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Introductory Stories 4| for Reproduction L. A. HILL ‘OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Pg Se Hay Rng age I fo as hae ea Sena fr ele a ow Cea nm Fa et (incre eens Ose ary Bern Pe Introduction "onion eeeaty Loomer vera 00 eco) tn sbemcetabadwre ows Hk hw be Shon Thorac tren each boat Sad rg which arb el erorel rant wgeeccion wort Tis oesusr i prewar te Spends Siva Meares nays mvc ere soem Bt 1) Lie sl Spain The tence iepste cometerecrdng.o eat let ee of Bestren ‘es obs tince The sah ve fesuwer gnc set ander feel teeny iy (i Lieereg a Wren The mew siettecneetecroting reson neo te sere woe teectines Theale ae one uae ts ae 6) Reading nd Ween ‘che rece ce he rn for a tain ent of isa, thon sete honk tes Ges at mach the sy he ee bile eka tated th weal ‘ih, eb and i ther cm tral t= ven sea {gts he linger oso bu sry ae the tort Thy comb dt ters nt ae gt each Tay ea a ‘eee When ey tee Lut hey cre heb 9 "Tee grasa tracers wed he Dek ae be ely it. Ferecanpi nopauiesratecnunr trier psc rea, ser ec eget ae thon se er tots oy Be LA, ae Seni Rea Ft Sesto Ramen Sand es (as) ‘Sigs io Datntncne (ont) “Ane m Atay Engh ka) ee ome et Canpeension Tp (2 a) Me and Mee. ters west to ghton for 2 hoisay ts sunmer, Brighton i tovn by the oe in England. Di. Peters lies fing ery snc, and on the Gt day be si to Bi wife Ym going to go ou fishing on the sen, Aze yu going w come with ne "No, hi wife aewered "I's cold and windy tay” Mr: Rete went cut in boat clone and ished for sever severinerent on ‘eee f plist for a fisesbop i he town, e weal bck wie he! an pr to wile Slow Gil yo exe ha” she shes im, (ever pot nmap Mr Bates aneeed oes Me. Peters ke hing? Did be go fing cn theft ay of is ity? Did is Fer go with ln? vy? What did Me. etc ton? Did throw bac et Ee ana? ‘Woat did his wit ach tata? 1 And wha did Me Paters anewer? 2 Sara left choot st June, ‘You dot Hhe were very amc Sam his en Paul sie." are you gig do Dow! oe gong 0 stoy sa Sam anavere "Vm gong 0 g0 si cog ‘Ser want to the music elege, but be Gil not study much He oloyed wares and wert to dasces and enyed everyiking Bache neve had vudh meter. “Then ‘he Bid sme hodass. He went hone ane saw his free Pel su, Poul ani How ate you geting om, Sa “Guite well) wae Seay’ answer, bot ny father ae very ie wre ty him and shed Bim for £500 for « now ii, Dare ide send me the money. He seat me 2 van [What did Pau say 10 Sa st June? Are what dd Sn aser? Did he go tos muse cobege? Did bo study much thers! What did he doo the cee? Did he have mach money? ‘What id Paul say to Hi during his hobs? ‘Ane what di Sam sree? ed a me 7: vin 3 ‘a ob women lived ane in her hws, heeaue her husband seas cea. She el down the sats an hurt ber Jet very Bely. She tlephonad ner ster, are ber isles cane thet ruse an tock her othe docer Berea ‘Tae doctor ceaned the ly std then te bandaged & Aber Laat be atl fe the ell woman, ‘Now, Mrs. Gre, tho Se ting 1 be bal for a ng tine, Dor ran up ane dowe the snr. yur Rrube foafew weeks Vis. race vite the decor avery wie for abut 2 meat, and then beni "Your lege qute wal aa, Mes. Gece: "Thats very geod” sail the ld. norman happy. ‘hated cimbig up and down that éringige to my Bedeoon every ay Did Mee. Gras ive with her hushed in her boss? Whe? Fi she hurt her? Dad he die herself he spl? What the deter sy t her? Did Mre Grace wait hie erery Mok after tha? What dhe ay aftr a month? Aud ubat di Mrs, Grae same? Jean and Mark wore tins, They were ten peer ld, ae they wee in the arse an et ther shed. A fw vos ag, their English teacher sid to the chien, haven ves so any Insmework for two weeks, cxbdren Now sis week, write compotion abit “Or ea, ant ve W 16 me next Nowe Have yo al gota cat at hom?" "Yes Mis Jone allf thom anewered Al the perils did the computing, and they ave it to the teacher on Moray. The teacher read al the cunpesins and then she gave Chen tc tthe pops on Tues ean’ se <6, your compan te sme a8 Your beth "Yea! arawered Jean quick’ ‘Ws the same ct” Was Jeen oboe thn Mer? Want de thr Engh teacher sey a week 0? Dia the pubis Have ats? ‘wraith pups de hen? [DiS the teseher ead al th compost? Wren ei he give ther bck ech