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Process Control Default Displays

Now that you have modified TANK2_COMP, you will test its operation using the associated block detail
Every control block has a detail display, which allows you to view its operation. A blocks detail display also
shows block parameter values, some of which can be changed (e.g., setpoint, alarm limits).
A compounds detail display allows you to view and change some of its parameters.
At the completion of this exercise, TANK2_COMP should be fully tested and operational.

I/A Series Training - Lab Guide


Process Control Default Displays


Default Displays .............................................................................................................. 3

Downloading TANK2_COMP ........................................................................................................ 3
Accessing the Compound and Block Overview Display ................................................................. 3
Turning Compounds On and Off ..................................................................................................... 4
Accessing a Compounds Detail Display......................................................................................... 5
Accessing a Blocks Detail Display................................................................................................. 5
Accessing the MTR Block Detail Display....................................................................................... 8

Identifying and Resolving Operation Problems ........................................................... 9

I/A Series Training Lab Guide


Process Control Default Displays

Downloading TANK2_COMP
1. If you have not downloaded the compounds PROCESS and TANK2_COMP to your CP in the
previous lab, do so at this time.
Note: If you need to make changes to the running blocks and compounds in the CP, these changes
must be done in the IACC and then download the edited compound(s) to the CP again.
Accessing the Compound and Block Overview Display
1. Access the FoxSelect display by:

Clicking FoxSelect in the display bar, OR

Selecting FoxSelect in the File menu

This display allows you to turn compounds ON and OFF and access compound and block detail
2. Double-click your station.

 Describe what happens in the FoxSelect display.

3. Refresh the station by selecting the Refresh button, or by selecting Refresh in the Options
4. Ensure that the PROCESS compound is on.
5. Select TANK2_COMP from the list.

 What list appears in the displays right panel?


 Are the blocks in Automatic or Manual?


I/A Series Training Lab Guide


Process Control Default Displays

Turning Compounds On and Off

Single Compound

1. Ensure that the FoxSelect display is still on the screen.

2. Ensure that the compound PROCESS appears beneath your control station.
3. Select PROCESS. Its assigned blocks appear in the right half of the display.

 What happens to indicate that the compound has been selected?

4. Turn the PROCESS compound off by clicking the Compound Off button in the toolbar.

 What happens to indicate that the compound is off?

5. Return the PROCESS compound to on.
Multiple Compounds

1. Turn the compound TANK2_COMP on.

 In what state are the blocks running?


 What block parameter is responsible for this?

2. Select multiple compounds in one of the following ways:

Method 1 Click the Multi-select button in the toolbar and then select the compounds

Method 2 From the Options menu, choose Multi-select On, and then select the
compounds PROCESS and TANK2_COMP.

3. Select the Compound Off button in the toolbar.

 What indication do you have of the status of the compounds?

4. Turn on both compounds, PROCESS and TANK2_COMP.
5. Turn off the Multi-select feature.

I/A Series Training Lab Guide


Process Control Default Displays

Accessing a Compounds Detail Display

1. Ensure that the FoxSelect display is still on the screen.
2. Access the TANK2_COMP compound detail display by selecting TANK2_COMP and then the
Detail Display button or double clicking TANK2_COMP. Note that the compounds detail
display appears in the background.
3. Minimize the FoxSelect display:
4. Observe that you have accessed the detail display for TANK2_COMP. In the upper right corner
is a rectangular box that contains the name of the compound and its description (only if a
description was given during configuration). Also, the bottom half contains some commonly
needed parameters for reference. The same parameters appear for every compound, but their
values will vary, depending on the compound selected in the FoxSelect display.

 List below the selectable parameters in this detail display.

Accessing a Blocks Detail Display
Keep in mind that there exists a block detail display for each block type offered by the I/A series
software. The templates for the block types differ however. Upon selecting a certain block type from
the Compound and Block Overview display a reusable template is accessed and the appropriate
information is accessed and the data is listed on the template, in accordance with the configuration
details for the specific block selected.
1. Recall the FoxSelect display by:
Clicking the FoxSelect icon at the bottom of the FoxView screen.
2. Ensure that TANK2_COMP is selected.
3. Select LC100 from the block list and then the Detail Display button or double click LC100.
Block LC100 detail display appears in the background.
4. Minimize the FoxSelect display.

If the MEAS parameter of the PID block LC100 is cyan in color or has a value of 0.0,
see the instructor.

 The section in the detail displays upper right corner is called a ___________________

I/A Series Training Lab Guide


Process Control Default Displays

5. Select the Measurement (MEAS) value in the faceplate. The MEAS field is surrounded by a
yellow box.
6. Click the SOURCE button (lower left)
The Block Alarm Summary box is replaced by an overlay that describes the connection of the
PID's Measurement (MEAS) input. The Source defines the signals origin, which is a
connectable output parameter, while the Sink defines the destination, which is a connectable
input parameter.

