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Innovative IT and Environmental Technologies, d.o.o.

INDEX .......................................................................................................................................................... 2
Tutorial 1: Axis (alignment) design .............................................................................................................. 3
Axis (alignment) Design Based on AutoCAD Civil3D Surface ............................................................... 3
Tutorial 2: Longitudinal section (profile) design .......................................................................................... 9
Longitudinal Section Design ..................................................................................................................... 9
Tutorial 3: CROSS SECTIONS .................................................................................................................. 14
Cross Sections Design ............................................................................................................................. 14
Dimensioning and Labeling of TCS Elements ........................................................................................ 21
Planimetry and Quantity Takeoff ............................................................................................................ 22

Tutorial 1: Axis (alignment) design

Module Axes is the PLATEIA program module that is intended for creating a roadway axis design. However, it
can also be used for designing roadways, railways and other similar civil engineering objects and structures. The
AXES module features an interactive as well as batch processing of horizontal elements (i.e. Tangents, Curves,
Spirals and Compound Spirals). In addition, PLATEIA also includes commands for drawing auxiliary (construction)
elements i.e. Lines and Circles which can serve as a basis for creating the actual horizontal elements. Once
created, horizontal elements can easily be modified and connected together to form a longitudinal axis.

Axis (alignment) Design Based on AutoCAD Civil3D Surface

Using the AutoCAD Civil3D surfaces, you can drape axes on a Civil3D surface and create longitudinal section and
cross sections.
Open empty drawing in AutoCAD and set up the project:
1. Select the Axes\ PROJECT\ PROJECT (21A) command and the CGSplus Project dialog box opens.

Select New project or press

name field and press Save.

. The CGSplus Project dialog box opens . Type Tut1.prj in the File

Select the project working area where the project files will be stored. You can do this by double-clicking
or by clicking the second branch under Settings.
The Working area dialog box opens. Select C:\TUTORIAL\Tutor1\and press OK.
When you have selected the C:\TUTORIAL\Tutor1\ working area, press OK in CGSplus Project.
This way you have defined the Tut1 project and Tut1 working area.
2. As you have created new project in empty drawing automatically new axis will be created. Following
dialogue should appear:

If dialog did not appear automatically Run the PLATEIA Axes\ AXES-MANAGER (21C). The Axes
manager dialog box opens.
Axis name: Type in AXIS_TUT

Press OK to confirm. Your axis manager should look like this:

This command is intended for managing the axes present in a drawing. Before you start designing a
new axis, you need to define it by means of its initial properties (description, station, direction, etc.). In
the follow up, all the PLATEIA-Axes module commands refer to current axis. Active axes can be
checked in a status line. In axis manager active axis is represented in blue color.

By double clicking the Category, set a road category and terrain type. On the basis of these two
parameters, you can define a calculation speed which is authoritative in case of the subsequent
element compliance check.

Road category: 3rd Road Category

Terrain type: Hillocky

By double clicking the Lanes, you can define any number of lanes, their width and label. The Lane
expression can stand for certain road body elements such as road-lanes, railroads, cycling tracks,
pavements, etc.

Press Add (right) and the Parameters dialog box opens. Insert data as follows:


Width: 2

Road-lane: No

Press OK to confirm.

This way you have defined another road-lane to the axis labeled SIDEWALK.
You define road-lanes separately for both left and right sides according to axis. On each side you can have
any number of road-lanes. Those closer to the axis are positioned higher in the list. After pressing Add, set
a road-lane name and width. By double clicking the road-lane in the list, you can change its parameters.
Program is now ready and you can start designing your axis. Everything you do in the procedure that
follows (construction elements, horizontal elements, labels, etc.) will be related to AXIS_TUT. This is an
important fact as there may be several axes present in the drawing. Currently active axis name and project
name can be read in a status line.

3. Now set up project in Layout module. Use command Layout \ PROJECT \ SET PROJECT (11A1).
a. Double click TUT1 to set up active project
b. Press OK to confirm.
4. In this step we will input points from file. We will use point file Tutorial1.XYZ from Tutor1 folder. Invoke
command Layout \ Input points \ Input points from file (11F1).
a. Press >> Points and select Tutorial1.XYZ file from Tutor1 folder.

b. Select Draw points to 3D mode because we will use those points to create AutoCAD Civil3D

Press OK to confirm.

