Context: AQA Biology, and Chemistry.: Physics

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Context: AQA Biology, Physics and


AQA Physics [P3.1]X-Rays

X-rays are electromagnetic
waves at the shortwavelength end of the
electromagnetic spectrum,
these rays cause
ionisation, which is the
process of an atom or a
molecule acquiring a
negative or positive
charge by gaining or losing
electrons to form ions,
often in conjunction with
other chemical changes.
This can lead to damage to the human body as it can either create mutations
causing cancerous cells or result in the living cells dying. Its wave-length is the
same size as the diameter of an atom.

X-rays in Treatment
X-Rays are used for CT (Computerised Tomography) and in destroying cancerous
tumours in the body.
X-Rays: Uses in depth: X-rays are used to see bone fractures, to make a
1. X-rays are directed to the patient, a light proof cassette containing a
photographic film is place on the other side of the patient, the cassette is
light proof as the photographic film is sensitive of the exposure of light,
and with a room full of light, it will just cover the film completely white,
and not allow us to see the actual bone-shape.
2. Then, X-rays being emitted onto the candidates body, the muscle, tissue
and skin are transmitted through, which means that it doesnt get
absorbed, as x-rays are absorbed by Metal and Bone.
3. Moreover, the x-rays that reach the film appear darker then then ones
that dont, due to the bone in the way, so the bones appear lighter than
the surrounding tissue which appears dark. The radiograph shows a
negative image of the bone.
4. X-rays can also be taken with a flat-panel detector, which contains a CCD
(Charge Coupled device), these sensors are covered by a layer of a
substance that converts X-rays to light.
To obtain a radiograph of a stomach, the patient will be given a barium metal as
the metal is a good absorber to X-rays, and it is also not harmful to the body,
unlike lead, lead poisoning.

Safety Matters
X-ray radiation is dangerous because it ionises substances that pass through,
high doses kill living cells and low doses cause mutations in the cells, workers
who use this kind of equipment on a daily basis must be equipped with a film

badge, which tells the user, that they should stop and get away from the


X-rays are ionising and can kill or damage cells depending on the
dosage you get, x-rays are absorbed by the screen meaning the radiographer
can still be exposed to the x-rays, this reduces the radiation dose to the
radiographer, meaning there is a less chance of him getting caner and or his
cells being killed.

Computerised Tomography Scanners:

A CT Scanner
produces a
digital image
of any crosssection
through the
body, it can
also be used
to construct a
image of an

Advantage & Disadvantages of.

CT Scanner

X-ray Machine

The image is much cleaner

and more vivid, as it can
distinguish between different
types of soft tissue
CT Scanner are very

The X-ray machine is much

cheaper, and it can also
detect the difference between
soft tissue and bone

AQA Physics [P3.2] Ultrasounds

1. The human ear can only hear from about 20Hz to 20,000 Hz, sounds
waves above this frequency are called ultrasound waves.
2. Ultrasound waves are partially reflected when they meet a boundary
between two different media.
3. The time taken for the reflections to reach a detector can be used to
determine how far away such a boundary is. The equation for this is s = v
* t.
(metres, m)

(metres per second, m/s)

( seconds, s)

Medical Uses:

-It can be
used for
scanning, this
is done to see
if the
of the foetus
is good and
-It can also be
used for
imaging ligaments, muscles & kidneys
-And even the removal of kidney stones, this will
occur when high concentrated ultrasound waves
break it down into miniscule fragments.

Ultrasounds vs X-rays
X-rays are.
1) X-rays are electromagnetic waves / part of the
electromagnetic spectrum
2) X-rays are (very) high frequency (waves)
3) X-rays are (very) high energy (waves)
4) X-rays have a (very) short wavelength
5) Wavelength (of X-rays) is of a similar size to (the
diameter of) an atom
6) X-rays are a transverse wave
7) X-rays are ionising radiation

Ultrasounds are...
1) ultrasound has a frequency above 20 000 (hertz) OR
ultra sound is above 20 000 hertz
2) ultrasound is above / beyond the human (upper)
limit (of hearing)

3) ultrasound is a longitudinal wave



Non-ionising, doesnt affect the

welfare of your body

Ionising, creating mutations and killing

cells, also cusses cancerous tumours

Comparing Wavelength and frequency

Compared to ultrasound, X-rays have a much shorter wavelength (higher
frequency). This means that X-ray photographs produce higher quality images
than ultrasound scans. They show greater detail and clarity. This is vital in terms
of detecting small bone fractures or abnormalities.

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