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4 the same thor ‘A MOUTHFUL OF BIRDS (with Davi Lan) OBJECTIONS TO SEX AND VIOLENCE (published in Plays by Womens Votre Fat) SERIOUS MONEY Sorrcors VINEGAR TOM (published in Plays by Women: Vol One) PLAYS: ONE (Owners, Traps Voepar Tom, Light Shining ia Buckingham, Clow Nie) CARYL CHURCHILL Top Girls AMETHUEN PAPERBACK Top Girls ‘Cass Church's lay, about the lie of «woman executive schicte enormous erica! assim bth io Londoa and New York {ed confirms her satus as ‘a dearmatt who must surely berated mong the half doaen best ow Weng a playwright of genuine dace and aarance slew ae he oesierble wit and itll tence in ways a once Unusual, fesonant abd deeming Benedict Nighuingale, New Stteonan “op Girls remains one of the few play this season tha allows ite since to watcha ul origi teatcl mind a woe rank Rich, New York Timer ‘Cary Chureil has writeo for dhe stage, lesion and radio, Her ‘sage pays include Onnrs (Royal Court Theatre Upstairs 1972), ‘Objection wo Sex and Violmce Royal Cour, 195), Ligh Shing ‘Bucknghamstr (or Jin Stock, Theatre Uptais 1976), naar Tom Gor Mensrous Reinert Halt Moon and ICA, London, snd on tour, 197) Trape Phere Ups, 1977, Cloud Nine Joint ‘Stosk athe Royal Goure and on tour, 1979, De Lys Theatre, New ‘York, 1961), Tare More Stcplar Night (Soho Poly and Theat Upstairs, 1880), "Top Gin (Royal Cour, Leadon and Joseph Papp's Public ‘Theme, New York, 1983), For Joint Stock ‘Almeida Theatre and Royal Cours, Londo, ad ot ty and Public Theat, New York, 1983, winner ofthe 1983 Susan Sith Blackburn Prize), Sofcopr (RSC at the Pi, 1980), 4 Mout of Birds (with David Lan, for Joint Stock at te Royal Court and on tour, 1986) and Serius Maney (Royal Cour, Wyndham’ Theatre Eandon and Joueph Pap's Public Theatre, New Yor, 1987) The front cover photograph by Catherine Ashmore she Lindiay Dincon as Lady Nj and Carle Hayman at ull Gret nthe Royal (Coes 1982 proausion The photoraph of Cary Charchil o the Mok coer i by Paul Hater A METHUEN MODERN PLAY First published in 1982 by Methuen London Led, 1 New Ferer Lane London ECAP HE snd Meshuen In, 29 Wet 35th Street, New York, NY 10001, UA in association with dhe Royal Cour Theat, Sloane Sauare London SWI Reprnced 1083 ‘This fully ceed, post-production edition published 1988 ‘epinted 1085, 1987, 1968 Copyright 1982, 1984 by Cary Chore ‘fin TBM 1Ope Jourmal by FuTek Are 24, Croydon, Sorrey Pate by Richard Gly 138, Bangs Suffole (Chari, Cast Top eit. Iie frS14— PRooss.Te6 ISBN o-413-554805 Publication Data cauTioN This play fly protected by copyright Al ight are reserved sd all enauitisconceming the rights fr profesional or Srateur stage production should be made to Margaret Ramey a Goodwin's Court, St Martin's Lane, London WC2N ALL, No performance may be given unless cence has Been bine, "This paperback i sold subject to the conton tha i shall not by ay of wade or other, be lent ea, hited ot tr ocerwisecueultd without the publisher's prior content In any form of binding or cover other than tat in which i ft published and without» slr conden including this Ccnton being tmpond onthe rubsequent purchase “The author gratefully acknowledges ute of the fllowing The Confeion of Lady Ni eansated from the Japanese ‘ty aren Brae, and publahed by Peter Oren Lid, Landon A Curious Life fora Lady about Labels Bird) by Pt Bare, ‘rginaly published by Macmillan, London ‘Top ics was fist performed a the Royal Cour Teste [London on 28 Aogue 1989 with the folowing cst, MARLENE Gowen Tylor ISABELLA BIRD | Joyce LADY NNO. win ANGIE } Debora Findlay pore Selin Cadll PATIENT GRISELDA| ELL. JEANINE WAITRESS xr | tocar Sowa Uesey Mane Directed by Max Stafford Clack Designed by Peter Havel ‘This production transfered to Joe Pap's Public Thee, New ‘York, ltr the same year, and returned to she Royal Coun ety in ACT ONE Seene One: Restasrant.Saurday night Scene Two: “Top Gits' Employment agency, Monday morning. Soene Thre: Joyce's ack yard Sunday afcrhoon act Two Scene One: Employment agency. Monday morning. Scene Two: Joyce's kitchen. Sunday evening, year a Note on characters ISABELLA BIRD (1831-1904) lved in Edinburph, travelled txtensvely between the age of 40 and 70 LADY NUJO (6.1258) Japanese, was an Emperor's couretan and laters Buddhist um who eravled on foot thouph Japan. DULL GRET s che subject of the Bruegel punting Dll Get, ln which 2 woman in an apron and armour lead cr of ‘women carping throagh hell nd fighting the dere, POPE JOAN, disguised ar aman, it thought to have been Pope between 854856. PATIENT GRISELDA isthe obedient wife whose story is tld by {Ghaner in The Clerks Tale of The Gonterbury Tales, Note on layout A Speech stall follows the one immediately befor it BUT Iethen one character stars speaking before the other hat fined, the point of interruption i marked / cp ISABELLA. Thins the Emperor of Japan? / once met the Emperor of Moro, NO: Infacthewas the ex Emperor. 2 character sometimes contaues speaking sgh through nother’ speech 2 ISABELLA’ When was fory thought my life was ove. (On twa pil. was MO: Taide ay Ieee for ewenty your. Not ISABELLA: Sent ons emze for my health and fle ren ‘wore ain in my boner, pins and needles 5 sometimes a spezeh follows on from a speech ear thn the fone immediately belore it, and continity s marked (-GRISELDA: 1 seen im siding by, we allhad, And he'd Seen me in the Bel withthe sheep ISABELLA: Twouldhave been well sited vorinding shee, NUO: And Me Nugent dig by ISABELLA: Of course not, Nijo, mean healthy ite in theopen ait JOAN: "Heys rode up ile you were minding the sheep and asked you to macy him? wherein the feds with the sheep’ isthe cue to both T would Fave been and He just rode wp ACT ONE Semne One Restaurant. Table set for dinner with white tablecloth Six place. MARLENE ond WATTRESS, MARLENE. Excellent, ye, table for si One of them’ going to be late Bur we won't wai ike bottle of Frasca straight sway if youve got one realy cod The WAITRESS goes ISABELLA BIRD arrives. ere we ae, libel, ISABELLA. Congratulations, my dear, MARLENE. Wel i's ep makes fora party. Ihaven' time for holiday. id lke to go somewhere exotic ike you bt can't getaway. I don’ knot how you could bes oleate Hawai like co ei the sun forever, except of cour 1 ISABELLA.1 did think of etling, MARLENE. can’ bet stig sil ISABELLA. 1sene for my sister Henrie to come and join me! I ‘id Henne wel ve here forever and hep the natives, You ‘an buy two stoins of bef for what pound of cope costs in Edinburgh. And Hennie wrote back, the det, cat yes de would come to Hawaii wished, bot Imai she ad far better ‘Say where she wae, Henne was ited ¢o lien Tobermory MARLENE. Poor Hei, ISABELLA. Do you havea sinet? 