pape? ‘What dd the teacher cyto Jean cn Tuesday? ‘and what oi Jean answer? Many year ope Wonder Ait wat asta, very naw compa. It had very litle rosey and ta actogance were very eld. Ms Black Dew by Wosder Air once, Tau day, ie went tthe a Dot got 0a the Wonder Ae seroptine and wae After 4 few minutes, here wat 2 It cf mdse, 2 thes the captain came cut are shasted, en not going to ale tie seo plane up! One of te eagires i broken, nd they aren't xing ‘The passengers go cut and thes, an Nout Inter, an a= hontene58 "The serpin’ racy agin new The pases albea past her tthe areplane agus ‘Did ou gets new engine? Mr lack sked the ar-hestess, 1No,we got anew cpl’ she answered 1, Wore Wonder A's asrplanes new oad? 2. Where did Mr, Blac wake 5. What di the capeabof the aeronase shout? {Ost me pengers say on Re arrpine er that? 5. Dil they ger ot & Whar de the ar sens ay an Bes er? 1. Dl her wes anew cage? 8 Wharda they ret? Mr, Keats slay-five, and hls wile is sinty-ene. Mr, Kent i small and chin. ant Bis wife and tall Se ert MS Derton She aivsys crises everyoofy and everyting, 26 he entioaes her husband more than anyone wisp. Shs slways faye ther ncignbours ‘He never dacs anything ight! Last cnenth she sd to He husboncs ‘Love at your she! ‘There are two fds inthe ca! Tin going Yo buy you sore ew shits’ She went to tke shops that aftercen and bought fhm tree new sts ‘The neve moraing, Mc. Kent pt cre of them on sod went down w de Kitchen. Mrs Ket boked at bin ard den sboted angry, "Ard whats wrong’ wth the other wo sbirs? Don't 1. ters Ken tall sal? 2. Is she happy? 5. What doc he aways say to her atighbour aout her tsbaae? 4, What did she say coher husband ast month? 5. Wha id she do cher? 6, Did Mr Kett pt ae ofthe new sits onthe rest 7. Wat di bie wife about a hi? De pele pat thee stirts un at the save tine? ‘Norma Harris were in an ofc for twenty years. thes he lst mo bose he gan ecing everyting wrong. Hie site eat im toa cacti, ane the cece aed him a Lt of (atetins fr an hour anther oa to hi, ‘Mr Hav, thre ie two diferent people i yeu, ar) they'te feng eachother Tin pir serve ton heeital fer 8 week and ging to The deer gave him bl fr £20, Norman tok £10 out of is pechet and gave tothe dots. Then he ai to him, “Bet ‘he other Hall fem Cie cher aa Tx mo gi to py fr in 1. Did Nora work ie the same ec for 2g time? 2. Why ae ve A nbe 5. Did his mite send bi othe doctor? 44, What di the doce sey ohn? 6 ‘What di he gve Norman aft that? [Dil Noritan gv the dcir any money? How mich he give in? And wht id Norman sy? 0 Jenn was tem yrs ob and he wis a clever boy: Mont ofthe Dupin his cise at school were nt very god st matherstcs, Sat Joba anally answered the teachers guetions vary well Last Techy the teachers to Ue clean, ‘Now Un pig 9 tive you u mathematic test [a goin to give you « question ne saya name, se that bay ce gs go. fo answer. Now here's £5.75 in yoas ltt pocket, an 83.27 in your rRght peket. What have you gt? Peter? Macy? Hele Tne of the paps std anything for kg tine. Then the tevener si, Whats he ase, Jo” “is ansvered quickly, Soma ees toases! 4) an 1. Were mas ofthe puis John's class goa at id Joke usally give geod, or bad answers? Wet wes the eacher fat question? [Did te teacher ask several papi then? ‘at dd the pois arse Who di the tener atk then? ‘rd nhac dd Joke anseor? Did te teacher wart tht osawer? aeeneen Mc. Green weat to Germary, because he had sme were there He eam back lat Mery and bis young wife met him a Ge suport They walked Uo thei ci and pase atl, prety ar hoses. Me: Grees ato er. ‘ode, is Harris. and the a noatssemed and a, "Gondye te, (Mea. Grees stopped and looked at the sr ants, Then she suid ther hesband Tow &d you hrm her name?” “That was easy answered Mr Green, “The ames ofthe cape lain and a the crew were an 4 pee of paper ont of cor "What was the name ofthe captain?” Mra. Green asked with smile (Mic Green lett and answered Ton remember any of tne ober nares id Mr. Green a0 wo France. r to Germans? [De aryere meet him atthe arport wm England? ‘What dc he aay tthe ar-sten? Did the sir-horees anawer? ‘What did Mr. Crews’ wife ak then ‘What was Me, Green's answer? "Wrath wife ase then? 1 Did ltr Green rerembr any ofthe ether names? a Mike wast wel He was tie althe time, and is hea often hice ‘Ge te he dacon hi wie si Mike di aot lke voting the cote, bt after a week, he ween, The doctor asked him abt of qurssena aed wrate Mike's ‘answers dev, "Wr dye nthe meine? e asked in “Eggs, bre, bute, en and ctte®, Aiko ance “And whet lanck do you have?” the detor asked. Meat fn and boa ‘And wht co yu have inthe evening” the doco asked ‘eg a ore Than the doce ei, Eat some fruit everyday, and eal these ofthe frat: Tho tino very good, Wht frit do yo Tike be?" 