Kenapa Kebijakan Berorientasi Lingkungan Nilai-Nilai Lingkungan

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Nilai-nilai lingkungan
Defining value
a. Instrumental value is the value whichsomething has for someone as a
means to an end which they desire
b. Inherent value is the value somethinghas for someone, but not as a
means to afurther end
c. Intrinsic value is simply the value whichsomething has. No. appeal
need be madeto those for whom it has value, It simply isvaluable and is so
independently of anyone finding it valuable

The Structure of Values According to Schwartzs Theory (Schwartz 1994).

Functions of the Natural Environment


Regulation functions maintenance of essential ecological processes

Carrier functions providing space and a suitable susbstrate/medium
Production functions providingnatural resources
Information functions providingopportunities for cognitive

Etika lingkungan
3 Models
1. Anthropocentric model man is thedecision maker and determiner
ofgood for all of nature
2. Pragmatic or utilitarian value the general population began to realize
that the degradation of the natural environment would have serious

consequences for human health, safety and survival

Ecocentric or intrinsic value postulates that our interest in the
environment are based on inherently intrinsic value held by the system
including its species and individuals. Duties to the natural systems arise
from the nature of the system itself Main theories of environmental ethics
in their strong and weak versions.

Politik lingkungan
Two Approaches
1. Reformist approach adopt a managerial approach to environmental
problems, secure in the belief that they can be solved without fundamental
changes in present values or patterns of production and consumption
2. Radical approach argue that a sustainable and fulfilling existence pre
supposes radical changes in our relationship with the non-human natural
world and in our mode of social and political life

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