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Co-created by Anrita Melchizedek

Activation of our Crystalline Sun DNA Templates

Please feel free to use this manual for your own Crystalline Sun DNA Template Activation as
well as activating the DNA of your friends and family. However, should they be interested in this
manual, please direct them to our website to order their own copy. We would greatly appreciate

Should you wish to use this manual commercially, you will need to have this Crystalline Sun
DNA Template Activation via Skype with Anrita Melchizedek, a half hour facilitator consultation,
and your details up as a facilitator on The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network.

Should you wish to use any of this material in your own writings, please email Anrita
Melchizedek at to request permission.

Anrita Melchizedek March 2013


Table of Contents



Introduction .

Activation of the Crystalline Sun DNA Templates..


About Anrita



My precious friends and family,
Welcome to the Activation of our Crystalline Sun DNA Templates training manual. This manual
came about through the many wonderful teachings and understandings in The Melchizedek
Ambassadors Training Program (The MAT Program) and has recently been revised to reflect a
deeper understanding of the New Earth energies in this Golden Age of Light.
As we move along the Pathway of Transcendence, we are now able to do so with a deeper level
of knowing that we are truly co-creators to the Company of Heaven, co-creating our Heaven on
The 2012 shift in consciousness took us deeper into the Sun within our own hearts, as all Life
moved up an octave, our sacred Earth became the new etheric Sun for this Solar System, and
we moved into Solar Christ Consciousness. In this dimensional shift, we are now accessing
higher dimensional frequencies and able to tap into dimensions of greater Love and One Unity
In the activation of our Crystalline Sun DNA Templates, our 12 Strand DNA, we draw upon the
energy of the Sun and Solar System, and the new Light codes streaming forth into our Solar
System, bathing all Planets and our sacred Earth in the new Template Light frequencies, fire
letters, and crystalline geometries of Light. As we create our I Am Avatar Bodies of Light, our
Adam Kadmon Bodies of Light, we do so now with a greater awareness of our thoughts and
actions, creating choices that take us deeper into the Cosmic Heart of All Creation. And it is our
open hearts that further assist in the activation of the dormant DNA and the remembrance of our
full glorious nature as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.
You are most welcome to use this manual in activating your own Crystalline Sun DNA
Templates, and that of your friends and family. This manual has been written in the format of
facilitator and client, although you are able to work with the DNA activation yourself through the
related Mp3. This session is approximately one and a half hours in length.
There is a second part or session to this manual, called The DNA Actualization Process and
further details can be found on The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network.
Wishing you a most magical journey in this Golden Age of Light my precious friends and family.

With Love and Blessings

Anrita Melchizedek

Our DNA, these double serpent helix strands, is to be found in the nucleus of every cell of our
body. And we have approximately one hundred trillion (100 000 000 000 000) cells in our body!
The nucleus or core of each cell contains all the information necessary to create our entire body
and all our differentiated cells. In fact, if the DNA strands in the nucleus of every cell of our body
were stretched end to end, it would be over 125 billion miles long! Furthermore, this chemically
encoded information would be enough to cover over seventy-five thousand pages of written text!
We have forty-six chromosomes in our body, which come in twenty-three pairs made up of over
30 000 active genes. These genes each have a specific function in creating our form. Now
further to these 30 000 active genes, we have DNA which is inert. Specifically, it has been
determined that, in the human body, 97% of our DNA does apparently nothing. This dormant
DNA is referred to as junk DNA. However, this so-called junk DNA contains the Light codes,
sacred geometries and fire letters that will assist us to bring through every aspect of our
multidimensional Selves, giving us the Cosmic Conscious awareness of ourselves as sacred
transfiguring Flames of Divine Love. And in activating the dormant DNA through the crystalline
matrix of the new Earth Templates and our multidimensional Selves, will allow these additional
five double helices to etherically unfold and superimpose themselves over our existing two
strand DNA.
The 97% dormant or so called junk DNA further holds the encodings and blueprints of each
lifetime and related timeline as well as how to achieve ascension and enlightenment in each
timeline. However, what is perhaps less known about the DNA is that it is actually connected
interdimensionally to each wormhole, portal or stargate experienced in Cosmic Consciousness
awareness, and the DNA strands or light particles within the DNA act as transmitters as well as
receivers to these wormholes; in other words, the DNA itself is activated and actualized through
these wormholes as well as becoming these wormholes of stralim radiation, of Divine Light.
Wormholes or portals have the ability to receive information from outside of our time and space,
and this information is transmitted in the form of light particles to the DNA. However, the DNA
itself has the ability to transmit information in the form of light particles interdimensionally - and
this further connects us to each atom and molecule within our Multi-Universe, bringing about
One Unity Consciousness. In addition, this activation assists in creating parallel merges. Parallel
merges occur as we streamline our lifetimes, often experiencing numerous lifetimes
simultaneously. Initially of course this is all very confusing, and as this recalibration takes place
at a cellular level as well as through the seven master glands and related chakras in the body,
ending with the activation of the pituitary, pineal and hypothalamus glands, our DNA is further
activated and actualized through the virtual/etheric 12 strand DNA, and we become more
What may be initially confusing is not only the short term memory loss, fatigue, headaches,
energy/body aches and discomforts, change of job, partnership, location and so on, but also the
oscillations experienced in the lower bodies, particular the emotional body. As these parallel
merges occur, as the dormant DNA is activated and the clearing accelerated, we may
experience memories in which we were saints, and sinners, lovers and monks, achieved
ascension, killed for our beliefs and so on. While this is an imprinting, it creates a memory within