'MOke was not happy. Caan’ he aanwered 1, Why id Mite xo to the doctor? 2 Did te ke gong co hin? 4. Did the decer a8 him ay questions? 4. Di Bike eat bend 2 every mea 5. Did be et any frit? 5. Whar de et he evening? 7 Where dotor ay ther? 11 Mr. Liye went tothe barber every month ty have a talent Ho corectes ak Si ral toe Php wth ig Php ot and locked at magazines daving his 14's hapest But at tat iw. he ther wt PA ARM. aa ‘Then, ome day Me: Lyd sit his wif haps ve now and the barber i zoing teat his hai ext ir He took Philip there the next da. 2d 4 he barber cut Mr. sys i. Then He pat Phi in he CR a ad om 44 you want your ha, Young man?” ‘ike ny father's! enowered Pp With 3 nae i she ove Did Philp moter, o hs facher cut hit rst home? Where dd Mr Lloyd enetines the Pailoy ‘What ide say tn wife the? 1 the harder eat Poi’ ha tat? De put sim ie the cbse? What ic he ark hip ther? ‘nd what did Philip sewer? Dil the barker sake the dein the wid of M, Linn baie ‘Ted Lawrence wan on art He psited very modern pictares- blue aquares ad yew cites fd seep and green sky [ast Deere, there wax at exhton of hi itu fa cu silage hal for a week. and there was # Bg Doak on a DE at thedbor Init tere were te questens: "Why did you came to this exibition “Whi ofthe petures di you like” Every even, Ted went to Uh bok and ea "The esther was oe very goat, and on the Saturday. it rained alt. That evening Ted locked atthe beck atthe dao the Hall dread cue dys exsers to hs two questions They Teh ret Hhe any ofthe ptures. came inv the exhiton nce pan iting, and Tat Rave an umbrel, is ea pate pares? 0 id ho paint? What vas therein the vilage hal ns December? Was there anything onthe table at the dor? Were there ay cuestoas in he book? inate the fis one? ‘And what was the vied? ‘What did one ly ener? ors mah 0-0) Jevey i a student at a university. He kes rok asic very much Last Grober Ye said t same of is fends, "We're gang to stata rockband, and we're gong fo play every evening in my parent’ Uvitg-tonm, They arsa't et home then, beeuse they ek a a tel Tkvomy and he fiends went tone Reuse every evening ant Diayed ther muse, tat they playe vory badly aa the neg boars slware shouted, ‘Sop chet Bo” que" Thon Jeromy beet the windows and he aed his ries payed mere mane ‘Bat lat June, Jerry pete a win. pats Ded ot ened and then sid thi vents." We're paying beter! Tae veggurs ave sheutag, “Ten that aca a” Is Seres astdent st a ata ofa a ane? Dees he ke mise? What i he sn hi friends ast Ort? Di they pay a? Did the neighbours enioy thse wus? What dd the neiztours shot Fist? nd what ch Bey shoot net June? 8 What ded Jeremy say thene Me, Wit found orc in aml ow, a Ne ane his wie soe their howe in London and bought one in the nex town. Mr White went fo werk by bes every day with some of bis ew ethos. ast month he was on (he us, ou i his new negbrs was infront ofan Mt. White sae 0 him, Une a my Peeth hhrtng very badly le hero a god dent hee! "Yo dont waat & dente! ansnered the eighbout. ‘One of pny teeth hurt a be yesterday ton, Dat my wife put het m9 Found me 290 based me. Sk tRe Tcth sorted Rating, Co ahd Mr. White stood wp, ocd’ he sid happy. Where’ your wife now? id Me, and Vir. White go te ance tow? Did wey buy a house ihere? lM white goo work by car? ite go ane? Whores in oat of hiro the bus? What dhe Mee White sy on? ‘What did the neighboa answer? And what di Ne, White then? Wd ne fs ot 15 aly was twelve years al and her broter Tin wos eight. iy ad a sll dg, His mace was Rover iy liked cecking very mci, ad ducing the Iniay, she made two beauties cakes We've gers t) et them this aflernoon’ she sa to Ti, You geing nave ona, acm