2 TorGIRLs MARLENE, Yes in fc. ISABELLA, Henne wat happy. She was god. Idd mists fae, ‘my own pet. Bu couldn't stayin Seatand Hoathed the consent mut, MARLENE. Ab! Nijo! She ees LADY NYO are. ‘Tbe WAITRESS enters with wine NO. Marlene! MARLENE. [think a rin while we wt forthe others. 1 ‘hink a drink anyway. Wa a werk. ‘he WAITRESS pours wine JO. Ie was always the men who used to get so drunk. 1° be ‘one ofthe maidens, pasting the sake, ISABELLA. Ie had ske, Small hot drink. Quite forifying afer * ay inthe wet .NIJO. One night my father proposed thee rounds of three caps, ‘which was normal, and then the Emperor shuld have sid ‘hee rounds of thee cups, but he sid thee rounds of nine ‘ups 50 you can imapine. Then the Emperor passed his sake up to my father and sai, ‘Lethe wid goose come to me ths spring MARLENE, Lee the what? 'NIJO. e's literary allusion toa tenh-entury ep, / His Majesty ws ery eltred ISABELLA: Thisis the Emperor of Japan? / once met the Emperor of Moroeco. JO. Infect he ws the exenperoe, MARLENE. But he wasn't old? / Did you, labels? [NUO. Twenty-nine. ISABELLA. Oh it's along story. MARLENE. Twenty-nine’ an excellent ae. [NMJO. Weil I was only fourteen and I knew he mean something ACTONE,SCENE ONE 3 ‘ut dia’ know what. He sent mean cghclayered gown and seni back. So when the time came | id nothing bet ey, IMythin gowns wer baiy ripped Bat sven that morang when he left/ he'd a reen robe with n seat ning sed MARLENE. Are you siying he raped you? INUO. very heavily embroidered router, already ele dierent about him. Ie made me unensy, No, ofcourse not Matte ‘belonged to im, ic was whe Iwas brought up for from 2 _ baby 1 w0on found Iwas sad ithe stayed sway. was © depressing ay after day not knowing when he would come. ‘ever enjoyed taking other worsen thin ISABELLA. I cerinly never saw my father drank. He was a clsayman. / And Uda ge mari tl wa fifty | The WAITRESS brings ems, INYO. Ob, my feher was avery egos man Just before he died ead 0 me, ‘Serve ts Majo, be respect, if you Tose hs favour enter holy orders 2NE, But he meant sty in content, not go wander ound the coun : JO, Pet were often vagrants so why tx mon? You think sould ail id what my father waned. 2NE.Nono,1 think you shold / think ws wonder ULL GRET anes, BELLA. ied odo what my father wanted RLENE, Gree, god. No. Gres. / know Gries going to ate bt hold we wait for Joan? Les gt you dr -LA Hell Get (Continues NO.) ied tobe a rayma's auger. Needlework, mac chntale chee, had stout removed from my spine and spent rede of tine onthe sot. saied she merapnysil poets nd nology. /T though enjoyed inelectal pus, J. Ab, you like poe. came of sine of eight penerations, Poets Father ad's poemn/in the athaogs LA. My fathersaupstme Latin although Iwasa gid But 6 Tor GIRLS ACT ONE, SCENEONE 5 as inlined to confuse / God and the word ISABELLA. Grit always overwhelmed me at the time What I fancy is rare steak. Gre? ISABELLA. Iam of course a member of the/ Church of England.* [GRET. Potaroes. RLENE. *U haven't ben to church for yes. ike “Christmas acl IELLA. Good works mater more than church attendance, MARLENE. They didn't have Latin t my schoo ISABELLA. really Iwas mor uted to manual wok. Cooking, ‘ashing, mending, ding hore. / Better than reading books, [NYJO.Oh bu 'm aur youre very sever. Gre? A rough if inthe open ait, NUJO. can't say L enjoyed my rough life, What I enjoyed most was being the Emperor's favourite and wearing thin ike ISABELLA: Did you ave any hore, Gret? GRET. Pig POPE JOAN aces, MARLENE. Ob Joan, chink God, we can order. Do you know everyone? We were je talking shout lnming Latin and being Clever gi Joan was by way ofan infant prodigy, Of coure you were, What excited you when you were ten? Canellon, please, / anda sald LA, Well ied, but oh dese, Henne did good works, JO. The fs hal of my life wa alsin andthe second all ‘penance ENE, Oh what about artes? Soup. JAN, "And which did you ike best? ENB. Were your teael jar a penance? Avocsdo wisigrete, Didnt you / enjoy yourself? Nothing to sar with forme, thank you. JO. Yes, but was very unhappy. / Ic hurt to remember And the wine lis, the past. hin that was repentance Well wonder : might have js been homesick, JOAN, Because anges ae without mater hey are not individuals. Every angels species, MARLENE, There you are They laugh. They lok at menus. ISABELLA. Yes, forgot ll my Latin, But my fther was the ‘maipring of my le and when he died I wa 9 grieved. ave the chicken please, / and the 0p. NNO. Of cours you were grieved. My father wa saying his ‘prayers and he dazed of in he aon, So touched his knee co ‘oue im. I wonder what wil happen, he sid, and hen be twas dead before he fished the sentence, Fhe ied saying MARLENE, What a shock, [NUJO. his prayers he would have gone right to heaven, / Wald sad JOAN. Death ithe rerum of al eretutes to Go. NUJO. shouldn't have woken him, JOAN. Damnation only means igncrance ofthe rath. Lat always aacted by the teaching of Joba the Scot, hough he Don't you get any? I get angry. But wha about? 6 ToPcIRLs (MARLENE. Ves let's ave two more Frat And some more bread, please The WAITRESS ext. ISABELLA. 1 ied to enderrand Buddhism when 1 wasn Japan ‘bull this birth and death mcceedng eachother through emits js filed me withthe mon profound melancholy. To like Something more active. [NMO. You couldn’ say 1 was inetiv. I waed every day for ‘wenty year. “ISABELLA. I don't mean waking / mean inthe head, [NHJO. vowed to copy five Mabayan stat / Do you know how MARLENE. don’ think religious bei are something we have in common, Activity 7 [NWO long they ae? My head was active. /My head ached JOAN. 1s no good beng active in heey. ISABELLA. What heresy? She's cling the Chasch of England / thee JOAN. There ate some very atrctive heresies. NO. {had ever head of Chiianity, Never / herd oft ‘acbarina, MARLENE. Well 'm nota Chri ISABELLA, You have heatd of i? MARLENE, We don’t all have to elev the sue, ISABELLA. 