the DNA, and we perpetuate these patterns from a fear based consciousness with friends,
family, colleagues, in career choices, abundance manifestations and so on, with many of the
Soul groups you have been involved with in past lives/parallel realities. (The clearing of the DNA
is also related to genetically inherited beliefs as well as patterns created in this lifetime). The
good news is that this shifting and clearing of three dimensional realities is occurring much more
rapidly in this Golden Age of Light, and as we activate and clear the DNA further, we start to
experience more parallel merges with higher dimensional aspects of ourselves (our
multidimensional Selves and Beloved I Am Presence), which in turn starts to activate the 12
strand DNA. And this is truly when our multidimensional nature is experienced, when we
understand that we are co-creators to the Company of Heaven, when we understand that we
create our holographic reality and that we are all sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love,
interconnected to one another and to each atom and molecule on every dimension and plane of
In this new Golden Age of Light, we are now creating our crystalline Sun DNA templates, the
crystalline matrix of our fifth dimensional I Am Avatar Bodies of Light. With the realization we are
Christ Conscious Beings of Light leading the way in the co-creation of our Heaven on Earth, the
12 fire letters within each strand of DNA now activates, bringing a level of Cosmic
Consciousness awareness that takes us into a greater Cosmic Consciousness awareness of
our thoughts and actions. We become the observer, viewing Life through our Master eyes, and
creating choices that take us deeper into Divine Love. Essentially, each fire letter is a scalar
wave program; standing wave patterns composed of quantities of conscious energy. As the subatomic particles within our bodies spin in increased Light frequencies through the crystalline
matrix of Solar Christ Consciousness, we have a greater understanding of the Divine Perfection
of all Creation, and the knowing that every lesson and perceived challenge we experience is
taking us along the pathway of Transcendence, and into further initiations of Light.
These light particles or DNA strands are further activated through the axiatonal lines. The
axiatonal lines are found within the body, and around the Christ Consciousness/Unity Grid,
connecting all Life to particular sound and color frequencies that awakens the dormant DNA and
takes us further into One Unity Consciousness. The axiatonal lines, which lie along the
acupuncture meridian lines within the body, create a weaving of Light around each organ and
body part in our bodies and this corresponding frequency is further found within Mother Earths
Light Body. So, by activating the axiatonal lines within the body, we further activate the DNA, as
well as have the ability to experience a deeper sense of Unity Consciousness through tapping
into Mother Earth Light Body and Unity Grid. Each organ or body part further has its own
unique frequency, and if we can tap into the related frequency through the axiatonal lines within
and around the planet, we can heal any organ or body part or experience Immortality for this
is simply a frequency or vibration we are tuning into, and the belief of this probability.
The activation of our Crystalline Sun DNA Templates works with activating the 12 Strand DNA
through the twelve rays and the related sacred geometries, fire letters and keycodes.
Additionally, we download the appropriate chakras whilst building seven multidimensional
bodies of Light, which will allow us to travel through related portals of Light in Soul
consciousness to achieve higher states of consciousness through the merging with our
multidimensional Selves at each of these dimensional Light portal frequencies. The rays also

form an important part of the Crystalline Sun DNA Template Activations, and can be described
as vibrational frequencies of Divine Unfolding Light emanating from the Cosmic Heart of
Mother/Father God. They bring with them particular qualities, colors, and sonic vibrations that
are integrated within our various energy bodies, and allow us to be conscious of ourselves as
these magical Beings of Light. They further assist in the activation of the dormant DNA, and the
awakening to our multidimensional memories. As such, the influence of the rays can take us
into a deeper understanding of our service work, as well as giving insight into particular
behavioral patterns we may still be integrating. And in integrating the ray frequencies, we are
activating our 12 Strand DNA.
Additional, the chakras start to merge in One unified column of Light and a deep sense of
interconnectivity and unconditional Love is often experienced. In fact, it has been proven
scientifically that DNA changes its shape according to feelings. Negative feelings actually
switch off the DNA codes, and the DNA responds by tightening up. And of course, the DNA
strands unwind, and the codes switch back on, when we are experiencing heartfelt feelings.
Now imagine a world that is focused on the reality of One Unity Consciousness through the
Love of all Creation, the Love for themselves and the Love for all bands of consciousness. This
is what is happening to our precious jewel on which we physically exist, Planet Earth, in this
new Golden Age of Light.
The preliminary groundwork to this training includes the removal of etheric crystalline regulators,
implant and entity clearing and the canceling of any karmic contracts or negative vows. We are
then ready to commence the activation of the Crystalline Sun DNA Templates.
~ clearing of the emotional body and the lower bodies
~ clearing at a cellular level false beliefs, judgments and genetically inherited patterns and past
life/parallel reality events
~ increased Light within the body at a cellular level as the atoms and molecules spin faster in
increased Light frequencies
~remembrance of our Cosmic heritage through connecting and merging with our
multidimensional Selves
~ Connecting to our Higher Light permanently and the realms of Illumined Truth
~ Coming into empowerment, experiencing unconditional Love and viewing Life through our
Master eyes
~ greater abundance, joy and focus in our daily Lives
~ attracting and magnetizing people and events that will assist us to flow with the Universe in
perfect harmony
~ balancing of the physical body as well as the Spiritual body


Through the Crystalline Sun DNA Template Activation, you will work with a specific Core Group
of Light Beings. These Crystalline Sun DNA Template Activation members are the Christed
One, the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light, the
Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light, the Arcturian Emissaries of the Light, the
Brotherhood of the Light, the Mahatma, Helios and Vesta, Pan, the Overlighting Deva of
Healing, your Higher Light and if you are activating a friend or client, their Higher Light.
The Christed One is the collective energy of the Office of Christ in the second ray department of
Love-Wisdom in Shamballa, which is the Spiritual headquarters to the Earth plane.
The Pleiadian Emissaries of Light are fifth dimensional Beings of Light, existing constantly in
Photon Rays of Light through Alcyone. Our Sun is the eighth Star in the Alcyone spiral, and as
such, the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light are caretakers to our Earth plane. In this Crystalline Sun
DNA Template Activation program, you work specifically with four tribes. Each tribe has a
collective consciousness and similar shape while still maintaining individual consciousness. Ra,
the Archangelic Emissaries of Light, are collective Emissaries of Light emitting golden yellow
rays of Divine Love and Light. The second tribe, Ptah, are nurturers of Alcyone and blue
colored fifth dimensional Light Beings. The third tribe is known as Ma-at. They are the red
colored Spiritual warriors and protectors of sacred knowledge. The fourth tribe of the Pleiadian
Emissaries of Light that will be assisting you are the An-Ra, who are green colored Light Beings
and hold the signature of compassion and enlightenment.
The next group of Light Beings you call upon are the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light.
The Sirian Archangelic League of the Light come from the sixth dimension and the star Sirius.
The Sirian Archangelic League of the Light hold the many symbols of sacred geometry, which
allows these energies to be brought to the Earth plane at particular frequencies of Light, shape,
color and sound. The Sirian Archangelic League of the Light appear in vibrating frequencies of
Light and color, and more commonly appear as blue colored Light Beings. They are furthermore
the genetic Fathers of Humanity, and like the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, have the most
amazing influence on our Forward Evolution.
The following Light Beings you call upon are the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light.
The Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of Light are from the seventh dimension and the realm of
Andromeda, and like the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, exist constantly in Photon Rays of Light.
On this dimension, the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light create group collective
consciousness and can inhabit different dimensions simultaneously. These Light Beings blend
together for collective consciousness and exist mainly in the form of geometric shapes and
The next group of Light Beings to join the Crystalline Sun DNA Template Activation team are
the Arcturian Emissaries of the Light. The Arcturian Emissaries of the Light are fifth dimensional
Light Beings, working closely with the Pleiadians, the Sirians and the Andromedans. The
Arcturian Emissaries the Light are often referred to as Angelic Beings and are the Emissaries of
Light many people have seen in near death experiences. They have magnificent healing

