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Figure & Anatomy

Instructor: Alessandra Sulpy
3 Cr / ARTD 3134 / 2:00 - 4:50 MW / Rowe 288


College of Art & Architecture, UNC Charlotte
Office: Rowe 272 ; Phone Number Office hours: M-TR 1-1:45 and by appt

Course Content:
Figure and Anatomy. (3) Prerequisites: Art major; a grade of C or above in ARTB 1201 and 1205. Pre- or
corequisite: ARTB 1206. Emphasizes the study of anatomy as it pertains to drawing. Complex drawing
problems in a variety of media. Six contact hours.

Course Objective:
This course emphasizes the study of anatomy and the human form as it pertains to drawing and in the
context of historical and contemporary art. In this class we will cover the skeleton and muscular systems,
with intense dedication to the study of life drawing. Subsequent drawing problems require creative use of
drawing approach, process, and concept in a variety of media. This class will consist of a series of lectures,
drawing sessions, and outside of class assignments. Each problem will be introduced with assigned
readings, lectures, visual aids, examples, and/or demonstrations. At the end of the class, students will have
a solid understanding of human anatomy, proportion, and how the figure moves and behaves.


Attendance is crucial, and poor attendance will reflect poor grades. If you arrive over 5 minutes late or leave
early 3 times, it will result in an absence. 3 absences, excused or otherwise, for the semester are allowed
and will not affect your grade. However, your 4th absence will lose you a full final letter grade, and a fifth
absence is an automatic failure. Talk to me in case of extreme circumstances (hospitalization, death in
family, etc). In the event of any absence it will be your responsibility to make up the work after we have
reviewed the missed lesson.


My grades are not based on talent alone (aka student draws as well as my cat must mean a low grade,
draws like Da Vinci means a fantastic grade), but upon how much effort / dedication you put into your
work and how you are able to grow. If you are able to glean a lot of knowledge from the lessons and work
hard to put these into practice, you will receive a higher grade than someone who is giving minimal effort in
their assignments.
Your overall grade will be based on:
HW/sketchbook Projects Quizzes IC Drawings-

100 pts/each
300 pts/each
50-75 pts/each
500 pts

Final 300 pts

Participation - 100 pts
(Roughly 3500 pts in the semester)

You will be able to follow along on Canvas all semester to see your weekly project/quiz grades, as well as
an overall projected grade.
Homework Assignments: Each homework assignment (typically done in your sketchbook and on larger

paper) will count as 100 points. You will have 1 week to fix any problems with your homework for a higher
grade. Anything

online will be done through CANVAS, not Moodle.

In-class Assignments: I will be collecting your portfolio at the end of the semester for review, so make sure
you keep everything. I will grade all these drawings out of 500 points, so missed classes will not count
against you.
Final - This assignment will be worked on in class, and will count as 300 points. This differs from any
projects I will give towards the end of the semester.
Participation: Pay attention in class, no talking or texting on your cell phone, speak up during critiques, come
to class on time, ask any questions you may have and meet with me if you need some more help. Be a good
student who has a good attitude towards class, and youve got another 100 points!
Extra Credit: A higher grade is easily attained simply by redoing an assignment. I will occasionally give the
class a specific extra-credit option ( see a certain lecture, movie, read an article and write about it, etc.). One
of these extra credits counts as a 5 points. You can also show me new drawings done outside of class (but
for the class!) for extra points.
Lateness: If you are absent I will accept the late homework at our next class without penalty. If you show up
to a class without your homework, you will receive 20 points LESS on the assignment the next day, and it will
not be accepted at all after that. Any assignment may be brought back in with revisions for improved grades;
you can not, however, make a late assignment higher than a B- (80 points). However, there will be one
forgiveness allowed for the semester (because, well, it happens!), where a one day late drawing will not be
affected, gradewise. You may only have one forgiveness.

Policies for an art class:

Model Policy: The utmost respect will be shown to all those people who model for our studio sessions
inside and outside of drawing sessions. A part of this respect demands that ABSOLUTELY NO DEVICES
RELEASE IS SIGNED BY THE MODEL AND STUDENT. The model will change clothes in the changing room
just inside the studio area. Models appear in the studio wearing a robe and disrobe once the pose begins. At
no time should anyone approach or touch the model without express permission from the model. The door
to the room will remain closed and locked during drawing sessions. No visitors will be allowed in the studio
unless the model and the monitor approve. Should the monitor need to leave the room; the session will stop
MODEL DURING A DRAWING SESSION CLASS TIME. Modeling is very hard work. No comments or groaning
should be made if the model needs to break a pose in order to get the circulation back into the muscles.
Whenever possible we will make the situation as easy on the model as possible.
Class Crits: We will have regular in-class critiques, both individually and as a group during the year.
Preparedness: Dont come to class with only one sheet of paper, or no pencil, or without your chamois....
make like a Boy Scout and always be prepared! Don't forget to bring your sketchbook to class for notes.
Cell Phones: Turn them off or put them on silent! There is NO texting allowed in class. Dont even take your
conversations outside because they shouldnt be in the first place (emergencies are of course an exception).
If cell phones are out when we have a model up and posing, I will take your phone from you.
Music Players: Ill allow you to put on headphones during classroom drawing in order to get into your zone.
Keep them at a low level, both for your peers sake and for my sake - when I come up to you to speak, please
be courteous and take both earbuds out and pause your music.
E-mail: E-mail is a good way to get in contact with me, as I generally check it morning and night. Additionally,
I may from time to time need to e-mail you, so if your e-mail address changes let me know. Be aware that
your professors likely have your UNCC email address, and that you must check that email regularly.

