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1) Can anybady tell me , what is the aggrigate to use it .

could u plz give

me the practical example.
AggregateAwareness is the function used in BO Universe Designer.
It is used mainly to go to the minute details of a measure from its higher details.
Consider a measure Consumption of a meter.We can read the daily consumption
and hourly consumption of the meter ,then instead of using 2 separate
dimensions for both daily and hourly details of meter's consumption we can use a single
2) Difference b/w prompt and cascading prompt
1.Cascading prompt can be created at Universe level by editing the objects..
.whereas prompt can be created at report level as well as universe level.
2.Cascading prompt is not built-in function in BOXI whereas
prompt is a built-in funtion which is provided at universe level.
3.while developing report using free hand SQL we cant use cascade prompt whereas
simple prompt can be used free hand SQL.
4.cascade is user defined funtion where prompt is built inLot more difference....
3) How many universes are required for a single project?
You mean Single project as Single Report or multiple reports in a project.
In both cases, single universe can be used provided that the requirement is for same
If requirement is pulling data of report from different databases then we will have to
create the universes
accordingly and link those universes.
4) how many reports are required for a single Universe?

Multiple reports can be developed from a single universe using same database.
5) Profiles and Publications-Explian
Profiles are objects in the BusinessObjects Enterprise system that let you classify users
and groups.
They work in conjunction with publications to personalize the content that users see.
Profiles link users and groups to profile values, which are values used to personalize data
within a report. Profiles also use profile targets, which describe how a profile is applied to
a report. By assigning different profile values, the data within a report can be tailored to
specific users or groups. Many different personalized versions of the report are then
delivered to your users
6) What are the types of errors you faced while creating a report from two different data
1)#Multi Value Error
2)Data Synch Error
7) Chasm traps and fan traps-Explain
Chasm trap and Fan Traps are the loops which will occur while ditecting loops.
Examples of these are:
Chasm Trap:
Customer <
When one dimention is having one to many relations with two diffrent facts then this loop
will occur. To resolve this
loop we have to use Context to chose the right path for the reports to avoid multiple SQL
Fan Tap:

Customer -> orders -> orderlines.

When one customer dimention is having one to many relation with orders and then again
orders is having one to many
to relation with orderlines then the loop will occure. To resolve this we have to use aliase.
Name the second table oreders with some other alias name then link with third table.
Ensure to remove the link between 2nd and 3rd tables.
8) How will you check a BO report
Bo reports are tested with respect to databse at the backend fire the query genretaed from
bo at the backend and check
for the results both ib BO AND database level.
9) How we can add a comment in universe...?
in Universe parameters.file-->parameters-->defination tab. we can add the comment or
description about the universe in that tab.
10) how can we build one report from two data bases
We can create two universes from two databases and then link the universes.
By using the link option in universe parameters. Then we can sync the data in report
based on common object.
11) how many times can use the union operator in a report?
Ans:The union Operator can be used seven times in the report

12) i want to use prompt for select the country names. eg, india. japan. america. like
that. which delimeter is used
for to seperate the countries?
Ans:In Webi the delimiter is semicolon(;)
Example: India;EMEA;United States
13) What is shortcut join?could give any one example?
Basically the shortcut or smart join are special type of join by which we can reduce the
complexcity of report
and avoid loop like
T1 key1
T2 key2
T3 key3
then in universe there t2 is fac table and t1 an t2 are lookup table then if we want some
data frm t3 table
by the foraigan key T1 to T3 then if we creat a simply join then that is make a loop and
aslo that join search
the huge fac table aslo so there is new smart or shortcut join by which we can join t1 to t3
its show in dotted line in univeres designer and does not create and loop
14) what is tuning of business reports ?
- By reducing the number of variables
- By reducing the number of Data providers
- By pulling the exact amount of the data from the database
- By reducing the complex variables
- Do not check the "Refresh on open " report.
- Avoid Using objects from dreived tables.
- Reduce the joins in the query.
- Create index in the database level.
- Apply the filter Properly as per the logic

