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Listening 1 ‘SKILLS Listening for specific Information, listening for attitude MAIN TASK TYPE ‘Muttiple-matching task to check ‘comprehension KEY LANGUAGE common-orgarden, demanding, downside, ‘goodies and baddies, remote, spend ages doing something PREPARATION One copy of Worksheets 1 and 2 for each student. TIME 45-60 minutes, @) Track 2 My achievements Thinking and speaking ‘A Hand out Worksheet 1. Ask students to look at the photographs and ask if anyone can do ‘any ofthe activities shown. Ask follow-up questions such as Haw did you learn? and Wut you lke to bo able te de any of thece things? ‘Ask students to lst their achievernents in the table. I necessary, ive an example of your ‘own, or elicit one or twa ideas fram the class. B Students compare and discuss lists in small groups or as a whole class, (© Students do the task inaividually and compare their answers in pais. tening A. Hand out Worksheet 2. Students listen to the reroriing forthe fist time and match each (speaker with one of the activities or abilities a-g. (See Listening 1 on page 127 for the recording script) ‘Answer key Wife Wanda. 3 ers ete taba: BB Ask students to listen tothe recording for a second time and match each speaker with © one ofthe aitudes og. Check answers. ‘Answer key emerses shearers Language development Students try to work out the meanings of the words in pairs or groups. Check with the class. Students then discuss all or just sore of these questions. Monitor conversations, listening fr interesting ideas that could form the basis ofa bref class discussion. 1D Ask students Wo look ar the tte ana otscuss in paurs or groups whet the article might be about E Students then read the article to check their answers. Round this activity off with a class discussion of questions 1 and 2. Worksheet 1 Yam A Make a list of things you have achieved that you are proud of. Write them under these headings: Achievements Things you have been taught | Things you have picked up Exams you have passed or todo Informally or taught yourself to do | prizes you have won B Compare your lists with those of other students. Has anyone listed achievements similar to yours? C Now think about your dreams and ambitions ~ things you'd like to be able to do. these headings, and then compare your lists with those of other students. ist them next to Dreams and ambitions Things | think | will achieve one day Things that are possible but unlikely Fantasies: things | think are impossible to achieve From Advanced Silsby Simon Hohes © Cartridge Unversity Press 2000 QUE IETSETTES 47 Worksheet 2 Listening 1 BEocerne J A. You are going to hear people talking about things they would like to be able to do, Match Speakers 1-5 with the activities or abilities a-g, There are two more than you need. Speaker 1 a watite fiction Speaker 2 bb travel all round the world Speaker 3 € read other people's thoughts Speaker 4 4. do something adults don't usually do Speaker 5 e ay £ learn another language study rate species of birds B Listen again. What is each speaker's attitude to the abilities they describe? Match Speakers 1-5 with the appropriate attitudes a-g. There are two more than you need, Speaker 1 a knows it is a fantasy Speaker 2 is doubtful about whether this ability exists Speaker 3 is determined to do it eventually Speaker 4 doubts their family would allow it Speaker 5 €_ is hopeful of being able to do it £ is confident about doing it in the near future 8 realises itis impractical Language development © Check that you understand the words from the recording in italic. Then discuss these questions with a partner. 1. What is your idea of a demanding job? What do you spend ages doing every day or every week? What is the downside of living where you live? Which remote areas of your country have you visited? What common-or- garden birds or animals are there in your country? Who are your favourite goodies and buddies? Think about films, folk stories ete. D The text below is an extract from an article from a scientific magazine, Look at the title. What do you think the article is about? E Now read the article to find out if you were right and discuss the questions below. First Spiderman - Now Geekoman! Humans may someday be able to scuttle up walls, ‘camper across ceilings, and scurry aut windows with the agility ofa startled gecko — thanks to anew adhesive tape that mimics the lara's sticky feet ‘Geckoman isnot science fiction these days’ said Andre Geim, a physicist, whois in a team that produced the fiest synthetic ‘gecko tape” ‘The breakthrough comes just afew years after scientists resolved the mystery of how geckos climb up trees and Cling from the underside af branches. The gecko's secret is millions of microscopic hairs on the pads of their feet. Each hair provides @ minuscule adhesive force which operates over very small distances but bonds to just about anything 1 Would you like to be able to walk on walls and ceilings? Why? Why not? 2. What other‘animal abilities would you find useful? 48 From Advanced Skil by Sinan Haines © Cambridge Universty Press 2006 MSPS ea

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