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Slideshow Notes (pt.

Slide 1:
- People feared Louis was losing control of the country due to the riots. (why
were they rioting?)
- Louis says the troops are there to maintain order, but most people suspected
that they were actually there to break up the national assembly
- Louis replaces Necker with a hardliner who opposed the National Assembly
and demands of the third estate

Bastille was seen as a symbol of the monarchy, of royal power... people hated

- Rumours of dungeons, prisoners chained to walls for life, torture chambers
- Rumours that the Bastille held gunpowder quickly circulated in Paris
- After killing the guards and arresting the governor, the revolutionaries had
control of the bastille
- Louis considers sending the royal troops to retake the bastille, however,
fearing that the troops would not support this decision, he ultimately decides that he
must give up control of Paris to the revolutionaries. At this point, the revolutionaries
had created their own army, the National Guard.
Women March on Versailles:
- Women collect knives, sticks, rifles and two cannons
- Women are aided by national guard
- Storm palace at Versailles and complain about high price of bread and the
Royal soldiers in Paris
- Women kill two bodyguards and threaten to kill the Queen if they don't come
and live in Paris
- Women demand Louis leave Versailles and come live in Paris, where they
could keep an eye on his activity
Flight to Varennes
- Civil constitution set in place rules that church officials had to be elected (half
the church and Louis disagreed with this idea)
- Louis hoped to get help from French princes who had left France and built up
armies just outside of France, as well as from Marie Antoinettes brother, the emperor
of Austria. They hoped to invade France, break up the National Assembly, and take
back the power they had lost
- Louis and family escape at midnight, all wearing disguises, through a
temporarily unguarded door

Storming the Tuileries

- Emperor of Austria pledged allegiance to Louis, vowing to return him to power

- King of Prussia calls on all European Kings to help Louis
- French armies attack Austrian bases, but lose to the better organized, better
equipped, and better led Austrian Army.
- French people blame the defeats on traitors and decide to put a watch on all
- French army calls for all citizens to volunteer for the army

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