5. Now we will create AutoCAD Civil3D surface from Plateia points.

a. In Toolspace right click Surfaces in the Prospector and select Create surface.
b. Enter
Type: TIN surface
Name: Tutor1

Expand surface Tutor1\definition and right click Drawing Objects

d. Select Add and use Blocks as Object type. Press OK and select all Plateia points in the drawing.
Plateia points are actually AutoCAD blocks.
Surface is should now be ready.
6. In this step we will design axis with tangent polygon method. Invoke command Axes \ Horizontal
elements \ Draw with Tangent polygon (21E3). You will get following dialogue where you can define R/A

Press OK and enter following points as your tangent polygon PI points:

a. First point or [Polygon/End]: 200,140
b. Point or [Polygon/End]: 205,290

Point or [Polygon/End]: 400,300

d. Point or [Polygon/End]: 430,400

e. After you press Enter you will get some warnings that your design does not match selected
standard. Plateia will always notify you whenever you are not using standard parameters but you
will still be able to draw elements with given parameters.


By pressing OK for several times Draw lanes and widening dialogue will appear

Select truck and bus as your vehicle combination and road widening will be instantly calculated.
Widening will be calculated only for lanes defined as Road lane in lane manager in step 2. After
you press OK road with all three lanes should be drawn.

7. In this stem we will define cross axes (sample lines). To draw cross axes in equal 20m intervals we will use
command Axes \ Cross axes \ Draw cross axes (21H1).

Set Distance between cross axes to 20 and Width left, Width right to 30 and press OK.
8. After defining cross axes we must drape them to AutoCAD Civil3D surface. To do that we will run
command Axes \ Drape axes to DTM \ DRAPE LONGITUDINAL AXES AND CROSS AXES (21J1).
a. Select AutoCAD Civil3D as DTM and press OK
b. Select Tutor1 as your surface
Results of drape command are cross axes in green color that are draped on Civil3D surface.

Tutorial 2: Longitudinal section (profile) design

The LONGITUDINAL SECTION module of the PLATEIA program is designed for drawing of longitudinal sections
of roadways, railroads, aqueducts, and other civil engineering objects (bridges, tunnels, etc.). The source data for
the drawing of longitudinal sections is layout drawing of Plateia with draped cross axes.
The LONGITUDINAL SECTIONS module enables a fast and precise design of vertical alignment, calculation of
superelevations based on the horizontal alignment and design of the roadway rehabilitation.

Longitudinal Section Design

This tutorial teaches you how to make a longitudinal section for a new construction with the Plateia program. Before
designing of the longitudinal section, the ground plan of the road axis must be known. On the basis of the digital
terrain model (Civil3D surface) and the axis course in the layout plan, the altitude course of the terrain in our axis
laying out (See Tutorial 1). The final drawing from exercise Tutorial1 will be used to start exercise Tutorial 2.
9. Open drawing Tutorial2.dwg from Tutor2 folder.
10. Now set up project in Longitudinal sections module. Use command Long.Sections \ PROJECT \ SET
a. Double click TUT1 to set up active project
b. Press OK to confirm.
11. Invoke Long.Sections \ Axes-manager (31B) and double click AXIS_TUT to make it active (blue).
12. Invoke Long.Sections \ Draw terrain (31D1) click OK and select longitudinal section insertion point. At
this point you should get longitudinal section with terrain line only.

13. In this step run command Long.Sections \ Draw horizontal elements (31F). This command will transfer
Horizontal road elements and Road widths data to longitudinal section rubrics (bands). Use CURRENT
DRAWING for your layout file since your longitudinal section is in the same drawing as layout. After
pressing OK you should get following data in rubric (band):

14. Now we will start with the vertical alignment design.


Invoke command Long.section \ TANGENTS AND VERTICAL ALIGNMNET \ Draw tangents

(31G1). You will get following message in command line:
First point or [Parameter/Tangent/End]
Enter P for Parameter option and set elevation (h) to 444 and Section to P1. This means that our
1 PVI will be at profile (P1) and elevation 444m. After you click in the drawing station and
elevation will be fixed. Click again and proceed with vertical alignment design.


b. Now we will define our 2 PVI by defining tangent slope at 5%. Check s [%] parameter and enter
value 5. Now your slope is fixed but you can interactively define station. Pick somewhere close to
profile P12.


