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Tool RTUtil560

RTU560 Training


Tool RTUtil560
Engineering according IEC 1131-3
Supported by Windows 2000 and XP
Interface to Microsoft Excel
Excel Import
Excel Export
Interface to RTU232-Parametrization
Graphical Interface like other Windows Products
Parameterization within three different Trees:
Network Tree
Hardware Tree
Signal Tree
RTU560 Training

RTUtil560, Network-Tree

RTU560 Training

RTUtil560, Signal-Tree

RTU560 Training

RTUtil560, Hardware-Tree

RTU560 Training


RTUtil560, Tree Structure

Hardware Tree
CommunicationLines, IEDs, RTUs

Data Points

Network Tree

Signal Tree

RTU560 Training

RTUtil560, Basics
Manual Parameterization:
1. Network Tree
2. Signal Tree
3. Hardware Tree
Parameterization using Excel-Import:
1. Network Tree
2. Hardware Tree
3. Excel Import

RTUtil560 uses two basic operations:

Add Item
Insert a new element into the configuration
Link Item
Link a already present element into another tree
RTU560 Training


RTUtil560, Operation
Select the element with the right hand mouse click

RTU560 Training

RTUtil560, Linking
All elements, which are available in more than one tree, must be
linked ! Please take care of this configuration rule!
Linkable elements are:
(Process-) Data points
Non-linkable elements in the Hardware-Tree:
Serial Peripheral Bus (PBP)
Archives, local Print Function
Logic Functions, PLC, integrated HMI
Elements, which are not linked, are shows like this:
Linked elements are shown like this:
(with a yellow/red circle)
RTU560 Training

RTUtil560, Windows
In the left-hand side window of the tools all tree node objects are
displayed. In the right-hand window, the parameters of this object
can be modified.

RTU560 Training


RTUtil560, Node Structure

A Node may contain elements or other nodes.
Nodes containing other elements are shown like this:

If a node will be deleted (right mouse-click!), all other

elements belonging to this node will be deleted too !
RTUtil560 will inform you, before you will delete an item.

RTU560 Training


RTUtil560, Online-Help
For (nearly) all input fields there is an online-help available.
This online-help will be displayed, if the user touches the
field with his mouse-cursor for some seconds.
(Function of the operating system Windows: Tool-Tipp)

RTU560 Training


RTUtil560, Dimmed Fields

Parameter in the right-hand side windows may be dimmed, if
an input is not necessary in the moment.
The dimming depends on the state of other input fields.
Dimmed fields may contain parameter, which are modified before
the dimming, but they will not be used by the running application

RTU560 Training


RTUtil560, Data Point Naming

The identification of all data points have to be unique within a
configuration, because these names are used for some applications
of the run-time system (PLC, integrated HMI, ).
The name of a process data point may be unstructured or structured.
The last part of the name must be left empty during initialization,
( because it is used for the identification of this data point and must
contain a sufficient number of character (More than Zero).

Do not forget
to give names
to the levels in
the Signal-Tree
RTU560 Training


RTUtil560, Hints (1)

The node RTU560 will be added in the Network Tree,
and will be linked to the Hardware Tree.
Communication Lines must have a destination
(Control System / Substation IED, ) in order to
define the type of communication (Host- / Subdevice).

RTU560 Training


RTUtil560, Hints (2)

The top level elements of the hardware tree must contain only
linked elements from the network tree (RTUs, IEDs).

RTU560 Training


RTUtil560, Language
All dialogues are available in two languages:
- English
- German
After the installation of the tools the default language is English.
The language may be changed once by using the dialogue
Extra -> Language. The program has to be restarted after this change.

RTU560 Training



RTUtil560, File Generation

After finalizing the configuration, the Tool will build the RTU-Files:

General Configuration Data

Data Point Configuration
Plain Text for Local Print

These three files will be loaded into the RTU560 by using the
Webserver. They will be distributed automatically to all connected
Communication Units (CMU).

RTU560 Training


RTUtil560, Consistency Check

Before generating the configuration files for the RTU560, the system
will perform a consistency-check for all parameters automatically.

All entries in this list are linked elements. By clicking with the
mouse cursor, the system will bring you to the faulty parameter.
RTU560 Training



RTUtil560, Further Information

For further information see :

RTUtil560 Users Guide
Document identity: 1KGT 150 541
RTUtil560, RTU200/232 Configuration Import
Document identity: 1KGT 150 612

RTU560 Training


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