L Speed

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Everything is explained

*About L Speed menu

When you call L speed menu from terminal emulator you will see few options:
1. Check L Speed - Use this to check if you have all the files installed
2. L Speed WIZARD - All mod configuration is here
3. CHANGELOG - You can see here changes from version to version
4. Uninstall L Speed - Use this to completely remove L Speed from device
5. Rebot device NOW - After you make changes in WIZARD, you must to reboot device
6. Misc - Other little sttings (calendar, free ram, device info)
7. Theme engine - Change overall UI color
8. See XDA Thread - Redirection to the original XDA Main Thread (Needs Browser !)
9. Go to mine FB profile - As name said, my facebook profile
10. Donation - My info and how to donate me
*About L Speed WIZARD
All scripts in the mod are here, you can easily disable or enable it, just choose an option.
1. Boost now - Use this to drop caches and slightly boost your device
2. FStrim now - Triming /system, /data and /cache partition and reduce lags
3. Battery Calibration - Calibrates Battery for better Batttery Life (RECOMMENDED After
flashing New ROM.)
4. Cleaner Menu - Use it to clean junk files (.txt .log .tmp), app cache, and much more.
-Cleaner menu have next options:

1. Clean Junk Now (Cleans the junk/unneded files to make ur OS healthier.)

2. Clean APP Cache - Cleans the Cache of The apps Recommended e.g. by Problems with APP(s)
3. Set Cleaner on Boot - Activates the Cleaner immediately in Boot,recommended.
4. Wipe cache partitions - Wipes The /cache Partition(s).
5. Wipe dalvik cache - Wipes the dalvik cache

5. Build.prop tweaks - Too much tweaks for increasing performance, image quality, battery life,
Flag Tuner by @pizzadox [URL="http://forum.xda-developers.com/android/softwarehacking/script-flag-tuner-1-0-t3039223"]
- Another Script integrated here,
Removes any Multitasking restricition and makes the System get smoother
Better Voice Quality - Improves the voice quality e.g. by call
Fix black screen after call - Fixes (if there) the black screen after call, caused often by proximity

Improve Battery -Improves the Life of Battery

Better Scrolling - Makes the Scrolling smoother
Faster Boot - Speed UP's the Boot progress amongst other things while deactivating BootAni.
Improve Image Quality - Sets the Image Quality to 100% AS many camera apps (EG. Google
camera) only allow middle Quality.
Faster Streaming - Makes the System stream faster - AS it should be self explained..
Liquid Smooth UI - To reduce OS Lags
Disable logcat - Disable this for slightly performance boost
Gaming mode - For users which play a lot of games
L SPEED build.prop TWEAKS - Various tweaks choosen by me
6. CPU tuner - CPU power save and governor tweaks
7. Seeder - Work with device entropy, aim is reducing lags. (seeder won't work with all devices,
that is a fact.)
- Seeder menu have few option (seeder profiles)

1. Default
2. Haveged
3. Light
4. Enlarger
5. Moderate.
6. Aggressive
7. Check entropy
8. Go back to WIZARD

8. Ram manager - Script that manages low memory killer values, now with profiles

( don't

need to reboot device after change) GOOD?


9. ADBLOCKER - Block annoying ads on your device

10. Kernel tweaks - Various kernel tweaks, Kernel sched features and kernel panic setup.
11. SD Tweak - Increase R/W speed, script will calculate the best cache size for your device
( don't need to reboot device after change) GOOD?
12. I/O tweak - Tweaks for boost in I/O data
13. VM tweaks - Main script, all smoothness is there
14. Net tweaks - Better speed on 2G and 3G.
15. Zipalign - zipalign apps to use less RAM.
16. Touch tweak - Increase screen sensitivity

17. Kill media server on boot - Kill media server to stop battery drain at boot
18. ZRAM - Like SWAP but this is on ram, and size is 64mb (kernel must support it)
19. EXT4 journaling - Disable journaling for better I/O speed (CAUTION! maybe can cause
data lost)
20. Google services drain fix - Fix for users which have drain caused by google play services
21. Wifi sleeper - Get wifi to sleep and keep it frequently awake to save battery life
Thanks to @Cr33D OrB helped me with this post

Next part is taken from Fly-On mod thread, thanks to @slaid480

This Post is reserved for sharing various information about Scripts/Tweaks used to Tweak
the Android system through the Linux kernel.