15) what do u mean by merged dimensions in Business Objects

Web Intelligence allows you to synchronize multiple data
providers in the same document. This allows you to build
reports which synchronize data from multiple sources. When
you synchronize queries through merging, you can include
report objects from different queries in the same report
16) What is detailed Object
Detail objects are attached to dimensions, one cannot drill on details nor link on details
when linking multiple
data providers. While Customer ID would be a dimension, customer name, address,
phone and soon should be details.
17) What is the difference between BoXIR2 and BOXIR3?
New in XI R3.0 (Titan):
- Better security (Custom Access Levels, "Trumping" of rights, etc.)
- Being able to prevent access rights from propagating to sub-objects (thereby avoiding
the need to break inheritance)
- New GUI for the CMC
- Repository Federation (=replication of the repository to other BOE cluster)
- Repository Diagnostic Tool (to remedy inconsistencies between CMS database entries
and files in the FRS)
- SIAs (new grouping/managing of servers, see also "bootstrap" files)
- Cloning Server Services
- Building Server Services templates (for cloning)
- The CMC is now the leading system, not the CCM
- Enhanced failover capabilities (session failover, etc.)
- Improved Import Wizard (better understandable options)
- Rich Client version of WebIntelligence (offline Webi), called WRC
- Tracking feature in WebIntelligence
- New Publishing features (close to BCAP of version 6.x)
- Multi-language support for universes
- Designer: Smart measures (or so called database delegated measures in the universe)

- Designer: Focing predefined conditions on the whole universe or on a universe class

- Optional prompts
- Database delegated search for LOVs (data type CHARACTER)
- Enhanced OLAP universes (see also SAP BW, etc.)
- Better performance against SAP BW OLAP based universes
- Being able to do an update to the structure of OLAP based universes with conflict
- Being able to build universes using stored procedures
New in XI R3.1:
- LifeCycle Management (LCM) tool for promoting content from Dev --> Test --> Prod
New in XI R3.2:
- Input controls in WebIntelligence
- Increased support for SAP OLAP universes (see also SAP BusinessObjects Integration
Solution (Integration Kit) such as MDX formula editor in universe designer, improved
OLAP universe update wizard, etc.
- New Universe parameter SMART_AGGREGATE to force the usage of the most
detailed fact tables (see also: smart measure/database delegated measure)
18) What are all difference between business objects 6.5 and XI R2
Difference between BO and XI:- BO uses classic BO Architecture and XI uses crystal classic Architecture
- BO uses 57 tables for BO repo and 8 tables for auditor where as XI uses 8 tables for
CMS and 6 tables for auditor
- BO has different security domains where as XI doesn?t has no different security
- BO, all objects are stored in repository where as in XI Objects are physically stored in
Input FRS and instances in output FRS
- In BO after installing we have configure, create BO mainkey where as in XI it is install
and start working
- In BO classic key is an xml file and it has to be placed in relevant location where as in
XI a key code is there

- In BO if you want to save a report to repository you have to publish that report where as
in XI if you click save as and select Enterprise
- IN BO, BCA and supervision are entirely separate but in XI there are merged into CMC
- IN XI there is no separate auditor is there but there is an auditor database where we can
create tables based on that
- BO has it?s own reporting toos where as XI uses crystal reports as it?s reporting tool
- BO is user centric ? means rights are assigned to user where as XI is object centric ?
means rights are assigned on objects level not user level
- BO ? all reports are stored in categories, in XI infoview there is folder and categories
but all main storage is in folders
- In XI R1 there was no concept of full client but that concept is introduced in XI R2
19) What is aggregate awareness and how can we use it?
Aggregate awareness function is used to aggregate the values present in the classes in
decending order.
for instance we have year,quarter,month,week tables
then we sum the year,sum(quarter),sum(month),sum(week) in decending order
we also select the compatable as well as incompatible objects through aggregate
navigation so that
it improves the performance of the system in generating the report.
20) clearly explain the difference between union and group
The difference between union and group is as follows:
take two tables t1 and t1 we have columnss like a,b,c,d. and t2 has a,d,e,f. so union
means t1 union t2 i.e
getting result from both tables i.e a,b,c,d,e.,f where as group performs on a indiviual
column in a particular table.