1 knew coming to dinner with « pope we should keep ‘off lion JOAN. always enjoy theologial argument. But I wont ty to ian. And U'm not Bada, ISABELLA. Thee re some barbaric practices in the ext. NYO. Babaric? ISABELLA. Among the lower ase. [NUO. Twoulde’® know. ISABELLA. Well theology always made my head ache. convert you, Im nota missionary. Anyway Pima etesy mpl ACTONE, SCENEONE 7 ENE. Ob good some food. WAITRESS i bringing tbe fst cour, NIJO. How ese could thee lf he cour if wasnt a nun? When father died thad ony Hi Maety. So when {fell ot of favour had nothing. Relion ia Kind of nothing fan dedieated what wat left of me to nothing. ILLA. That's what | ean about Buddhism, I doesn't brace LENE, Come on, Nijo, have some wine JO. Haven't you ever fl ike that? Nothing wil ever happen in. Tam dead already. You've al fee / ike that. BELLA. You thought your life wat over bat i wasn't You wish i was ver. BENE. Yes, when 1 ft came ro London I soretimes id when I got back from America| did. But only for few Not twenty yen ABELLA. When Iwas for thought my life wat over. Oh MJO. 1 did’ say 1 fee ie for ewenty year. Not every minute wa pitiful, Las en ona erie for my health and 1 even wore. Pains in my bones, pins and needles ia my ds swelling behind the eas, snd ob pity. shook all ove, indefinable tenor. And Australis secrmed to me 4 ous country, the sca stank ike Gains. / Thad a You were homesick. Photograph for Hennie bat cold her t woulda’ its my bai a fallen oat snd my clother were crooked completely insane and sii B.So did 1, exacy,desed ats man, was wearing walking bes for theft time, ELLA. Ilonged to go home, / but home to what? Howes Precept en en prey Soma r © ToPGIRLS MARLENE. thought traveling cheered you both up. ISABELLA. Oh ie di of couse twat onthe rip from [NUJO.1'm ot s cher peton, Masiene 1 just laugh alot ISABELLA. Australia tothe Sandwich ns, el in love withthe Sea. There were rate the cei and asin the fod but suddenly ic wa ke & new word wake up evry morning happy, knowing there would be nothing vo enn0y me. No nervousness No desing. NYJO. Don’ you ike geting dete? I adored my clothes. ‘When twat choren to give se to His Majesty brother, MARLENE. You hd preter clout han abel JO. the Emperor Kamen, on hie formal vist, Iwore raw silk pleated trousers nd a sevenlayered gown in shade of fed, nd two outer garments, / yellow lined with green and ight MARLENE. Yer all hat silk mus have been very The WAITRESS tarts to cleer the fist course JOAN. 1 dresed as a boy when eft home,* INYO. gren jacket. Lady Betto hada fvetayered gown in shades of geen snd purple ISABELLA. *You dicted a boy? MARLENE. Of cure, / fo safety JOAN. It was easy, 1 wat only twee, / Alo women weren't lowed inthe liar. We wanted to study in Athens MARLENE. You rn away alone? JOAN. No, not alone, I went with my frend. / He wae sixteen NJO. Ab, an elopement JOAN. butt thought | knew more sence than he did and almost 5 much philorophy. ISABELLA, Well always traveled andy and t epudited sng ay mgs the pes tat wae than MARLENE. | don't wear wouses in the office, 1 could bu I don, ACTON, SCENE ONE 9 ISABELLA. There was no grea danger to & woman of my age and appearance MARLENE. And you got aay witht Joan? JOAN. 1 dite, The WAITRESS stare to bring the main cnr. MARLENE. And nobody noticed anything? JOAN. They nociced I was avery clever boy. / And when MARLENE. I couldn have hept pretending for so long. JOAN. shared a bed with my find, that was ordinary — 80 ‘oor seadensin lodging hase I think I forgot was pretending ISABELLA. Rocky Mountain Jin, Me Nugent, showed me no daespect Me found ic interesting, think, that | ould make ‘cones and also aso cate. Indeed he declared hs lave for me ‘thick wat mot distesing. JO. What did he sy? / We always sent pois fir. MARLENE, What did you sy? ISABELLA. I urged him to pve up whisky, ut he side was to lat, MARLENE. Ob Isabel, ISABELLA. He had ved alone in the mountains for many yea MARLENE. But did you ~? ‘The WAITRESS goes ISABELLA. Mr Nugenewasa man chat any woman might love ‘but none could matey eae back to England . UO. Did you write him «poem when you lf? / Snow onthe MARLENE, Did you never se him again? ISABELLA. No never. INYO. mountins. My sleeves are wet with teas. In England no TSABELLA. Well, say never. One morning very esty in ‘Swittriand, ic was a yea later, Thad vision of hast saw im Jn his rapper's clothes with his ir ound his face, NUJO. A ghost! ISABELLA. and that was the day, / enon ltr, he died witha NJO. Abt ISABELLA. bulletin his brain. He just bowed to me and anise, MARLENE, Oh fablts INU). When your lover dies One of my loves ded The priest oie JOAN. My frend did, Have well got dead loess? MARLENE, Not me, ony [NWO (eo ISABELLA) I wasn't nun, twas stil at court, bu he ‘was priest, and when he eame to me e dedicated bis whole Iie roel He knew tha when he ded he would fl into fone ofthe three lower realms. And he ded he i ie JOAN (o MARLENE). 1 guard with him over the teachings Of John the Seot, who held that ou ignorance of God ithe fame ais ignorance of hitsl He only knows what he teats because he creates everything he hows but he hime ISabove being — do you fellow? MARLENE. No, but goon. [NJO. couldn't bear to think in what shape woul he be reborn. * JOAN, St. Augustine maintained thatthe Neo Parone Ideas are indivisible from God, but Fageed with John tha the erated ISABELLA, “Buddhism is ealy mos uncomfortable JOAN, word i csencs derive from leas which derived fom ‘God. As Denys the Arcopapte sid ~ the pseudo Denys — fit we give Gods ame, then Sey i then conse the [NMJ In whac shape would he return? JOAN concatition by looking beyond / chose terms ~ MARLENE, Sony, what? Deny uid what? JOAN, Wel we dtgred abou it we quartlled, And nextday ACTONE,SCENE TWO 11 the wa ill, wat so annoyed wih ial the sme Las TIJO. Misery inthis fe nd worse inthe nen, Becae of me JOAN. nursing him hep ging ver the arguments in my mind. ‘Maier na a mens of knowing the cetence The woece oF the species ithe Kea, But then Frealied he'd never understand my segument apn, and that night he ded Jobo the Sco eld thatthe india disnepats/ and there m0 pevsoaal immortality ISABELLA. I wouldn't have you think was in love wih Jim Nugent wae yearning fo tve hi shat le. MARLENE (to JOAN). So what did you do? JOAN, Firs 1 decided to ay aman, Iwas wed to ADSL wanted to devate my lfe to Iaring, Do you know why 1 B trent to Rome? Italian men didnt have Bers ISABELLA. The loves of my ife were Henne, my own pet 2nd ‘my dear neand the doctor, who mused Henne in heist ips knew would be terble when Henne died butt didnt know how terble fl hal f myself ad gone. How ould 1g on my tive without that sect oul walg 0 tome fr my teers? Iwas Doctor Bahop's devotion thet t {ner las llne that made me decide to marry him. He and Hennie had the sire sweet character had not | [NMJO. 1 ehough hie majesty ad sweet character besuse when the found out shout Aiake he was so kid, Bur realy was because he no longer ened forme, One night he even set re out oman who ad been parsing me /He lay avake ‘on the other side of the sercen and stoned ISABELLA. Idd wish mariage ha seemed mote ofa tep. ‘ried very hard to cope withthe ordinary Grader of hfe, ‘wari pun wth carbunles onthe spine and nervous Prostaton | ordered yee, that was my ides of venture then. And Job hina fel il with enspelas and anaemia. began to lve him with my whole