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Level : 4AM

File : 01

Its my treat!
Lesson :

Read & Consider

Objective: SWBAT: by the end of the lesson, students will be able to to use
imperative and sequencers.
Aids: The text book / Pictures ...

(10 mn )

T. Greets his learners and interacts with them by reviewing the last
Where did coffee / tea / dates / corn come from?
Pps. React and answer the teacher questions.
T. Leads the discussion ,helps and guides the Pps interaction
Pps. Answer: Coffee originally came from Brazil. / Tea originally came
from Asia.

(25 mn )

T. Asks the Pps to open their books on page 21 and presents to them
the 4 cakes. then he he leads a small discussion by asking what are
those Algerian cakes and those American ones.
Pps .Try to identify the name of cakes.
T. Presents the Pancakes and shows the Pps a picture. He Gives
worksheets to the Pps in which they will know about ingredients and
a recipe (instructions).
T. Explains the meaning of ingredients and instruction
Ingredients: What do we need to prepare...? / Instructions
(Recipe): How to prepare...?
T. Explains Task one in which the Pps are going to read the
ingredients on page 21 then they name each item we need to
prepare pancakes.
Pps. Read and name the items according to the ingredient
presented on page 21.
T. Observes them then he asks some questions to check their
How much...? / How many...?
Pps. Try to answer according to the quantities presented on page
T. Explains task two in which Pps are going to match each picture
with its corresponding instruction.
Pps. Match the pictures with their corresponding instruction. Then
the read the instruction according to the order of the pictures to get
the right recipe of pancakes.
T. listens to the Pps answers correct their spelling mistakes.

(10 mn )

T. Asks Pps to go to page 22 and read the text silently. Then

compare their recipe with the one on the book.
Pps. Read and compare if their recipe is similar to the one in the
T. Asks the Pps to pick out from the text all the verbs then the words
are before the verbs.
Pps. read and pick out the verbs such: mix, put, heat, pour, cook,
toss and serve; words such: First, Then, Next, After that and Finally.
T. Writes them on the W.board.
T. Introduces the the second drill :

Post Reading:

Pps. Are asked to go to Grammar window on page 22

T. Explains the tasks and the questions in grammar window and asks
the Pps to do it.

(15 mn )
Describing process
Next, heat the pan.
a) Next is a time sequencer. It is used to indicate the order
in which steps of a procedure are carried out
b) List other time sequencers of the text: [first and-thennext after that-finally]
c) Other time sequencers:[ to begin with ] [later]
d) In what part do they come in a sentence: They come
at the beginning of a sentence?
e) Heat is a verb in the imperative.
The imperative
The imperative is the base form of the verb [the infinitive
without (to) and the command is given to (you)
"Let " the command is given to [ me- him her-it us
The imperative has "positive and negative" commands
ex: Go out! - Don't go out!
The imperative is used to give [orders-instructions
advice- directions- suggestions-requests and
The intonation is very 'important' in the imperative .ex:
Come over here.
"Order" and Come over here,

Level : 4AM
File : 01

Its my treat !
Lesson :


Objective: SWBAT: by the end of the lesson, students will be able to to use
imperative and sequencers.
Aids: The text book / Pictures ...

(5 mn )

T. Greets his learners and interacts with them by reviewing the last
Recipe of pancakes.
Pps. React and answer the teacher questions.
T. Asks some questions about the ingredients and the instructions.
Leads the discussion ,helps and guides the Pps interaction
Pps. Answer the Ts questions.

(15 mn )

T. Presentes task one and explains the instruction in which the Pps
are asked to fill Fill in the correct form of the verb:
Task one: Fill in the correct form of the verb:

1.I dont understand you. _______ slowly, please.

2. _________ to his explanation attentively!
3. _________ these words altogether!
4. _________ the text attentively!
5. _________ your names at the top!
6. _________ the blackboard, please.
7. _________ your books on page 68!
8. _________ this water! It is very cold.

Pps .Try to write the verbs in the imperative form.

T. Supervise and guides them he even corrects their mistakes..
T. Collects the Pps answers and gives more explanation about


to speak
to listen
to repea
to read )
to write)
T clean)
To open)
not drink

(20 mn )

T. Asks the pps to do ("Task 1 p 23") Re-write the checklist

of instructions; replace the models by 'the imperative'
*When you eat, hold the knife firmly in one hand and the fork
in the other .Cut your food with the knife .Push the food onto
our fork with the knife .Put the food into your mouth with the
fork and not with the knife .(1)
*Chew food very slowly .Keep your mouth closed while chewing
.Dont speak while you have food in your mouth (2)
*Don't put too much food in your mouth at a time .Take small
bites only .(3)
*Put the napkin on your lap .When you have finished
eating ,wipe your mouth with your napkin and place it neatly
on the plate .Put your knife and fork together on the
plate .Don't put them on the table cloth.(4)
T. Checks the Pps' works and then invites them to read the new paragraphs.
Pps. read their own paragraphs using imperative form.
T. Writes them on the W. board.

