English Greek Ecce Writing Glossary Web

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The New

Build Up Your Writing Skills

for the ECCE

English- Greek Glossary

Copyright Hellenic American Union, 2011

Unit 1
acquire (v)
active (adj)
activity (n)
admire (v)

due to (prep) ,

leisure (n)

eat into (phr v) (,

lifestyle (n)

effect (n)
energy (n)
enforce (v) ,

allow (v)
announce (v)
annual (adj)
appeal to (phr v) ,

event (n)
exercise (v) ,

extra-curricular (adj)

feed (v)

attract (v)

field (n) ,

background (n)

fitness (n)

beat (v)
beneficial (adj)
benefit (n)
boost (v) ,
brain (n) ,
celebrity (n)
chess (n)
claim (v)
club (n) ,
competitive (adj)
concert (n)
confidence (n) ,

cooperate (v)
design (v)
detail (n)
develop (v)
distance (n)

limit (v)
lose weight (phr)
main (adj)
maintain (v)
member (n)
mental health (n)

mind (n)

artistic (adj)

balance (n)

likely (adj)

force (v)
get involved in (phr)
grade (n)
growth (n)
gym (n)
healthy (adj)
ideal (adj)
improve (v)
in conclusion (phr)
in order to (phr) () ,

in response to (phr)

muscle (n)
musical instrument (n)

obligate (v)
offer (v)
opponent (n)
opportunity (n)
organize (v)
otherwise (adv) ,
painting (n)
parent (n)
per (prep)
physical strength (n)

play (n)
point (n)

individual (n)

popular (adj)

instead (adv)

principal (n)

intellectual (adj)

professional (adj)

judge (v) ,
keep fit (phr)

project (n) ,
rank (v)

2011 Hellenic American Union. These materials are photocopiable for classroom use.

recently (adv)
regular (adj)
responsibility (n)
rewarding (adj) ,

run (v)

advice columnist (n)

alternate (adj)
avoid (v)
choice (n)
common (adj) ,

save (v)
self-esteem (n)
skill (n) ,
sociable (adj)
socialize (v) ,

special needs (pl n)

strategy (n)
study (n)

communicate (v)

summarize (v)
supply (v)

depressed (adj)
despite the fact that (phr)
disadvantage (n)
embarrass (v)

fix (v) ,
get in trouble (phr)

get on sbs nerves (phr)

get over (phr v)

top (adj)

grandparent (n) /

topic (n)

guess (v)

train (v) (-)

have fun (phr)

useful (adj)

in trouble (phr)
keep sb company (phr)

Unit 2

long hours (phr)

a couple of (phr)
additional (adj)
advantage (n)
advice (n)

situation (n)

face (v)

quality time (phr)

depend on (phr v)

take up (phr v) ,

timing (n) ,

similar (adj) ,

experience (n) ,

properly (adv) ,

decision (n)

take part in (phr)

time-consuming (adj)

plan (n)

salary (n)

enjoy oneself (phr)

teen (n)

overcome (v)

confirm (v)

support (v) ()

teammate (n)

opposite (adj)

reply (n)

complain (v)

suffer (v)

nowadays (adv) ,

make a living (phr)

miss (v)
motorbike (n)
neglected (adj)

sleep over (phr v)

solution (n)
solve (v)
stress (n) ,
struggle (v) ,
suggestion (n) ,

surely (adv) ,
take sth for granted (phr)

therefore (adv) ,

to begin with (phr)

treat (v) ,

trust (v)
upset (adj)
waste time (phr)

Unit 3
accuse sb of sth (v)

action (n)
admit (v)
allocate (v)
annoying (adj) ,

2011 Hellenic American Union. These materials are photocopiable for classroom use.

antique (adj)

discover (v) ,

mayor (n)

approve of (v)

discuss (v)

motive (n)

argue with (v)

disrupt (v) ,

necessarily (adv) ,

array (n) ,
arrest (v)
article (n)
as a result (phr)
attack (v)
awesome (adj)

do ones best (phr)