gong to have the ther one hes parents were noc at hore that ateroon, era Fur Creek Lily made some tea wd pt the ees he ae “Where's Rover? she sab He's under the table Tim answere, They began her ta, but thon Lily shouted, Ti, cick, éropoed my cake under the le, and Rovers ping teat it” ‘ifeal eh, Lip! Tia answered. ‘ve at ry foot id Ly eke anything ding the bly? ‘What di se say tobe: bre? Did se. or er biter make tea 3 cur erelack? What id she ask Ti then? ae Hever under the tbl? Di the eer ben their ea then? ‘Wher i Lily shout during thei tea? And what ot Tin answer? ln was the daceman ofa kta bo ip ty. Every day ha sane of people pase he doc, and a tof them stopped sn sid to Bem, What’ the tins, pease “Altera few tients, Don said to himsel, Tn wot going t answer al thee stupid peo any sive Fin going 1049 Wo & ‘hep ard buy a tig cock. Thea Tim geing to putt up nthe yal ere’ Heboagit alec snd pat up oa the wll "Sow people arn't going to stop and ak me the tne’ he seid haspiy. But after sat,» bt of psp stopped every day, Dec at he he and then sal to Dae‘ that ack righ 1. Wat work did Das do? 2 Da many pecee so at hs door? 3 Da they ath Daa thet! 4. Was be happy about thie? 5 What dd ie ay te hime hen? And wnat did he do? 7. Ea pape seap ad lok atthe ebek? 1 And what dé they sy to Dan? ates wae ssteeayeors old He nat astadeat, bute was nota wry Kod one. He alvaye sat atthe back ofthe slam, eed he often eet f seep daring leon, Becae he stayed Up lite crery night (re of Larny’s teachers a Miss Perry. On day Lacy was lee a be cls, and she cae and wake Bn up You cing tu seep ia my cle, Lary oe eid t hin, be pease, "Good night" me fiat? ‘Anche day Latey ative aL sho Yer Int in the mer ing, a Ms ery sd ohm," ae te, Lary? i dhdr’t wake op at the right time this suring. Miss! Latty anewered, ‘OA Miss Perey sido you leg ot home fe” Wis Lary a good stent? ‘Whar did he often do during kesons? Wry aid he co te? ‘Ws Mise Perry 2 stent ao? What di she sy to Larry ene day? Was cry ve another morning? Wi was he late? ‘Wrath Mis Pery say to lan then? elon Sith ike Japanese fond very such, One dey ahe went (0-0 Japanese resteurat ad boked atthe mena. She sid (> terely “The Japenese eters 1s Tend ae VEr¥ Brey ani she rate tee of them a8 2 oe of puget Her Rady wa ‘Sing, aye at brve he sawed then onthe front of het Hewse A her friends liked the bewse very auch, but then # few ays later, she went to the apes estar aia. The Je ‘ese people eked st her hase, ant thon begin sing een aid "Why are you ening?” and one of the Japanese severed Because the words an your Howse ay: “young hie 1, Di Helen ke Japanese fo? 2. Anda she ey sewing? 3 What id the sy 0 herein the Japanese rexauria? 4 What hohe ao tnen? 5. Did er frend ke 6. Whar the Japanese povplein the reetanrant do? 7. Wha dd she aah ther? 23 What were the words Hete's Bouse? 19 Sly and Bobby wave smal ays. Thay were bothers ant they ten Rad tights wt eachother ‘Laat Saturday thir miter eid to them, Tem going to ok bur leneh nov. Go ox an lay inthe garden aad be gol? "Yea Mur the two ks ansnered, and they Ment ‘They played i the garde fr halls Roar, then hele nother hoard something She sai fo hers, Someons' bran some as ‘Then Bily ran into the htchen le was older than Bobby. ‘Marea: he Sud "Hobby's rokea 2 wandow in Nrs. Allen's ‘He abe oy, hie other ai. How ed he brea "Tthrey stone a im Billy ananere, “ad he ducked What dl the Bee! motor any to ther at Sotrday? Did the boys ay in the garden then? Dil tiie ater eae awe? What se sey wo hersel? Wr he yey to mother? What dé his other earthen? ‘nd what di Bly answer [Did Bobby, or By break the window? (Ms. and Mrs, Miler cme to Lean and bought a very ld those there. Then hrs, Miles olf fend, Mrs. Yates. came an vied her Mee. Yatet wert srcurd the boas wih Mrs, Mille, aed ahe was surprned, hesnee there were bele onthe vel of every roo. ‘She said to Ms. Miler, Why have you got all hese Les in oe house, eye Mr ler smsnered, ity years ayo, lads and gente hod vervante, The ladies end geatemen rang the bells in the rooms. and then the sivants cae up iam the Riche. But fom everything's ferent werk in (he Kitchen, and Tsme= tines ring the tell nthe rooms. “Phen