hes, butt war to Ite He | trara skeleton with transparent white hands | wheled hi 08 Citi seftont in a athehaie And be faded and eft me "There was nothing in my hfe The doctor aid Thad gout / 12 Tor cunts and my heat was uch affected NIJO. There was nothing in my life, nothing, without the Emperor's favour. The Empress had always been my enemy, Marlene, he sid Thad no right to wear threctayered gowns. / But twas the adopted daupte of my prandtater the Prime Minister. had been publicly granted permission to wear thin JOAN. There was nothing in my life exsepe my suds was obsessed with peru ofthe tith, Lange atthe Greek School in Rome, which St Augustine had made famous, I wat poor, worked hard 1 spoke apparently briny, twat ail ery young, wasastanger suddenly | was quite famous, Tyas everyene's favourite Huge crowds eame to heat me The day afer they made me cardinal 1 fe land ly two weeks ‘thou speaking, all of terror and eget. But hen 1 got up MARLENE, Yes, veces very JOAN. determined to goon, Iwi cited again / witha desperate Toagiog for the sbeolute. ISABELLA. Yes yes, to goon at in Tobermory among Henie's owes and sewed a complete outfit in Jaeger annel. 1 was Bleyae year oe [NHJO. Out of favour but I didnt de eft on foot, nobody saw me go. For dhe nex twenty year I walked through Japa, GGRET. Walking good ‘The WAITRESS enters, JOAN. Pope Leo died and I wat chosen. All sight then, [would be Pope. would know God, 1 would know everthing, ISABELLA. I determined to leave my pif Behind and set of for “iter. MARLENE. Magnificent all of you. We need some more wine, Please wo bots think, Gilda en even ere ye, and Fant wo din stat eo you al ISABELLA. To younelf surly, we're here to celebrate your |ACTONE, SCENE ONE 13 INO. Ye, Mslne JOAN. Yer, wha init exaty, Masiene? [MARLENE, Wellies nt Pope but it is managing director * JOAN. And you find work for people MARLENE. Ves, an employment agency. [NMJO.*Over ll the women you work with, And the men, ISABELLA. And very well deserved 00m it i's jus the epinning of something extrardinary. MARLENE, Well it's worth pry. ISABELLA. To Marlene.” MARLENE. And all of vs. JOAN. *Matene. NYO. Macene GRET. Macene, MARLENE, We've all come along way. To our courage andthe way we changed our isan tur estsordinaty sehicverents They laugh and drink tas. ISABELLA. Such advencrc, We were ctsting 2 mountain pass ‘at seven thousand fect, the cook wa alo pies, the Imuleteers suffered fever and snow blindness, But even though my spine wae agony I managed very well MARLENE. Wonderful JO. Once I was fr four month yng sone tain, "Nobody to offer a home ro Buddhs had to line for mye snd id ve ISABELLA. Of coune you dd. twas far worse rearing ro “Tobermory. 1 always fle dull when {was seatonary./ That's why Teould never say anyuhre [NMO. Yes, that's ic exactly. New sights. The srine by the beach, ‘the moon shining onthe sea. The goddess had vowed to ave living things She would even save thefts, wat fll of hope 14 ToPGIRLS JOAN. 1had thought she Pope would know everthing. hought ‘God would speak to me dec, But of cours he knew twat | MARLENE, Buc nobody ce even suspected? ‘The WAITRESS brings more wine, JOAN. Inthe end I did cake a lover again? ISABELLA. Inthe Vasican? GRET. *Keep you warm. *NUJO. A, lover MARLENE, “Good for you JOAN. He was one of my chamberaing. Tete ae sch ot of servants when you're «Pope. The food's very good. And realised dd know the ruth, Because whatever the Pape 375, taste [NJO. What wat he ike, he chambetsn?* GGRET. Big cock. ISABELLA, Oh Geet MARLENE, *Did he fancy you when he thought you were a fl? [NIJO, What was he tik JOAN. He could keeps secret. MARLENE. So you did now everything. JOAN, Ves, enjoyed being Pope, I conecrated bishops and et people kis my feet. reese che King of England when he ame to submit to the church, Unforuoately there were athquakes, and some village reporeed tha rained Hood, {nd in rance there ws a plague of giant grasshoppers but 1 ow’ hike that can have bee my fault do you?™ Latter, ‘The grasshoppers felon the English Channel and were INJO. once went to sea wat very lonely. relied it made very lite difference where went ACT ONE, SCENE ONE 15 wished up onshore and ther bodies rotted and ptoned the air and everyone those pat died Leger SABELLA. “Such superstition! 1 was nenly murdered in China ‘bya howling mob. They thought the barbarians se babies end put them under rlway deepers ro make the tacks steady, fnd ground up thir eyes to ake the lenses of canes. 30 (MARLENE, And you had a camera ISABELLA. they wete shouting, childeatr,childeater” Some people ied co mil gil babs co European for camera or Langer MARLENE. So apart from the grasshoppers ic was peat success. JOAN. Ves, if than’ ben for the aby I expect Pd hae lived to a od ge ike Theodora of Alexandria who led 4 monk. she was accused by agit / who fll in Tove wih her of Dreing the father oer child and NYO. Bu el us what happened to your baby. 1had some abi. MARLENE. Didnt you thik of geting ed of i JOAN, Woulda’ that be «wore sin than having it / Bat «Pope vita chid was sbout bad ax pone MARLENE. {dont know, you'te the Pope. JOAN. But | wouldnt have known how to gt ido. [MARLENE. Other Popes ha eile, sey JOAN. They didn’ ge Beh to them, NYO. Well you were a woman. JOAN. Exactly and | shouldac have been a woman, Women, ‘hldren an lunatic cans be Pope [MARLENE. So the only thing todo / was to get i of i ‘emchow. INYO. You had to have it adopted secretly. JOAN. Ba! didn’ know what was happening. thought wat essing fate, but hen I wat euting more and siting abou, the lite ofa Pope que lexaroat. 1 done think spoken tot woman since I war ele. The chamberlain was the one who realised MARLENE. And by then it was 00 late, JOAN. Of | didnt want copay attention Ie was easier to do nothing. JO. But you had to pln for hang it You had 0 say you were and go aay JOAN' Tha’ what] should have done Huppore MARLENE, Did you want them to find out? [UJO. | too was often in embarassing situations, there's no need Yorn scandal My fat ld was i Majesty, which Unforsnately ded, bu my second wat Akebono's Twas Seventeen, He was in love with me when I wa heen he was ‘ery upset when I had to go tthe Emperor, ic was very oman, Tor of poems, Now His Majeny hadnt been nest ‘me for cus months so he thought | wa fur months prepa then Iwas realy io when I reached the nth month JOAN. 1 never knew what month tas. [NU]. announced twas seriously land Akebono ennounced he ha gone on aegis reveat. He held me round the waist and ited me up a8 the baby was bor. He ut the cord with 2 sort sword, weapped the baby in whit and tock away Ie ‘was oly gl but was sony to lose Then tld the Emperor thatthe