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ASIA-PACIFIC INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT New Debi Management Information System Trimester IL PGDM 2016-18 Modul Faculty: Prof. Saurabh Mittal Contents Sr.No. Topic Page No. Course Perspective 3 2. Evaluation 5 3. Teaching Pedagogy 6 4. Suggested Readings 7 5. Students Roles & Responsibilities 39 6. Trimester Plan Synopsis 9-13 Asta Pocfc Institut of Managers, New Det Module Pon: Management formation System 1, COURSE PECTIVE Information Systems (1S) have become critical for redesigning organizational processes, and as a result, the nature of the roles and duties of IS professionals have changed. It has become increasingly important for IS professionals to understand how the objectives ofan IS relate to the ‘organizational goals. It has been suggested that the traditional views of IS developers which {emphasizes a technical orientation may be one ofthe factors contributing to the frequent failure of |S to meet their expectations. Thus, the purpose ofthis paper i to provide an updated view of how 1S developers perceive the importance of diferent types of IS objectives Teaching and learning goals for MIS students are designed to provide students with sufficient ‘echnical and professional knowledge as well as skills to form the foundation for @ successful MIS career. We consider several characteristics ofthe IS profession which have been relatively constant overtime and have been integrated into the curriculum. These are: (1) business fundamentals; (2) ‘analytical and critical thinking; (3) ethical, interpersonal, communication, and team skills; (4) and ‘technology skills. Within each of these four areas, key competencies have been identified and specific learning goals established, ‘These characteristics evolve around four major areas of the IS profession and, therefore, must be integrated into any 1S curiculum: | Business Fundamentals: 1S professionals must have a broad business perspective, Students must therefore understand. Management information systems professionals help organizations perform ‘and succeed, Management information systems professionals span and integrate all organizational levels and business functions. The influence of management information systems professionals is increasing in strategic significance because ofthe scope of the organizational systems involved and the roe systems playin ena 2- Analytical and Critical Thinking: Management information system professionals must have strong analytical and critical thinking skills. Students must therefore, be problem solvers end critical thinkers, use systems concepts for understanding and framing problems, be capable of applying both traditional and new concepts and skills, understand that a system consists of people, procedures, hardware, software and data. sta Pacific stitute of Management, New Dll Module Plan: Management Information System 3- Ethical, Interpersonal, Communication, and Team Skills: Information system professionals must exhibit strong ethical principles and have good interpersonal communication and team skills, Students must understand that management information system professionals require the ‘application of professional codes of conduct, require collaboration as well as suecessful individual effort, need excellent communication abilities such as oral, written, and listening skills, require persistence, curiosity, creativity, risk taking, and a tolerance ofthese abilities in others. 4- Technology: Information system professionals must design and implement solutions that enhance ‘organizational performance, Students must therefore possess skills in understanding and modeling ‘organizational processes and data; defining and implementing technical and process solutions; ‘managing projects; and integrating systems, be fluent in techniques for acquiring, converting, ‘transmitting, and storing data and information, focus on the application of information technology inhelping individuals, roups, and organizations achieve their goals. ‘The course focuses on the key elements and basic concepts of Information Systems, Information ‘Technology and its relevance in the business activites like planning, decision making and strategy planning. The course will provide you with a systematic framework for understanding Information ‘Systems, their development, efficient utilization of data sources and its use in the business worl. In order to achieve the learning outcomes, itis expected that you will devote 120 Hours to work on the module. Of this, only 30 hours are formal class contact. You shall be doing the Case Studies, at ‘the end of each chapter and go through various real life examples for the various concepts dealt With inthis course. You need to come prepared with the reading ofthe topic to be discussed in the lecture. Modile Leader Contact Details Name + Saurabh Mittal 9819253275 , sau275@gmsilcom Avia Pacific Itt of Managemen, New Deli Module Plan: Managsment Information System 2. Evaluation Assessment of performance of the students will be on the following basis: ‘Weightage(%) (End Term Exam 40% (Gi) Sessional Marks: 60% (2) Presentation / Case Study Discussion 15% (b) Mid Term Test 20% (©) Surprise TestQuiz 10% (@) Assignment 15% AsiaPac Iie of Manogement, New Debt Modile Plan: Management Information System 3, Teaching Pedagogy Lecture © Quizzes ' Class Presentation on Case Studies @ Assignment Class Discussion '™ Course Examination AsiaPac stint of Management, New Delhi Module Pla: Managemen Information System 4, Suggested Readings Text Book ‘+ James A O'Brien, Management Information Systems, McGraw Hill 12" Edition Management Information Systems , Managing the Digital Firm , Tenth Edition, Kenneth C. Laudon and Jane P. Laudon Suggested Readings ‘+ Kalakota, Ravi and Marcia Robinson, E-Business 2.0; Roadmap for Success, MA: ‘Addison Wesley. ‘Sinha & Sinha, Fundamentals of Computers, BPB Publications. ‘+ Turban, Rainer, Poter, Introduction to information Technology, John Wiley &- Sons. © Basandra, S.K, Computer for Managers, Global Business Press Magazines & Journ: PC Quest Computer World Cyber Media Lee, Allen, “Inaugural Editor's Comments.” MIS Quarterly, March 1999, © Keen, Peter G. W. Shaping the Future: Business Design through Information ‘Technology. