Mid Test Inggris Kls 11 Code A

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Choose the best answer

1. David ............ a rainbow cake now.
A. eat

B. eating

C. is eating

D. was eating

E. ate

2. Why ......... umbrella? It is not raining now.

A. do you use B. you use

C. you using

D. were you using E. are you using

3. He is so busy right now. He ........ his homework.

A. does

B. did

C. is done

D. is doing

E. does not do

4. Ryan, Kevin, and Raul ............ English at Briton now.

A. is studying

B. studying C. are studying

D. was studying

E. student

5. Nayla's friends ..... visiting her mother in the hospital.

A. is

B. are

C. do

D. does

E. have

6. ........ you waiting for a bus? We can go together if you want.

A. is

B. were

C. do

D. did

E. are

7. Be quiet! my grandmother ..........

A. is sleeping B. am sleeping C. are sleeping D. were sleeping E. sleep
8. Don't forget to take your umbrella honey. It ...........
A. rains B. rain C. is raining D. are raining E. were raining
9. Please call me later. I ....... breakfast.
A. have B. was C. was having D. am E. am having
10. Don't disturb her. She ...... sleeping.
A. has B. are C. was D. is E. were
11. Tim ......... in a bank.
A. Work B. works C. Is work D. working
12. We usually .......... our grandparents at the weekend.

English Mid Test 2016

A. Visit B. Are visiting C. Visiting D. Visits

13. We .......... our grandparents this weekend.
A. Visit B. Are visiting C. Visiting D. Visits
14. He .......... late and that's really annoying !!!
A. Always comes B. Always come C. Is always coming D. Is always come
15. What time .......... the film .......... ???
A. Is...starting B. Do....start C. Does...starts D. Does...start
16. The bus .......... in ten minutes.
A. Leaves B. Is leaving C. Leave D. Leaving
17. I .......... what to do.
A. Am not knowing B. Not know C. Doesn't know D. Don't know
18. I .......... up at seven o'clock every morning.
A. Get B. Am getting C. Getting D. Gets
19. What time .......... you .......... to work in the mornings?
A. Are ... going B. Are ... go C. Does ... go D. Do ... go
20. The sun .......... around the earth.
A. Go B. Going C. Is going D. Goes
21. Kelly ...... that she'll go with us.
A. doubt B. Doubted C. doubts D. doubting E. are doubting
22. She ...... each summer in the mountain.
A. spending B. is spent C. spend D. spent E. spends
23. Emma always ......... things without knowing all the facts.
A. decide B. Decided C. is decided D. decides E. deciding
24. My mother always ......... excuses when I feel like going to the cinema.
A. made B. is making C. makes D. make E. making
25. Rossa ........ she is not going to Singapore this year.
A. assume B. Assumes C. assumed D. assuming E. is assumed

English Mid Test 2016

26. Leah sometimes ......... newspaper in the morning.

A. reading B. to read C. are reading D. read E. reads
27. What are you talking about? I .......... what you mean.
A. don't know B. doesn't know C. knows D. am knowing E. known
28. ...... Leona ..... to the hospital?
A. Does, goes B. Is, go C. Does, go D. Do, go E. Are, going
29. Ravi ...... it's inconvenient, but he ...... go anyway.
A. know, want B. know, wants C. know, wants to D. knows, want to E. knows,
wants to
30. Does your mother ......... old dress?
A. has B. Had C. is having D. have E. has not
31. Don't forget to take your jacket David. It .... cold today.
A. are B. Am C. is D. were E. was
32. Brad and Jolie ..... married.
A. is B. was not C. was D. is not E. are
33. Victoria ... so busy right now. She and her husband ...... in the office.
A. is, were B. are, are C. is, is D. is, are E. are, is
34. Her name .... Ciara and She .... a teacher. She has two children. They ..... in same
school now.
A. is, are, is B. are, is, are C. is, is, are D. are, are, is E. is, are, are
35. Hi, my name .... Emma. This ... my brother and his name .... Peter.
A. is, are, is B. is, is, is C. is, is, are D. are, are, is E. are, is, are
36. .... your brother busy now? I want to share something with him. I .... so sad.
A. is, are B. are, is C. are, am D. are, was E. is, am
37. Your grandmother .... in my home. She ask your sister to pick her up. .... your
sister at home?
A. is, is B. are, is C. are, are D. is, are E. is, aren't
38. I try to call your Father but it .... no answer. ...... they in the meeting right now?

English Mid Test 2016

A. are, is B. are, are C. is, are D. is, aren't E. is, is

39. Today ..... sunday. What day ..... tomorrow?
A. are, is B. is, are C. are, was D. is, am E. is, is
40. Their father .... a rich man. He has a sport car and it .... so expensive.
A. are, is B. are, are C. is, are D. is, is E. are, isn't
41. I am _______ a sandwich now.
A. eats

B. eating

C. not eat

D. eat

42. I am busy right now. I _______ breakfast.

A. am have

B. Have

C. having

D. am having

43. My daughter _________ studying English at Istanbul University.

A. is

B. Does

C. do

D. not

44. _____ you waiting for a bus?

A. Do

B. Are

C. Does

D. Is

45. What _____________? It looks awful.

A. do you drinking

B. are you drink

C. are you drinking

D. does you drink

46. We ________ enjoying our holiday here so much.

A. don't

B. are

C. is

D. doesn't

47. What _____ John ___________ at the moment?

A. does / do

B. is / do

C. are / doing

D. is / doing

48. I ___________ sitting down at the moment.

A. am not

B. are not

C. is

D. don't

49. Don't disturb him. He __________.

A. sleeps

B. is sleeping

C. is sleep

D. sleep

50. They are ___________ their coats..

A. not

B. put on

C. putting on

D. doesn't put

51. You told me that Diana's brothers ..... in Mexico, but I saw Luke yesterday. I think
he .... here now.

English Mid Test 2016

A. isn't, are

B. are, isn't

C. are, is

D. is, is

E. is, are

52. Her mom .... in hospital now, but her brothers .... still in USA. They'll go home
A. isn't, are

B. are, isn't

C. are, is

D. is, is

E. is, are

53. Those .... your books. I am sorry your novel .... still in my home.
A. aren't, are

B. are, are

C. is, is

D. are, is

E. is, are

54. Someone told me that your brother and Leo's sister ... in relationship. .... your
brother happy? I ... so glad to hear that.
A. is, is, are

B. isn't, are, am

C. are, is, am

D. is, are, am

E. are, are, am
55. The last thing I must do .... feeding the chickens. After that, I .... free. We can go to
the market.
A. is, am

B. are, am

C. is, is

D. are, are

E. are, is

56. Your grandfather's brother ... my grandfather. So, we ... family.

A. is, aren't

B. isn't, are

C. is, is

D. are, is

E. is, are

57. I ... fine, thanks. How .... Mr. and Mrs. Tom? .. .. your mom good?
A. am, are, is

B. am, are, are C. am, is, are D. is, am, are E. are, is, is

58. Your parents .... rich, but their son in law .... rich enough.
A. are, are

B. isn't, are

C. aren't, is

D. are, is

E. is, are

59. Merry and Lusy ..... twins, ...... they? But I think they .... so different.
A. is, aren't, are B. are, are, are C. aren't, are, are D. are, aren't, are
E. is, aren't, is
60. These ..... my socks. Where ... my sock?
A. is, is

B. isn't, are

English Mid Test 2016

C. are, are

D. aren't, is

E. are, is

English Mid Test 2016

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