chambers of Light, are extremely technologically advanced, and have collectively been assisting
Humanity for eons of time.
The next Crystalline Sun DNA Template Activation members you call upon are the Brotherhood
of the Light, under the directorship of Lord Melchizedek, the Universal Logos. The central
Ashram of Lord Melchizedek and the Brotherhood of the Light is on Orion, on the eighth
dimension. The Brotherhood of the Light is also known as the Order of Melchizedek. There are
72 Orders, and they collectively assist in bringing through many of these wonderful Spiritual
teachings. There is also a division of the Brotherhood of the Light who work from within the
etheric planes of Sirius in what is called the Great White Lodge.
The next Being of Light you call upon is the Mahatma. The Mahatma is this incredible, radiant
Cosmic Avatar of Synthesis who exists at a Multi-Universal level of Melchizedek Consciousness
within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.
The next core group is Helios and Vesta, our God Parents and Solar Logii for our Solar System
and the sacred Beings of Light that take us further into Solar Christ Consciousness and the
creation of our Crystalline Bodies of Light.
The next Being of Light you call upon is the Overlighting Deva of Healing. The Overlighting
Deva of Healing vibrates to a sixth dimensional frequency, and as the Keeper of the original
Divine eight-cell blueprint, works closely with the Arcturian Emissaries of the Light, the Sirian
Archangelic League of the Light and your Higher Self of the Light, which exists at this sixth
dimensional frequency.
The next Core Group member you call upon is Pan. Pan is the heart energy that brings
together the Cosmic and Earth energies for total vibrational resonance at Cosmic and Earth
levels. In other words, Pan fine tunes the frequencies between the Crystalline Sun DNA
Template Activation team members, and your personal vibrations by working with the
frequencies of Love and Light. Pan exists on a universal and multidimensional level, and works
in resonance with the Overlighting Deva of Healing.
The last Core Group members you call upon are your Higher Light and the Higher Light of the
client; your Higher Light is three components - your Primal Soul of the Light, your Higher Self of
the Light and your Beloved I Am Presence. Your Primal Soul of the Light exists within the Solar
Core under Helios and Vesta, your Solar Logoi, and represents the integrated personality
aspect of your Higher Self of the Light. Your Higher Self of the Light exists within the etheric of
Sirius at a sixth dimensional level and your Beloved I Am Presence, exists on the ninth
dimension, at a Multi-Universal level of Melchizedek Consciousness and at the Creator level of
Mother/Father God.


Suggested techniques
A technique you may like to consider is calling upon The Protection Coning Members. These
Protection Coning Members are the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, the Christed One and the
Brotherhood and Sisterhood of the Ascended Ray of Christ, St. Germain, Archangel Michael
and your own wonderful Higher Light. You initially call in these Protection Coning Members to
surround your sacred space, and to bring in the White Light of the Christed One and the Violet
Flame of St. Germain. These Beings of Light create a spiraling vortex of Light above your
sacred space, and you may feel the anchoring of these Higher Light frequencies throughout
your body and your sacred space. Next visualize a white sheet five to ten feet below you,
surrounding your entire sacred space. Now ask the Company of Heaven to clear out any
disharmonious energies in your environment; anger, resentment, fear, lack of abundance and
so on. Then visualize this white sheet moving up through your environment, and when it is
above your sacred space, tie it in a bundle and move it into the vortex above your space. This
really is a wonderful method to clear old vibrations, negative thought forms, and the energies of
others. If you have any doorways, ask for Platinum nets to be brought in, and to clear your
energy field and re-energize it on an on-going basis. A wonderful thing to do next is to call in the
Archangels relating to the four directions to protect and bless your space. Uriel of the North,
Raphael to the East, Gabriel to the West and Michael to the South. You can also ask the
Company of Heaven to bring in a Pillar of Light and to connect you to the Cosmic Heart of
Mother/Father God through all aspects of your Higher Light.
In the Crystalline Sun DNA Template Activation detailed below, you start with energy clearing
work such as implant and entity clearing, the removal of etheric crystalline regulators and the
canceling of any karmic contracts or negative vows. The implant and parasite clearing is pretty
involved and unless you are an experienced Light worker, or feel you have the skills to be able
to visualize within the energy field and clear this, either for yourself or another, it is suggested
that you leave this section out. However, I have put in bold what you can do with the assistance
of the Crystalline Sun DNA Template Activation Core Group. Also, if you have any implants that
need to be cleared, please note that in all likelihood they will be removed with the assistance of
the Core Group, even if you are not able to follow the detailed instructions to do this personally.
For the rest of the session, the instructions are relatively simply to follow. When you get to
visualize the sacred geometries in building the multidimensional bodies of Light, do not worry
too much about the actual geometries as this will occur naturally. Lets get started!


Set your sacred space
Now set up your massage table or cushions on the floor, if you prefer to work at this level.
Ensure that the client is comfortably lying down on the table or floor.
Now, silently or aloud, call in the Crystalline Sun DNA Template Activation Core Group.
I ask for the Crystalline Sun DNA Template Activation for _____________ (first and last name of
I call in the Christed One
I call in the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light
I call in the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light
I call in the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light
I call in the Arcturian Emissaries of the Light
I call in the Brotherhood of the Light
I call in the Mahatma
I call in Helios and Vesta
I call in the Overlighting Deva of Healing
I call in Pan
I call in my Higher Light
I call in the Higher Light of ______________ (name of client)
Wait a minute now as a vortex of Light is brought in above your aura and the aura of the client
by the Crystalline Sun DNA Template Activation Core Group.
Now say to the client: We are initially going to start with some energy clearing work. Before we
begin, please feel free to call in any Master Guides or Angels you personally acknowledge and
that wish to join you now in this sacred space (Wait a moment).
Now say: We ask for the removal of any implants, or other holographic devices that may
have been placed in the body, energy field or hologram by any dark or unethical beings.
We also ask for assistance from Archangel Michael and his Legions of Light in the
removal of these implants or any other holographic devices.