ony bast my cfldven come dwn and hoip me Dd Mend Mra Miler buy as eld 3 new house? Did anyone visit Mr Miler there? ‘Why was Mrs. Yates surrised? Whar di as and gentesen do ty yeas ago? Did the acvest come then? 1. Did Mrs Miler sometimes ving the els? {& Ane wha der fasand, ce helen do then? 21 Mrs. Andrews asi to her husband, ‘There's cing to be a big nace atthe club om Seturday, an all the other women are tong 1 bave nev dreses Ivana new one tx [itt her heshand answered, No, Tt gone to Day ye a ‘Thon Mea Andrewe wont: 8 chp, bought «boautiel drovg, and put on ber Husbands account, But she ed nots any thing stout it hi ‘She wore the énese atthe dane, an everyone aa, That's 4 beatifl dros! ‘At might, Mr nd Mrs, Andrews went hoe, so Me An eo said hi nif, "You ere wy preity your old dress an the oer women were ln ther new ones What dd Mrs. Andrews sts to ter husbard? 2 And whac ca be answer? 4. Dil Mee Anctews go te ashop then? A. And she buy aything thre? 5. Dedshe give any money fort? 3. And dd she sty anrthing about two her husband? 1, What id everyone sy boat es dees atthe eae? Andwnat cit Mr Andrews oy 10 his wie afer he anon? Me. Welesr hed on son. His mane wea Harry, s8€ he woe tele years oe. Mr- Waker went 2 work by cat every dan, and be tec Harry with be osc Hey wante 4 tage very: mach “A bt of my frends ride tosenmlen ther beyele, nasal to bs father ‘A fw daye ago, Me Waller stopped his carat a red Hight, snc then Beau 0 Hay, “Po ging fo gv yo bce net ‘month, Harry. But fist Tm ging to ask You some questions Now, da you kos the seaning cf nove ete igs? Yes, doy Marry answered quickly. Red is “Step, green © “Gat, and yellow "Go very ft? ‘Naw Hay a boy, or man? Did his father have a ear? Did Harry have a bevel? What id ne say to his Father Where id Mee Wao sop hier? What did hewk Hay the? And what di Mary anower? Me Wins went t2 Inds foe few months and he ew a Imeustche anda beard ther. Then be came ack 2 En tnd ho ad hi wife had ahaay re hota by she Aer the fist day, hes wife seid to hin‘ dat hike yor bear Te He shaved i of but he dit uot shave bis mous ache et Thon the aext morning he sid to hse ‘Now Ten ke ny moustache abaved tha ff oo Thea he and his wife ment down Co Ure nd al ofthe rope atthe eer tables lake st the an bxun whispering to each ther. Beerybey said That wom alvare comes ‘hoa eres wit 3 orn pan ear rH" Did Ate Wars got Afri, rf ne? Did he grow a siantache r+ beard? Di he go toa Bete alae uring hi li? Di hn wife ike his bene? ‘What id her husband do hen What ei he cy ohms te pst mort? And wbat aid he de? ‘What eid everybedy whisper at bre Weds nt nt 70: mien sar sh 6) ee award Lake was twon'y- Me vsted the marager of ban, be cause he wanted work there The ranpers name ‘was Tromp. ‘Me Thompson silo Blac d Wheve aid yeu wor bere” Evard answered, nas in an ice in London ert lng? the rage ste era year 2a hall award answered ‘Wich fis?” the manager sk Een vac gave him the nome, and Mr. Thonn tlephonod he anager there. “low log dil Edwacd Lake work fcr you?” Mr Therpson se "About a week; the ober manager answers But he sid ° ss therefor year and half" Me Thom "Yew tha’ correct? was the answer. He mas with x9 for & sear ands ba bot he by sda for a eek durin tha ie id Ravard vist Mr Thompson Desase he wanted ey? Wh he Mr. Thoanpn ask hee fest? What was Be. Thompuon's econd question? And what was is thre question? What uid Mz Therasen ask the nape of the effin Londen? And whet il the manager answer? 2. What dd. Thorpe sy then? 8. Aad what did the eter manager anewer? Anni and Jae were tins, ne they were ten years old They Tike wise ets very much, an they sbuape wanted he same Last week theie mother sid, Tadey Fm ging t bey you some new drome? and the sire were very happy. Tice ‘other 10k them to 3 shop In toa an6 Sto them. What (leu de jou wane ths ‘Blue!” bout ce them erowered together, and then hey all ough '& woman brought tem sane pretiy blue dresses, and the The woman sid to them, “There's a ace an tha wall Leake at yosreelvs in ‘Thar mother loghed egsin and said “They dont aced a scar They anays eck st voc lherin thr new dete? De th ons ene eothes? De they always want diferent crs! ‘What cher ther sas tothe