Extra Help: If youre having any trouble with an assignment or grasping a concept, I will be happy to go over
it with you. Dont be afraid to speak up - questions arent dumb, theyre there for gaining knowledge. You may
also speak to me after class, but I will be available for longer meetings during my office hours.
Materials: You must have the mandatory materials for the course. If you already have some materials in
your possession and are unsure about them, ask me! It is a far better idea to purchase your materials at
once than to buy them along the way. With many of the in-class assignments, I am very open to students
using a variety of media including ink, watercolor, pastel, digital drawing, paint, clay, etc.
Canvas: I will be tracking grades and attendance using Canvas, which you can access 24/7. You can find
this on or via NinerNet. I update attendance weekly (sometimes it slips and is more like 10
days), so please be aware of that. You can also find your grades and due dates for assignments on Canvas.
The professor reserves the right to revise the syllabus as needed, and the students will be notified of these
changes, if any occur.

Grading Standards:
A = Superior Work - showed remarkable effort and skill-building, as well as time and thought.
B = Above Average - showed a good deal of effort and learning, and a good understanding of the
C = Average - showed minimum work and a passing understanding of the assignments.
D = Below Average - showed little work and little care to understand the assignments.
F = Failure - Did not complete most of the work, little to no effort.
Grading examples:
A+ : 97-100 points
A : 93-96
A- : 90-92 etc

Other Policies:
Instructor tardiness/absenteeism: If I am late in arriving to class, you must wait a full 20 minutes after the
start of class before you may leave without being counted absent, or you must follow any written
instructions I may give you about my anticipated tardiness.
Disabilities: Students in this course seeking accommodations to disabilities must first consult with the
Office of Disability Services and follow the instructions of that office for obtaining accommodations.
Preferred Gender Pronouns: This course affirms people of all gender expressions and gender identities. If
you prefer to be called a different name than what is indicated on the class roster, please let me know. Feel
free to correct me on your preferred gender pronoun. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not
hesitate to contact me.
Sexual Harassment: UNC Charlotte is committed to providing an environment free of all forms of
discrimination and sexual harassment, including sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and
stalking. If you (or someone you know) has experienced or experiences any of these incidents, know that
you are not alone. UNC Charlotte has staff members trained to support you in navigating campus life,
accessing health and counseling services, providing academic and housing accommodations, helping with
legal protective orders, and more. Please be aware that many UNC Charlotte employees, including all faculty
members, are considered Responsible Employees who are required to relay any information or reports of
sexual misconduct they receive to the Title IX Coordinator. This means that if you tell me about a situation
involving sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking, I must report the
information to the Title IX Coordinator. Although I have to report the situation, you will still have options
about how your case will be handled, including whether or not you wish to pursue a formal complaint. Our
goal is to make sure you are aware of the range of options available to you and have access to the
resources you need. If you wish to speak to someone confidentially, you can contact any of the following

on-campus resources, who are not required to report the incident to the Title IX Coordinator: (1) University
Counseling Center (, 7-0311); (2) Student Health Center (,
7-7400); or (3) Center for Wellness Promotion (, 7-7407). Additional information about
your options is also available at under the Students tab.
Religious Accommodations, Field trips for other classes, and other forgivable absences: If you need to
miss a class for religious observances, you will need to submit a form (UP 409) and may miss 2 days per
semester. If you are a student athlete and must miss a class or two, I will need something from your coach
or other proof that you will be indisposed during classtime. If a major life event happens (death in the family,
you are in the hospital, etc) speak with me and we will work together so that you are not missing too many
classes and your grades wont suffer.

Required materials:
Dick Blick and Cheap Joes are great online retailers. You may want to check out Cheap Joes or Binders,
both about 20-25 minutes south of campus. Bring your student ID or this list and you will get 10% off at
both locations!
Drawing materials:
*High quality wire-bound sketchbook, preferably heavy poundage (at least 80 lbs), 11x14. Rec: Aquabee
Super Deluxe
*Variety of graphite pencils, at least 2H, HB, 4B and 6B
*Graphite stick (2B or HB) Flat ones are best
*White Charcoal pencil AND a white hard pastel (like a NuPastel or Conte)
*Colored pencils, at least 2 (red and blue?). Can use drafting pencils. Rec: Prismacolor
*Artist pens, one thick, one thin, in black. Rec: Micron (05) or Flair Pen. Avoid Sharpies or markers that bleed
*18x24 drawing pad
*Workable Fixative
*3 Erasers - white plastic, kneaded, stick/pen eraser
*Willow or vine charcoal
*Masking tape
*pencil sharpener / x-acto
*charcoal pencils
Recommended additional materials:
*drawing board for home use
*compressed charcoal
Required Text:
Atlas of Human Anatomy for the Artist - Stephen Rogers Peck
Recommended Additional Texts:
Classic Human Anatomy: The Artist's Guide to Form, Function, and Movement - Valerie L. Winslow
The Human Figure An Anatomy for Artists - David Rubens

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