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Day 1 (Back heavy)

Deadlift 3x8
Weighted Chins 3x8
BB Row 3x8
DB Seal Rows 3x15
Rear Delt Fly 6x20

Day 2 (Chest/Shoulders heavy)

Bench Press 3x8
OHP 3x8
Incline DB Press 3x12
Dips 3x15
Side Laterals 6x15

Day 3 (Legs Heavy)

Front Squat 3x8
BGSS 3x8
Leg Ext 3x12
RDL 3x12
GHR/Leg Curl 3x12

Day 4 (Arms light)

CGBP with Bands 3x12
BB Curl 3x12
Skullcrusher 3x12
DB Curls 3x12
Pushdowns 3x12
Hammer Curl 3x12
OH Triceps Extension 3x12
Reverse Curls 3x12

Day 5 (Back light)

Seal BB Row 3x12
DB Row 3x12
Pullups 3x12
Pullovers 3x12
Rear Delt Flys 6x20

Day 6 (Chest/Shoulders light)

BB Incline Press 3x12
DB Shoulder Press 3x12
Machine Fly 3x12
Band Fly 3x12
Side Laterals 6x15

Day 7 (Legs light)

Close Stance Foot Elevated Squats 3x12
Leg Extension 6x12
Leg Curl 6x12

Drop sets, forced reps, iso holds, partials, supersets, occlusion sets.

Day 1: 100 Pushups, Bench Pyramid, 100 Rep Pec Deck Drop Sets, Bench Dips,
Day 2: Farmers Walk (60-70% BW), Sled drag, 100 DB Rows,
Day 3: OHP Pyramid, DB Push Press, Klokov Press with Bar 6x12, 100 rep Side
Laterals (Drop or no),
100 rep 10kg Plate Raise, Bench Dips,
Day 4: Vidowmaker Squat, 100 rep Lunge, 100 Reps RDL,

Pyramid: Pyramids start with bar add 2,5-5k jumps for 10 rep sets til fail then go back down

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