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Isabella Zhou

Isabella Zhou

OCTOBER 18, 2016

Southridge School

Isabella Zhou

Table of Contents
Assignment 1-Website Creation ............................................................. 2
All about me ......................................................................................... 2
My Summer .......................................................................................... 3
My Website .......................................................................................... 4
Assignment 2-Social Media Survey ......................................................... 5
Questions and results ........................................................................... 5
Excel Graphs ......................................................................................... 7
Assignment 3-History of Technology ...................................................... 8
Assignment 4-Video Creation ................................................................. 9
PowerPoint........................................................................................... 9
Sway ................................................................................................... 10
Weebly ............................................................................................... 11
Bibliography .......................................................................................... 12

Isabella Zhou

Assignment 1-Website Creation

All about me
My name is Isabella; I am a 13-year-old girl who goes to Southridge Senior School. I live in a
typical family; My dad has a door company in China. My mom is a homemaker, and I have two
siblings. I have an older sister who has her own business in White Rock and I also have a
younger brother who goes to Ray Shepherd Elementary. I have a dog; her name is Jello and she
is a two-year-old brown miniature poodle. She eats almost anything, including Lego pieces,
grass, cotton balls, tissues, and wood. But she will never eat one thing, which is dog food. I am a
perfectionist; I can get really frustrated sometimes if I cant get something perfect. I try to make
everything flawless, because they just make me happy. Like a perfect mark on my assignment,
or some smooth straight lines in my drawings would make my day. I am a determined person
and I dont usually quit after I've made the decision. I get really weird and talkative when Im
around people that I know well. One of my friends had once told me that I laugh at almost
everything. Then I started to realize that I actually do, which made me laugh again. By the way, I
take weird as a compliment, and I am just that weird.
I like trying out new things. I love watching horror movies with my sister even though I get
really freaked out sometimes. I enjoy figure skating even though Im not very good at it, yet. But
my coach said I have a talent for skating. This is my third year in figure skating and I am
currently working on my split jump and my axle. Hopefully I will land one of those jumps soon. I
like to draw and paint. I express all my weird thoughts through the paintings and drawings I
create. Horseback riding is another thing I enjoy doing. Other than riding horses, I also like
feeding, petting and grooming them. Sometimes when I have free time, I go outside and take
pictures of random things just using my phone. Then I would edit them to make them look
professional and artsy. I like watching baking tutorials, even though I know I will never actually
do them. I just enjoy watching people put all sorts of powders together and turn them into nice
looking, delicious cakes. My biggest hobby, is definitely eating, (if that counts as a hobby). I can
finish a whole box of chocolate in just two minutes although I know that is really unhealthy for
me. Someday, I will fill my whole locker with food, all kinds of food. So well, this is basically my
life, basically me.

Isabella Zhou

My Summer
My summer was busy. I was travelling around most of the days and the best thing that I did
over the summer was probably going to Cambodia with my sister. We went to the city Siem
Reap. It wasnt a very rich place but the people there were all really friendly. Siem Reap is the
capital of the province Siem Reap. It wasnt really clean, the air wasnt that fresh, and the
weather was pretty nasty but it didnt bother us that much. The first day there, our guide took
us to the famous Angkor Wat temple. It was huge and the inside was like a maze. My sister and
I got lost in there a few times but it was fairly amusing seeing the great temple. Then we went
to the other famous temples, we went to at least eight of them that day until we couldnt
handle the heat anymore. I couldnt remember the names of the temples that we went to that
day but they all looked elegant. They were all built with huge blocks of rocks and had some
amazing skilled and detailed carvings. I was exhausted after visiting the temples but I had a lot
of fun. My sister and I went to the well-known All-Market at night. It was a huge, crowded night
market; they had multiple smoothie stands, a few barbeque stands where they roast spiders
and cockroaches, and some ice cream stands where they fry ice cream on dry ice. There was so
much more to check out but we had to go back to the hotel because we were so tired. The
second day we went to more temples, which got a little boring since the weather was burning
hot and the temples looked exactly the same to me. We cancelled the afternoon and went back
to the hotel to rest. At around six, we went to the All-Market again. I tried the fish massage, it
felt ticklish and I was laughing so hard the whole time, but my feet were so soft after the
massage. The third day we went to the rest of the temples in Siem Reap, it was better because
the temples actually looked different and we got to climb on the temples. The last day there we
went to the bamboo train ride. It was just a simple rectangular platform made with bamboo
and had four wheels attached to it. The train was really fast and there were constantly
butterflies and bugs bumping onto my face which kind of hurt but it was still a pleasant ride.
The air was fresh, we were surrounded by plants and it almost felt like being in a movie. The
last day went really fast and we had to say goodbye to our hilarious guide and the gorgeous city
Siem Reap.

Isabella Zhou

My Website

This is a screenshot of my assignment #1s Weebly website1.

Isabella Zhou

Assignment 2-Social Media Survey

Questions and results
Question: Do you give your personal information to social media companies when they ask for it?

Do you give your personal

information to social media
companies when they ask for it?

Yes, I give my
information to
social media
companies all the

Usually, but not


No, I do not give

my personal
information to
social media

Question: Do you use your full name as social media accounts username?

Do you use your full

name as social media
accounts username?

Yes, all
the time


Only a

No, I
dont use
my full

I dont have
any social

Question: How do you feel about leaving digital footprints?

I feel comfortable
How do you feel
about leaving digital

I feel nervous most

of the time

I am careful of what I
leave online

Isabella Zhou

Question: Do you let any strangers follow your social media accounts

Do you let any

strangers follow
your social
media accounts

I am fine with
following me


No, I never let

any strangers
follow me

I dont have any

social media

Question: If you see online bullying happening and you know the bully or the person who is
being bullied, what would you do?

If you see
online bullying
happening and
you know the
bully or the
person who is
being bullied,
what would
you do?

Report the issue to

my parents, a
teacher, or a police

Join the

Leave, pretend
Ive never seen
the message.

Help the person who is

being bullied and stand
up to the bully online

Isabella Zhou

Excel Graphs
Do you give your personal
information to social media
companies when thy ask for it?



Yes, I give my personal

information to social media
companies all the time
Usually, but not always
No, I do not give my personal
inforamtion to social media

This is a pie graph I created using word and the data I collected from SurveyMonkey Survey.

This is a screenshot of one of my Excel graphs2.

Isabella Zhou

Assignment 3-History of Technology

My Sway project is based on the history of Netflix. This is a screenshot of Sway projects title

Isabella Zhou

Assignment 4-Video Creation


This is a screenshot of my PowerPoint Demonstration video.4


Isabella Zhou


This is a screenshot of my Sway demonstration video.5


Isabella Zhou


This is a screenshot of my Weebly video.6


Isabella Zhou



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