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Resolution by the Members of the Greater Egg Harbor Regional Education Association for

No Confidence in the Leadership of Superintendent John Keenan October 10, 2016

WHEREAS, Superintendent John Keenans overall attitude and decision making have negatively
impacted the educational process and learning environment in the Greater Egg Harbor Regional
School District since his arrival in 2014-15; and
WHEREAS, John Keenan has done nothing in the two and years in his position as the
educational leader to inspire or motivate his staff; and
WHEREAS, John Keenan has violated the contract with the Association which has resulted in 11
grievances being filed against the district in two years when in the 20 years prior, less than six
grievances had been filed by the Association; and
WHEREAS, John Keenan continually assassinates the character and credibility of the Association
leadership; and
WHEREAS, the mismanagement by John Keenan of the referendum project including opening
school earlier than other districts in the County which then resulted on two unnecessary delays in
the opening of Oakcrest High School and the disruption of the school calendar; and
WHEREAS, there have been hundreds of thousands of dollars in change orders for the project;
WHEREAS, John Keenan unilaterally changed the evaluation system from the Danielson model to
the Marshall model without the approval of the DEAC after the staff had been fully trained in the
Danielson model and his failure to fully train the teachers in the Marshall model; and
WHEREAS, Oakcrest High School was vandalized and John Keenan failed to file a police report
WHEREAS, due to John Keenans directives, lunch periods were reduced which necessitated
tables being placed in the hallways which resulted in a fire code violation over unsafe conditions
during lunch periods; and
WHEREAS, students have launched a petition to Impeach John Keenan that garnered more than
700 signatures, an obvious sign of student dissatisfaction with his leadership; and
WHEREAS, John Keenan has falsely taken credit for engaging in bonus initiatives when in fact it
was the teachers, staff and other administrators who actually did the work; and,
WHEREAS, John Keenan has created a toxic atmosphere that has led student and staff morale to
hit their lowest levels; and
WHEREAS, John Keenan has stated that the staff would receive training on a security reporting
app during the first in-service days in August, 2016 prior to the opening of school and then said the
training would be held at the first faculty meeting and then failed to provide this training so students
and staff had no access to the app or training until October 10 of this year; and,

WHEREAS, John Keenan has inordinately burdened the taxpayers with excessive legal fees due to
the current stalemate in negotiations and numerous grievance arbitrations; and
WHEREAS, John Keenans lack of leadership and anti-union animus has negatively impacted the
morale of teachers, and educational support personnel, disrupted the learning environment for our
students and created an overall diminishment in the quality of education in the Greater Egg Harbor
Regional School District,
THEREFORE, let it be now resolved that the Greater Egg Harbor Education Association
determines that it has no confidence in the leadership of Superintendent John Keenan.
Signed by the 7 members of the Associations Executive Committee (not shown on this document)

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