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Bread & tomato soup (Pappa al pomodoro) | JamieOliver.

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This Tuscan soup is delicious it's a soup everyone should try. Just
thinking of it makes me salivate! It's a family-friendly soup babies and
grandparents (both without teeth!) can eat it with gusto. I've added
roasted cherry tomatoes to my recipe but it also works really well just with
tinned. The great thing is that it only takes 20 minutes to cook, so go for it!
PS Use a stale white cottage-style loaf not cheap sliced white factory

Nutritional Information (amount per serving)







Serves 4

500 g ripe cherry
3 cloves of garlic,
peeled and finely
1 large bunch of
fresh basil, leaves
picked, stalks
finely chopped
extra virgin olive
oil, the best you
can find
sea salt
freshly ground
black pepper
2 x 400 g
tinned plum

Prick the cherry tomatoes and toss them with one sliced clove of garlic
and a quarter of the basil leaves. Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil,
sprinkle with salt and pepper, put them in a roasting tray and cook in
the oven at 180C/350F/gas 4 for about 20 minutes. The reason for
doing this is so that their flavour becomes intense and concentrated.
Heat a lug of olive oil in a large pot and add the remaining garlic and
the basil stalks. Stir around and gently fry for a minute until softened.
Add your tinned tomatoes, then fill the tin with water and add that.
Break the tomatoes up with a spoon, bring to the boil and simmer for
15 minutes.
Tear the bread up into thumb-sized pieces and add them to the pan.
Mix well and season to taste. Tear in the basil leaves and let the soup
sit on a low heat for 10 minutes. By this time your roasted tomatoes
will be done, with juice bursting out of their skins, so remove them
from the tray, remembering to scrape all the lovely sticky bits from the
bottom. Pour them into the soup with all the juices, basil and oil from
the tray.

8/22/2013 10:48

Bread & tomato soup (Pappa al pomodoro) | Print

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500 g stale
good-quality bread

Give the soup a good stir you're looking to achieve a thick, silky,
porridgey texture, so feel free to adjust it with a little water. Then
remove it from the heat and add 6 or 7 tablespoons of extra virgin
olive oil. Divide between your bowls and serve with a little extra basil
torn over the top if you like. The most important thing with this soup
is that you have a wonderfully intense sweet tomato basil flavour.
Copyright 2013

8/22/2013 10:48

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