High Junp Flop

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High Jump - Fosbury Flop

High Jump
Training Program

The high jump comprises of four phases: approach, take off, flight and


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2 or 4 stride lead into a

non take off foot hits this
followed by a curved 5
stride approach to the take
off point
in the last 3 to 4 strides the
athlete is inclined away
from the bar
final strides to be fast and
hips kept high

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Factors to look for on take off:
take off point is approx 0.5 metres to 0.75 metres from the near upright
along the bar and out from the bar
take off foot is slightly ahead of the athlete's body
take off foot plant is an active flat down and back action
take off foot is pointing towards a position halfway between the middle
of the bar and the far upright (10 to 20)
take off foot is in alignment with the take off leg
hips are forward
inside shoulder is high
the trunk is upright and leaning slightly back - not leaning towards the
hips are at 45 to the bar and the shoulders at 90
there is quick and vigorous movement of free limbs
the inside shoulder does not drop in towards the bar
rotation comes from the non jumping side i.e. the free leg and shoulder
pulling across the body
the leg nearest the bar is driven up bent and high at the opposite
upright, thigh and foot parallel with the ground and lower leg vertical
both arms are swung forwards and upwards with the free leg

Once off the ground factors to look for in the flight:

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inside knee stays up at bar level

heels are pulled back towards the head (arching the back)
knees bent and wide apart
arms in a crucifix position or held by the side
head back and looking towards the far back corner of the mat (forces
the hips to stay high)
once the hips are over the bar the legs are snapped straight from the
landing on the shoulders

Agility Training

In all drills stress "Trunk upright, hips forward and head high".

2 20m walking - lifting the heel and stretching the ankle quickly
2 20m bouncing ankle extension
2 20m bounding arm drill
5 3 or 5 stride vertical jump drill (ankle extension, free knee drive,
arm action)
Three stride practice jumps, concentrating on specific body parts (5 to
10 jumps).

A training program has to be developed to meet the individual needs of the
athlete and take into consideration many factors: gender, age, strengths,
weaknesses, objectives, training facilities etc. As all athletes have different
needs a single program suitable for all athletes is not possible.


The following is a basic annual training program suitable for athletes in the
Event Group development stage:
General Jumps Training Program

The following is an example of a specific annual training programs suitable for
athletes in the Event development stage:
High Jump Training Program

The following evaluation tests can be used to monitor the high jump athlete's

Leg Elastic Strength test

Standing Long Jump test
Strength test - upper body (Bench Press)
Strength test - lower body (Leg Press)
Sit Ups test - abdominal strength
Sit and Reach test - lower back and hamstring test
Vertical Jump test

The competition rules for this event can be obtained from:
International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF)
British Athletics

If you quote information from this page in your work then the reference for
this page is:
MACKENZIE, B. (2001) High Jump - Fosbury Flop [WWW] Available
from: https://www.brianmac.co.uk/highjump/index.htm [Accessed

The following Sports Coach pages provide additional information on this topic:

General Jumps Training Program

High Jump Photo Sequence
High Jump Fosbury Flop Technique
High Jump Training Program
Planning the Training - 6 stages of development
Find a Coach
Sport/Event specific articles

The following books provide more information related to this topic:
High Jump, F.W. Dick
How to Teach the Jumps, D. Johnson

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