/ unnecessarily

no longer (phr)

editor (n)

obey (v)

educate (v) ,

old-fashioned (adj)

expand on (phr v) ,

on the rise (phr)

be to blame (phr)

express (v)

on the scene (phr)

behave (v) ()

fan (n)

once (conj) ,

brainstorm (v)

fanatic (n)

ongoing (adj) ,

break the law (phr)

fascination (n)

briefly (adv)

fence (n)

broadcast (n) ,

fight (v)

by means of (phr)
bystander (n)
call on (phr v)
cause (n)
celebrate (v)
celebration (n) ,

championship (n)
clue (n) ,
come up with (phr v) ,

commit a crime (phr)

community (n) ,

consequence (n)
consider (v) ,
council (n)
damage (n)
decrease (v) (-)
deserve (v)
destroy (v)
destruction (n)
destructive (adj)
disaster (n)

flyer (n)
former (adj)
good fun (phr) ,
graffiti (n)
grounds (pl n) ,

original (adj)
paint (v) ,
point of view (n) , ,

possibility (n)
practical (adj)
property (n) ,

hard (adv)

protection (n)

harm (n) ,

provide (v)

high school dropout (n)

publish (v) ,

highlight (v)
horrified (adj) ,

ill-treated (adj)

in addition (phr)
in fact (adv)
in the name of (phr)
injure (v)
innocent (adj)
irresponsible (adj)
legally (adv)
local (adj)
make sure (phr) ,

matter (n)

punishment (n)
purpose (n)
pursue (v)
put sb in a bad light (phr)

reason with (v)

reduce (v)
reference (n)
related (adj)
repair (v)
report (v)
respect (v)
result (v) ,

revenge (n)
right (n)

2011 Hellenic American Union. These materials are photocopiable for classroom use.

root (n)

as well (as) (phr) ()

rule (n)

ash (n)

security (n)

ashtray (n)

seek (v)

association (n)

semester (n) ,

ban (v) ,

seriously (adv)

be in control (phr)

shameful (adj)
shop window (n)

showcase (v)
spray paint (n)
statement (n)
stereotype (v)

successful (adj)
suspect (v)

be seated (phr) ,

bother (v)
breathe (v)
chain-smoke (v)

concerning (prep) ,

condition (n) ,

task (n) , ,

consequently (adv)

tend (v)

consume (v)

town meeting (n) /

consumption (n)

turn to (phr v) ,

vandal (n)
vandalism (n)
victory (n)

cool (adj) ,

emphasize (v) ,

harmful (adj)

accommodate (v)

hazard (n)

achieve (v)

health (n)

adapt (v) (-)

in favor of (phr )

addiction (n)

in public (phr)

adopt (v)

in relation to (phr) ,

inform (v) ,

alcohol (n)
altogether (adv) ,

light up (phr v)
limit (n)
medical (adj)
meet sbs needs (phr)

minor (n)
national (adj)
negative (adj)
oppose (v)
outcome (n)
outright (adv)

pack (n) ()
party (n) ,

peer pressure (n)

habit (n)

affect (v)

discourage (v)

government (n)

advise (v)

legal (adj) ,

passive (adj)

give up (phr v) ,

Unit 4

leader (n) ,

desired (adj)

youth (n)

law (n)

pass (a law) (v)

eventually (adv) ,

violent (adj)

desire (n)

violence (n)

introduce (v) ,

inhale (v)

perform (v)
persuade (v)
point to (phr v)
present (v)
prohibit (v)
propose (v)
public (adj)
puff (n)
purchase (v)
put out (phr v) (,
, )

quit (v) ( )
regarding (prep) ,

responsible (adj)
restriction (n)
result (n)

2011 Hellenic American Union. These materials are photocopiable for classroom use.

section (n)

dangerous (adj)

neighborhood (n)

serious (adj)

delete (v) ,

network (n)

social (adj)

diet (n)

on the contrary (phr)

stress (v)

dishonesty (n)

orally (adv)

strict (adj)

distributed (adj)

out loud (phr) ,

take action (phr)

downside (n)

outweigh (v) (

throughout (prep)

ease (n)

to sum up (phr)

educational (adj)

total (adj) ,
unkind (adj) , ,

educator (n)
emotion (n)
equally (adv)
especially (adv)

voice (n)

even so (phr) ,

voice (v)
whatever (pron) ,,

aid (n) ,

form (v)

analyze (v)

freedom (n)

anonymous (adj)

gain (v) ,

antisocial (adj)

gas (n)

appointment (n) (.

