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Balsams painting

Today, we had a painting activity. The activity was about drawing a spring
balsams tree. Rahma and her friends were sitting together when I told them
about what we are going to paint. Rahma you were so excited and so happy
to do it. You couldnt wait to draw and show me that you can do it. When you
started you showed me your ability to do painting. Moreover, you were
listening to my instructions of how you must do the balsams tree painting
and paying attention to each word.
Rahma, you have showed a new skill. You showed a good and confident focus
on painting. Furthermore, you were concentrated, confident and listening to
my instructions. This shows that your listening skill and observation is so
amazing. Great job my little princess. Keep on developing your skills.
Next time, we will continue to develop your painting skills. Im sure you have
many other skills and abilities. I wonder what you are going to show us next.

T. Ahlam
October 2016

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