To define our 3 PVI uncheck s [%] parameter. Check Station parameter and enter value 400.
Now pick somewhere close to the end of terrain line (green line) to fix the 3 PVI.

d. Press ENTER to finish your vertical alignment. After pressing ENTER you will get Standard
compatibility Warning. Click OK and your vertical alignment will be drawn.

15. In this step we will define superelevations. Invoke command Long.Section \ Cross falls and vertical
jumps \ CALCULATE AND DRAW CROSS FALLS (31K1). Set type to Two-sided and check Uniform
slope change.

Press OK and superelevation will be calculated and labeled in rubric (band).

16. Now we will define curb between LANE_R1 and SIDEWALK. Invoke Long.Sections \ Cross falls and
vertical jumps \ Edit Cross falls and vertical jumps (31K3). In Define a jump press
to add a
jump/curb between LANE_R1 and SIDEWALK. Choose Cross falls option so you will be able to enter
superelevations and jumps. Select first row in a list (it should become blue) and scroll down to the bottom
of the list. Press and hold SHIFT and select last row in the list. Now all rows should be selected.

Select DH (LANE_R1) in combo box and choose = for operator. Enter 0.10 for value to make curb 10 cm
high and press Apply.

This should fill column DH with 0.10 values. In our example curb will be created from start to end of our
road. Press OK and select LANE_L1 and LANE_R1 for lanes that you want to label in superelevation


Cross Sections Design
The data that you need to start cross sections design is layout drawing with draped cross axis and longitudinal
sections drawing with vertical alignment, road widths and superelevations defined. Drawing that we created in
Tutorial 2 will be used to begin this exercise.
Let's repeat the project definition procedure:
1. Open drawing Tutorial3.dwg from Tutor3 folder.
2. Now set up project in Cross sections module. Use command Cross Sections \ PROJECT \ SET
a. Double click TUT1 to set up active project
b. Press OK to confirm.
3. Invoke Cross Sections \ Axes-manager (41C) and double click AXIS_TUT to make it active (blue).
4. Invoke Cross Sections \ Terrain \ Draw terrain (41E1) click OK and select cross sections insertion point.
At this point you should get set of cross sections with terrain line only.
5. Invoke Cross Sections \ Roadway \ Draw roadway (41F1) click OK and select cross sections insertion
point. At this point you should get set of cross sections with terrain line and roadway line.

6. Now we have all the data we need for processing of the cross sections. We will start inserting TCS (Typical
Cross Section) elements in multiple cross sections. Each command for inserting and editing of cross
sections shares the same control (usually on top of the dialogue) that gives you control over the area. This
is how area control looks like:

In this control you choose in which cross section TCS element will be inserted. You have the option to
define area between cross sections by defining first and last one. Second option is to predefine areas (for
example 1-8 CUT, 9-20 FILL ). The third option is interactive method where you manually insert TCS
elements. This option is very useful in areas where cross section definition changes from one profile to
other (for example urban areas).
Lets start with TCS element called Shoulder. Invoke Cross Sections \ TYPICAL CROSS SECTION
ELEMENTS (TCS) \ Shoulder (41G1) command. We will insert shoulder element only in cross sections
where roadway is in fill. Check Draw in fill and uncheck Draw in cut. Press
to select all cross
sections in drawing and pres OK. Use default End option and select right side of LANE_L1 element.

Shoulder should be drawn in cross sections P4-P6, P15-P21 where roadway is in fill.

7. We will insert block element with gutter in all profiles on left side in cut. Invoke Cross Sections \ TYPICAL
CROSS SECTION ELEMENTS (TCS) \ Insert block (41GB) command. Press
, navigate to folder
C:\ProgramData\CGSA\CGSplus 2011 ENG\SYMBOLS\Ck_csesim and select block CRO_KOR 3.dwg. Check Explode and Draw in cut. Uncheck Draw in fill and Align with element. Press OK and
select same side of LANE_L1 as in previous step. Gutter should be drawn in all sections where roadway is
in cut.