get on with (phr v)

as long as (phr) ,
balanced (adj)
beforehand (adv)
blog (n) ,
case (n)
chat room (n)

( )

honest (adj)
in contrast (phr)
in moderation (phr)
in person (phr)
instill (v) ,
introverted (adj)
isolated (adj)
keep in touch (phr)

compared to (adj)

knowledgeable (adj)

confidently (adv) /

level (n)

conversation (n)

mainly (adv)

creative (adj)

media (pl n) ()

crime (n)

meditation (n)

prefer (v)
pre-school (adj)
promote (v)
prove (v)
relationship (n)

final (adj) ,

positive (adj)

face-to-face (adv)

aggressive (adj)

appropriately (adv) ,

personal (adj)

put to good use (phr)

feelings (pl n)

particularly (adv)

evenly (adv)

Unit 5

lie (v)

relatively (adv)
replace (v)
run out of (phr v)
sensibly (adv) ,
shy (adj)
significant (adj)
similarly (adv) ,

sincerely (adv)
social networking (n)

social scientist (n)

social skills (pl n)

stranger (n) ,
suitably (adv)
technology (n)
think (sth) out (phr v) ,

traditional (adj)
truthfully (adv)
uninhibited (adj)

unlike (prep)

2011 Hellenic American Union. These materials are photocopiable for classroom use.

unsure (adj)

guidance (n)

via (prep)

guitar (n)

wisely (adv)

hard (adj)

youngster (n) ,

hardly (adv)
influence (n)
impulsive (adj)

Unit 6

such as (phr) (

take seriously (phr)

temptation (n)
trait (n)

independent (adj)

accept (v)

lend (v)

adult (n)

man (n) ,

among (prep) ,

manipulate (v)

accident (n) ,

anxious (adj)

mature (adj)

alarming (adj)

associate (v) (-)

mobile phone (n)

amount to (phr v)

attention (n) ,
belong to (v)
blanket (n)
borrow (v)
challenging (adj) ,

nevertheless (adv)

on ones own (phr)

on purpose (phr)

Unit 7

apologize (v)
appear (v) 1. 2.
( )

attend (v) ,

out of (phr)

automobile (n)

company (n)

overwhelming (adj)

be in a hurry (phr)

complaint (n)

pay back (phr v)

bear the brunt (of sth) (phr)

performance (n)

build up (phr v) ,

concern (n) ,
cope with (phr v)

count on (phr v)
deal with (phr v) ,

definitely (adv) ,

display (v) ,
encourage (v)

, ,

personality (n)
pick sb up (phr v)

bully (v)
busy (adj)

pressure (n)

city hall (n)

prominent (adj)

common sense (n)

promise (v)

contribute (v)

punctual (adj) ,

crash (n)

death toll (n) ,

expert (n)

punish (v)

extroverted (adj)

rarely (adv)

decline (v) ,

fear (n)

react (v)

Department of Safety (n)

figure out (phr v) ,

rectify (v)

resist (v)

friendship (n)

role (n)

give back (phr v) ,

skilled (adj) ,

give in (phr v)
glass (n)

speak up (phr v)

stand up to (phr v)

go on (phr v)

dramatically (adv)
drunk-driving (n)

dwindle (v)
enjoyment (n)
escalate (v) (-)
estimate (v)

2011 Hellenic American Union. These materials are photocopiable for classroom use.

experience (v)

puberty (n)

bench (n)

factor (n)

rapidly (adv)

building plan (n)

fault (n) ,

rate (n) , ,

figure (n) ,

release (v)

frequently (adv)
frustration (n)
gang (n)
get lost (phr)
gradually (adv)
hazardous (adj)
highway (n) ,

cattle (n)
chance (n)

remind (v)

considerably (adv)

report (n) ,

counteract (v)

rise (n)

crop (n) ,

safe (adj)

curfew (n)

sharp (adj)
slippery (adj)
slow down (phr v)

daily (adj)
degree (n)

ignore (v)

statistics (pl n)

impress (v)

subside (v)

include (v) ()

surface (n)

deny (v)

