer his sister Julie to get
some weeds near their house to cook. He usually walks around their village
while smoking cigarettes under the hot sun that makes his skin darker. He
would only go home to eat or to rest when he get tired walking around. He
can be sent in market to shop. He is not harmful or violent as other mentally
challenged people do except when you didn’t gave what he want like for
example when you gave him water for breakfast instead of coffee, and he
would normally shout and throw things. He often watches news on television
in the evening. Before he goes to bed, he takes his medicines so he can sleep
well and to avoid him to go out at night that might be dangerous for him.

Drug abuse can cause a permanent damage to our brain that
could lead to alteration of our behavior and eventually gives as mental
problems. Too much depression and frustration causes our brain to
malfunction. Tragic things and struggles in acceptance of negative things
that happened could make our brain to formulate defense mechanism to
escape and to build a different world, a world that is too far from reality.


Submitted By: Submitted

Christian Lagria We took
Mrs. Narida pictures of
Jose Ramon Hervas him while
he is
His room is
located at
the back of
their house.

He is very
to us that
he did not
refuse to
with him.

This was
shot in front
We took this picture
before entering the
Malilay’s residence.
This is a picture of
Roberto’s Sister Marie,
41 years old. We caught
her sitting in front of
their gate. She seems to
have a happy and funny
personality that every
time we talk, she
smiles. She talks not so
These pictures
that taken inside
we have to
the Malilay’s
askhouse in their
her over and living
room while waiting for our
These are writings of
Roberto on their wall,
just beside his room. He
wrote his name and
some numbers and we
didn’t know if it has
significance to him or
not. What we notice is
the word “BBB” is
written all over the
wall. BBB is the place in
Valenzuela City where
he grew up.

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