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Unit 2: Brave Young People





No Parking

the country

( ) (








pick up
take part in

picked up
took part in

picked up
taken part in

Walid Abd El-Kader
Walid Abd El-Kader was seventeen when he had a terrible
accident. He fell under a tram when he was walking home from
school. Walid lost a leg and an arm in the accident. In hospital, he
thought he would rather die, but slowly he got better. One day, a
swimming teacher visited Walid and said, When you leave the
hospital, could I help you? Walid asked, Yes, can you teach me

to walk? The teacher replied, The hospital will do that. Id

rather teach you to swim. After Walid left the hospital, the
teacher taught him how to swim. First, Walid learned to swim one
hundred metres, then two hundred, then three hundred. Soon he
became a fantastic swimmer. Then, in 1990, Walid did a very
brave thing. He swam 50 kilometres across the sea from England
to France. Six years after swimming to France, Walid went to
America to take part in the 1996 Paralympic Games. He won a
medal in swimming.

:Choose the correct answer from a , b, c or d

1- Can you smell that (spoke - smoke - match bedroom)? Let's
see if there's a fire.
2- Ali jumped out of the window into the street where he was
(safely safety safer safe).
3- Dangerous animals in the zoo are usually kept in strong and
safe (houses cages caves cafes).
4- Let's spend a day in (a country - the country - country
counter) to enjoy the fresh air there.
5- People who cant walk use (bicycles wheels chairs
6- You cant leave your car in a place where theres a "No
Parking" (sign seen - signal letter).
7- (Gorillas Giraffes Goats Grass) are terrifying animals that
look like monkeys.
8- (Gorilla Giraffes Goats Grass) live in Africa and have very
long neck.
9- The brave fireman (spent - scored
- sent saved) many
people from the fire.
10- Mr jack works as a (swimmer swim swum swimming)
11- In busy streets you should walk on the (middle front pavement shops).
12- A (middle glass - medal race) is a piece of metal for
people who win in the Olympics.
13- The (lorry ambulance - fire engine taxi) took the injured
people to hospital at once.
:Read and correct the underlined words
1- He came first in the race and won a model.
.Dont leave your car here. Theres a "No Parking" signal -2
3- I enjoy seeing the fields and animals in a country.

Would rather (d rather) (1
+ Would you rather)

?( -------

?Would you rather live in a town or in the country

?Would rather play football or basketball

) + would rather +
.Id rather live in a town
.Id rather play football

+ )

+ would rather +
.Id rather you did your homework
.Id rather you didnt take my pen
: rather (
( + would rather +( --------- than ---------.Id rather study English than French
.Id rather catch the metro than the bus

(-------- prefer + V ing ------- to +

.I prefer studying English to French
.I prefer catching the metro to the bus

?... Would you rather

?drink water or orange juice when youre hot -1

?live in a town or live in the country -2
?work with machines or work with people -3
?have good health or have a lot of money -4
?drink/orange juice/milk -5
?live/a house/a flat -6
?go/school/bus/car -7
?visit/India/China/Japan -8
?watch/basketball/football/volleyball -9

:Choose the correct answer from a , b, c or d

1- I'd rather (worked working - work works) with machines.
2- I prefer (reading - read - to read reads) a short story.
3- I'd rather you (don't - didn't - can't will) go with me.
4- Would you (prefer like rather mind) have good health or
have a lot of money?
5- I (prefer like - rather mind) having tea.
6- I'd rather live in the city (to - than - that if) the country.
7- I prefer living in a house (to than that if) a flat.
Rewrite the following sentences using the word"s" in

:brackets to give the same meaning

1- I prefer reading short stories to novels. (rather)
2- Do you prefer living in a town or living in the country?
:Read and correct the underlined words
I'd rather you dont sit here -1
2- Would you rather drank orange juice or lemon juice?

The past continuous tense

: (:

)(Was or Were

: (:

- )(ed
-1 ) (e )

)(was , were + verb - ing


The past simple tense

-2 )(y

- .