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1991 + Websites of different Cony Unilever, Procter & Gamble, and others. + bttpv/ninetforbesinners. about com ‘+ hips. computerfundamentals org Asia Paiste of Managemant, Mew Delt Modis Plow: Management Information System 5. Student Roles and Responsibilities ‘+ Attend Class/Computer Lab and prepare forthe lecture by reading the related course material before the scheduled class period. My lectures feature numerous practical and real life ‘examples ofthe course principles in action that show how Managers use the concepts of IT in ‘everyday works, + Missing a lecture may hamper your ability to understand fully the concepts and principles ‘covered. I suggest that you use a “buddy” system to ensure that if you miss a class that you get the appropriate notes from the lecture. ‘+ Understand that all of the material presented during the clas lectures may Be incorporated into exams, quizzes, or other forms of evaluating student performance. You are responsible to ensure that you take appropriate notes ofthe class lectures, so when and if materials from the lectures appear on an exam, you have studied the correct material ‘Understand that all writen assignments are due at the time of the class in which they pertain ‘and at no other time. Teannot accept late papers. All written work is to be printed with double- spaced type using Times New Roman 12 point font with 1-inch margins on sll four sides, & inch Gutter on lefttop and a separate cover page identifying the student name, roll number and the topic neatly. ‘+ Your role and responsibility includes a desire to learn and contribute to the leering ‘experience forthe group by actively participating in clas discussions and exercise. I exercise the right to call on any student at any time for class participation and to judge your attentiveness forthe class, © You should tum up at class meetings on time to avoid disrupting the class. Laptops will be allowed only in those lecture, where some practical topies aze to be discussed, about which prior information will be given tothe students; andthe students need to necessarily bring their Asta Paci Institue of Management, New Det ‘Module Plan: Management Information System laptops in the class room sessions for such lectures. Cell phones/ PDAs should be tumed off before entering the classroom. ‘© Working on assignments from other courses or studying for other exams, reading outside materials unrelated to the course, talking with fellow students during lectures, sleeping in class, and any other disruptive behavior(s) is(are) not permitted. ‘+ Lwill consider make up exams, quizzes, or other evaluative material only under extraordinary ‘circumstances (validated personal or family illness, emergencies, ete). I must be notified promptly (within 24 hours) if a personal emergency arises. Initial notification may be by phone, but must be followed-up with written notification (faxes & e-mail messages). The ‘makeup date will be as soon as possible after original due date, Please note that personal trips, vacations, ete. do not qualify as extraordinary circumstances. ‘This especially applies to your holiday travel plans, 6. Lecture Plan T Tatroduetion to Information Systems sexplain why knowledge of information systems is Information Systems in Business, Important for business Information Technologies, IS Framework, | professionals and Roles of IS in Business, Trends in Identify few areas of Information Systems Information systems Imowledge they need. 2 ‘Types of Information Systems: Operations Support Systems, Management’ Support| « lustrate how the Systems, business. applications of information systems can Managerial Challenges of Information| support a firm’s business ‘Technology: Success and Failure with IT | processes, managerial decision" making, and Case Study strategies for competitive advantage. 3 ‘The Components of Information Systems, System Concept, System Characteristics. | « identify several Components of Information System. 1S| “challenges that a Resources: People Resources, Hardware | husiness manager: might Resources, Software Resources, Data| face im managing the Resources, Network Resources successful’ and. ethical development and_use of. Asia Paci Instat of Management, New Delhi _Modide Plan: Management Information System information technology | ina business. Competing with Information Technology a ‘Strategic IT, Competitive Strategy = Wdentify several basic Concepts, Competitive Forces and ‘competitive strategies Strategies. The Competitive Advantage of | and explain how they can | Information Technology, Strategic Uses of | use information Information Technology Inovation Strategy | technologies to confront for Business, Innovation Models. the competitive forces faced bya business. Case Study on Merger and Acquistion (Challenges for IT Resources) + Identify several strategic ve uses of Internet technologies and give examples of how they 5 Building a Customer-Focused Business| give competitive Value Chain and Strategic IS, Strategic Use | Sdvantages to a business. of IT, Re-engineering Business Processes, ‘+ Identify the _ business Responsibility assignment matrix (RACI Model) |" value of using Internet for business process. technologies to become an agile competitor or to ‘Becoming-an-Agile-Company—Ceeating-a | forma virtual company. \Vireual-Gompany;-Building- Knowledge- Greating ——Company——_{Knewledge | « Explain how knowledge Management Systems}; management systems can help a business gain cade Suwa) strategic advantages. 