baby bad misearied beause of my nes, adhere you ae. The danger was pat JOAN. But Nj, Iwate’ sed to having a woman's body. JOAN. I dide know of course that it wat ner the ime. twas Rogation Day, sere was always a procesion. Tas onthe howe dressed in ny robes and eos was eared in fron of sme, and all the eardnals were following, and all she dey of Rome, and a huge crowd of people. / We se off fom ACT ONE, SCENE ONE 17 MARLENE, Total Pops JOAN. Se Peter's wo gow St John's. tha fl slight pain esis, "hough i was something I'd eaten, and then came back, tnd-eame back more often thought when ths is ovee Ugo to bed. There wer stl long gape when fle perfectly ll ght snd did’ want to atactatention to my and spol te ‘eremony. Then I suddenly rained what it mst be Thad to Jase ure could get home and hie, Then wmething ‘hanged, my breath started to eat, | eouldnt plan things propel any more. We were insite rrect that gocs between element's and the Calomeum, and jst had to get off the hows and it down fora minut. Great waves of presure were ng through my body, head sounds like + com lowing they came out of my mouth. Faraway Uheerd people screaming, "The Pope sil, the Pope i ying” And the baby jase ai ovc onto the oad MARLENE, The cardinals won't have known where to put themscies. [NMJO. Oh dear, Joan, wha thing to dot Inthe tet! ISABELLA. “How embarasting. GGRET. Ina Get, yah. They ae lnghing. JOAN, One ofthe cardinal si, The Anihrit! and fll over ina fin. | They lou ILENE, So what did they do? They wern' bert plated JOAN, They took me by the feet and dragged me ov of town © ‘and toned me to death, They sop laughing MARLENE, Joun, how horrible JOAN. 1 don’t relly emember INYO. And the child died to? “JOAN. Oh yes, 1 think so, ye. aie 18 TOPGIRLS ‘The WAUTRESS enters to cleat the plate They sealing anit. ISABELLA (o JOAN). [never had any children. Iwas very fond ‘ot hones, [NUJO to MARLENE). 1saw my daughter once. She was three Yeatsold She wore plumed sallsleeved gown. Akebono's ISABELLA.Biedie was my fvouste. ltd Indian bay mate ode nthe Rocky Mouncans ‘NiJo. wife hd taken the child because her own died, Everyone ‘thought Iwas jst vitor. She was Being brought up catty So she could be sent tothe place like Iwas, ISABELLA. Legs of ron and always cheerful and such a pretty face If stranger led her she reared up like «Bronce, [NIO. never sw my tind child afer he was born, he ton of “Arak the priest. Acake hel him on his ap the day he was ‘bom and talked to him asi he could understand ad eed. >My fourth child was Avake's oo. Ariake died before he wat ‘born. aida wane to Se aayone, stayed alone inthe hil Teas boy spun, my tied son, Bot oddly enough I felt thing for bin [MARLENE. How many children did you have, Gre? GRET. Ten ISABELLA. Whenever I came bak to England I fle thad so Imuch atone for. Henne and John were so good. did no {hod in my ife pent year in cifgratifeation- So Tbuled faye inte commits, I nured the people of Tobermory ie the epidemic of infuenta lected the Young Women's ‘Chestian Avociaton on Th talked and caked explaining how the East was compe and vicious. My travels must do ood to someone beside myself Wore myself oot with good [MARLENE Oh God, why are we allo miserable? JOAN. The procession never went down that street apn. ACT ONE,SCENEONE 19 MARLENE. They reroute specially? JOAN, Yes they had ogo all round to avoid it. And they ‘neroduced a peted chur MARLENE. A pierced chit? JOAN. Yea chr made ou of solid marble witha hoe in che {sexta wasin dhe Chapel ofthe Saviour, and after be was MARLENE. You're not serious. JOAN, elected the Pope had to iin it MARLENE. And someone loked up his skies? / Nos ely? ISABELLA, What an extraordinary thing. JOAN, Two ofthe clergy / made sute he was man [NUO, On theihands snd knees! MARLENE. A pierced chit GRET. Bats GGRISELDA arc unmoticed [NUO, Why coulda’ he js pull pis tobe? JOAN. He had ost here and look digi. MARLENE. You could have made all your chamberain tin GRET, Big on, small one INYO. Very wif chai at cove. ISABELLA, “Or the laid of Tobermory in his lt ‘They ore quite drank. They get the gles [MARLENE notices GRISELDA. MARLENE. Griselda! / There you ate, Do you want to ext? GRISELDA.1' sory tim sate. No, no, don't bother. MARLENE, Of coun t's no bother. Have you eaten? GGRISELDA. No relly, 'm not bongry MARLENE, Well have some pang, 9 Tor Gms GGRISELDA. | neve ext pudding. MARLENE, Griselds, hope you're not anorens. We'e having ‘ding Iam, and geting vice and fa. GGRISELDA. Oh if everyone. don't mind MARLENE. Now who do you know? This i Joan who was Pope inthe nigh century, and tbela Bind the Vieroran traveler, snd Lady Nijo from Japan, Emperor's concubine and Buddhist un, hittenthcenary, eater your own tine, and ret who ‘wa pained by Bracphel. Grid's in Boccaccio and Peterh snd Chaucer because of her extraordinary manage. ke roierolesbecase theyre digesting JOAN. Zabagline, pene ISABELLA, Apple pie and cream, NMJO. What this? MARLENE, Zabagione, i’ Talian, ‘what Joan's having / e's JO. A Roman Catholic /desen? Yes please MARLENE. Gret? GRET. cake, GGRISELDA, Just cheese and biscuit, thank you, MARLENE, Yes, Gris’ fe irik a fury tory, except it sees with marying the prince. GGRISELDA. He's only a mari, Maine, MARLENE. Well everyone fr miles around i his iege and he's sbsolut lord of lie and death and you were the poor but ‘beaut peasant gland he whisked you off. / Neat enough a prince, NNO. How old were you? [NYO. 1 was brought up in cour circles andi was tila shock Had you ever sen hi before? GGRISELDA. seen him ing by, well had, And he'd yen me |ACTONE, SCENE ONE 21 in the fede with he sep.” ISABELLA. 1 woald ave been well ited to minding seep. NJO. And Me Nugent ring by. ISABELLA. Of cour not, Nijo,L mean a healthy life in the open JOAN. “He just ode up while you were minding the sheep and ‘ed you to marry hi? GGRISELDA. No, no, twas on che wedng day. 1 was witng ‘outside the doar tose the procession, Everyone wanted him to getmarvied so there'd bean het look afer us whe he ie, anda late he announced day fo the wedding but MARLENE. I don’ think Walter wanted to get mated. tis ‘Wale? Ye, GGRISELDA. nobody knew who the bride was, we thought it must be sfregn prince, we were longing to see her. ‘Then {he cage topped outside our cottage and we couldn't see the bride anywhere. And he came and spake to my father, [NMO. And your father told you to seve the Pine. GGRISELDA. My father could hardly speak. The Margi dit wast an order, eould sty no, but Taye muse tlw obey him in eveything. MARLENE. That’ when you should have suspected GGRISELDA. Bur ofcourse a wife muse obey her husband. And ‘of coure Imus obey the Marguis® ISABELLA. I swore w obey dear John, ofcourse, bu i did't ‘seem to arse, Naturally wouldn' have wanted to go abroad ile Twas mare. MARLENE. *Then why bother to mention ita all? He'd por thing about i that’s why, GGRISELDA. 