-1 :

While he was walking in the -1

.street, he met a
I was playing football all -2
.the afternoon
( :

-1 : ( .
-2 .

Yesterday, he bought a new -1

Once a day, A farmer grew -2
cotton in his field
They went to the beach -3
.everyday in the last holiday
( :

all the day yesterday - all

+ While +

yesterday - last - in the past

- once - one day
when I was young - in (1990

+ When +
-2 while as when


:Choose the correct answer from a , b, c or d

1- Nagwa (was dropping - dropped - dropping drops) her bag
while she was going home.
)2- I was working on the computer (when while - as - just as
the light went out.

3- My brother (buying - was buying - was bought bought) a

new camera last year.
4- While I (was walking - walking - were walking walked) to
school, I met my friend.
5- Hesham was watering the plants (while - when - as during)
it rained.
6- While he (drives - drove - driving - was driving) to Alexandria,
it began to rain.
7- My mother (is cooking cooks cooked - was cooking) when
the telephone rang.
8- He was cycling home from school when he (fall fell falling was falling) off and broke his arm.
9- Amal (reads read reading - was reading) the newspaper
two hours ago.
10- The telephone rang while he (did - are doing - was doing
does) his homework.
11- What were you (did - doing - do done) at eight o'clock last
12- The farmer was burning rubbish when his clothes (caught
catch - is catching catches) fire.
13- He didnt (travelling travel travelled travels) anywhere
last year.

Rewrite the following sentences using the word"s" in

:brackets to give the same meaning
1- They visit the zoo every month. (last month)
2- When the bus came, I was waiting for it. (While)
3- While my father was watching the match, the lights went out.
4- When it rained, I was watering the flowers in my garden.
5- While my brother was studying, I went to bed. (when)
6- They were having lunch when the table broke. (While)
7- He eats eggs and cheese for breakfast. (yesterday)
8- A car hit him while he was crossing the road. (When)

:Read and correct the underlined words

1- While he watched the film, his father came.
2- I'm going to the shops when I met her.
3- My grandfather uses a wall chair to move inside his flat
because he cant walk.
4- In 1999, Walid was doing a very brave thing.
5- Walid was walking home while he fell under a tram.

Language Functions
Polite requests

? Can I
Could I (you)
? May I
Is it ok if I
Do you mind
? if I

.Yes, of course

.Sorry, no
Sorry, I'd rather you


.Yes, Sure
.Sorry, you cant
.Here you are
Sorry, I need it
( mind )
Sorry, I'm using it at
.Not at all
.the moment
: borrow lend
? Can I borrow your book
?Could you lend me your book

Write what you would say in each of the following

.You request your friend to lend you his dictionary -1
.It is too hot. Ask your friend to open the window -2
Your friend wants to borrow your cassette player, but you need -3
.You want to use your friends mobile phone -4
.Your friend asks you if he could use your pen -5
.You would like to use your friends camera -6
.Your friend asks if you mind if he uses your pen. You accept -7
Your friend says, "Do you mind if I sit next to you?" and you -8
Your neighbour says, "Is it ok if I use your phone?" You dont -9
You ask your father to allow you to go on a picnic with your -10
.friends on Friday

:Choose the correct answer from a , b, c or d

1- "Do you mind if I use your pen ?" (Yes, of course Sure - Not
at the moment - Not at all), here you are."
2- Could I (open opening - opens opened) the window,
3- Do you mind if I (borrow borrowed borrowing borrows)
your camera?
4- "May I use your telephone?" " Yes, (not at all certain
certainly course)".
5- "May I borrow your pen, please?" "(Shore Sure - Sore
Sorry)" , here you are.

