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1 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the present simple or present
Kim usually visits (visit) her cousins at
the weekend.
At the moment Linda is working (work) as a motorcycle courier.
1 Tom often
(not go) to the Cyber caf.
2 Excuse me. you
(know) how to get to
Church Street?
3 What you
(listen to)?
4 Juan (work) for the Iberia airline. Hes a pilot.
5 In the summer, the sun (rise) at five oclock in the morning.
6 I (not like) my gym. I
(not get) fit fast enough!
7 Tom and I (go) to the beach this weekend.
2 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the past simple or past
Peter was driving (drive) home when he saw
(see) the accident.
1 I (watch) TV when the phone
2 He (wear) sunglasses when I
(meet) him.
3 She (fall) asleep while she
(do) her homework.
4 The pop star (sing) when the
lights (go out).
5 It (start) to rain when we
(walk) on the beach.
3 Complete the conversations. Use the correct form of will or going to.
1 Ive decided to go to university.
Really? Which subject you
2 Do you think that computers (control) our lives in the future?

No, of course not!

3 Why are you wearing a tracksuit?
I (play) tennis in the park
with David.
4 Its very cold in here.
Yes, youre right. I (close) the window.
5 That woman looks very pale.
Yes, I think she (faint).
6 Why are you turning on the radio?
I (listen) to the news.
7 I cant work out this maths problem.
I (help) you with it.
4 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the future perfect simple or the
future continuous.
1 This time next week we (ski) in the French Alps.
2 Greg is taking a year off to travel. By the
end of next year he (visit) seven countries.
3 What will you be doing this time tomorrow?
I (take) my English exam.
4 Dont come round at six oclock. I
(still / do) my homework.
If you want to come round at seven, you can.
I (finish) it by then.
5 Jill has accepted a job abroad. This time next
month she (work) in Paris.
6 Next year, I (live) in this house for ten years.
5 Present Perfect Simple Partculas

Theyve already / yet visited Venice.

Have you ever / never seen a ghost?
Has she finished work just / yet?
Theyve been married for / since October.
Lucy has worked in the circus since / for she was a child.
David has just / yet got back from holiday.

6 Complete the newspaper extracts. Use the correct form of the present perfect
simple or past simple.
Last night a massive tidal wave 1
(hit) the coast of Mexico. Over 5,000 people
(already / lose) their homes.

Yesterday a girl 3 (hand in) a

briefcase containing 100,000 to the police.
The girl found the briefcase at Euston
railway station.

The cost of living in Britain 4

(rise) again. Last year prices in British
supermarkets 5 (increase) by
more than five per cent.

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