8. In this step we will draw embankment element. We use slope 1:1 in cut situation and 1:2 in fill situation.
Invoke Cross Sections \ TYPICAL CROSS SECTION ELEMENTS (TCS) \ Embankment (41G2)
command. Use following settings:

Press OK and select point in the gutter as shown below.

Now zoom into some profile where roadway is in fill, for example P6. Run Cross Sections \ TYPICAL
CROSS SECTION ELEMENTS (TCS) \ Embankment (41G2) command again and check Draw in cut and
uncheck Draw in fill. Change slope to 2 (1:2). Press OK and select end of shoulder element as shown

After selecting element you will be notified that element with same name already exists in working area.

Choose the Draw element only in profiles where it does not exist option. This will draw embankment
element in all cross sections where roadway is in fill.
9. On right side we can draw embankment with same slope for all cross sections. Run Cross Sections \
TYPICAL CROSS SECTION ELEMENTS (TCS) \ Embankment (41G2) command again and check both
Draw in cut and Draw in fill. Use the slope 1:2 and select the end point of SIDEWALK lane.

10. Now we will draw pavement element. Invoke Cross Sections \ TYPICAL CROSS SECTION ELEMENTS
(TCS) \ Pavement (41G4) command. Use following settings:

Press OK and select LANE_L1 and LANE_R1 elements. After selecting both press ENTER to finish
selection. One layer of pavement should be drawn on all cross sections.
To create another layer of pavement run the 41G4 command again. Change Element label to PAVEM2,
thickness to 10 and press OK. Now you must select the lower lines of pavement element that was created
in our previous step. Press Enter to finish selection and second layer of pavement should appear.

11. In this step we will draw substructure element. Invoke Cross Sections \ TYPICAL CROSS SECTION
ELEMENTS (TCS) \ Substructure (41G5) command. Use following settings:

Press OK and select LANE_L1 and LANE_R1 elements. After selecting both press ENTER to finish
selection. Substructure element should be drawn on all cross sections. Substructure element was drawn to
the cross section boundaries.
12. To close the substructure line we need to make some editing. We will use extend and trim commands to
close Substructure element. First we will use command Cross Sections \ Edit TCS elements \ Extend
(41I2). Run the command and press OK. Select substructure element for your edge and press ENTER to
finish edge selection:

In Select element to extend step select lower part of vertical line of the gutter element.

Result should be following:

Now we will trim substructure element and use extended vertical line as our cutting edge. Run Cross
Sections \ Edit TCS elements \ Trim (41I1) use At the end as your trim mode. Press OK and select
extended vertical line as your cutting edge. Press ENTER to finish the cutting edge selection.

Select substructure element for trimming. Substructure element must be selected on the left side to define
which side of element will be trimmed.

Result should be following:

13. In this step we will resolve excessive pavement overhang. Again run Trim (41I1) command and use At the
end as your trim mode. Set First cross-section to P1 and Last cross-section to P3 Press OK and select

gutter vertical line as your cutting edge. Press ENTER to finish the cutting edge selection.

Select overhang of first pavement element for trimming.

Repeat Trim command for second layer of pavement. Use the same dialogue settings as in previous step
and select the same gutter vertical line as your cutting edge.

Select overhang of second pavement element for trimming.

Now we just need to remove the only line that left from overhang. Invoke command Cross Sections \ Edit

TCS elements \ Erase Cross-sections elements (41I6). First and last cross section should be set to 1
and 3. Press
and select two remaining overhang elements. Press ENTER to finish selection and OK
erase selected elements from the drawing.

14. All cut situations on the left side are now fixed. Now zoom into some profile where roadway is in fill, for
example P6. We will use extend and trim commands to close substructure element in fill situations. Run
Cross Sections \ Edit TCS elements \ Extend (41I2) command and press
to set area to all cross
sections. Press OK select substructure as edge and press ENTER to finish selection.

Then select embankment element when asked to select element to extend. Make sure to select bottom
part of embankment element.

Run Cross Sections \ Edit TCS elements \ Trim (41I1) command and use At the end as your trim mode.
Select embankment as cutting edge and press ENTER to finish selection.

Select left part of substructure element as element to trim.

