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Dear Gary,

Hope you are doing well.

Im doing fine, though my life is quite hectic at the moment because, as you
know, I am moving abroad and there is so much to do!
There are a few things that I cant take with me because they are too big so I
am seeing if any of my friends would be interested in buying them. One of the
things I do not want to take with me is my television, and I thought you might
like to buy it off me for a cheap price.
Its a 32 flat screen TV, and its a Phillips model. It has a USB port so you can
just plug in a thumb drive to watch movies or listen to music. It has great
stereo surround sound.
As you know, Im leaving the country at the end of the month, which is only
two weeks away. So if you want to see it, it would be best to come on 20th or
21st. That will give me time to sell it elsewhere if you are not interested.
Ok, I look forward to seeing you. Let me know if you cant make it.
All the best,
(202 Words)

ou should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

You are expriencing financial problems and want to ask your

landlord if you can pay your rent late.
Write a letter to your landlord. In your letter explain
1. Why you are writing to him
2. Why you cannot pay the rent
3. When you will pay the rent.
You do NOT need to write any addresses.

Model Answer
Dear Mr Strickland,
I am writing to you to request that you allow me to pay my rent late this month.
Ive been a tenant with you for a number of years now, and, as you know, I
have always paid my rent on time. However, I am having a few financial
problems at the moment. Last month, I was made redundant from my job
because the company I work for is closing down. Because I have not worked
at the company for long, I have not received a redundancy payment, therefore
leaving me short of money this month.
I can assure you that I will be able to pay the rent on the 15th of next month. I
have now found another job, and they have kindly agreed to give me an
advance on my wages, but they are unable to arrange this until next week.
I hope this will be acceptable to you, but please contact me if it is a problem.
Yours sincerely,
John Streetham.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Your car insurance company has told you that they are going to
increase the amount you have to pay in insurance for your car
each month. You are not happy about this.

Write a letter to your insurance company. In your letter explain

1. Why you are writing to them
2. Why you think the insurance should not be increased
3. What you want them to do
You do NOT need to write any addresses.

IELTS Formal Letter - Model Answer

Dear Sir / Madam,
I am writing to you as I recently received a letter from you informing me that
the insurance premium for my car is going to increase from next month.
As you will be aware if you check my records, I have held my insurance with
your company for nearly seven years now. During this time, I have never had
an accident and never had any reason to make a claim on my insurance.
I understand that at times prices need to be increased. However, this increase
you are suggesting will result in a 20% increase in the amount I pay each
month, a rate I feel is too much.
I would therefore like you to write back to me and explain why such an
increase has been proposed. If you are unable to justify it to my satisfaction,
then I am afraid that I will have no other option but to move my insurance to
another company.
I look forward to hearing from you,
Yours faithfully,
Mr Mahmoud Khan
(Words 169)

Bar Chart Model Answer

The bar chart illustrates the gross domestic product generated from the IT and
Service Industry in the UK from 1992 to 2000. It is measured in percentages.
Overall, it can be seen that both increased as a percentage of GDP, but IT remained
at a higher rate throughout this time.
At the beginning of the period, in 1992, the Service Industry accounted for 4 per
cent of GDP, whereas IT exceeded this, at just over 6 per cent. Over the next four
years, the levels became more similar, with both components standing between 6
and just over 8 per cent. IT was still higher overall.
However, over the following four years, the patterns of the two components were
noticeably different. The percentage of GDP from IT increased quite sharply to 12 in
1996 and then nearly 15 in 2000 , while the Service Industry stayed nearly the
same, increasing to only 8 per cent.
At the end of the period, the percentage of GDP from IT was almost twice that of the
Service Industry. Words 174