Rewrite the following sentences using the word"s" in

:brackets to give the same meaning
1- Can I borrow your bike?
2- Do you mind if I use your computer? (ok)

)3- Is it ok if I borrow your dictionary? (Can I

?4- Can I borrow your book

:Read and correct the underlined words

?May I borrowing your CD -1
?Do you mind while I use your mobile phone -2
?Do you kind if I visit you tomorrow -3

Writing a letter

: Address

( )
) ( (

: Date

Beginning the letter

) )Dear


Greetings from Egypt.

.pleasure to write you this letter

2- Its been -1

( :

Thanks for your letter.

.happy to receive your letter

2- I was very -1

: The body of the letter


Finishing the letter

Thats all for now.

2- Please, -1
.write soon with your news
(Best wishes Yours) :

,Cleopatra Street 10

21st October 2007
,Dear Ann
---------------------- .Greetings from Egypt

--------------------------------------------------.That's all for now

Best wishes

Test unit 2
:Finish the following dialogue -1
.Dina: Hi, Sara
.Sara: Hi, Dina
?Dina: What is your father's job
.Sara: He teaches maths
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------?------------------------.Sara: At Giza Prep School for Girls

Write what you would say in each of the following -2


.You want to borrow your friends CD - 1

.Your friend would like to use your dictionary and you agree -2
Your big sister wants to borrow some money. You dont have -3

:Read and match -2

} .That man is very brave -1
The swimmer who will finish -2
} first
The Paralympic games have -3
},many sports in them
?Do you mind if take your book -4
} Gorillas are kept -5

a) for example
.swimming and athletics
.b) Not at all
c) will win medal for his
d) He could catch the
.thief yesterday
.e) in shops
.f) in cages

Read the following passage, then answer the -4

Tourists like to visit Egypt in winter to enjoy the warm weather.
The sun shines all the day. Most tourists dont wear heavy
clothes. They like to visit the Egyptian Museum, Cairo Tower, the
pyramids and the sphinx. They also like to visit Khan El Khalili
and buy many things. They take photographs of all beautiful

things they see in our country. After 25th January 2011 they like
.to visit EL Tahrir Square. They enjoy their time a lot in Egypt

:A) Answer the following questions

?Why do tourists like to visit Egypt in winter -1

?Which place do tourists like to visit after 25th January 2011 -2
?Do tourists enjoy their time in Egypt -3

:B) Choose the correct answer

Tourists go shopping in (Cairo Tower - seaside (3
.- museum - Khan El Khalili)
The underlined word "they" refers to (Egypt tourists (4
.photographs clothes)

:Choose the correct answer from a , b, c or d -5

1- To make a polite ---------------------------------, you should always

say "please".
a) reader
b) request
c) restaurant
d) rope
2- I was --------------------------------- when the doctor came.
a) sleep
b) sleeper
c) sleeping
3- It was summer, so he --------------------------------- to the seaside.
a) goes
b) is going
c) went
4- A woman was walking her child along the
a) bus road
b) country
c) wheelchair
5- I knew there was a fire when I saw the
--------------------------------- coming out of the window.
a) spoke
b) smoke
c) dust
d) water
6- Did you really take --------------------------------- in the meeting?
a) part
b) piece
c) place
d) play

Rewrite the following sentences using the word"s" in -6

:brackets to give the same meaning

Can I go for a walk? (mind)

Could you lend me your camera, please? (borrow)
May I open that window? (ok)
We saw a terrible fire on the way to the shops. (while)

:Read and correct the underlined words -7

1- While they were fighting, the police coming.
2- He felt down and broke his arm.
3- I'd prefer watching TV.

Write a letter to your cousin Nabil who is studying -16

: English at Alexandria University
Your name is Hassan and you live at 120 Ramsis Street, Cairo.

Guiding Points: greet him ask him about his study ask about
his health wish him success tell him you
hope to see him soon finish the letter

!The Reader -9
:A) Answer the following questions
1- What was Martha's job?
2- Why did Axel live with his uncle?
3- What did the professor find in the old book?

:B) Complete the following sentences

1- The professor worked in
2- The professor used a magnifying glass to

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