1 rather obey the Merguis than boy from the village. MARLENE. Ves, chat’ poin JOAN. I never obeyed anyone. They all obeyed me, 22 Tor GIRLS [NUO. And what did you wea? He did't make you get maried in your own clothes? That would be pemerse™ MARLENE, Ob, you wait GGRISELDA. te had adie wit him who undesed me and th hhad a white silk dress and jewels for my haie. ” MARLENE, And a fre he semet perfectly normal? GRISELDA. Malene, you'e alway o crite of him. / Of course he wat moral he was very ind MARLENE. But Griseld, come oo, he took your bby [ oRISEL.8 Wate found iad bee ve He oun ble wuld shay sey Sm. Hh ve MARLENE. I don'e think Walter likes women, GGRISELDA. I'm sure he loved me, Marlene al the tine MARLENE, He just had fonny way /of showing it GGRISELDA. Ie wa hard for him oo JOAN. How do you mean he 0k away your baby? [NUO. Was ita boy? GGRISELDA. No, the frst one was gel. 'NUJO. Even soie's hard when they ake it away. Did you sei at ‘ab GGRISELDA. Oh yes, he was si weeks od [NUO. Much better to doit straightaway. ISABELLA. But why did your husband take the child? GGRISELDA. He said all he people hated me because twas just one of them. And now ¥ had child they were restless. $0 he hd to get rid ofthe eb to keep them quit. Bathe sid he wooldnt snatch her, Thad toate and bey and give her up So when 1 was feeding her man came ln and took her ‘0: houpt he wes goig lhe even before he was MARLENE. Bat you let him take he? Vou didn't struggle? ACT ONE, SCENE ONE 25 GGRISELDA. 1 atked him ro give her backs 1 ould hss et. And asked him to bury het where no animals could dig her up. 1 ISABELLA, Oh my dea, CGRISELDA, was Walter's child ro do what he iked with * MARLENE. Walter was bonkers GGRET. Bastard ISABELLA. "But surely, moder GGRISELDA. I had promised MARLENE. 1 cane stand chi 'm pong fora pe MARLENE goes ou ‘The WAITRESS brings dessort [NJO. No, understand, OF coure you had to,he was your ie ‘And wote you in favour ater tha? GGRISELDA. Oh ye, we were very happy together, We never spoke shout what had happened ISABELLA.Ican se you were doing what you though was yout ‘uty, But didn’ make you uP GRISELDA. No, 1 was ery wel thankyou, JO. And you had another child? GGRISELDA. Not for fur year, but then Ii, yes, 'NUJO. Ah boy. / So ical ended happily [GRISELDA. Ye he was peasd 1 kept my son tlhe was two years ol A peasants grandson, fe made the people angry, Water explained ISABELLA. But surely he wold’ kil his children / jus because — [GRISELDA. Ohi wasn't tru. Walter would never give int the people, He wanted to see Eloved him enough JOAN. He kl his children ose if yu loved him enough? [NJO. Was ieasier the second rime or harder? GGRISELDA. Ie wat always easy bectur {always kaew I would do what he id 24 ToPGIRLS Pause. They tr 10 eat. ISABELLA. hope you didn't have any more children, GGRISELDA. Ohno, no mote. le was swelve years lhe ted ISABELLA. So whatever did he do this time? / My poor John never loved him enough, and he would never have deexne GGRISELDA. He sent me away. He mid the poople wanted him to ‘mary somcone ele who'd give him an hee and he'd got speci permission from the Pope, S01 mid ' ga home co sy father. etme with nothing! went wth nothing. UO. Better to ewe if your maser does'e want you GRISELDA. took off my lathes. He let me keep ips he woul’ be shamed. And I walked home barefoot, My father Chie out in teas, Everyone was erying except te [NIJ Atleast your father wasn't ded, / Thad nobody. ISABELLA. Wellit canbe s elif to come home Hoved to see Henne’ sweet face again, GRISELDA. Ob yes, 1 was perfectly content, And quite son he JOAN. don think t woul have gone GGRISELDA. But he told me 10 come. Lhad to obey him, He wanted me ro elp prepare his wedding, He was peting mased {young gel fom France / and nobody excep me knew how to arrange things the way he Ud ther NJO. Is always hatd taking him another woman, MARLENE comes back JOAN. I didn’ ive woman’ life 1 don't understand it GRISELDA. The gel war sntcen and far mote beatiful han ime could sec why he loved er / She bad her younger Brother with Nera page The WAITRESS enters MARLENE. Oh God, leant beat. want some coffee Six ‘coffees. Sx brandes./ Double branes, Straight. ACT ONE, SCENE ONE 25, GGRISELDA, They all went into the fees prepared. And he ‘stayed behind and puthis arma round me and ised me-/T it half alep with the shock, INYO. O8, ike dream MARLENE, And he id, ‘This it your daughter and your son GRISELDA. Yes. JOAN. What? [NUJO. Oh, Oh tee. You got them back, ISABELLA. I did think it wae rmatkaby barbaric kil hem but you leten nt to say anything. / So he had them brought sp rcredly I suppose, MARLENE, Walter's monster. Weren't you angry? What dd you 0? GRISELDA. Well | fainted. Then cried and kissed the shildren, / Bveryone wat making fu of me INJO. But dd you fel anything for them? GRISELDA. What? [NMO. Didyou fee anything forthe eidren? GGRISELDA. OF coun, {loved them, JOAN, So you forgave him snd lived with him? GGRISELDA. He stfered to much ll thoe years ISABELLA. Hennie had the sme sweet nature [NMOS they dressed you again? GGRISELDA. Cloth of gold : JOAN. 1 can’ forgive anything. MARLENE. You relly are exceptional, Griseds, INUJO. Nobody ave me back my children, NUJO cries. The WAITRESS brings branes. ISABELLA. I can never be like Hemi was aay s busy in England, a kindof busines | detested, The very presence of people exhausted my emotional eserves. 1 could not be ike 2% Torainis HHeanie however {tried {red and was ils could be The doctor suggested a sel net o support my heady the weight of ‘ny own head wat roo mach for my dicated spine. Iti Ahngerou to po onset in depressing circumstances, Why Should do ie JOAN. Don't ey JO. My father and the Emperor both did in the autumn, So ‘much pan JOAN. Yes, bat dont ey Ieee into the plac when he was dying Tis coffin, chen couldnt find where eft my shoes, van after the funeral procession in bare fect, Iouldnt keep up. When got there was over, 2 few wisps of smoke inthe sky, that’s all that was lef of him. What Teane to know if Pd sl been at cour, would T have been Allowed t wea full mourning? MARLENE, I'm sure you woud [NIJO. Why do you sy that? You don't know anything abou i Would Ihave Been allowed to wea all mourning? ISABELLA. How can people live in chi dim pale ieland and west ‘our hideous clohes I eannot and will noc live the if of « Jay. JO. 1 el you something that made me angry was eighteen, ‘a the Full Moon Ceremony. They ake a seca ce god! Shd stiri with their sticks and then they best their women ‘cross the loins they have sone and not daughters. So the Emperor beat ual / ery hard a usual ~ tha’ ot, MARLENE. What a sod INYO. Matiene; that's normal, what made us angry he told hi attendants they could beat vr oo, Well they had a wonderful tame. So Lady Genki and I made span, andthe ade hit ‘The WAITRESS at entered with coffees. MARLENE. 