2 BPT Lesson Idea 2016

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Name: Kelsey Montgomery
Grade Level: 3rd
Content Area: Mathematics
Basic Productivity Tool Used: Microsoft Excel
Standards Addressed: (Example: MCCK.CC.1 Count to 100 by ones and tens
See https://www.georgiastandards.org/Pages/Default.aspx)

Identify arithmetic patterns (including patterns in the addition table or multiplication table), and
explain them using properties of operations.
Blooms Level of Critical Thinking:
Description of how to implement in the class: The children will use spreadsheet
to create a multiplication table with all of the multiples of numbers less than 100 (110). This will allow for students to practice their times tables. It will also help them to
understand and know the relationships between the numbers. Students will be able
to easily identify the arithmetic patterns. This is a visual tool that students can use to
help them develop their own multiplication table.
Level of Technology Implementation (LoTi): This project is a level 2 LoTi level:
explorations. The project is direct instruction by the teacher. The teacher will instruct
students on what to do. The teacher is giving the students step-by-step instruction on
how to insert the information into an excel spreadsheet. The spreadsheet activity
uses the lower levels of Blooms taxonomy, which are remembering and
Description of the sample spreadsheet and graph/chart provided *: Provided
is an example of what a students times table might look like. Students can decorate
their times table with colors and appropriate pictures. The times table will be used as
reference sheet and for studying.
Other comments about your proposed spreadsheet/graph/chart activity:
Excel spreadsheets are great for displaying mathematical data. It is great for showing
relationships among various elements in math and science. There are many graphic
organizers that can be accessed in Excel.

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