ast week? Die he take them toa shop it toa thea? De they bots wart red cressee? ea meran bring tm seme then? ‘Wat ithe worean sey? And wnat did the evine’ other say thea? Wve a 30 mir sae) 8 26 ‘Two old men sre tiond. They had no work Inst Tharéey and they went out fora walk But war col and et inthe Sees, wa after 2 quater of an bout, they went int a bie sep I 9 cheap, seoot-band things: Each of the of men ‘sid to himsei My then going to bay something. He wanis ferething in hece, bit both of them were inthe shop becase eva warm and éy. ‘They walked accord for eother quarter of an hoa and Yooted ata It of tings, 2ne then each OF them sew ise, ‘He doesn't waot anything. He's te me Them one of then eid, "We aren gang o buy anything. 2 ‘wo? Cente and look at oan mre beaut things in tho exper tlre shape” i he od min go for 2 wale together at Try? Was the weahe wo What it te le men do afer a quarter of an our? [idee shop al experi hinge? Wht did each of the od men say to Himself Di eey oak ot anything in the shop? What id each of them sty to binsel efter thot? {© And what dd one of them say ty the othe then? Mrs Hoban lve ina big cy and she works in «shap. She ‘wert there by car every moming for twenty years. Then she ‘wos forty-five yrar ad and she a8 to evel, "Tm 4 and Soit naw Baeove Igo eserrwhore by cer Is ging to Bey 2 tig! ‘She bought one, and after tbe, she alvays went tw her shop on that andra in Herc. Sometimes al the cote sonnet at 3 Fed ight, and she went quickly pat the the front becsite hor beyce was narrow. Then she was boy Yesterday she topped st 910d ight, an@ 8 man come ap Lchind heen another bieyde. He stoped tg xd sa, Have the pce ake yur eng cence 2824 tou? Does Ms, Haller! workin an fice? ‘Wha she sy oo hereafter ety Yeas? Did se bay anyching heat 1D the ge toner step on Where di she step one day? Who care up hind er chen? Did he sep to? And wnat did be sy toMes Holand? Jie was sateen He eft sche, Dut he 64 wot snd any work {or aig time. Then be began sling beeshes to Ins in thee Touces He went to the feat doors of the houses and krccled 1 them, rag the bel Then the ly came to the dec, ad Tin sad, Tve gc soe bezufl brushes bere” Soe ladies ci ‘ot wert an brine, bt thers ovat ne from hi List Monday he sume to The trent dor of ne Rowse aad rang the bell A big deg came round th corcr It wa ang, fed fin was si. “Then a dy cine wo Ce done ad sbowted a Jn, ‘Step ae taeasng 7 poor dog! Take you le out at #5 wah” ‘il Jim snd wer easy What bene nyt in? Dial of ther by his brushes? ‘Wh i fim do Ist Mondo? What cane toud Uae cet ofthe house? ‘ere the dog ana Jin Rarpy? What di the lady shut at Jim? An Englah fin diector made ie a asl wilage Ini ‘The weather Wan Very ingeevent fer sling the fm, and the divecor sways Isiened © the weather ‘orcas on the rai. But shen every morning, anc Taian sid to Ue dec. 1S ‘cing to rain toeay" or "The sun's gang to shine tals 9S fang tobe oud and he wae ales righ “Then tha Sim deer stooped Kvering to the riko end ssked the old ama abet the weather every moring. ut one ‘moteing, che ot wan was fut hay and did woe speak the fn sire. Lenk the fe director sai kia, AP Wve gota ecto bere” ‘The ledlan ansmcsed, Rad. Broker! what's wrong? Are yu 1. Wan the fim director Indian or Bagh? 2, What dd be liter tom the adh? 4 Why did ne ep dln i? 4 How was theo Indan one eoaing? 5, Dab he aah tothe sim drcer? 6 z ‘het cid the diretr any t i then? Was the le ai i? Wat id te ld facianansver? Tom i twelve. Last Saturday, hit encle Dovid vised im are ‘is parent, le arrived at elev and at al ys eve they a their lunch, They had met, and then anes 43d ages. ‘Then Toms mer sa to Unc Dara "You ike cbese ‘very men. Dewi, bit the bow i epy Fis sory Then she {oak te ety plates cut tothe litehen. ‘Tam went out of the dning-rm ety ad came bach afer a minute witha plee of cheese. He gave i wo Unc Dav and Unc Davit was happy. He pur the piace of eneese is ‘mouth and then sid, "Yeu've gt vers god eye, Tom. Where id you find thi ice Shee? ‘The bor ansmered, inthe sera, Uncle David Did Tos uncle vist hie an is preat st Setrday? Did they al have leh gee? What aid Tes mothers ater taneh Did ste go tthe tone tne ‘Aa did