(You now need to do this clearing, which is 90% intention, so dont worry if you cant visualize
clearing these implants or are not sure what you are doing. The Core Group is with you on this
one. As I mentioned, if you are uncertain about this Implant Clearing, skip the rest of this
section and just go to the last paragraph under the heading Parasites this paragraph is in
bold. Wait three to five minutes before reading this highlighted paragraph, otherwise please
continue here).
Stand/sit at the head of the client and close your eyes. Visualize a clear screen, like a movie
screen, with an image of your client.
Now throw an ultra violet color at this screen and ask it to stick to any implants and related
holographic images. These implants are usually wiry boxes or sometimes they look like little
radio gadgets or computer chipboards. They can look like anything but they are usually
electronic gadgets. The implants will either be found in your clients hologram, energy field or
living tissue. You are first going to deal with those implants that might be found in your clients
hologram and/or energy field. As you see your client on this clear screen, this clear screen that
is perhaps dotted with ultra violet areas, you now want to examine those areas. Your hands or
etheric hands are moving across this screen and if you are not able to see this image, just trust
and have a knowing of what you are doing. If there are any negative implants, you now see
these implants, one at a time in the energy field.
When you have a clear image of what the implant looks like, you start to throw purple
holographic images at this implant in order to erase it. You now see it clear. You now ask to see
any back up devices and you clear these too. (Often there are several of the same implants to
be found within the hologram and/or energy field).
You continue to look within the hologram and/or energy field and as you find any other implants,
you throw purple holographic images at these implants and see them clear. Most implants will
be found around the neck, the back, the third eye, head and crown chakra area. Continue to
throw purple holographic images at any implants that you might find, erasing them completely
from your clients hologram and/or energy field.
Now look for another type of implant, implants that are embedded within the living tissue of your
client. These are usually in the head area or embedded within the chakras although they can be
found anywhere.
Continue looking at your screen as you now throw ultra-violet and ask to see any implants that
may be embedded in the living tissue. When you see or sense a particular implant, or if you
have been given an image by the Core Group, you want to erase it. However, as it is part of
your clients living tissue, you cannot erase it through holographic images.
What you need to do is this: Visualize the White Light of the Christ forming around this implant
embedded in the living tissue. Archangel Michael now comes forward and with his Sword of
Holy Truth, he gently removes this implant, while it remains within the White Light of the

Christed One. You now ask Archangel Michael to move this implant to where it belongs. (Slowly
and gently this implant is sent to where it belongs surrounded in the White Light of the Christed
You now ask to be shown any back up devices that might exist within your clients living tissue.
If you are shown any further implants within your clients living tissue, you again surround this
implant in the White Light of the Christed One. Archangel Michael and his Legions of Light will
now assist you in removing this implant and moving it to where it belongs.
You now want to look within your clients energy field to see if they have any parasites such as
lizards, snakes, or related parasitic entities that are living off their Life force. These parasites are
mostly holographic projections and through the implants have been able to create a frenzy of
low level frequencies within the energy field of your client.
You again throw ultraviolet at this screen and ask the Core Group to assist you to look for any of
these low level parasites.
If you see any of these parasites, you throw a purple holographic image at each parasite and
watch your screen clearing. These are just holographic projections and can no longer affect
your client. However, they may have laid their eggs and these can have a negative effect on
your client in the past, present or future, so you need to place a timeline on your screen and ask
it to represent the past, present and future of all erased parasites and their eggs so you can
erase these.
Now place a timeline on your screen and ask it to represent the past, present and future of all
erased parasites and their eggs.
You again throw purple at this screen to clear this timeline and all parasites and their eggs.
Now say: And now, we ask the Christed One to gently shine his White Light onto all
those areas that have been worked on, to fill any holes within the hologram, energy field
and/or body that have been created through this clearing work. (Wait one minute).
Now state aloud: We now ask for the removal of any non-human parasitic intelligence as well as
any lower astral entities that may be attached to ________________ (name of client).
Now say: Initially, we will bring in a further protection, so please repeat the following Protection
Invocation after me.
(Repeat one line at a time and get the client to repeat after you).


I call upon the Legions of Light from On High and my own Guardian Angel,
for the protection and blessing of God and the Angels.
I ask to be surrounded in a beautiful White Light,
and the Violet Flame of protection,
so I may stand steadfast in the Light,
letting go of my doubts and fears,
as a sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love,
as a Master Being of Light.

And now say: We are now going to request the assistance of Archangel Michael and his
Legions of Light to remove any discarnate entity, or any lost Soul that may be around your
energy field. Please repeat the following after me:
I request the assistance of the Legions of Michael and the appropriate Angels,
To form a tunnel of Light which will assist any discarnate entity that may be around,
to move onto where it next needs to go.
I call upon the Guardian Angel of any discarnate entity,
to assist it in its transition into the Light.
I call upon its family and friends of the Light,
to make a connection to this discarnate entity now,
as I release it into the Light,
and the Love and care of this Legion of Light,
And so it is.
Now say: We are now going to release any lower astral entities that may be around your energy
field or hologram.
Please repeat after me: I call upon the Legions of Michael and the appropriate Angels to bring in
a tunnel of Light through which any lower astral entity that may be around can enter and be
taken to where it next needs to go.
I cancel any contract that I may have made with any lower astral entity, for all time, space,
dimensions and alternate realities, to use my body, energy field or hologram in any way, and
now command any lower astral entity to move into this tunnel and to be taken to where it next
needs to go. (Wait one minute).