21) What is meant by Object Stores?
Object store is nothing but the container of object which is created after rpt file run once.
22) What is report template in B.O?
Report Template is a specimen for your future reports.
You create a report from scratch, say make it Master-Detail Report with charts, put your
company logo, add some default colors(something like same colors your company uses
for its documents, webpages etc.) & then save it as BO Report Template file.
Next time when you are creating new reports, & select use Templates option, your report
saved as template will be listed in the box. If you select it, your new report will
automatically use all color formats, & table-chart structures, logo....whatever you used in
your template report file.
Advantage : 1 time devaelopment of display & structure format, for multiple reports use.
i.e. Time Saving. No need of formatting for all standard reports.
23) Diff btw webi and deski
The main difference between fullclient and webi is in webi only universe can be used as
source,whereas in fullclient we
can freehand sql,stored procedures and xml dataproviders as source.
24) How do you test the universe and report
By doing integrity check we can test universe & By coping report query and run in
backend(oracle,sql server...)
we can test the data by comparing both.

25) What are the user requirements in a universe?
1.Define the connection.
2.Create the classes and objects.
3.Give the joins and resolve loops.
4.Generate the universe.
26) Are Data mart and DWH normalised or denormalised ? Do both of them exist in
the same tier ?
Yes both can exist on the same tier because Datamart is a subset of data warehouse and it
supports a particular
region, business unit or business function.
27) What is drill filter and it's usage ? How many types of filters are there ?
Three types of drill is in BO.1.drill up,2.drill down,3.drill thro'.
drill up means second->minutes->hour->->day
drill down means region->country->state->district
drill thro'--wht ever u want that element
28) What if a cartesian product pop up block appears when running a report. Does it give
wrong values? How to solve this issue?
Cartesian product is getting incorrect results.
for instance if we have a cham trap or a fan trap n we din't solve them after checking the
integrity also we get
duplicate results of the same record ie nothing but cartesian product.

we have customer,orders,loans classes

orders for one product if the product_price is 150$ it will appear twice in the report due
to traps bcoz of the cartesian product thats why to solve the cham trap we create context
and in order to solve fan trap we create alias table.
29) Can you please clarify the difference between compatible and incompatible objects?
when we will use these two?
When you are defining Aggregate tables in Universe design, you need to create hirarchies
for aggregated objects,
for that you need to make the relative objects incompatible (the objects which are of
lower level of aggregation -- not of hirarchy).
If you have Year,Quarter,Month,Day as a hirarchy, while aggregation, you need to define
as follows Year - Quarter,Month,Day Compatibles
Quarter - Month, Day Compatibles, Year Non-compatible
Month - Day Compatible, Year,Quarter Non-compatible
30) How to break a Date field into Year, month, week,day?(For example: I have a field
INVOICE_DATE. Now i want to break it as Year, month..... i.e. in time dimension.) DO i
need to have some changes in Universe?
Create objects in your universe with date functions.
Let's say your DB is Oracle. In your "Select" statement of new object called year, try
to_char(INVOICE_DATE, 'YYYY') similarly for month create object called month &
repeat process, simply replace'YYYY' with 'MM' of 'MMM' in the select statement. & so

31) What is the dense rank?

The DENSE_RANK function computes the rank of a row in an ordered group of rows.
The ranks are consecutive integers beginning with 1. The largest rank value is the number
of unique values returned by the query. Rank values are not skipped in the event of ties.
Rows with equal values for the ranking criteria receive the same rank.
The DENSE_RANK function does not skip numbers and will assign the same number to
those rows with the same value. Hence, after the result set is built in the inline view, we
can simply select all of the rows with a dense rank of three or less, this gives us everyone
who makes the top three salaries by department number.
Give me the set of sales people who make the top 3 salaries - that is, find the set of
distinct salary amounts, sort them, take the largest three, and give me everyone who
makes one of those values.
SELECT deptno, ename, sal,
PARTITION BY deptno ORDER BY sal desc
) TopN FROM emp
WHERE TopN <= 3
ORDER BY deptno, sal DESC
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------10 KING 5000 1
CLARK 2450 2
MILLER 1300 3
20 SCOTT 3000 1 <--- ! (in case of rank JONES will have 3 and dense rank will have 2)
FORD 3000 1 <--- !
JONES 2975 2
ADAMS 1100 3
30 BLAKE 2850 1
ALLEN 1600 2
30 TURNER 1500 3

