Sketching The Profile

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Sketching the Profile

Your Inquiry:
What research questions have you been able to most effectively answer during your
interviews and observations? How so?
The questions that were most effectively answered during my interview were
questions like why are you religious? What do you think people think about your
beliefs? and what are your thoughts on religion? etc. I think that these questions are
extremely opinionated and require the interviewee to express his or her beliefs
genuinely. The answers to these questions can go a bunch of different ways so this is
probably why my answers were so efficient. My favorite question from all of my
interviews was as a(n) ___________, describe what your morals and values are. My
purpose behind interviewing Atheists was to get their perspective and to maybe get
some insight into how our society may wrongly stereotype non-religious people as
immoral, bad, or uneducated.

Which of those research questions is your central, guiding research question?

As an atheist, describe what your morals and values are


Describe Your Subject:

Physical Appearance: What do they look like? How do they dress?
My subject is an average Joe. He is a caucasian, middle aged man in his mid
forties. He is maybe 5 10 and a little bit heavy set. He has a shaved head, facial hair,
and tattoos on both arms. During the interview he wore casual khaki shorts and a t-shirt.

Personality, Character, Ethos: How does your subject behave? What do they act like?
How does her demeanor or body language affect how others perceive her?

My subjects body language was very calm and casual. He spoke a lot with his
hands but it was not excessive or dramatic. He was very calm and relaxed while
answering the interview questions. He had a funny sense of humor and incorporated it in
a lot of his answer.

Actions and Environments: What does your subject do? Where do they do it? How do
they do it?
My subject is a manager for a sign company. As a side job/hobby he is also a band
manager for local heavy metal bands. He is a husband, a father, a coworker, a friend.

Interactions: With whom does your subject interact? What do those interactions look
like? What is the purpose of her interactions?
My subject interacts with a lot of interesting people through the music industry. He
manages and promotes local bands so a lot of his time is spent interacting with
musicians, photographers, tech crews, promoters, etc. The purpose of these interactions
would seem to be to make some money while also creating a hobby and good friends,

Background/History: How did your subject become who they are today? What kinds of
experiences or training might have prepared them for their current role in the
My subject grew up in a very religious home and had a lot of time to study and explore
religion. Over time, he decided that none of it made sense to him any longer. My subject
was an active member of his church and knows the bible like the back of his hand;
however, he just found a lot of evidence to disprove his previous beliefs.

Beliefs and Values: What are your subjects beliefs and values? How are these beliefs
and behaviors indicated by your subjects appearance, personality, actions, and
When I asked my subject what his morals and values are he simply said dont be an
asshole. Of course, this was a little bit of his humor speaking, but when I asked him to
clarify this he explained to me how he didnt need to follow any rules or guidelines that
the bible gave im in order to be a genuinely good person. He believes in loving and
respecting people because its the right thing to do, not because a book tells you too.
You can see his morals and values reflected in his everyday behaviors.The amount of
love and respect that he shows his kids, wife, and friends is how everybody should treat
other people regardless of their religious beliefs.


Find 3-5 images, memes, GIFs, videos, or other media that represent your subject.
Share links here.

Identify 3-5 images of your own creation that depict some aspect of your subject. If you
do not have these images yet, consider what those images might be. Who/what will you
photograph? Describe each image you are considering for inclusion in your profile

(subjects tattoo- I am a testament to all your sins. For as you deny them, I embrace them. I will
love while I am here, and you shall die without ever knowing what living was like.)

A picture of my subject with his family/wife to show that he is an average guy with good
morals and values

(A recent facebook post from the subject about his wife (morals and values))


What do you want to convey about your subject? What do you hope your audience will
learn by reading your profile?
I hope that by reading this profile my audience will learn that atheism is often
misjudged. Atheists are often seen as people that lack common morals or bad
influences, and i hope that this profile can show that a persons belief does not make
them any worse of a person.
What theme might unify the various elements of your research (i.e. interviews,
observations, surveys)? Explain.
I dont understand this question? I suppose that my surveys could be used to
gather information about a general outside perspective from religious people on their

opinions of Atheists and I could try to prove those opinions wrong with the interviews I
took of my subject.
What is your working thesis? What is it that you most want to convey about your
subject? State this as a single sentence.
More often than not, atheists are stereotyped as people that lack common morals
and values; however, a persons religious beliefs should not make them any less or more
of a good person.

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