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Two-Column Notes


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Connor Andjelkovic

EDTL 2760

Topic or Chapter
5 Standards for Authentic Instruction
The Text Says
I Say
Notes (key concepts, direct quotes, etc.)
My notes, commentary
To define authentic achievement more
precisely, we rely on three criteria that are
consistent with major proposals in the
restructuring movement:1 (1) students
construct meaning and produce
knowledge, (2) students use disciplined
inquiry to construct meaning, and (3)
students aim their work toward production
of discourse, products, and performances
that have value or meaning beyond
success in school.

I think what the author did here was very

important in defining the three criteria so that
as reader we know what can stand for authentic
achievement. Knowing the criteria makes
everything easier to comprehend.

Instruction is complex, and quantification

in education can often be as misleading as

I personally felt that this was the most

important quote in all of the read because it is a
very complicated process to instruct students in
the right direction, and quantification can
definitely be misleading because people can
find random statistics on the internet and claim
it is all true without trying to find any
background information on the subject. It is
crucial to be very accurate and have the drive
to teach the instruction and be as accurate as


Students' work has no impact on others

and serves only to certify their level of
compliance with the norms of formal

Connections: I feel like this read can

definitely be similar to the read last week
for coming up with great Essential
Questions. Both of these areas have
criteria to be met in order to becoming
either an EQ or Authentic. I feel both of
these topics are equally as important and
will continue to be as my journey to
becoming a teacher progresses.

I personally disagree with this quote. I

personally feel when taught right, literally any
subject and classwork given to the student can
be used in real world situations. If we give work
that cannot be useful in the real world, then
that work can be rendered pointless.

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