6 Business Process Improvement V/s Business Process Reengineering with ERP, Reengineering the Customer process using ERP Building a Knowledge-Creating Company (Knowledge Management Systems). Data Resource Management 78 Handlingthe Corporate Data . Explain the business value of implementing data Data Resource Management Types of Databases: | resource ‘management Operational, Distributed, External and | processes and technologies in Hypermedia Databases. Traditional File | an organization. Processing. Database Management System Data ‘Warehouses and Data Mining, : outline the advantages of a database jarrah’s Entertainment and Others: | ™&nagement approach to Case Study : 10 _ Asia Pace nate of Management, New Delhi Modul Pan: Management Information System Protecting the Data ewels ‘managing the data resources of 2 business, compared to a file lo teadership processing approach. Justication for Change, Strategic Point of : Explain how View, Retum on Investment, Eciency, | database ‘management Change Management, Selling Ideas. hanging role | software helps business ‘of Information Systems, Transformations, | Professionals and supports the Innovation Role, New Opportunities, EMiciency. Ee 9 TY Services Contract Management: RFI, RFP, Bid Process Management, SLA, Risk Analysis, Bid Proposal, Contract Arbitration Clause, Exit Clause rrauait ‘Audit, Governance and Compliance, Information (Quality, Piracy, Distribution 17, Duplication Blectronié Business Systems i0 + Enierprise Business Systems, . + Cross-Functional Enterprise Applications, Enterprise ‘+ Transaction Processing Systems, ‘+ Transaction Processing Cyele, Enterprise Collaboration Systems, ‘+ Functional Business Systems: ‘+ Marketing Systems: Interactive Marketing, ‘Trend Marketing, 4+ SalesForce Automation, ‘+ Manufacturing Systems, Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, ‘+ Human Resource Systems, HRM and Intranets, ‘Accounting Systems, Online Accounting Systems, ‘Financial Management Systems. “Enterprise Business Systems n Asia Paci Instinae of Management, New Delhi Modal Pian: Management Information System it | Causes of ERP Failures, Trends in ERP. E-Customer Relationship Management: The Business Focus, Contact and Account ‘Management. Implementing CRM Systems: Sales, Marketing and Fulfillment, Customer Service and Support, Retention and Loyalty Programs, The Three Phases of CRM, Benefits and Challenges of CRM, CRM Failures. Enterprise Resource Planning: ‘The Business Backbone, Benefits and Challenges of ERP, The. Costs of ERP, Case Study = Identify and give examples to illustrate the following aspects of customer relationship management, enterprise resource ‘management, and supply chain ‘management systems: © Business processes supported, © Customer and business value provided © Potential challenges and trends 12 | Supply Chain Management: The Business Network, What is SCM? Electronic Data Interchange, Role of SCM, benefits and Challenges of SCM. Electronic Data interchange, Building Blocks of EDI. Value Added Network Benefits of EDI Case Study Decision Support Systems in Business 13] Information, Decisions, and Management; [Identify dhe changes Information Quality, Decision Structure,” |” talung place in the teers and use of | decision Decision Support Trends, support in business Decision Support Systems Components. | «identify the role and Management information Systems, reporting alternatives of Management Reporting Alternatives, thanagement Information systems. Online Analytical Processing, *Deseribe how _ online Geographic information and Data suave peeecevea Visualization Systems, meet key information needs of managers. Using Decision Support Systems: Market Basket Analysis, What-If Analysis sExplain the decision support system concept Case Study Discussion and how it alifers trem Waditional " management 14 | Datarmining for Decision Support Expert Systems, Components of Expert System, Applications, Benefits and information systems. sExplain how Executive information __ systems, 2 AsiaPac Instat of Management, New Dell Module Plan: Management Information System [ Timitations of Expert Systems, Enterprise information portals and Knowledge Knowledge Management-Systems: KMS | management systems can use in organization, Strategy for KMS, support the information Creation of Knowledge Company. needs of executives, managers, and business Case Study Discussion professionals, L Decision Making with MS-Excel: The Advanced Calculations 15, 16] Data Mining: Working with Multidimensional Data ‘= Pivot Table Creation, Pivot Chart Creation ‘+ Filtering and Modifying the Pivot Chart/ Table ‘+ Layout and Customising the Pivot Table and Pivot Chart 17,18 | Referring and Looking Up the Data © VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, Hands-on Exercise on LOOKUP, 19,20 | Expert System Implementation with MS-Exc System Decision Support * WhatlF, Manual Whatif + DataTable * Scenario Manager, Scenario Summary Filtering and advanced features of Scenario Manager. 3B

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