Now say: We ask for the removal of any etheric crystalline regulators that you may have placed
within your etheric body, which have created limited memories of your multidimensional
existence. These limitations were necessary within a three dimensional reality and now you are
ready to fully explore your multidimensional and multifaceted nature as a sacred transfiguring
Flame of Divine Love.
Now say to the client: You now see or feel a rose quartz crystal grid being placed around your
etheric body and within this rose quartz crystal grid you see these crystalline regulators, which
look like clear crystal balls about an inch in diameter, scattered throughout your etheric body.
This rose quartz crystal grid has been programmed to remove and dissolve these crystalline
regulators for all time, space and dimensions from your etheric body. Just relax in this deep
flow of Love as you feel these crystalline regulators being removed from your etheric body.
These regulators have helped you to forget who you were and placed particular earthly
limitations on your memories so you could not fully activate and actualize your DNA.
(Wait one minute as you visualize any crystalline regulators being removed from the clients
etheric body)
Now say: And now, as the last of these crystalline regulators are removed, you begin to
experience a flow of multidimensional memories.
Say to the client: We now request the removal of any etheric seals that may have been placed
over the chakras.
Now say: These etheric seals would have also created limitations on your multidimensional
memories. Through removing these etheric seals you will have the ability to experience the
higher dimensions as well as raise the atomic vibratory level of the physical body in order that
the chakras may start to merge together in one unified field of Love. (Wait one minute).
Now say: We now ask for the canceling of any karmic contracts to the maximum Cosmic Law
and the Karmic Board will allow at this time.
Now say: We now ask for the rescinding of any vows taken in this lifetime or any other
lifetime/parallel realities and dimensions, and all incarnations for all time, space and dimensions.
Now say: Please repeat after me: I, as a Soul in this lifetime, now rescind any and all vows
taken in this lifetime or any other lifetimes/parallel realities and dimensions, and all incarnations
for all time, space and dimensions. I now declare these vows null and void.
Now say: We are now going to sever any fear based etheric cords connected to your lower


Now say: Please repeat after me: I now sever any fear based etheric cords connected to my
lower bodies. I request that Archangel Michael and his Legions of Light assist in removing and
severing any fear based etheric cords with his Sword of Holy Truth. (Wait one minute).
Now say: We are now going to sever any anger based etheric cords connected to your lower
Now say: Please repeat after me. I now sever any anger based etheric cords connected to my
lower bodies. I request that Archangel Michael and his Legions of Light assist in removing and
severing any anger based etheric cords with his Sword of Holy Truth. I also release any
unforgiveness I may have at a cellular level, or within my emotional or mental bodies. (Wait one
Now say: We are now ready to begin the preliminary work of the Crystalline Sun DNA
Templates initially we will activate the first seven stands of DNA through the first seven rays.
1. Now say: We request the activation of the first strand DNA through the anchoring and
activating of the seventh ray of Ceremonial Magic in a beautiful violet color through the sacral
Now say: Please focus on the quality of abundance through ceremonial magic as the first strand
DNA is activated.
Now say: We now request the activation of the 12 fire letters within this first strand DNA. As
these scalar wave programs, these standing wave patterns composed of quantities of conscious
energy activates, the sub-atomic particles within the body now spin in increased Light
frequencies through the crystalline matrix of Solar Christ Consciousness.
2. Now say: We request the activation of the second strand DNA through the anchoring and
activating of the sixth ray of Devotion and Idealism in an beautiful indigo color through the solar
plexus chakra.
Now say: Please focus on the quality of devotion through trust as the second strand DNA is
Now say: We now request the activation of the 12 fire letters within this second strand DNA as
the sub-atomic particles within the body now spin in increased Light frequencies through the
crystalline matrix of Solar Christ Consciousness.
5. Now say: We request the activation of the third strand DNA through the anchoring and
activating of the fifth ray of Concrete Knowledge in an beautiful orange color through the third
Now say: Please focus on the quality of equilibrium through the balance of polarities as the third
strand DNA is activated.


Now say: We now request the activation of the 12 fire letters within this third strand DNA as the
sub-atomic particles within the body now spin in increased Light frequencies through the
crystalline matrix of Solar Christ Consciousness.
4. Now say: We request the activation of the fourth strand DNA through the anchoring and
activating of the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict in a beautiful emerald green color
through the base chakra.
Now say: Please focus on the quality of creativity as the fourth strand DNA is activated.
Now say: We now request the activation of the 12 fire letters within this fourth strand DNA as
the sub-atomic particles within the body now spin in increased Light frequencies through the
crystalline matrix of Solar Christ Consciousness.
5. Now say: We request the activation of the fifth strand DNA through the anchoring and
activating of the first ray of Will and Power in a beautiful red color through the crown chakra.
Now say: Please focus on the quality of empowerment as the fifth strand DNA is activated.
Now say: We now request the activation of the 12 fire letters within this fifth strand DNA as the
sub-atomic particles within the body now spin in increased Light frequencies through the
crystalline matrix of Solar Christ Consciousness.
6. Now say: We request the activation of the sixth strand DNA through the anchoring and
activating of the third ray of Divine Intelligence in a beautiful yellow color through the throat
Now say: Please focus on the quality of wisdom through knowledge as the sixth strand DNA is
Now say: We now request the activation of the 12 fire letters within this sixth strand DNA as the
sub-atomic particles within the body now spin in increased Light frequencies through the
crystalline matrix of Solar Christ Consciousness.
2. Now say: We request the activation of the seventh strand DNA through the anchoring and
activating of the second ray of Love/Wisdom in a beautiful blue-pink color through the heart
Now say: Please focus on the quality of Divine Love as the seventh strand DNA is activated.
Now say: We now request the activation of the 12 fire letters within this seventh strand DNA as
the sub-atomic particles within the body now spin in increased Light frequencies through the
crystalline matrix of Solar Christ Consciousness.
Now say: And now, for the final integration of the first seven strand DNA, the appropriate key
codes, and sacred geometries are anchored and activated within the body, energy field and



Now say: We will now focus on the building of your seven multidimensional bodies and the
activation of DNA strands eight to twelve. The building of these seven multidimensional bodies
through the appropriate rays, fifty chakra anchorings and the related sacred geometries will
allow you to experience the higher dimensions and connect to your multidimensional Selves in
order to activate your full 12 strand DNA.
Now say: We are going to start with your Planetary Body of Light which is created through the
energy of the first and third rays, and download the first seven chakras in beautiful red and
yellow colored flames, the colors related to these rays.
Now say: There is a third dimensional portal at your crown chakra and this now expands and
opens. As it does, the first seven chakras are downloaded from your crown chakra to your base
chakra in these beautiful red and yellow colored rays.
Now say: Please focus on the qualities of empowerment and Divine intelligence as these
chakras are downloaded.
(Wait one minute)
Now say: Now please focus on a beautiful gold bubble of Light that extends 6 feet/1.8 meters in
diameter around you in all directions.
Now say: Wonderful. Now please visualize a cap at your crown chakra. This cap which has a
beautiful red circle and an identically sized yellow circle intersecting one another, forming a
vesica piscis, and outlined in a gold color. This cap, which is formed directly over your
fluorescent tube of Light at your crown chakra will assist you to stabilize your energy body to a
Planetary dimensional frequency so you may merge with your multidimensional Selves at this
dimensional level.
Now say: And now, request the merger with your multidimensional Selves at this dimensional
Now say: And now the appropriate key codes, fire letters and sacred geometries are actualized
within your body, energy field and hologram as well as being activated in your Planetary Body of
(Wait one minute)
Now say: We are now going to build your Solar Body of Light which is created through the
energy of the second ray of Love-Wisdom, the sacred geometry of the cube and downloading
the second set of seven chakras in a beautiful blue-pink color, the color related to the second