Produce :
(20 mn )

Pps. Are asked to go to Write it out on page 23

T. Explains the the situation and makes it easy for them .he draws a
table on the
W. board.
-2 kilograms of hard work
-a pinch of honesty.
-a spoonful of self-respect
-(1/2) half a kilogram of




T. Explains some difficult words such (sprinkle).

Pps .Try to write a short recipe using the imperative and the time
T. Reports the Pps works then the best one is written on the W.

Level : 4AM
File : 01

Its my treat!
Lesson :

Words& Sounds

Objective: SWBAT: by the end of the lesson, students will be able to to form
adjectives using the suffix (ed)/ know the silent letters in some food vocabulary.
Aids: The text book / Pictures / worksheets ...

(10 mn )

T. Greets his learners and interacts with them by reviewing the last

(10 mn )

T. asks the Pps to go to page 24 and look at 'Task1', he reminds the

learners about the "suffix [ed] and its pronunciation. He may ask
them questions about the discrimination between the pronunciation
and when do they pronounce [ /t/ - /do/ or /id/ ]
T.explains the discrimination between isolated words and connected
(pronunciation)_ adjectives
Pps .Try to remember the (ed) form about the Past simple..

(20 mn )

T. Invites the learners to do 'Task 1p24, then correct orally and

report the correction on their book s with their pencils.
Pps . Do Task: 2 p 24 : Add the suffix ed to the verbs in the
table below to form adjectives or past participles



To cook (food)
To boil (eggs)
To fry
To steam (rice)
To roast
To grill (lamb)

Cooked food
Boiled eggs
Fried potatoes
Steamed rice
Grilled lamb

/k u k d/
/b o i l d /
/ r o u s t i d/

Pps. Do the task then they are asked to give their answers back.
T. Controls, guides and helps Pps to do the task he may give more
T. listens to the Pps answers correct their spelling mistakes.
T. Gives the Pps worksheets then asks the Pps to use the adjective
on the previous task and name some pictures in the worksheet

Pps. Use the adjective in Task 2 and try to put each adjective with
its corresponding picture.

(20 mn )

T. invites the learners to go back to page and look at "task3p24" he

explains the instructions then invites them to do it.
Pps. Go to page 24 and try to do Task 3p24: Read aloud the words
in the table below and cross out the letters which remain silent when
you pronounce them.
You see /write

/ 'k k /
/ fr t/
/'p sli/
/ f k/
/n f/
/'t n ps/
/'h mb g /
/ sp 'geti/

You see

/ 's m n/
/ s lt/
/ 'st m k/
/l m/
/ 'd
n ts/
/w t/
/l t/
/k f/
/ ' t m/

T. Helps the Pps to do the "task", writes on the W. board the words
and their phonetic transcription.
Pps. use their pencils and correct on their exercise copybooks , later
at home, they write down on their copy books]
T. Asks the Pps to read the words, he guides and corrects them when
even they misspell the words.
Pps. Orally they read the words without pronouncing the silent
letters :

Level : 4AM
File : 01

Its my treat!
Lesson :

Research & Report

Objective: SWBAT: by the end of the lesson, students will be able to to raed a food
label and compare food items / Discuss healthy and unhealthy food.
Aids: The text book / Pictures...

(10 mn )

T. Greets his learners and interacts with them by reviewing the last
T. Checks the Pps understanding about adjectives with suffix (ed)
and the silent letters.
Pps. Try to remember the adjectives such: cooked, boiled, fried,
steamed and grilled.
T. Listens and corrects their mistakes. He may ask some questions.
T.Writes on the board some words and asks them read. climb, muscle,
sandwich, write, sign ,light what, hour, knife, salmon, autumn,
psychiatrist, island, listen, guest, wrong, who ..

(10 mn )

T. The learners are invited to open their books on page 27.

T. Presents the forms of comparative with higher and lower / more
and less.
T. Writes the following sentences and asks the Pps to complete with
higher, lower, more and less.
-Cocoa powder is calories than Cereal bar and chocolate
bar is ............. in calories than Cocoa powder.
-Cocoa powder is................. in Carbohydrates than Chocolate bar
and Cereal bar is ........... in fat than Chocolate bar.
-Cereal bar contains ................protein than Chocolate bar and

Chocolate bar contains.................... Vitamin C than Cocoa powder.

T. Supervises the pps work he may give help for some Pps.
Pps .Try to fill in the sentences using the processed food labels.