32) What is the diferrence between slice and dice & drill through
Slice and dice means change the postion of the data like move the data from rows to
drill mode means allow u to analyze the data in different angles and different levels of
in drill mode different types of analysis's are there like drill up, drill down, drill accross,
drill through.
drill through means option to select any step or level directly from the current level..
these are the main difference between slice and dice and drill through
33) What is the difference between condition & filter
Filters - are used to restrict the number of rows in the output.
Conditions - It wont reduce the Number of Rows, but you can show up data based on
some validations.
For Eg: select cust_id from customer where cust_name like 'A%'
Filter is Cust_name like 'A%'.
Condition is also applied at report level.
If (cnt(cust_id) > 1 ;"Valid";"NotValid")
34) What is the diferrence beteeen tabular report& cross tab report
Tabular reports is a 2D format and Cross tab reports is a 3D format. Most of the
operational/formated reports will
be created in tabular form and most of the analytical reports are created in the cross tab
form (Product VS Year VS Sales amount)

35) What is a Data Cube?What is its use ?

Data cube will present in BO tool.Data cube is used for storing the data values which we
are using in the documents.
We can clear the data cube by using purge command.Data provider is used to retrived the
datas from data
cube to documents. Cubes are logical representation of multidimensional data.
36) Diffrence between ZABO and webi
ZABO is zero administrator businessobjects , which will be installed on your local m/c
when any full client report in opened/edited from infoview . For this you don't require
any BO mainkey , key will be installed from BO server.Webi is also called as thin client ,
where -in you are create BO reports on web browser . Reports are only based on Universe
37) What is BOMain.Key? - BoMain.Key file contains the information about the
repository site i.e
it contains the address of the repository security domain.
38) What is Business objects Repository? - it is nothing but metadata.
39) What is domain? How many are there in a basic setup? What are they? - Domain is
nothing but logical grouping
of system tables, There are three domains usually in a basic setup, They are Secure,
Universe, Document.
Business objects are sometimes called domain objects (where the word domain means
the business), and a domain model represents the set of domain objects and the
relationships between them.

40) What will happen if you use objects from two different DataProviders from two
different universes?
If you are using two objects/variables from two different dataproviders and if that is a
dimension then you
will not able to drag that object/variable into the report that will automatically hides itself
and if you d
rop into the report it converts into master detail.
Solution is to link the two dataproviders with the same object/variable then it can be
included into the report.
41) If a user wants to report a list of values that is not available in the Universe/DB, then
how will you help him/her
to use it in a report?
There is one way to incorporate LOV for this problem.
1) In Universe
In Universe designer Goto Tool >>List of value>> Edit Lov. Select the object in which
you want to associate the LOV then
check the Personal data radio button below Click Ok. Provide the personalised list of
value either
in Txt excel or DB file and export the universe with these cutomizes LOV. Then only
these LOV will be available
during reporting.
42) In a cross Tab report, will you be able to insert a column on the right side of the
report? If yes, then how will it behave?
Yes we will be able to insert columns if the columns are compatible.
If we insert a detail/dimension for each value of the column a new column appears.
If we insert a measure then we should ensure it has values corresponding to cross tab
otherwise it displays sum (of all values of the measure) for all rows.