increase (n) (-)

take place (phr) ,

depression (n)

intersection (n)
its about time (phr) ()

temperature (n)
tend to (phr v) ,

lack (n)

densely populated (phr)

dip into (phr v)


draw up (phr v) ,

text (v) SMS

drought (n)

traffic official (n)

dweller (n)

traffic sign (n)

environment (n)

lessen (v)

turn (n)

further (adv)

license (n)

uncomfortable (adj) ,

furthermore (adv)

lead (v)
leave sb alone (phr)

look into (phr v) ,

major (adj) ,

majority (n) ,

missing (adj)
more and more (phr)

navigate (v) (-)

under the influence (phr)


vent (v)
visible (adj)
welcome (adj)
witness (v) ,

other than (phr)

go forward (with sth) (phr)

( )

greenery (n)
impact (v)
in writing (phr)
inhabitant (n)
interact (v)
leisurely (adj)

obtain (v) ,

go ahead (phr)

monotony (n)

Unit 8

neutralize (v)

polite (adj)

(the) elderly (n)

practice (n) ,

access (n)

prevent (v)

appeal (v)

notable (adj)

progress (n)

asthma (n)

notify (v) ,

nine-to-five (adj)
( )

option (n)

2011 Hellenic American Union. These materials are photocopiable for classroom use.

originally (adv)

turnout (n)

gender (n) ,

outdoors (adv) ,

unused (adj) ,

get in the way (phr)

urban (adj)

graduate (v)

peaceful (adj) ,

utilize (v) ,

grow up (phr v) ,

physical (adj)

vegetation (n) ,

participate (v) ,

pollutant (n)
pollution (n)
priority (n)
prone to (adj)
pros and cons (phr)
rather than (phr) ,

rebellious (adj)
reconsider (v) ,

vineyard (n)
vote (n)
wildlife (n)
window-shop (v)

wine tasting (n)

worthy (adj)

recreational (adj)
refuse (v) ,
relief (n)
request (v)
respiratory (adj)
routine (n)
shopping mall (n)

absent (adj)
according to (adv) ,
adulthood (n)
annoy (v)
assist (v)
co-educational (adj)

space (n)

convinced (adj)

sports complex (n)

course (n)

date (n)

state (v)
state of mind (n)

head (n) ,
home schooling (n)

human nature (n)

hyperactive (adj)
inevitable (adj)
intensive (adj)
interfere (v) ,

make sense (phr)

Unit 9


soothe (v)

make fun of (phr)

resident (n)

debate (n)
department (n)

material (n) () ,

memorize (v) ,

process (n)
read up on (phr v)
recess (n)
restrict (v)
restrictive (adj)
reward (n) ,

schedule 1. (n) ,

2. (v)

schooling (n) ,

discipline (n)

separate (v)

storm (n)

dispute (n)

signed (adj)

stroll (n)

distraction (n)

single-sex (adj)

subway (n)
tedious (adj)
tendency (n)

disturb (v)

sit still (phr)

drama (n) ,

spark (v)

toddler (n)

fees (pl n) ,

track (n)
traffic accident (n)

focus 1. (n) ,

2. (v)

stunt (v)
subject (n)
suburban (adj)
surrounding (n)

2011 Hellenic American Union. These materials are photocopiable for classroom use.

survive (v)
tamper with (phr v) ,

tease (v)

enter (a contest) (v)

( )

entertainment (n)
entry (n) (

tuition (n)
tutor (n)

excursion (n)
exotic (adj)

unavoidable (adj)

finalize (v)

variety (n)

find out (about) (phr v) ,

varying (adj)

above (adj)
actor (n)
adventure (n)

foreign (adj)
gesture (n)
get going / moving (phr)

get sb interested (phr)

cancel (v)

get the message (phr)

get to do sth (phr)

cardboard box (n)

contact (n)
cruise (n)
cultural exchange program (n)

culture (n) ,

motel (n) (


nature (n)

on time (phr)
once-in-a-lifetime (adj)

overseas (adv)
package tour (n)


perfect (adj)
pick up (phr v)

proceed (v) ,
register (v)

goal (n)

regret (v)

ground (n)

rent (v)

guest (n) ,

right away (phr)

gymnastics (pl n)

home country (n)

dcor (n)
delicious (adj)