1 like snother randy plete. Better make i x [NMO. in his vooms, and Lady Mahimisu stood gua wit a stick [ACT ONE, SCENE ONE 27 a the door, and when Hs Majesty came in Gen seized hin hd ben itil be ered out and promized he woul never ‘rder anyone co hits agai. Afterwards there ass ere fs The nobles were horrified. We wouldn't even dream of stepping on your Majesty's shadow" And Uh hit him with 2 ick Yeu Tht him with sek JOAN, Suave, mari magno turbanibus squors venti, terra magnum tetas spectre aborem;, non guia vena quemquamsticunda vluptas, fe guib pe mali cores qa ceere suave et. Suave ein ell cecaina magna toe per campos instrcts ta sine parte pei ed nl dulcis, ene quam muna tenere eta doctina sapien temple serena, Gespcere unde quen aio pasimquevidere ‘era atgue vam palans quarere vie, GGRISELDA. 1 4o think ~ 1 do wonder if Walter bad’ bad ISABELLA. Why shold 1? Why should 1? MARLENE, Of course not. INNO. 1 hihien wit asic. JOAN. cert ngeno, contendere noiltae Doctes argue dies nit prasane labore | td sumnasemergere ope eramgue pot 40 misras/hominum ments, 0 pectora cecal SABELLA. Ob mises! 0. *Pectora acca JOAN, quslibas in tencbris vie quancisge pris degiurhoeaevi quodcumguert none vdere © pilaliad sbi nara arate i weg ‘Corpor eunctus door abl, mente faster JOAN subsides GGRET. We come into hell through a big mouth. Hels black and °| red. / Tes like the vilge where come from, There's ver nd Fk would hae been nicer pu pred poors naunysey Ape pu woos Hy Of yearn oat Apemiq 43000 29 Pl ANSTAV sooffo ue pause ory SSAMLIVA HL md ape pur mu29 4 0s >a yom © pe fou fo 4-03 st 124 pos xs epaaate fon ar an pray ya eusou 529 "BE “OLIN pv sous ¥sa:5q1 "04 2to9 1 an TA ue aon spouse P00 19 on sae 20008 8g 20} sm tnbon ene ase ene opis s4uou/jenbamoponb spud arsed 2 ouay a pose ey aNITIVN =a ou saan — sense pny dink) en 9907909342 na ‘song 3ou pu raon Day fqn oF aa tse Buon nog Any eon pu ya Hp put sro nado us anata iu 29 pode © ayn A woo od 2 pod srhanns ia eal fl som fale as spear eg rgoator no Tp OLIN 4 ‘ey 23249 2a 300 pes porous teen se09p4 m0 sod ep 9 aod v9 NOM VT TABS uqusnow oy 0 powoyeu>99 2484 1 PIO. Hoge Benson mowy 3.vop no4 nt Ses mad op SAM OLIN ‘pypom 904 385 wa ANAT TAVK oq uaag ant pom f—29pG0m 9p 1 Bururpow iy stow 0 pancie om ans al Bi >it prom ano we eq 4 muy 0220 | Jot sew ee 30848 Wt ou o dee 20 en 20 308 | way "dn d209 090091709} Ru wome9osd ny Daj ou att Pd nud sd a nd an Pu eprno2T qn ayjon Sy im Ded PA ‘oom waver eur Bip se 24 syn Doped 249 nur uPnom SHON, sso oan oss wb ae ae Cee Car taar “grijoeepunoe nena “asogeyaesods seus suon oboe mgpuegum out ued onus foro 249 wt pty a0q sound 8 pur Owe) AW OFIN, eT ‘4 xwoa Nvot rm wy a peg pay nope STC g1oPtPmens Jo unary ua supivon > -payaid 33m ‘sous Sussidap a jpsuo yd 0 anstery quit sem atu speaaniy ate ao ou pte ou ponond por Yo pou 2 la 2 pray Ses odes os tu ose ® pein sop tay pore al ue Stee tS apnea st sem pe pa | pot tio S094 12 aNOANADS"aNO.Y stu aoi 9 28 TOP GIRLS MARLENE (Go JOAN). Shut UP Pet ISABELLA. Listen, she's been to hell TGRET a badge and houses, Tere’ places on re ike when che Ser Theres «big devi sit on 2 roof wth big hole see om es sooping sal on of i with a big ad and Fe oun on us and i's money, 50 Tot of hE wOMED enn ge some, Bat mos of w fighting the devs op et dev, out ie, and we getters down al rae ge them esting, Theres os of any eres an yn don't keto look, ike rts ane rads nd a bom wi a face, and Ga with gh 20d a eetaa don't have faces on, But they don Mt feet Her ing, Well we'd Nad wor, yous, wed Bad J Wi had fay kd. My bigs de on ae sent. My baby a sor run her cough wit ee ena enough Laem, hae the bara. 1 aaa rey ont door that mowing and shout i) rm goa come ot an i Care on, we ing hee ae ene om and pay the busca out And they al ae pst they was / rom baking or washing in their NMJO. All the ladies come GRE. aprons and we push down she srect and the ground me nt Trough a bg mouth inc aoe os ke ners = open a tte ve pot aeword 2 my band from som a ake with pld cups they dink a of dow aad at Eeep running on and fighting / you dn OP aoe hing Oh we pve ter devils sucha beating, gO. Take that take tat JOAN, Something something something mortise KNEES vacuum pees ~ dah Quod ideals — Sao prsomeshing on and on and on and something tplengore purparea. ISABELLA. | thought would have als jaunt up the wes Five ABELL ip ut? a the doctors wet 0 very grave. Lt cn eno. The ea war so wild Lhad tobe landed by ACT ONE, SCENE TWO 29 ship's rane in cou bucket. /My horse wa terror tome 8 CGRET, Cou backer, good JOAN. not in ee times something ISABELLA. powerful black charge, ‘NYO i engbing end crying JOAN getsup an isch comer. MARLENE S drinking ISABELLA' bron fo off 1 went to vit che Reber sikh in fl be roses Se fren ras pus 1 was che nly Earopean Woman ct an re the Emperor of Morocco. 1 was seventy Yes od wane deta to goto for alas chance of oy. 1 new wee esfrigou wes ony temporary. but how marellous ve ates. Two JANINE layment Agency. MARLENE and TRLENE, Right Jeanie, you are Jeanine tent You? Let AE Oran As / No Asal thos Os you probably ANINE Six 05 LENE, could have got am A/ Speeds, no ii ad IN. 1 wanted #0 go to work IRLENE, Wel, Jeanine, what's your present jb ike? |ANINE. Vi 2 eeretay LENE, Secretary or 198? CINE. 1 id sar asa Pit ue the lst i months Ie Been INE. To thre of them, ely, they share me. There's itr, he te offie mang, nd Me Pye MARLENE. Quite small place? JEANINE. Abit mall MARLENE. Findly? JEANINE. Oh it's feendly enough MARLENE, Prospects? JEANINE, I don’t think 40, thts she trouble Miss Lewis is Secteary co the managing director and he's been there Torever, and Mrs Bradford i MARLENE, So you want ajob with better prospects? JEANINE, wanes change, MARLENE, So you'l tke anything comparable? JEANINE. No, Ido want prospects. want more money MARLENE. You're getting ~? JEANINE. Hundred MARLENE. {snot bad you know. You'te what? Twenty? JEANINE. I'm saving to ge marie MARLENE. Does that mean you don't want long-term job eaine? JEANINE. I migh do MARLENE. Becite het do he proses come in? No kis JEANINE, Ohno, not Kids, ot ye MARLENE, So you won' tll hem you're geting married? JEANINE, Had I beter not? MARLENE, I would probably bel. JEANINE, Ym not wearing sng. We thought we woulda’ spend on aig