(20 mn )

T. Asks the Pps to do Task 1p27: Look at the processed food

labels below, then compare.
Mustapha: Which processed food is {higher lower} in {calories
vitamins calcium}? The cocoa powder
or the cereal bar?
Houssam: Let me see .The (cocoa powder/cereal bar) is [higher in
. Than , isn't it?
Mohammed: That's right .Which processed food contains (more
/less) (protein carbohydrate)? The
cereal bar or the chocolate bar?
Salah: Let me read the label The chocolate bar contains (less/ more)
(protein carbohydrate), doesn't it?
Pps. In pairs they read the food label and try to perform a short
discussion comparing the three items.
T. Guides and controls the Pps works.

(20 mn )

T.I the learners to go back to page 28 and Asks the Pps to do

Task: 4 p 28 Read it and answer the questions
a. Which foods and drinks in Jack's diet contain sugar? The
foods and drinks which contain sugar are: Choco-pops,
wafers ketchup, soda, yoghurt, chips, Cornish pastry,
sweetened tea, chewing gum, pop-corn, chocolate.
b. Which foods in his diet contain fat? The food which
contains fat is: cereals, sausages, omelet, Choco-pops,
wafers, chips, ketchup, yoghurt
c. Which foods in his diet contain fiber? There aren't many
foods in his diet which contain fiber only: cereals, sausages
and chips.
d. Which foods in his diet contain additives (E-numbers)?
Nearly all the foods he eats contain additives. The
exceptions are: tea, omelette, Cornish Pastry, fish and chips.
e. What do you think about Jack's diet? I think it's unhealthy,
because it contains too much sodas, sweeties and chocolate.
T. Reports the Pps answers and introduces them in discussion. He

may ask some questions to check their understanding.

Pps. Try to discuss Jacks diet by deducing if its healthy or not.

Level : 4AM
File : 01

Its my treat!
Lesson :

Listening & Speaking (01)

Objective: SWBAT: by the end of the lesson, students will be able to to order a meal
from a menu.
Aids: The text book / Pictures...


(10 mn )

T. Greets his learners and interacts with them by reviewing the last
T. Checks the Pps understanding about comparing food nutrition
Which processed food is {higher lower} in {calories vitamins
calcium}? The cocoa powder or the cereal bar?
Which processed food contains (more /less) (protein carbohydrate)?
cereal bar or the chocolate bar?
Pps. Try to remember and give their answers.
T. Listens and corrects their mistakes. He may ask other questions
about several items.

Pre-Listening: T. Sticks on the W. board a picture of a waiter and customer at a

(10 mn )
restaurant then he asks the Pps to say what does it represent?
T. Tries to elicit some vocabulary from them and introduce the
Pps. Try to guess the topic and give some words concerning eating
T. Supervises the Discussion and reports the Pps words and answers
on the W. board.
Pps. May guess the meaning and say :Waiter, customer, restaurant,
dishes ...

(20 mn)

T.Then asks the Pps to open their books on page 29, he explains the
instruction of Task: 1p29, he may even explain the word polite.
Pps. With their pencils or in their exercise copybooks try to select
those expressions of a polite waiter.
T. listens to the pps answers and asks some (CCQ) to check their
b. Are you ready to order, sir? (polite request)
c. And for the main course, sir? (polite request)
d. How would you like your steak, sir? (polite request)
f. What would you like for a starter?
i. Would you like a starter?
Pps. Try to justify why these expressions are of a polite waiter.
T. Asks the Pps to go to Task 3 p29, he explains the Menu and what
does it contain: Starters; main course; desserts and drinks.
T. Reads the script and ask the Pps first to tick the expressions of
polite waiter and what does the customer order.
Pps. Listen to the teacher and tick the correct expressions with the
customer meal.

(20 mn)

Level : 4AM

T. Then he asks them to use the menu and choose a meal: a starter,
a main course, a drink or a dessert.
Pps. Each one will choose as if he/she is at a restaurant.
T. Guides and controls the Pps works.
T. Explains the instruction of Task: 4 p 29 he simplifies it then asks
the Pps to do it in pairs.
Pps. In pairs they act out a dialogue they have heard using the
menu above then play the roles of customer and waiter in a
T. Guides and supervises the Pps work, he gives a help and correct

Its my treat!

File : 01

Lesson :

Listening & Speaking (02)

Objective: SWBAT: by the end of the lesson, students will be able to describe a dish.
Aids: The text book / Pictures...

(10 mn )

T. Greets his learners and interacts with them by reviewing the last
T. Checks the Pps understanding about eating out ( At the
restaurant).He sticks on the W. board some picture then asks the Pps
to interpret them.
Pps. Try to remember and give their answers. (Waiter, customer,
menu, starters, main course, drinks, dessert...
T. Listens and corrects their mistakes. He may ask other questions
about how a polite waiter is / How to order a meal.