I see where youre coming from

documentary (n)

mood (n)

get to sb (phr)

hostel (n)

destination (n)

mix (n)

octopus (n)

amazing (adj)

book (v) ,

( )

fluffy (adj) ,

get ready (phr) (-)

bizarre (adj)

miss out on (phr v)

neglect (v) ,

advertise (v)
arrange (v)

memorable (adj)

firsthand (adv)

Unit 10

meal (n)

(phr) /

in regards to (phr)

route (n)
sample (v)
schedule 1. (n) ,

2. (v)

scuba diving (n)

self-catering (adj) (

inspire (v)

sights (pl n)

intended (adj)

sign up (phr v) (-)

drawer (n)

island (n)

snail (n)

dream (adj)

itinerary (n) (.

specific (adj)

draw (a winner) (v)


elementary school (n)

enormous (adj)

land (v) (-)

lecture (n) ,

squid (n)
stage (n)

2011 Hellenic American Union. These materials are photocopiable for classroom use.

stick to (phr v) /

disappointed (adj)

stir (v)

disgusting (adj)

stuff (n)

distract (v)

table tennis (n)

district (n)

take off (phr v)

dress code (n)

talkative (adj)
target (v)
travel agency (n)

tutorial (n)
unfamiliar (adj) ,

exactly (adv)
experiment (v)
facial (adj)
flexible (adj) ,

hairstyle (n) ,

up close (phr)

impose (v)

vacation (n)

in the hope that (phr)

visitor (n)
worldwide (adv)
youth center (n)

Unit 11

incident (n)
jewelry (n)

acceptable (adj)
address (an issue) (v)

, (

adequate (adj)
adolescence (n)
alternative (adj)
appearance (n)
authority (n) ,
by no means (phr)

skin (n) ,
storm in (to) (phr v)

taste (n)
terrible (adj) ,
to some extent (phr)

tone down (phr v)

trend (n) ,
twin (adj)
unconventional (adj)

under no circumstances (phr)

unique (adj)

obscene (adj) ,

unnatural (adj)

offensive (adj)
ordinary (adj) , ,

unpleasant (adj)
warning (n)

out of hand (phr)

piercing (n)

pink (n)
profession (n)
protect (v)

Unit 12
(not) bother (v)

afford (v)

purple (n)

allergic (adj)

reputation (n) ,

antibiotic (n) ,

conventional (adj)

responsive (adj)

revealing (adj)

decent (adj)

ripped (adj)

detention (n)

ruin (v) ,

shocked (adj)

morally (adv)

require (v)

shaved (adj)

uniform (n)

camouflage (n)
curriculum (n)

shame (n)

means (of) (n)

abolish (v)

sensitive (adj)

school board (n)

seldom (adv)

artificial substance (n)

attendee (n) ,

average (adj)
avid (adj)
be worth (phr)
beef (n)

2011 Hellenic American Union. These materials are photocopiable for classroom use.


blemish (n) ,

manage (v)

sore throat (n)

bug (n)

market (n)

spray (v)

caf (n)

minerals (pl n)

substitute (n)

cancer (n)
canned (adj) ,

certified (adj)
chemical (n)
commercial (adj)
connection (n)
consumer (n)
corn (n)
dairy product (n)

Ministry of Health (n)

nutrient (n)
nutritional value (n)

tofu (n) ( )
treat (v)
update (v)
vegetarian (n)

nutritionist (n)

waxed (adj)

odd (adj)

weight (n)

on premises (phr)

wheat (n)

( / )

orange juice (n)

display (n)

thus (adv)

Unit 13

eating disorder (n)

organic (adj)

adventurous (adj)

out of season (phr)

ambitious (adj)

ensure (v)

overdo (v)

area (n)

following (n) ,

overeat (v)

attitude (n)

overexert (oneself ) (v)

befriend (v)

free range (adj)

perishable (adj)

fresh (adj)
frozen (adj)
gain weight (phr) ,

get through (the day) (phr v)