The main goal of using scripts and tweaks:

Scripts and tweaks are used :
-Improve Performance and GUI Smoothness.
-Improve Battery Life.
-Tweak and Optimize the Android engine!

Useful Info About Tweaks:


The Low Memory Killer is a constant debate between more free RAM and more
multitasking capabilities as free RAM (more than 60MB free) is actually wasted RAM.
The Low Memory Killer is actually a feature in the Android OS used to improve memory
This is an important feature due to the perennial problem of having low free memory
causing lagginess and slowness in launching apps. When you have free memory lingering
around the number of 40MB or less, the Android OS just lags like hell.
What this would mean is, you would want to tweak the LMK to not have the situation of it
having less than 40MB (or even close to that).
The modern Linux machine in the Android ecosystem relies on a mechanism called Low
Memory Killer (LMK) to consistently free up RAM. This is due to Android's internal
mechanism of caching apps (and never fully exiting them) when you press the back button.
This is to enable faster app switching and provide a seamless experience for apps usage

model. Android also, by itself will also constantly look for often used apps to cache them for
faster app opening. This will happen even before your system fully boots.
Now, when you mention LMK, the most obvious thoughts that come up are minfrees and
Out Of Memory (OOM) groupings. Yes, those two are integral parts when it comes to
LMK. The issue here is that no one actually mentioned that there are two LMK systems in
Android, that being:
- Linux LMK
- Android Dalvik VM LMK

-This has been a touchy subject here in XDA for most people who debate about it. Most
recently,Some Scripts included a way to disable journalism on these partitions:
/system (System is read only, it's safe to remove journalism. However, you will not see speed
increase by removing it as you're not writing onto /system 99.99% of the time unless you're
using Titanium backup to remove system apps or copying init.d scripts to it)
/cache (Cache can be rebuilt on the fly. Data corruption on it is not game breaking)
/data (All of your data on your phone is here. Removing journalism can risk data
corruption. Read more below)
On whether we need journalism or not, I will pose this situation:
Journalism is required to maintain data consistency in events that could lead to data
corruption. Data could get corrupted in a number of situations:
- Misbehaving app that constantly writes without syncing/committing data to the disk
- Power loss due to forced reboots or bootloops when data is partially written/committed
into disk
-Memory leaks:

If you found out that your Android is laggy after sometime and a reboot will make it faster,
then you're experiencing memory leaks. "free" is a command to show your currently free
memory. It will not necessarily be the same value as your phone's free memory.

Busybox is required to perform all of your superuser activities in your android phone.
There are some problems associated with this when ROM developers decide to use a
certain version of Busybox that are incompatible with the binaries that we use in our

Minfree is part of the Kernel used to multitasking and It differs from a Phone to another

because of the RAM available in users space.

-Network Tweaks:

There are some Tweaks that are used to increase the speed of your Network
browsing,downloading and uploading
-Build.Prop Tweaks:

Those Tweaks can generally be found in Build.prop /system and they are used to optimize
overall system speed and battery
-SD Card Speed Fix:

This is a Tweaks that Has the goal of increasing the read-ahead speed of your SD Card,and
that by improving your SD R/W speed.
-Smoothness Tweaks:

Well with the Linux Kernel there is a possibility to add some Tweaks to optimize the GUI
-Entropy generator engine:

This engine can reduce lag by keeping a section of the Android file system (/dev/random)
full of random bits so that the system does not have to wait for the file system to generate

Zipalign is a tweak used to optimize Android application (.apk) files. The purpose is to
ensure that all uncompressed data starts with a particular alignment relative to the start of
the file. Specifically, it causes all uncompressed data within the .apk, such as images or raw
files, to be aligned on 4-byte boundaries. This allows all portions to be accessed directly
with mmap() even if they contain binary data with alignment restrictions. The benefit is a
reduction in the amount of RAM consumed when running the application.

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