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Poblacin: 47.965.868 habitantes (a enero

Capital: Bogot, Distrito Capital (7 776 845
Idioma: Espaol (oficial) y numerosas lenguas
Moneda: Peso colombiano = 100 centavos.
Religin: Las principales religiones en
Colombia son el catolicismo con un 87,3% de
la poblacin, el protestantismo o Evanglicos con el 11,5%. Tambin hay
grandes conglomerados de miembros de La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos
de los ltimos Das, adventistas del sptimo da, Testigos de Jehova, Judios,
Musulmanes, hinduistas, gnsticos, entre otros
Forma de Estado: Repblica presidencialista.
3. Indicadores sociales
Densidad de poblacin (hab. Por
km2) (2 sem 2014): 44
Ingreso Nacional Bruto Per cpita
(2014): 7.738 USD
Coeficiente GINI: 53,5
Esperanza de vida (2014): 76
hombres, 83 mujeres
ndice Desarrollo Humano (Puesto
en orden mundial 2014): 8
Tasa de natalidad (2013): 17.2 Tasa
de fertilidad (2014): 2.35
Tasa de analfabetismo % (2014):
ndice de educacin (%): 0.666
Gasto Pblico en salud (% del PIB):
Gasto en educacin (% del PIB): 4.4

Colombia seeks diplomatic and commercial relations with all countries,

regardless of their ideologies or political or economic systems. For this reason,
the Colombian economy is quite open, relying on international trade and
following the guidelines given by international law.
Since 2008, Colombia's Ministry of Trade and Commerce has either reached or
strengthened Bilateral Trade Agreements with South
Korea,Japan and China building stronger commerce interchange and
development in the Pacific Rim.
And while joint-military collaboration has steadily increased with the bordering countries
of Brazil, Panama, Peru, and Venezuela, there have been tensions between Colombia
and Ecuador. (Ecuador has now diplomatic relationships with Colombia)

(Considerar pases con relaciones econmicas fuertes como aliados)

The medical marijuana economy

Colombias new decree would open the door for the production and
commercialization of dozens of medicinal cannabis products including oils, pills

and ointments. Provisions even allow the exportation of marijuana products to

countries in which cannabis is legal.
That could prove lucrative for some Colombian businesses.
In the United States, where medical pot is legal in roughly half of all states,
medical marijuana products generated an impressive $2.7 billion in sales in
2014. Thats slightly larger than Colombias annual coffee exports.
In Canada, farmers who grow marijuana for pharmaceutical companies can
make millions of dollars per year in what has become a highly competitive
Meanwhile, Colombias national Congress has been debating a measure
that would allow the total legalization of cannabis, which could potentially allow
for its further commercialization. Its still unclear how Thursdays decree might
affect the bill in Congress.
But if either piece of legislation becomes law, marijuana could soon be a big
and legal business in Colombia.

Health Minister Alejandro Gaviria stated he is working on a decree to allow for

the commercialization of medical cannabis products that would legalize the
elaboration and sale of phytotherapeutic products or herbal medicines that
contain cannabis. "The decree is about creating the possibility to form an Agro
business that sells legal marijuana products, for example ointments, creams
and oils..." stated the Minister. He went on to comment that some of these
products are already legally being sold.
New Colombia Resource's subsidiary, Sannabis SAS, has been legally producing
medicines on the TOEZ Indian reservation for two years. This site in Norte del
Cauca has ideal growing conditions and is home to some of the most sought
after strains in the World. Sannabis is securing their market share for medical
marijuana products by working directly with indigenous families, insuring their
ability to organically produce clones of Sannabis strains, and guaranteeing the
purchase of their crop every quarter. Sannabis then manufactures and
packages the products on the reservation. A state of the art laboratory built to
INVIMA standards is nearing completion. This lab will process hundreds of
pounds of medical cannabis per day. Sannabis currently operates at gross profit
margins between 250% to over 2000% on their products. These profits are
reinvested in securing high quality standards for their medicines and new
distribution channels.
"We have been promoting and investing in Colombia's legal medical marijuana
products market for some time and believe we will grow significantly once our
state of the art laboratory is completed next month. Colombia's administration

should be recognized on their forward thinking and courage to right a wrong

that has plagued this country for too long," said John Campo, President of New
Colombia Resources. "We aim to make 'Made in Colombia' medical marijuana
and hemp products the gold standard," further stated Mr. Campo.
In addition to medical marijuana products, New Colombia intends to plant
hundreds of hectares of industrial hemp to cost effectively produce bio-diesel
with extractors near production zones.

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