15. In this step we will finish right side of our cross sections. Zoom in cross section P1. We will use command
Cross Sections \ Edit TCS elements \ Connect Substructure (41I3A) to close substructure element on
right side. Invoke the command and set Type to Draw connection to humus. Select right embankment as
a border element.

Select substructure as element to connect. Be sure to select substructure on the right side of substructure

Dimensioning and Labeling of TCS Elements

This group comprises commands for automatic dimensioning and labeling of the cross sections elements. Only
TCS elements can be dimensioned and labeled. This command group comprises commands for dimensioning of
the slope, length and elevation, and also the command for labeling the distance and elevation of any point.
You can use three types of dimensioning:



1. Open drawing Tutorial5.dwg from Tutor5 folder.
2. Now set up project in Cross sections module. Use command Cross Sections \ PROJECT \ SET
3. Double click TUT1 to set up active project
Press OK to confirm.
The Dimension slope (41J1) command dimensions a slope of the selected TCS element in cross section
area. Run the command and define the layout of dimension. Use Selection type element. Press OK and
select a TCS element that you would like to dimension. A slope label is drawn above the middle point of the
element. The command works only with line elements while the dimensioning of curves and polylines is not
possible. The function draws the label in all cross sections, in the specific working area that includes the
TCS element.

Planimetry and Quantity Takeoff

Based on constructed cross-sections, it is possible to precisely calculate cut, fill and other volumes. The calculation
is made based on so-called planimetry polygon lines that represent borders of planimetry quantities. For the area
calculation closed polygon lines are used while for the length calculation opened polygon lines are used.
Planimetry calculation in the Cross section module can be made in following order:
1. Open drawing Tutorial5.dwg from Tutor5 folder.
2. Now set up project in Cross sections module. Use command Cross Sections \ PROJECT \ SET
3. Double click TUT1 to set up active project
Press OK to confirm.
4. After setting up project you run command Cross Sections \ Quantity Takeoff \ Planimetry (41M1). In
dialogue define following parameters for CUT quantity.

We will use planimetry method Between two polylines and as an additional setting Under referencepolyline. We will use terrain line as our reference line and we will calculate everything what is below terrain
line to get CUT areas. Press OK, zoom into profile P1. Select terrain line (top green line) and press ENTER
to finish selection of reference polygon. Now select all elements that represent datum line in cut and press
ENTER to finish selection.

5. Run command Cross Sections \ Quantity Takeoff \ Planimetry (41M1) again to define another
planimetry quantity. In dialogue define following parameters for FILL quantity.

Again we will use planimetry method Between two polylines but this time we will use additional setting
Above reference-polyline. We will use humus line as our reference line and we will calculate everything
what is above humus line to get FILL areas. Press OK, zoom into profile P19 where complete roadway is in
fill. Select humus (bottom green line) line and press ENTER to finish selection of reference polygon. Now
select all elements that represent datum line in fill (both embankments and both substructure lines) and
press ENTER to finish selection.

6. In this step we will calculate crushed stone material. In order to do that we will use method with selecting
inner point in closed polygon. Run command Cross Sections \ Quantity Takeoff \ Planimetry (41M1) and
set dialogue to following parameters.

We will use planimetry method Inner point and as an additional setting Use only TCS elements because
any other elements might interfere with CRUSHED_STONE polygon. Select substructure line as your
reference element.

Select any point in closed polygon.

This method of planimetry works similar as AutoCAD hatch command. Function will find closed area in
each cross section.

The same method can be used for calculating pavement layers with ASFALT or some user defined
quantity. The result should look something like this.

7. In this step we will calculate humus fill material. In order to do that we will use Type of planimetry quantity
Length x thickness. Run command Cross Sections \ Quantity Takeoff \ Planimetry (41M1) and set
dialogue to following parameters.

Press OK and zoom to cross section P17. Select embankment and shoulder element to create humus fill
quantity from those two objects.

The result should look like this:

8. In final step we will calculate volumes from planimetry areas. Run Cross Sections \ Quantity Takeoff \
Planimetry (41M5) command. In Calculate by cross sections group select Insert in drawing option and
pick a point to define the position of areas summary. Disable Save to file option. In Summary of
quantities select Insert in drawing option and pick a point to define the position of quantity takeoff table.
After pressing OK quantity takeoff table will be inserted in drawing.

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