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Reflection Activity - What weve covered so far.


To begin to be aware of my oracy and the oracy of others

Observe a conversation or discussion and use the prompt sheet (below) to write an analysis
of it.

Prompt Sheet
Interruptions: How many interruptions are
there? Who interrupts? Are the interruptions
helpful or disruptive?

Eyes and head: Are people using eye contact

to show good listening? What are listeners doing
with their heads?

Filler: Are people using a lot of filler in their

speech? (um, er, yknow, like)

Hands and arms: What are people doing with

their hands and arms when they are listening?
Are there any helpful body actions? Any

Volume and pace: Does the volume and

speed of speech change? If so, when and
why? Who is loud/ quiet? What is the effect
of this?

Body positioning: What are people doing with

their whole bodies while they are listening? How
are they sitting/ standing? do they move? When
and why?

Hands and arms: How are people using

their hands and arms when they speak? Is
body language helping the conversation

Listening noises: Are any noises being made

by listeners? What are these noises? Are they
helpful or disruptive?

Pauses/ silences: When does the

conversation go quiet? Are there any
awkward pauses? Is it a positive or negative

Drawing out: Is anyone using drawing out

techniques to develop peoples contributions.
Eg: What makes you say that? Do you think
that... Thats really interesting. What about the
idea that...

B) Write down examples of:

Good/ Bad listening behaviours

Good/ Bad speaking behaviours

C) Answer the question:

What is Oracy?

D) What is the question (YOUR question) that youre trying to answer? Spend 10 minutes making
notes / researching ideas.

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