Now say: Your Solar portal of Light is

0.02 feet/6cm above your crown chakra
and this now expands and opens. As it
does, the second set of seven chakras
(8-14) are downloaded from this Solar
portal to your sacral chakra in a beautiful
blue-pink color.
Now say: Please focus on the quality of
Divine Love as these chakras are
(Wait one minute)
Now say: Now please focus on a
beautiful copper-gold sphere of Light that
extends 6.04 feet/1.81 meters in
diameter around you in all directions
starting from your Solar portal, 0.02
feet/6 cm above your crown chakra. Now
see this sphere of Light coming down the
front of your body, the back of your body,
the left side of your body and now the
right side of your body, and gently
tucking beneath your feet, 0.02 feet/6cm
below your body.
Now say: Wonderful. You are now going to create the sacred geometry of the cube within this
copper-golden sphere of Light. Most of this work is intention, so please do not worry if you
cannot completely understand the following visualization.
Now say: Please bring your focus back to your Solar sphere of Light. As you do, focus on the
sacred geometry of a cube in a beautiful blue-pink color, which fits perfectly within your coppergold sphere positioned 6.04 feet/1.81 meters in diameter around you. The top base of the cube
crosses your thymus chakra, between your heart and throat chakra, and the bottom base of the
cube comes down to just under half a foot below your knees, with all eight corners touching the
inner sphere of your copper-gold bubble.
Now say: Wonderful. Now please visualize a cap at your Solar portal of Light along a fluorescent
tube of Light. This cap is created by a blue-pink cube surrounded in a copper-gold sphere, and
will assist you to stabilize your energy body to a Solar frequency so you may merge with your
multidimensional Selves at this dimensional level.
Now say: And now, request the merger with your multidimensional Selves at this dimensional
Now say: And now, the appropriate key codes, fire letters and sacred geometries are actualized
within your body, energy field and hologram as well as being activated in your Solar Body of
Light. (Wait one minute)


Now say: We are now going to build
your Interstellar Body of Light which is
created through the energy of the
eighth ray of Transcendence, the
sacred geometry of the octahedron
and downloading the third set of seven
chakras (15-21) in a beautiful seafoam
green and violet colored flame, the
color related to the eighth ray.
Now say: Your Interstellar portal of
Light is 0.6 feet/18 cm above your
crown chakra and this now expands
and opens. As it does, the third set of
seven chakras are downloaded youre
your Interstellar portal to your solar
plexus chakra in a beautiful seafoam
green and violet color.
Now say: Please focus on the quality
of transmutation as these chakras are
downloaded. (Wait one minute)
Now say: Now please focus on a
beautiful silver bubble of Light that
extends 7.2 feet/2.16 meters in
diameter around you in all directions
starting from your Interstellar portal of
Light, 0.6 feet/18 cm above your
crown chakra. Now see this sphere of
Light coming down the front of your
body, the back of your body, the left
side of your body and now the right
side of your body, and gently tucking
beneath your feet, 0.6 feet/18 cm
below your body.
Now say: Wonderful. You are now
going to create the sacred geometry of
the octahedron within this silver
sphere of Light with you in the center
of this octahedron. The shape of the
octahedron looks like two four sided pyramids joined together at the base.


Now say: Good, now just relax as you visualize this silver sphere 7.2 feet/2.16 meters in
diameter around you. And now, as you focus, you clearly see a seafoam green and violet
colored octahedron, whose eight faces form equilateral triangles, or four-sided pyramids, and
visualize yourself in the middle of this octahedron. In addition to this, all six points of the
octahedron are touching the inner sphere of your silver sphere at equidistance.
Now say: Wonderful. Now please visualize a cap at your Interstellar portal of Light along a
fluorescent tube of Light. This cap is created by a seafoam green and violet octahedron
surrounded in a silver sphere, and will assist you to stabilize your energy body to an Interstellar
dimensional frequency so you may merge with your multidimensional Selves at this dimensional
Now say: And now, request the merger with your multidimensional Selves at this dimensional
Now say: We now request the activation of the 12 fire letters within this eighth strand DNA as
the sub-atomic particles within the body now spin in increased Light frequencies through the
crystalline matrix of Solar Christ Consciousness.
Now say: And now, the appropriate key codes, and sacred geometries are actualized within
your body, energy field and hologram as well as being activated in your Interstellar Body of
Light. And now, the etheric recoding and resequencing of your eighth strand DNA occurs.
(Wait one minute).
Now say: We are now going to build your Galactic Body of Light which is created through the
energy of the ninth ray of Highest Potentials, the sacred geometry of the star tetrahedron and
downloading the fourth set of seven chakras (22-28) in a beautiful blue-green color, the color
related to the ninth ray.
Now say: There is a Galactic portal of Light, 2.4 feet/72 cm above your crown chakra and this
now expands and opens. As it does, the third set of seven chakras are downloaded from this
Galactic portal of Light to your heart chakra in a beautiful luminescent blue-green color.
Now say: Please focus on the quality of purpose through joy as these chakras are downloaded.
(Wait one minute).
Now say: Now please focus on a beautiful silver-gold bubble of Light that extends 10.8 feet/3.24
meters in diameter around you in all directions starting from your sixth dimensional portal, 2.4
feet/72 cm above your crown chakra. Now see this sphere of Light coming down the front of
your body, the back of your body, the left side of your body and now the right side of your body,
and gently tucking beneath your feet, 2.4 feet/72 cm below your body.