43) If we can manage the servers using Central Management Console(CMC), why is
there a separate tool Central Configuration Management(CCM)?
CMC and CCM both have some common features and they are as you mentioned. But
there are some unique things which you can do in one and not other.
You can set what need to be audit in individual servers.
You can enable auditing in CMC only.
You can set metrics of individual serves in CMC only and not in CCM.
You can see how many sessions are live only in CMC and not in CCM.
You can see how many requests were received processed failed only in CMC but not in
You can create server groups only in CMC but not in CCM.
You can only cluster and decluster servers using CCM.
You can only configured Auditing Database in CCM and not in CMC. You do configure
individual servers in CMC but main work of configuring audit database is done in CCM.
Last but not least. CMC is web based server application. If your web server is down and
you want to cring other servers up and running you can only do in CCM.
44) Diff btw break and group
45) What functionality was added in Web Intelligence XI 3.1?
Native printing (Rich Client and Java Report Panel only)
Working offline (Rich Client only)
Personal data providers (Excel, txt)(Rich Client only)
OLAP data provider (via Olap universe)
Embedded images

Formula functions: ForcedMerge() (previously Multicube), NoFilter(), Product(),

Deski function "CurrentPage" is called "Page" in Web Intelligence
Formatting: Start on new page, Avoid page break in block, Repeat header on every page,
Repeat footer before a new page
46) What functionality was recently added in WebIntelligence XI 3.1 SP2?
Fold/unfold sections and breaks (equivalent of "Outline" in Desktop Intelligence)
Query on query
Schedule as CSV
Input controls (radio buttons etc)
Personal data providers: Web services
47) What functionality exists in Web Intelligence but not in Desktop Intelligence?
Interactive Viewing Over the Web
Drill over the Web
Track Data Changes
Support for SAP data sources
Improved Prompting (set prompt sequence, optional prompt, default value, etc)
Object descriptions in tooltips in the query panel
Ability to select multiple objects to drag and drop in query panel
Ability to drag objects from Result Objects pane to Filter Pane in Query Panel
Ability to duplicate queries
Query level ranking plus additional ranking options in report
Report building:
Merge Dimensions (full overview of linked dimensions)
Reset contexts on refresh option
Autosave and Recovery (in case of server time-out)
Additional functions:
Combine report filters with AND and OR operator (in Deski it was just AND)
Radar chart type
Format Painter

Alternate Row/Column colours feature

Cell spacing
Input controls (radio buttons etc) (SP2)
48) Aggregation
can anyone tell me about
1)aggregation at microcube level
2)aggregation at database level
Aggregation at Microcube level means the data is pulled from the database and
aggregated on the BO server. For example if you want total sales of a product category all
the records of the that paticular product category are brought into the cube and BO then
aggregates it to sum. Even thought report displays only the aggregated value if you look
at the data provider all the records of that product category will be available.
Aggregation at the database level means the aggregation is performed at the database
which means only the aggregated value will be send from the database. The details of the
records which contributed to the aggregation will not be available for BO. In the above
example the total sales of each product category ie if there are five product categories
then only five records will be made available to BO.
If there is aggregate function like sum at the defintion of the object at the universe level
then its a database aggregation and if there is a aggregate function at the report level its a
microcube aggregation.
If you view the sql of the report there will be considerable difference ie for database
aggregation the sql will contain aggregate function with a group by clause and the
microcube aggregation will not have it.
Aggregation : In SQL we have functions e.g. Sum min max count etc for aggregating the
data. We can use these functions to create objects in universe for aggregating at database
level. Also when defining objects in universe we have options to defined how BO Server
should do aggregation.
We should try to do as much aggregation as possible at database level. this will mean less
amount of data is coming into the browser.
Also for averages / count it is advisable to take extra care while deciding where
aggregation should happen. Calculating averages at database level may give different
results than Aggregation done by BO Server.