Pre-Listening: T. Sticks a pictures of some dishes on the W. board.

(10 mn )
T. Asks the Pps to recognise them and tries to elicit some vocabulary
from them and introduce the subject.
Pps. Try to guess the topic and give some words concerning the
T. Supervises the Discussion and reports the Pps words and answers
on the W. board.
Pps. May guess the meaning and give words related to cooking.


T. Writes on the W. board the following description of Dolma Batata

with some missing words. He asks the Pps to listen and to fill in with
the missing words.
T. Reads the script and asks the Pps to listen and complete.
Pps. With their pencils or in their exercise copybooks try to listen
and complete the description of Dolma Batata.
*/-Dolma Batata is an ................................. . Its made
of .............., ................. ,
.......................... and ....................... filled
with ................ ..................and another dry vegetable.
T. Reports the Pps answers and asks some (CCQ) to check their
* Is there any carrots, onions...
T. Writes on the W. boar the following sentence.
Another ............. ..................... I dont know the word in English. Its
................... .
Pps. With their pencils or in their exercise copybooks try to listen
and complete.
T. Reports the Pps answers
T. Asks the Pps to go to Task 1 p30, he explains the instruction
Pps. do Task 1 p30: Use one of the strategies in the box then

perform the drill.

-Waiter: The dish is made of potatoes, tomatoes, and another
vegetable. I don't know how to say it .It is like carrots, but it is white
in colour.
-Customer: You mean turnips, don't you?
-Waiter: The dish is made of potatoes, tomatoes, and another
vegetable. I don't know the word in English. What do you call
"aubergine" in English?
-Customer: We also call it "aubergine. The other name is
-Waiter: The dish is made of potatoes, tomatoes, and another
vegetable. I don't know how to say it. What is the English? It is like
chick peas, but they are green in colour.
-Customer: You mean peas, don't you?

T. Supervises the Pps work he may give a help and simplify things.
Pps. Each Pairs will choose an item and describe it.
T. Guides and controls the Pps works.

(15 mn)

T. Explains the situation of Write it up he simplifies it then asks the

Pps to do it .
them to do the task as a home work.[Learning Integration]
Pps. Are invited to listen to the following introduction of the integrated situation.

_An American friend of yours is visiting you.

_Choose the dish you will serve him/her.
_Your friend wants to know it.
_Write a note to describe it { use the prompt in the box on page 31}
T. Gives the Pps some examples of Algerian traditional food :
Mhajeb , Couscous , Baghrir , Bourak ...

Level : 4AM
File : 01

Its my treat!
Lesson :

Reading & Writing

Objective: SWBAT: by the end of the lesson, students will be able to describe a dish.
Aids: The text book / Pictures...

(10 mn )

T. Greets his learners and interacts with them by reviewing the last
T. Checks the Pps understanding about eating out ( At the
restaurant).He also checks the Pps short essays about describing a
traditional dish.
Pps. Try to remember and give their answers. Some of them are
going to read their descriptions.
T. Listens and corrects their mistakes. He may ask other questions
about the traditional dishes. What is it made of? How is it cooked? In
which occasion is it cooked?...

(10 mn )

T. Asks the Pps to open their books on page 32.He takes them in
discussion about the picture of the restaurant.
T. Elicits some vocabulary from them and introduces the subject.
Pps. Try to guess the topic and give some words concerning the
dishes served.
T. Supervises the Discussion and reports the Pps words and answers
on the W. board.
Pps. May guess the meaning and give words related to the topic.


(15 mn)

T. Presents on the W. board pictures which have relation with the

topic Fish & Chips.
He explains the instruction that Pps are going to listen to a report
and collect as much as possible information concerning Fish and
T. Turnes the play on twice or thrice and observes the Pps work.
Pps. With their pencils or in their exercise copybooks try to listen
and take notes.
T. Observes and Checks if they can catch notes from listening record.
T. Reports the Pps answers and asks some (CCQ) to check their
T. Gives Pps worksheets; he explains the two tasks one of vocabulary
and another one of comprehension.
Pps. Read and do the two tasks.
T. Then asks the Pps to give back answers. He asks some questions
to check their understanding too.
Pps. Answer according to the article.
T. Reports the Pps answers, he asks the Pps to correct in their

T. Presents the situation to the Pps, that they will summarise the
article talking about Fish and Chips meal.
Whats the name of food the article talk about?
Where is it eaten most?
What is it made of?
What kind of fish is used?
How do they make Chips?
Pps. Summarise the article according to the teacher instructions
T. Supervises the Pps work, he may give a help when its necessary.
The best work will be written on the W. board.

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