Now say: Wonderful. You are now going

to create the sacred geometry of the star
tetrahedron within this silver-gold sphere
of Light. The shape of the star
dimensional six-sided star.
Now say: Good, now bring your focus
back to your silver-gold sphere 10.8
feet/3.24 meters in diameter around you
so you can create the sacred geometry of
the star tetrahedron in a beautiful bluegreen color within this sphere of Light.
Now, as you focus, you visualize a bluegreen colored tetrahedron with three
sides and a base, also called a four-sided
triangular plane. You now see a second
blue-green tetrahedron, another foursided triangular plane. You see yourself
joining these two tetrahedrons so they
form a star tetrahedron. To join these
two tetrahedrons together to form this
blue-green star tetrahedronal shape, you
interlock the two triangular bases
together in a three dimensional six-sided
star and visualize yourself in the middle
of these two interlocking tetrahedrons.
As you visualize this star tetrahedron, you
see the apex of the top tetrahedron reach
up and touch the top of your silver-gold
sphere, your Galactic portal of Light, 2.4
feet/72 cm above your head. The bottom
or base of this top tetrahedron comes
down to just below your knees. The apex
of the bottom tetrahedron reaches to the
bottom of your silver-gold sphere 2.4
feet/72 cm below your body, and the
base of this tetrahedron comes up to your heart chakra. (The positioning of the star tetrahedron
around the body is different for men and women but this will occur naturally. However, you can
refer to this visual for the correct positioning).
Now say: Wonderful. Now please visualize a cap at your Galactic portal of Light along your
fluorescent tube of Light. This cap is created by a blue-green star tetrahedron surrounded in a
silver-gold sphere, and will assist you to stabilize your energy body to a Galactic level of
consciousness to you may merge with your multidimensional Selves at this dimensional level.

Now say: And now, request the merger with your multidimensional Selves at this dimensional
Now say: We now request the activation of the 12 fire letters within this ninth strand DNA as the
sub-atomic particles within the body now spin in increased Light frequencies through the
crystalline matrix of Solar Christ Consciousness.
And now, the appropriate key codes and sacred geometries are actualized within your body,
energy field and hologram as well as being activated in your Galactic Body of Light. And now,
the etheric recoding and resequencing of your ninth strand DNA potentially occurs.
Now say: We are now going to build your Intergalactic Body of Light which is created through
the energy of the tenth ray of Divinity, the sacred geometry of the icosahedron and downloading
the fifth set of seven chakras (29-35) in a beautiful pearlescent color, the color related to the
tenth ray.
Now say: There is an Intergalactic portal of Light, 3 feet/90 cm above your crown chakra and
this now expands and opens. As it does, the fifth set of seven chakras are downloaded from this
seventh dimensional portal to your throat chakra in a beautiful pearlescent color.
Now say: Please focus on the quality of synergy through Divine equality as these chakras are
downloaded. (Wait one minute)
Now say: Now please focus on a beautiful golden white sphere of Light that extends 12 feet/3.6
meters in diameter around you in all directions starting from your Intergalactic portal of Light, 3
feet/90 cm above your crown chakra. Now see this sphere of Light coming down the front of
your body, the back of your body, the left side of your body and now the right side of your body,
and gently tucking beneath your feet, 3 feet/90 cm below your body.

Now say: Wonderful. You are

now going to create the
sacred geometry of the
icosahedron within this golden
white sphere of Light. The
through connecting twenty
faces of equilateral triangles.

Now say: Good, now bring

your focus back to your
golden white sphere 12
feet/3.6 meters in diameter
around you so you can create
the sacred geometry of the
icosahedron in a beautiful
pearlescent color within this

sphere of Light. Initially visualize your Intergalactic portal of Light 3 feet/90 cm above your crown
chakra, and create an icosahedronal cap, with the top apex point reaching your Intergalactic
portal of Light.
You see yourself joining five equilateral triangles together to form this cap, which extends
around you relative to your seventh dimensional sphere. Now, from 3 feet/90 cm beneath your
body, you again form another icosahedronal cap, this time with the apex touching the bottom of
this golden white sphere, and the five bases of these equilateral triangles extending outwards
relative to this Intergalactic portal of Light. And now, around your body, and relative to your
Intergalactic Portal of Light, you will create an additional ten equilateral triangles that connect
with the bases of these two icosahedronal caps. Good. Now, as you focus, you clearly see or
sense a pearlescent colored icosahedron, made up of twenty faces of equilateral triangles within
this sphere and around your body.
Now say: Wonderful. Now please visualize a cap at your Intergalactic portal of Light along your
fluorescent tube of Light. This cap is created by a pearlescent icosahedron surrounded in a
golden white sphere, and will assist you to stabilize your energy body to an Intergalactic
dimensional consciousness frequency so you may merge with your multidimensional Selves at
this dimensional level.
Now say: And now, request the merger with your multidimensional Selves at this dimensional
Now say: We now request the activation of the 12 fire letters within this tenth strand DNA as the
sub-atomic particles within the body now spin in increased Light frequencies through the
crystalline matrix of Solar Christ Consciousness.
And now, the appropriate key codes and sacred geometries are actualized within your body,
energy field and hologram as well as being activated in your Intergalactic Body of Light. And
now, the etheric recoding and resequencing of your tenth strand DNA occurs.
Now say: We are now going to build your Universal Body of Light which is created through the
energy of the eleventh ray of Illumined Truth, the sacred geometry of the dodecahedron and
downloading the sixth set of seven chakras (36-42) in a beautiful pink-orange color, the color
related to the eleventh ray.
Now say: There is a Universal portal of Light, 5.4 feet/1.62 meters above your crown chakra and
this now expands and opens. As it does, the sixth set of seven chakras are downloaded from
this Universal portal of Light to your third eye in a beautiful pink-orange color.
Now say: Please focus on the quality of compassion as these chakras are downloaded.
(Wait one minute)
Now say: Now please focus on a beautiful platinum bubble of Light that extends 16.8 feet/5.04
meters in diameter around you in all directions starting from your Universal portal of Light, 5.4
feet/1.62 meters above your crown chakra. Now see this sphere of Light coming down the front

