This World Is Like A Mountain

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Ovaj svet je kao planina.

Tvoj eho zavisi od tebe.

Ako vie dobre stvari svet e ti ih vratiti.
Ako vies loe stvari svet e ti ih vratiti.
ak i ako neko pria loe o tebi ti govori lepo o njemu.
Promeni svoje srce da bi promenila svet!!!
The whole universe is sum up in the Human Being.
Devil is not a monster waiting to trap us,
He is a voice inside.
Look for Your Devil in Yourself,
not in the Others.
Dont forget that the one who knows his Devil,
knows his God. Shams Tabrizi

Prolost je magla oko mog uma

Budunost je kompletan san
Ne moemo da predvidimo budunost
ni da promenimo prolost!
To get closer to Truth and Right, we need a beautiful and
soft heart. Every human learns one day or another to
become softer. Some accidentally, some because of disease,
some suffer from human loss, some other from material
loss We all face these situations, but we can either see
the good in it and open our hearts, or unfortunately see an
another occasion to lock it forever. Shams Tabrizi

Kad se svi trude da budu neto ti budi nita. U pravcu

praznine. Ljudi treba da budu kao sud. Kako se sud
odrava svojom prazninom tako se ljudi odravaju
svesnou svoje nitavilosti Shams Tabrizi

Love is a travel. All travelers whether they want or not

are changed. No one can travel into love and remain the
same. Shams Tabrizi

Prolost je interpretacija . Budunost je iluzija Ako eli

venu iluminaciju ostani u sadanjem trenutku.

No matter what people call you, you are just who you are.
Keep to this truth. You must ask yourself how is it you
want to live your life. We live and we die, this is the truth
that we can only face alone. No one can help us. So
consider carefully, what prevents you from living the way
you want to live your life? Shams Tabrizi

The summary of the advice of all prophets is this; Find

yourself a mirror. Shams Tabrizi

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