49) How to share documents
There are several options are available in BO for sharing purpose.
1.You can save your documents in public folders
2.You can send your documents to their inbox.
3.You can share your repository.
4.You can share throuh via online mode etc
50) Why do we need cardinalities with joins, when we are able to get the data with joins
Cardinality expresses the minimum and maximum number of instances of an entity B that
can be associated with an instance of an entity A. The minimum and the maximum
number of instances can be equal to 0 1 or N. Because a join represents a bidirectional
relationship it must always have two cardinalities. If you selected the Detect cardinalities
in joins options in the Database tab of the Options dialog box Designer detects and
retrieves the cardinalities of the joins. If you do not use this option you can still retrieve
the cardinalities for one or all joins in the universe. There are two main methods for
detecting or editing cardinalities: the Detect Cardinalities command the Edit Join dialog
Cardinality describes a join between 2 tables by stating how many rows of one
table will match with rows of another table. It is very important to detect join
problems and to create the contexts to correct the limitations of a target
BO designer can automatically detect and set cardinalities for each join.
But we manually check the cardinalities based on the nature of keys that are
Drag the column of first table to the corresponding column of second table or
simply go to Insert->Join to create a join between 2 tables.
You can manually change the cardinality from n-n [many to many] or 1-n or n-1
or 1-1 and Click on "Detect". In BO It is always best to use 1-n cardinality
for fast data retrieval. Always delete the unnecessary joins which have n-n
cardinality as these joins create loops.

51) Difference between Foreach and Forall?
In Calculation Context ForEach is used to include the dimension.
e.g. u want the Sales Revenue of every month by Year & Quarter it will provides you
with Sales Revenue for each month seperately. like
1 1000
2 1500
3 1200
4 2500
5 2678
6 1080
7 3000
8 2900
9 2670
ForAll is used to exclude the dimension used in it.
e.g. u want sales revenue of every month by Year and Quarter it will provides u the same
value of every month.
means for Q1 - for 1 2 3 month same Sales Revenue like
1 1000
2 1000
3 1000
4 2500
5 2500
6 2500
7 3000
8 3000
9 3000
52) What are linked universes? Have you worked with them, problems faced and

Linked universes are universes that share common components such as

parameters, classes, objects, or joins.
When you link two universes, one universe has the role of a core universe, the
other a derived universe. When changes are made in the core universe, they are
automatically propagated to the derived universes.
Things need to do:
we should resolve loops.
we should create contexts(previous contexts are not present in linked universe).
53) how do you hide column in the report
There are two ways are there for providing security to the object.
1.In designer on tools menu manage level security then to add what you want objects or
groups or users if any
2.In CMS Select the option universes then provide the security for the object level.
In report point of view in desktop intelligence select the column and right click hide.
In web Intelligence there is no that option
54) Can we combine the results from multiple universes/queries in the same block
(table/crosstab/chart) in the webi report ?
You can use multiple queries in Webi same as in Deski. You can do so by creating Query
1 from the first source (universe). Go to the Query Panel and click on add Queries. This
would ask you whether you wanna create your second query on the same universe or on
another universe.
After building the two queries you would go the Edit report and Merge the dimensions
which are common.
And you can pull the data from the two queries into a single table.
Fisrt answer solves your most queries but one thing I would like to mention is you will be
only able to pull all the dimensions from one query plus measures from both queries and
merged dimensions but what about dimensions from second query which are not merged
with any dimension of first query. One workaround is you can change those dimension of

second query to Detail object type and pull them in the table this will give you complete
55) How and in what scenario we can use Alias and context together to resolve the loop?

56) What is #multivalue and #syntax error in Business Objects
Multi value - This error is displayed when the Object/Variable fetches more than one
rows for the selected Cell.
Soultion:Try creating a varialbe to select Distinct value of the Objects.If there are more
than one distinct values then insert the same as a new table.
If the error appears when you apply breaks then try replacing the cell with the aggrigation
of the above field.
Syntax Error - This is displayed when the selected column/cell is a calculated field and
calculation is based on a basic field which was not picked in the report layout.
Solution: To avoild Syntax Error pull the basic fields into the report and then the fields
which are based or calculated based on them.Finally hide the unwanted fields.
57) i want to set the report Different background in alternative rows
In WEBI select whole structure of table and select the Alternet row/column colour from
the properties window.
58) What are the steps to take when the query will not return any value?
1. If you have a SQL analyzer then find out if there is data tobe returned from the