 The sink (destination) path is ____________________________________________

 The status of the sink path is ____________________________________________
 The source path is ____________________________________________________
7. Remove the overlay by clicking the CLOSE button (contains a black octagon).
8. Select the Setpoint (SPT) value in the faceplate. The SPT field is surrounded by a yellow box.
9. Select the Value Box, located in the middle of the bottom row of control keys, and then enter 7.5
as the new set point and hit enter

 What happens in the faceplate to indicate the new setpoint?

10. Select the Fast Ramp Up key (contains two up-pointing triangles) and observe that the Setpoint
value changes from 7.5 to 8.0, a change of 5%.
11. Select the Fast Ramp Down key and observe that the set point value decreases by 5%.
12. Select the Slow Ramp Up key (contains one up-pointing triangle) and then the Slow Ramp Down

 A change of ___ % results each time a Slow Ramp key is selected.

13. Select CONFIG in the matrix of softkeys (NOT Config in the menu bar).

The resultant half screen overlay shows the values of the configuration parameters as you
entered them in the IACC. Also, notice on this overlay that some of the parameter values
use a Y for YES, instead of the usual Boolean value 1, and they use an N for NO,
instead of the Boolean value 0.

14. Select CNTRL to remove the Configuration Parameters page and bring up the half screen
Control overlay. Notice that settable parameter values have a light gray background.

I/A Series Training Lab Guide


Process Control Default Displays

15. Notice that the Control overlay is divided into three areas. Each area displays information about
a specific parameter; in this case, the MEAS, SPT, and OUT parameters of the PID block:

The Measurement area shows the blocks measured input value and its engineering units.
Also, the measurements high and low scale values are shown. The error between
measurement and setpoint is displayed.
In the Setpoint area, the local and remote setpoint values are displayed. We are only using
local setpoint for our control strategy. The white background (e.g., LOCAL) indicates the
controllers current setpoint mode.
The Output portion displays the calculated output value of the block and its engineering
units. The outputs high and low scale values are shown, as well as the value entered for the
Output Span Variance, OSV. Additionally, the outputs high and low limits are displayed.
In other words, the blocks output is clamped if it tries to exceed these limits; CLAMP
appears if this occurs.

 The High and Low Limits _____________ (can/cannot) be set from this detail display.
16. Ensure that the controller is in automatic.
17. Click the A/M button.

 Describe what happens in the faceplate to indicate the controllers mode change.

Changing the output from a blocks detail display requires that it be in the manual mode.

18. Select the Output value in the faceplate. The Output field is surrounded by a yellow box.
19. Change the Output using the ramping keys and/or value box.

 Could you have selected the Output value field in the Control overlays OUT box instead of
selecting the Output value in the faceplate? ____________
20. Select A/M to return the block to automatic.

 Note that you can no longer change the controllers Output. Why?
21. Investigate the contents of other parameter pages using the matrix softkeys (e.g., TUNE,

I/A Series Training Lab Guide


Process Control Default Displays

Accessing the MTR Block Detail Display

Since you will be using the faceplate of a Motor Block to start and stop a pump, it would be helpful to
quickly look at its detail display.
1. Recall FoxSelect.
2. Expand PROCESS, select MTR_CNTRL, and then select the Detail Display button.
3. Minimize the FoxSelect display.
4. Select the box adjacent to "MAN" in the faceplate of the resulting Motor blocks detail display.
5. Select TOGGLE several times (from the bottom row of control keys) to start and stop the pump.

 What happens in the faceplate to indicate that the pump is running?

6. Ensure that the pump is running before going to the next step.

I/A Series Training Lab Guide


Process Control Default Displays


Read and perform the steps in this section only if your compound is not working properly. Most
causes of blocks not operating properly are because of a wrong connection or entering the wrong
value in for a block parameter.
1. You could always recheck the block connections in the IACC. Remember to download the edited
compound to the CP after making a change.
2. Observe the faceplates of the three blocks in TANK2_COMP to determine where a problem
Here is some helpful information:

A cyan background color (light blue) in the value fields of a PID faceplate implies that an
out-of-service (OOS) condition exits. If several of the faceplate fields have the cyan
background, the compound is most likely off.

If only the measurement value field (MEAS) has a cyan background, the most probable cause
is a typographical error in the MEAS parameter of LC100. The value depicted in the
measurement field assumes the last good value.

If the PID block is in the HOLD state, a missing or bad linkage exists for the MEAS or FBK,
parameters. It can also be caused by the HOLD parameter being set to 1.

If the measurement remains static and does not approach the set point, the most common
cause is an incorrect linkage of the input parameter, MEAS, of LV100 to the output
parameter, OUT, of LC100. Again, this is probably due to a typographical error.

If the set point is in Remote, as indicated by an "R" in the faceplate, select the faceplate, and
then toggle the L/R key from the bottom row of control keys. This will put the block into
local set point, as indicated by the L in the block status bar of the faceplate. This is
required because we are not using remote set point in our control strategy for TANK2.

3. Remember to export your compound to your Save/Saveall diskette after making changes.

I/A Series Training Lab Guide


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