Ter go ct cf te rovm too? Wht gid he tring his uace tice? And what dd his uncle sy? ‘What was Tons answer? nthe 750: wy wg) Saercene 31 Mr Somes Haart Hed in at. At ight st Fie Be 9 wat 2 of si ales, but then. he woke up Becance ‘ibe, Soren Haig a er, Me Reh 8 1 Bee Selle He went st his gery, Dut the no WS 90 ats “The persor kore far 3 ng tne and when Me Rid pened i dcr. Aram with «telegram vast be doe ofthe next flat. Mr. Rade wont and Yee a Hon ard en they sda bo ni. . Tacuba nelhteur cme cae SO. She Ha 2 ‘noe am eRe hea aka '® aera fr ie Jame card “Th ay wae not app! Wat woke Me. Rehan Wiha il hes to inset? Did hs go inte Bring room then? ‘A did he go out of us Na? : Did he kc this nih’ or te Wat did te man give Mr Rear’ HOOT Vise she happy then? nae 79 he ee ee PREP RE Re: ao 32 Mr. Wal is Uae mnmager ofa big bask. Last Thursday ater- sen, Mr, Neon came Mr. Was ofBce in the bank ad tale to hin for ong tine. Then NU. Wall sowed 20 sath and sn "Leck athe tine! The Dank ced quater ot fr hour ape! They've loced al the doors rom nd there are three of them between es andthe asec. Bat Uve yt eye, be cause I sorctines work inte ere after evervone he He tack sre Keys of i eck Tie Wall ané hs vstor went ot of bis ice, cod then they sy Mrs. Hold Soo desred the bork every, crenine ter 5.30 “Go out throagh the back dee” he ad te the ranges “They seyer bck hat ene™ A, What was Mi Wa id anvoue Vic hm last iy ofteraone? What it Me Wally ete vse then? ano tae some Keys out his pocket Did they ae anyone then? ‘What work dil Mrs Fit do ithe oak? ‘What did sen or. Wal meee 33 Mr and Nis Bryan Iie in Rerneth. Me Bevan wore 3 tank thete, and Nis. bryan abraye bought her mest fom Duteher neue the Bank. The meat i chet shop mae tea very sec, Then the bank sent Mr. Bryan fo Penance. He bought 6 nus there, and Mis. Bryan began king for a ew buch. “Toone wat ope sear Ror hone and She wens ato Bi shop a found ssc pec of eat “Twant eo kon of that! ake ex to tho batcor, and he began cating bat Mes Bryan sid, "You're giving me wo of "Ne Tm et thetateher answered. Tm net ei 090, You're eng te payor i ig Mr Beye bay got meat Weymouth [ja she go to Feonaee alone, or wth tar husband? Tid she fds butcher thre? Was there any nice aa! ia shop? What cise yt the new butcher? What did ne do ther? What di Mr. yan say thi? Ad wat dd he newer? 34 Ne. and Mrs, Perey bed fur chien. One evening, Mrs. Derry went out, and Mi. Pesry saved at hete wilh the chin, They Were apts intel Bedrooms. ME. Perry read his ems ager fer Pa an ous, i than behead erect he EATS “Go up to your bedream and sty cher!” be shouted Ae minute Inter, he agin heard someone on the stairs (Go upisry er I'm eo to come and spank youl” he sid ani ‘Thi happen sin, 4 then somone Knock at the font door Mr, Bory wont tot Ore of hi night nae tars, Ts my aa con here? hea to Me ery. "Yea. Tim hete! someone answereé from upstars, "but Me erry aways ps te ene hime” Wao Mis. Perry at home that evening? Were her citten at hae? Dit Mr Perry hear anyone othe tas? What did he info minutes ater? Did anyone come ote rout doc tea? ‘What did he ay? ‘sh dit son sy? ” 35 Profewor Cate visited sone friends onthe oer sie of towa After a gon! cater anda game of cris, he si Tm ging ‘alk ome now But hotase lke oat of the window and sci, “The sncathers very bo. It's eld and wet and windy. Pee tay Tere tonight! She wea! and rade hia bed ‘ier few minates she cae back fe Iving-om, bat te protestor watt there. She aFé her hesbad wate or hf sr how, and then they went bed, Kut then the prfesie Ienacked atthe eck dice of the Roane He wae vory wet. His ost came othe dor "Veuve etl he id hei. "Yes" the profes answered He sia a os, home an got ny pra i Proessr Carter ave canes a hs fren house? ‘Whar eh ne sy after the gave of cts? And wbst ci ie ots answer? Did abe ge and mh Prtoccr Carters be ther? ‘Where did she go after that? ‘asthe protester hee? "here cme protssor wo? Dd he goth par fr there? th 15: pee. pron rams » 36 Max Holingoworth hd hit 5 Mexia He did rot speak any Sparish. On the fst morning ie st down at his tbe ia the diirg.roc of ie hoe. and aBcther man so, “Buen (25) and tne ‘Max aiid te himoof ‘Ths hit some’ He boned too and ssi, Max Hetingsworth? ‘The next morning, the same man bowed agen ard sid “Denes das an azaa Max answece, ‘Max Holings¥orth The wader spe a Ile Engiah and ster braelst he sit (toMax, "Busnes dias" et hat guest's name 1 "Good xo sng” in Spars. "The vex: wrung, Max tewed and said 10 tbe Mexican enema, Buenos cas. “The Mesian kee up, emied Map, Desse Max see some Spoish now sad anewere, ‘Max Helingewerth! Whar di the Mevcan geetlesan ay te Max? Did te bow? ‘Wha 0 Max say o himself then? Did te say ni ame ‘nat the waiter say te Max ater best? id Ma "Buenos da’ tothe Mexcan gentlemen the reat morning? 