of your body, the back of your body, the left side of your body and now the right side of your
body, and gently tucking beneath your feet, 5.4 feet/1.62 meters below your body.
Now say: Wonderful. You are now going to create the shape of the pentagonal dodecahedron
within this platinum sphere of Light. The pentagonal dodecahedron is made up of twelve faces
of five sided pentagons, with each pentagon resembling the shape of a single honeycomb.
Now say: Good, now bring your focus back to your platinum sphere 16.8 feet/5.04 meters in
diameter around you so you can create the sacred geometry of a pink-orange pentagonal
dodecahedron. Initially now, visualize one pentagon, and imagine this pink-orange pentagon
extending outwards, to the front of you, relative to your Universal sphere of Light, with one of the
apex points of the pentagon extending below you relative to your Universal sphere of Light.
pentagon, exactly the same size,
extending behind you relative to
your Universal sphere of Light.
However, this time, see one of
the apex points of the pentagon
extending above you, and one of
the bases of this pentagon below
you. And now visualize another
five pentagons, and see the base
of each of these pentagons
connect with the front pentagon.
And now, visualizing the back
pentagon, connect another five
pentagons, and see these
pentagons connecting with the
previous five pentagons, and
extending outwards relative to
your Universal sphere of Light.
Now truly visualize this pinkorange
dodecahedron existing within
your platinum Universal sphere of Light 16.8 feet/5.04 meters in diameter around you.
Now say: Wonderful. Now please visualize a cap at your Universal portal of Light along a
fluorescent tube of Light. This cap is created by a pink-orange pentagonal dodecahedron
surrounded in a platinum sphere, and will assist you to stabilize your energy body to a Universal
frequency vibration to you may merge with your multidimensional Selves at this dimensional
Now say: And now, request the merger with your multidimensional Selves at this dimensional


Now say: We now request the activation of the 12 fire letters within this eleventh strand DNA as
the sub-atomic particles within the body now spin in increased Light frequencies through the
crystalline matrix of Solar Christ Consciousness.
And now, the appropriate key codes and sacred geometries are actualized within your body,
energy field and hologram as well as being activated in your Universal Body of Light. And now,
the etheric recoding and resequencing of your eleventh strand DNA occurs.
Now say: We are now going to build your Multi-Universal Body of Light which is created through
the energy of the twelve ray of One Unity Consciousness, the sacred geometry of the Flower of
Life and downloading the seventh set of seven chakras (42-49) in a beautiful golden color, the
color related to the twelfth ray.
Now say: There is a Multi-Universal portal of Light, 24 feet/7.2 meters above your crown chakra
and this now expands and opens. As it does, the seventh set of seven chakras are downloaded
from this ninth dimensional portal to your crown chakra in a beautiful golden color.
Now say: Please focus on the quality of One Unity Consciousness as these chakras are
(Wait one minute)
Now say: Now please focus on
a beautiful diamond sphere of
Light that extends 54 feet/16.2
meters in diameter around you
in all directions starting from
your Multi-Universal portal of
Light, 24 feet/7.2 meters above
your crown chakra. Now see
this sphere of Light coming
down the front of your body,
the back of your body, the left
side of your body and now the
right side of your body, and
gently tucking beneath your
feet, 24 feet/7.2 meters below
your body.
Now say: Wonderful. You are
now going to visualize the
shape of a golden Flower of
Life within this diamond sphere
of Light.
Now say: Now bring your focus
back to your diamond sphere of Light 54 feet/16.2 meters in diameter around you and as you

do, focus on seeing a beautiful golden Flower of Life, surrounded in this Multi-Universal
shimmering diamond sphere of Light.
Now say: Wonderful. Now please visualize a cap at your Multi-Universal portal along your
fluorescent tube of Light. This cap is created by a golden Flower of Life surrounded in a
diamond sphere, and will assist you to stabilize your energy body to a Multi-Universal
wavelength frequency so you may merge with your multidimensional Selves at this dimensional
Now say: And now, request the merger with your multidimensional Selves at this dimensional
Now say: We now request the activation of the 12 fire letters within this twelfth strand DNA as
the sub-atomic particles within the body now spin in increased Light frequencies through the
crystalline matrix of Solar Christ Consciousness.
And now, the appropriate key codes and sacred geometries are actualized within your body,
energy field and hologram as well as being activated in your Multi-Universal Body of Light. And
now, the etheric recoding and resequencing of your twelfth strand DNA occurs. And now, the
frequencies of all twelve rays are activated within every atom and molecule of your body.
(Wait one minute)
Now say: Wonderful. The 50th chakra is now anchored within your crown chakra in a beautiful
golden color, and as this occurs, the 12 strand DNA is activated through all the glands and
chakras in the body including the pineal, pituitary and hypothalamus glands. And now, this
activation takes place within each cell in the body, as the dormant DNA is activated.
Now say: We now request the activation of the 12 axiatonal lines through the 12 spin points of
sound and color as they lie along each acupuncture meridian line.
Now say: And now request the merger with your Beloved I Am Presence and the creation of
your I Am Avatar Body of Light.
(Wait five minutes)
Now say: In your own time now, please gently come back this sacred space and ground
yourself into the energies of Mother Earth, feeling this Crystalline matrix of Solar Christ
Consciousness within every sub-atomic of your Beingness. Feel the Love of Mother Earth, and
all the Illumined Beings of Light from On High. And now you thank the Crystalline Sun DNA
Template Activation Core Group. You now disconnect from this Core Group while remaining
connected to your Beloved I Am Presence. You now gently open your eyes, coming fully back
into the Now moment. Wonderful.
(Please now cancel an etheric contract with the client that states you will take responsibility for
this Crystalline Sun DNA Template Activation session. Visualize an etheric contract stating you
will take responsibility for _________ first and last name of client. Now sign it and see the client
sign it. Now take a big red rubber stamp with the word canceled and cancel this contract. Now
tear it up and burn it in the Violet Flame of St. Germain. Now surround yourself in the Violet
Flame of St. Germain). Well done!

About Anrita: Anrita Melchizedek is founder of The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network, an
ascension network of Light offering numerous programs of Light in the form of ebooks, Mp3s,
CDs and audio DVDs, as well as vibrational energy products. In her personal capacity, Anrita is
an author, channel, star ambassador and workshop facilitator. She further has the gift of
healing, and focuses this energy through the ascension workshops and lectures that she
facilitates primarily on a global level. Anrita is a master teacher and also offers many training
programs via tele/webinar as well as individual consultations, including DNA activations, Light
Body/Merkaba activations and channeled readings by the Elders, ancient, celestial Beings and
High Council Members to the Order of Melchizedek. Anritas teaching style is uplifting and
inspirational, and above all, offers keys to Self Mastery. For Anritas You Tube Channel, please

Brought to you by Anrita Melchizedek of The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network


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