2. If there is data try removing one condition at a time from the query and find out if it
returns data. When the query start returning data - the last removed condition mostly
likely caused a no -data retrieval issue.
3. Check the object definition in universe. that might offer some clues.
4. IF the report does not return data after removing all the conditions start by removing
the measures one at a time and then the dimension object. Somewhere along the line the
report will return data. From this point start adding back and filter out the objects which
cause the no-data retrival issue. Work on these objects separetely.
5. It is always a good idea to check the SQL generated everytime so that you can avoid synchronization join path issues and context issues.
59) Explain scenario where you would use theta Join in Business objects ?
let's assume that we have a customer_look-up table and Age_group look-up table in ur
schmea u have a age column in ur customer table u need to match the age column with
the age_group table but u did't find any equality relation in the both tables then ur going
to use this theta join we match the age column in customer table with age_group table's
column age_max and age_min we use between operator here.
theta join: table1.column A Between table.column A and table.column B.
link tables based on relationship other than quality between 2 columns......
Use of Theta join in BO:
consider you have a table called "Customer" having AGE one column. And another table
called "AGE_GROUP" with coulmns MAX_AGE and MIN_AGE. If you want to have
age range as a dimension or Detail in BO then u will have join from Customer-AGE to
AGE_GROUP-MAX_AGE and AGE_GROUP-MIN_AGE. Then BO automatically
shows BETWEEN in drop down box for Join (normally u found < > ..etc).
60) What is the purpose of @aggregate aware function? please draw, how you use the
@aggregate aware function.
Information is stored in the datawarehouse in the summarised form.
Instead of recording the date and time each time a certain product is sold, the data
warehouse could store the quantity each hour, each day or each week.
Here, comes the use of aggregation-Primarily for 2 purposes;
- To save the storage space

DWHs can get large with exponential increase in data. Use of aggregations greatly
reduces the space
- To improve the performance of BI tools.
When queries run faster they take up less processing time and the users get their
information back more quickly.
Relating these facts to BO now,
@Aggregate_Aware is a function which determines which tables to use in SQL
(detailed or aggregated ?)
The @Aggregate_Aware function allows an object to take advantage of tables containing
summary data in the database. If your database contains summary tables and you are
running queries that return aggregate data it is quicker to run a Select statement on the
columns that contain summary data rather than on the columns that contain fact or event
data. You can use the @Aggregate_Aware function to set up aggregate awareness in a
universe. This process includes a number of other steps which are associated with the use
of the @Aggregate_Aware function
61) What's the major difference between regular universe & metric universe?
regular universe is created when there is a need to create reports only using the universe.
metric universe is created when
we to create analytics from the universe.
In case of regular universe all the tables have to be joined. where as in case of Metric
universe all the tables need not be joined there can be isolated tables in universe.
In metric universe object descriptions are parsed.
eg:- In universe if we create a measure object (Revenue) with sum function in select
clause.and simply including AGGR SUM in decription we cannot further aggretae the
Revenue measure in EPM while creating the metric. All the aggregate functions will get
disabled while metric creation.
62) What are the different types of Filters available in BUSINESS OBJECTS?

there are 4 types filters in BO:

predefined filters : these filters are created at the time of universe creation and can be
directly used at a report level.
custom filters: these are the filters which are created at the report level. there are two
ways of creating report level filters. one is before running a query... second one is after
running a query.
prompt firters: these are the dynamic filters which askes the user for the values and
depending upon these values filters are applied.
advanced filters: advanced filters consists of ways of restricting data view using clauses
like 'ranking'. for example applying ranking for top 10 rows.. it will return only top 10
63) Explain scenario to get multiple values in a cell
You can get multiple values in a single cell but only when you have prompt on the object
as InList.
When you run the report you have to select multiple values from the list of values now in
report use UserResponse("Enter Object:") which is message of prompt.
Now you will be able to see all the selected values in the single cell. You can use this
feature when you want to list all the values at the top of the report and breakdown in the
table. So keep this cell out of the section.

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