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A. Background
Creative economy is a development concept based on the creativity of capital that can
potentially increase the economic growth. According to President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
(2007) "Economic wave-4 is a continuation of the third wave of the economic orientation of
creativity, culture, and heritage and environment". Previous Alvin Tofler in his book Future
Shock (1970) revealed that "human civilization consists of 3 waves; The first wave is agriculture
century, the second wave was the industrial age and the third wave is the information age "(in
Nenny, 2008). The shift of Agriculture to the Era of Industrialization Era, followed by the era of
information, along with many new discoveries in the field of information technology and
economic globalization, has brought a new civilization for humans.
Creative economy is the utilization of backup resources is not only renewable, even
infinite, which is ideas, concept, flair or talents and creativity. The economic value of a product
or service in a creative era is no longer determined by the raw materials or production systems
such as the industrial era, but rather the use of creativity and innovation through the creation of
more advanced technology development. Industry can no longer compete in the global market by
relying on price or quality of the product only, but must compete based on innovation, creativity
and imagination. According to the Department of Commerce, (2007) there are some directions of
development of creative industries, such as the development of a more focused on industrybased: (1) the field of creative endeavor and culture (cultural creative industry); (2) the field of
creative effort (creative industry), or (3) Intellectual property rights such as copyright (copyright
B. Identification of the Problem
Related to the background of the study, there are some problems that may arise. The
writer identifies the problems as follows :
1. How creative economic relations with the Indonesian economy?
2. What is the benefits from creative economic if applied in Indonesian?
C. Destination

To find out the benefits of creative economic and the relations with the Indonesian

A. Creative Economic
Industrialization has created employment patterns, patterns of production and distribution
patterns that are cheaper and more efficient. New inventions in the field of information and
communication technologies such as the internet, email, Global System for Mobile
communications (GSM) has created a symbiotic relationship between humans and therefore
encourage people to become more active and productive in discovering new technologies. Other
effects that arise as a result of this change is the emergence of the phenomenon of
competitiveness or greater market competition. This condition requires the company to find ways
in order to reduce the cost as cheap as possible and as efficiently as possible in order to maintain

its existence. Developed countries began to realize that this time they can not rely solely on
industry as an economic resource in the country but they must rely more creative human
resources for human creativity that comes from the power he thought that became the basis for
creating innovation in the face of competitiveness or greater market competition. So in the 1990s
began a new economic era that emphasize resources and creativity and is popularly known as the
Creative Economy is driven by the industrial sector called Creative Industries.
Creative economy proved a positive influence in developing countries across the
continent to explore and develop the potential of its creativity. Countries build economic
potential creative with their own way in accordance with the capabilities of the country. British
built the creative industries through the Department of Culture, Media and Sports (DCMS), New
Zealand via New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE), Singapore through the Ministry of
Information, Communications and the Arts (MICA) with the concept Renaisssance City, Media
21 and its Singapore Design, Malaysia through Malaysia Design & Innovation Centre (MDIC),
Thailand with Thailand Creative & Design Center (TCDC), and China (People's Republic of
China) gradually gave birth to new creative cities, and has become a leader in economic
contribution creative.
Indonesia also realize that the creative industries are a source of new economy that must
be developed further in the national economy. Department of Commerce register 14 sector in the
category of creative industries which is advertising services, architecture, art market, crafts,
design, fashion, film, video and photography, interactive games, music, performing arts,
publishing and printing, computer services and software, television and radio as well as research
and development.
Creative industry in Indonesia has become one of the industry that quite successful and
promising since 2002. Seeing a positive contribution to the economy, so in 2006 the Minister of
Trade Mari Elka Pangestu form Indonesia Design Power program that is a government program
which aims to make indonesian products of international standard and has national charateristics
that can compete and acceptable in the world market. Creative industries in Indonesia even able
to survive in the face of the global crisis.

Global crisis problems in 2008 that led to the volume of Indonesian exports declined
mainly to the main destinations in Europe. Non-oil exports to the US market fell from 9754.2
million US $ (in 2008) to 7544.7 million US $ (in 2009), while non-oil exports to Japan fell from
10418.1 million US $ to 8091, 7 Million US $. In addition, the total value of exports of industrial
sector fell from 68949.9 million US $ in 2008 to 51395.7 million US $ in 2009 (CBS, 2009).
However, the impact of the global crisis experienced by Indonesia reckoned not as deep as the
impact of the crisis in other ASEAN countries. According to Prof. David O. Dapice of Harvard
University when he became the only speaker in the executive meeting titled ASEAN and the
Global Recession in Jakarta on December 30, 2008 said that "precisely this crisis is believed to
be an opportunity to reorganize the domestic economy and to strengthen regional trade" (Esti &
Suryani 2008 in wheny, 2008).
Creative industry is one industry that can survive in the face of the global crisis in 2008.
This can be seen through the table below:

Creative Industry contribution to the Economy of Indonesia

Year 2005 - 2009
Constant PDB
Export value
Contribution to
national export




2010 (june 2010)





















7,38 %

7,43 %

7,83 %

7,90 %

From the data above we can see that the total exports of creative industry in 2009 did not decline

from the year 2008 as experienced by other industry sectors as a result of the global crisis. This
is a new hope for the Indonesian economy as the creative industry is an industry that very
feasible to develop and have a great opportunity to fix the Indonesian economy. One
manifestation of the implementation of the export promotion strategy (export Promotion) in
Indonesia is to develop a creative industry which has become one of the sources of the new
economy that bepotensi in increasing national exports.
Indonesia has a lot of potential for creative economy such as Indonesia has many worldclass designers, artists, architects, performers, musicians, until the producer / director that has
been worldwide. On the other hand, a typical Indonesian products such as batik, songket
Palembang, sculpture Bali, the uniqueness of Papua, West Java creations, till the Jepara furniture,
have also been acknowledged in foreign countries.
As the shape of the seriousness of the government in developing the creative industries to
coincide with Mother's Day, on December 22, 2008 the President formally establishes 2009 as
the Year of Creative and Indonesia issued Presidential Instruction No. 6 In 2009, the 28 central
and local government agencies. President instructed that all the institutions mentioned to support
the Creative Economy Development policy. In addition, on October 18, 2011, relating to the
reshuffle of Indonesia Bersatu Jilid II cabinet was formed Ministry of Tourism and Creative
Seeing so much creative industries impact on the economy, then it is the right step for the
government to give special attention and promote creative industries in Indonesia. Indonesia as a
country with a population of 237 556 363 inhabitants (August 2010) has the potential of the
creative industries that very large. Potential of the creative industries Indonesia has great
opportunities for development, cultural diversity, uniqueness of natural resources, creative
people and a vast domestic market is a resource for the existence of this industry.



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