Some people think that it is important to use leisure time for activities that
develop the mind, such as reading and doing crossword puzzles. Others feel that it
is important to give ones mind a rest in leisure time. Discuss.
As we are human we naturally need to rest on leisure time to recover thestress of work and
everyday life. In fact, every individual need to do what they want and belong to them.
Personally, I prefer to be active during this time because it is feel right to me better.
Moreover, people are free for what they do on their leisure time, and nobody can say
what it is the best.
Some people want to relax after their day of work. These people may prefer to relax by
watching movies, reading or getting a massage. People who have a physically jobs such as
doctors, teachers and builders may choose these types of activities. If you are a doctor, you
may feel that you want to let your body rest after work and you dont want to do a five
kilometer run after work, because you are already physically tired.
On the other hand, some people choose to be active in their leisure time because they
do very sitting jobs. For example, these people many spend all day sitting on a chair
and do their work. At the end of a working day, they may be have a backache, and all of
their bodybecome tired so they need to stretch their arms and improve their health by doing
some activity such as going to the gym or swimming.
To sum up, the important thing is that people want to stay healthy by choosing what is best
for them. In my view, the wrong way is to stay at home in your leisure time if you have
a setting job.

Financial education should be a mandatory component of the school program. To

what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
In many countries the discussion about the rising financial problems of young people has
been getting more emphasis. Tough some people are voting to integrate financial education
as a schooling subject.
The key problem for many young people is that they dont know how to use and spend
money in the right way. The get what you want mentality is widely advertised by the mass
media and it looks like some people think that living with interest fees is normal. Though
financial problems in young life are very common with the result thatit is difficult to learn
how to spend money appropriated. The main idea of teaching a financial subject must be to
explain about a balanced budget and that debt could ruins ones future.

But this is just one side that has to be considered. For me, the main question is why the
parents cannot give the right advice to their kids? To leave such a personal subject in the
hands of government and school means to ignore a key task of any parent: to be a good
role model.
Moreover it should be considerate that the social effects of talking about money and finance
in a socially diverse school class can be harmful for some students. In my opinion it is more
important to teach parents about their responsibilities as a role model and have them
educate the children about this private topic in a safe and private environment.
All in all I think the main task of public institutions should be to educate about common
subjects and not to give such personal advice like the use of money.

Most high level positions in companies are filled by men, even though the
workforce in many developed countries consists of 50 percent female workers.
Companies should be required to allocate a certain percentage of management
positions to women. Discuss, what is your opinion?
The inequality between men and women has always been a significant issue in our
society. Besides , it is undeniable that most vital positions in companies are taken by males,
not females. Therefore,there exist a statement that companies should allocate to women a
certain number of these positions. However, I do not agree with this requirement
In some feudal countries, it was true to say that the society favored the males, and at that
time instances of inequality occurred very frequently. Up until the present moment, it stills
happens in some developing countries; also it is greatly involved to women's right. A large
number of women in these countries are not allowed to go to work or even go to public
places. In this case, this is not an individual issue, but a social problem. The governments
should have some solution to handle with this tendency, and at the same time they should
promulgate a new legislation to protect womens rights.
On the other hand, the global economy is developing rapidly nowadays. In most
corporations, the management does not distinguish men from women; they only focus on
working efficiently. In this world, any employees who possess enough abilities and work in
an effective way, can be promoted to higher positions. Therefore, allocating the high level
positions in companies to women is not necessary. Moreover, the instances of women in
essential positions are countless. Those women are very successful in their work and their

In conclusion, although the inequality between men and women has reduced, it still is a
social issue worth to concern. Personally, in my opinion we should create as many
opportunities for women to have an equal life as we can.

Dear Frank,
I was so sorry to hear about your accident! I hope you're feeling a lot better today and that it's
not too boring in hospital.
(Expresses sympathy and asks about the reader's health.)
The match on Saturday was disappointing. The score was 2 all, probably because you weren't
there to score that extra goal! The awful thing was that we were winning until 10 minutes before
the end, when suddenly they scored another goal. I was so shocked when I saw the ball hit the
back of the net.
(Tells him the score and briefly describes how you felt about the match.)
I think the weather was to blame. It was a really wet day and the pitch was very muddy. By the
end of the game you could hardly see the grass and we were sliding around in the mud.
Everyone was exhausted.
(Mentions the weather and conditions.)
Let us know when you're going home and we'll arrange for someone to bring you to watch the
next game. The rest of the team send their regards and we all wish you a speedy recovery.
(Finishes with good wishes.)
Best wishes,

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