7. What id the Mexican gentleman annwer? 3. Was he hap ke was nntcen, He hat nog nae, and ne never waste ot rushed it He wore Mack ches, and his als were aieays ach to. Tie i nt lke work, are he wns fen shen. Last Monday he sito hie Tim me gi to goto work thie week Te gohg wo get a certfeate fram my doctor, and then Pr ging to stay at hott, but Tm glag eo" my ney Te went tthe doctor and ssi to hrm rude, Tact We ‘What are you ging to do about i? ‘Tae coer loked at hn fora few seconds, Then he sai tee Take ths ee ies a day, Wah Water ‘What it? Joe asked ‘Soap taswered the dct Wis Joe's nae ng est? Wiss lean, or dy? Were bis nae casa? What id eae to he decor? Did the dcte nk tim hen? And bat de essay ater Lat ‘What did Je sk? 8. Ane wat ede doctor awe? Mes inthe £50. al (9) ey George werked in an off, ond he Bked walking very much ‘He alas sad, ‘Stung ana char fer eight Hours ever? 2, snd hen sting a heme he evening, sory had Every vamnae, he had a bald, and he went ecrewhsre by ‘aan and thon walked everyday for five o ae heer Last spring he take a cra a frends Howse al sa ‘You've ben to Switzerland aad waikel inthe Alps, Pe. im ing to co therein Angust. and Tm gen to alk rs her hore on Sxtrday and Sunday inthe fat eek! Ho pat hie finger 08 to places onthe Wat « minute, Gosrge’ Ped answered. Ta two devs? But your map’ ht and those mountains area Did Gecrge tke walking? ‘What did he atways say? Did hae 2 noey every winter? Dale wate mach ring hie lig? ‘What dhe do at spring? What dhe say to is fend Fred? Did be put his ger cn the paces on the mag? ‘Ané tat ld Fred answer? Werdot ihe 59 Bat) pers) 39 1s, Jones was on 2 bus wit er sen, Pete, He sai, ‘Loot ‘here's puppy che bus. want : ‘Mrs Jose No, Pte, tengo verona ‘Ma! the Las driver ase “Tim taking to the Dog Hoel “They guing tasty eter agin si "want i” ard his naher answered, Take home” ‘That evening, she was on the same bus, Thete was another peppy there It wco Hke the fiat, and anther bop wanted Tis nother sid, No, belongs to eanesuc? Se! [Nis Jones sid tlm, ‘Do you afte take puppies tthe Dag Heep” He anvwered, ‘My dog had six puppies last wook, and I'm looky fr bees fr the ut Ue verse 1 Was there 2 puppy on the bs? 2, What dé Peter say about? 3. What da his matter answer? 4 What ithe bas deve sy then? 5 Did Mes Jona get the atm bus thet evening? 6. And was the same puppy omit tc? 7. Whar dd Mis Jenesask the bus diver then? And wha cd te atawer? Prances Hay was seventy yore old. She liked bts very mech, snd she alvays bought new we eet spt [Last Apr she sue ners. Tm going go te ron tte, and Tm going to bay myst 4 rice, new Ret” She went town by Bue and wont into hat shop. Then so mi to one of the youn sales aie," want a ice ha, plea "Te sales lady brought her av of Bats, and Mis ay paz them all or one ater seater. Them ater hal an how, se se, Yes Vs one good. Paeae sands Uy my edeue” She gate he ake nd ood "Jes, mace the sles Indy anawered but this is year ha You came in the shop with 1 Ws Pranoss Hay cd, or young? Did se ie bats? Wat did se sy 1 the sates 3m What did th ales bring he Cen? hd Mrs Hay pt them allen? ‘What did she say to the sali afer bal an hea? ‘And what dd the sleds answer APPENDIX A.750-Word Vocabulary sy ti oy Seite aces melt ewanth ee fare pitts Sse tea seh a a Eames ge ae twinning. Comparative and SSipeotues ences ot “Themen eas a jective sin adver mos “Werke ute (Me Tit ace emt at het te a Geetsh ey are sed ‘canple atertionenien age = eto =o se CEEE oluiie i PIRTEEEY : auauPULanE EY ines iF ye # ae Bie re

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