( )

plant (n)
policy (n)
preservatives (pl n)
preserved (adj)
produce (n) ()

go bad (phr) ,

produce (v)

good for you (phr)

protein (n)

homemade (adj) ,

hormone (n)
industry (n)
insecticide (n)
intake (n) ,

regulation (n)
remain (v)

junk food (n)

launch (n)

broad (adj)
candidate (n)
colleague (n)
competent (adj)
continually (adv)
cooperative (adj)
correspondence (n)

current affairs (pl n)

research (n)

customs (pl n)

risk (n) ,

daunting (adj) ,

rotten (adj)
salmon (n)
saturated fat (n)

issue (n)

legume (n)

receive (v)

bring out the best (in sb) (phr)

dedicated (adj)
duty (n)
enthusiasm (n)

set the table (phr)

extraordinary (adj)

shape (n)

flexibility (n) ,

shiny (adj)

2011 Hellenic American Union. These materials are photocopiable for classroom use.


generous (adj)

select (v)

criminal (n)

get settled in (phr)

senior high school (n)

crowd (n)

sincere (adj)

deliver (v)

stand in for (phr v)

demanding (adj)

strive (v)

dialing (n)

gifted (adj)
give sth a try (phr)

giving (adj)
guided tour (n) ,

hospital (n)
host (n) ,

in mind (phr)

talented (adj)
team player (n)

digital (adj)
downloading (n) /

threaten (v)

enable (v)

to sum up (phr)

e-reader (n)

exposure (n)
fair (n)

intelligent (adj)

tremendously (adv)

international (adj)

volunteer (n)

kindhearted (adj)

welfare (n) ,

leadership (n)

well-informed (adj)

file-sharing (n)

willing (adj)

flock (v)

mentor (n)
model citizen (phr)

no matter whether (phr)

, ,

optimistic (adj)
pleased (adj)

Unit 14

household appliance (n)

accustomed to (adj)

advance (n)

impatient (adj)

at ones disposal (phr)

innovative (adj)

pretend (v)

automatic (adj)

professionalism (n)

available (adj)

quality (n) ,

human kind (n)

immediate (adj)

auditorium (n)

proud (adj)

adjust (v) (-)

possess (v)

homeopathy (n)

nominate (v)

gadget (n)

mundane (adj) ,

false advertising (n)

block (v) ()
boots (pl n)

instant (n)
lazy (adj)
lead (ones / a) life (phr)

live coverage (n)


bridge (v)

memory (n)

rafting (n) ,

business person (n)

multivitamins (pl n)

rearrange (v)

camera (n)

observe (v)

recommendation (n) ,

cell phone (n)

order (v) 1. 2.

checkout line (n)

reliable (adj)

complicated (adj)

remarkable (adj)

constantly (adv)

represent (v)

correct (v)

organizer (n)

privacy (n) ,

2011 Hellenic American Union. These materials are photocopiable for classroom use.


regulate (v)

effective (adj)

rely on (phr v) ,

exchange (v)

remedy (n)
score (n) ,
second (n)
secretarial (adj)
share (v) (-)
skeptic (n)
source (n)
store (v)
supervise (v)
swollen (adj)
take into consideration (phr)

fall behind (phr)

forest (n)
handle (v)
incentive (n)
keep ones spirits up (phr)

keep up the good work (phr)

work like a dog (phr)

work out for the best (phr)

work things out (phr)

work up an appetite (phr)

work wonders (phr)

workload (n)

leisure time (n)

make the grade (phr)

maximum (adj) ,

midterm test (n)

tool (n)

transform (v)

motivation (n)

up-to-the-second (adj)

out of work (phr) ,

virus (n)

past (n)

waitress (n)

praise (n)

waste of time (phr)

prioritize (v)

within sbs reach (phr)

realistic (adj)
recipe (n)
relax (v) ,
set goals (phr)

Unit 15
accordingly (adv)
be worthwhile (phr) (
, , )

shower (n)
stay on track (phr)
/ ,

bonus (n) ,

tasty (adj)

boss (n)

time management (n)

concentrate (v)

tip (n)

conduct a survey (phr)


day out (phr)


day planner (n)

trainer (n)
trick (n)
unsatisfactory (adj)

well done! (phr) !

work at sth (phr v)

desirable (adj)
2011 Hellenic American Union. These materials are photocopiable for classroom use.


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