MARLENE, Saver aking i off |ACTONE, SCENE TWO. 31 JRANINE. wouldn't ake ito MARLENE, Ther’ no ned zo mention it when you go fran neeriew./ Now Jeanne do you ave 3 fel for any parealar JBANINE, But what hey sk? MARLENE. kind of company? JEANINE, thought advertising MARLENE, People aften do think advertising. Ihave gota few ancl but I think they're looking for something gloss. JEANINE, You mean how f drs? / can dees different. MARLENE. I mesn experience LTEANINE. dts ke this on purpose for where Lam now MARLENE. {havea marketing department here of a itweat manefactrer,/ Marketing ear enough aversng Secretary JEANINE, Keitwear? MARLENE. tothe marketing manage, he's hiy-five, marie Te sent ig before snd she was happy, left ohave ‘baby, you won't wane to mention marrage there. He's {ery fit thin, good this job, you won't have to muse fim along Handed and wen, 0 tha’ betwee than you're doing now JEANINE, I don’t know MARLENE. Ue «fairy small concen ere father and 190 $008 oud have more sy potently seeetatial and reception Gores ony a hundred but the job's going to grow with he oneern and then youl be ina he top with mew gi coming In underest you JEANINE, Whats it they do? MARLENE, Lampshades. This would be my fst choice fr you, JBANINE. Jus lampshades? MARLENE. There's plenty of differnt kind of lampshade, So ‘eel end you there, sll we andthe knitneae second choice [Ree you fee to go foram intewiow any day they call You? 32 TOPGIRLS JEANINE, 1 keto tae MARLENE, We don't have any foreign cents. You'd hae 0 0 Chewbere, JEANINE, Yes know I don't ell Tjast mean MARLENE, Does your faneé want to travel? JEANINE, 1d lke a job where twas here in London and with fim and everything but now and then ~ expect e's ‘Ace ther jobs ike that? MARLENE, There's personal asta to atop executive ina ulnatonal If chat the tea you need tobe planing ahead. Techie where you want tobe inten yeas? LYEANINE. I might not be alive in ten yeas MARLENE, Ves but you wil be. You'l have ciléen {JEANINE, 1 can't think about een yeas MARLENE, You haven’ gor the speeds anyway, So 1 send You to these two sal You haven been to any other gency? Just so we don’ et erssed wires, Now Jeanine 1 fine you to get one ofthese jobe all ght IT send you Una means tm puting myself onthe ine for you. Your presenction’s OR, you look fine, jst be confident and fin there convinced tat thir the best job for you and Sou the bert person fo the job. 1F you don’ belive it they won't belie | JEANINE, Do you belive it? MARLENE. [think you could make me believe ef you pot your end tof JANINE. Yes, al ht |AGTONE, SCENE THREE 33 Scene Thee JOYCE’ backyard. The bows witb back doo i upstage. Downstge shelter made of unk, made by cbiren. To i, ANGIE and KIT, aren spusbod ropetber, ANGIE is 16, KET DNS" they connor be seen fromthe house, JOYCE ls from the boue JOYCE, Angie. Angie ae you out there? Silence They keep sill and wat. When nothing es bappens they rls ANGIE, With she was ad ANGIE. You're sting on my les KIT, There’ nothing on telly We can have an ee cream. Angi? ANGIE, Sha tl you something? KT. Bo you wanna watch Th Exierminor? ANGIE. KIT, Tea get into Xe ANGIE, Shall tell you something? IT, Well goto something ele. Wel gor Ipswich Whats on the Odeon? ANGIE, She won let me, wil he? KIT, Don't tell he. ANGIE, ve no money. KIT. Tl pay ANGIE, She'll moan cough, won't she? KIT "ashe for you if you Te ANGIE, I've no money, dont want you to pay IT. Mak her ANGIE, She dont Tike you. KIT. Lil got thee pounds birthday money Did she sy she 34 Tor Gini ACTONE, SCENE THREE 35 on’ ike me? 1 go by myst then, IT, Where? ANGIE. Your mum don let yu. got to take you. ANGIE. Out here Inthe dak, Wha if et you herein the dak KIT, She won’ now, all ig ANGIE. You'd be seared who'd next to you | XIT. You coulda P4 go home, KIT. No would’ ANGIE. You couldn. She does ike me anyway. KIT. 1 /go home, Tellme then, ANGIE’ No you could’, not si, ANGIE. Tel you what? KIT. I could, KIT. 1s you she does like ANGIE. Then you wouldn't sc anythin. You'd just be ignorant. ANGIE. Well I don’ ike he so tough shit Se icant as ageine JOYCE (off. Ange. Ange. Ange. know you're out here. m Rete ot coming ut after you. You come in here BNGIE. Noy ihe KIT. 1 don't want to heat it Silence. Notbing beppen. ANGIE, Lax night when Iwas in ted been thinking yeerday Bes You's seared chs al ‘ould Tae things move, You know, take things move AIT. 1'm not seazed of anything. by hiking sbout thr wihose touching them, Last night I ein bed aad sdeenly« paws fe down off he wal KIT. It’s not the same kiten anyway, You jst heard an old IT What picture? it, you jar ead sme od eat ANGIE. You don’ know what hes Or what t saw, You don't ‘Know nothing besatse yout a baby KIT. You're sting on me. ANGIE. You'e sared of blood ANGIE. My gra, that picture. Not the poster. The photograph ‘the fee, KIT. Had you done something to make ie fall down? ANGIE. Lior have done KIT But were you thinking about ie? ANGIE, Not about it, bt about something KIT. I dont hin that’s ery good ANGIE, You know the kiten? IB. I'm going to ill my mother and you't going vo watch IT. Which one? Tm not laying IE. You're scared of blood. IE Mind my hair / you sly cunt Stupid fucking cow, I hate you IE, I done caret you do, f You're horrible ANGIE. There only tone. The dead one. ET. What about it? its be band ander ber des, brings tox with blood ANGIE. t heard ast nigh. ber finger. There, se, got my own blood, 0. 36 TopGiRis ANGIE tates KET band and chs ber finger. ANGLE. Now I'm a cannibal. might turn into vampire ao, KUT. That picture wasn’ mailed up right. ANGIE. You'l have todo that when I get mine. IIT. 1 don't have to, ANGIE. You're scared KIT. do itt might do 1 dons have wo jst because you sy, Ube ck on you ANGIE. I don’ car if you ae sick on me, 1 don't mind sick, don't mind blood. 1 done ge away from here Tim going to IT 'm going home ANGIE, Vou ca’ go through the house. Shell se you, KIT, 1 won't ell er ANGIE. O8 pret, fine KIT. sy 1 was by myself. ell her you're a my house Ad going thereto get you. ANGIE. She knows I'm here, stupid KIT. Then why en’ go through the house? ANGIE. Because Ii nor, KIT. My mum don’ ike you anyway. ANGIE. 1 don’ want het t ike me. She's sag. KIT. She isnot ANGIE, She does i with everyone. KIT She doesn. ANGIE, You don't even know whut i KIT. Yee do, ANGIE. Tel me then, KIT. We gett alla schoo, cleverlogs. e's on television, You haven done i ACTONE, SCENE THREE 37 518, How do you know? fe Becote L know you here's {GHE. You know wrong then becave Ihave, Who with? 1B, 1m not tling you / who wih, You haven’ anyway (IB, How do you know? Who with? TANGIE. tm not cling you. KIT. You si you told me everything. ANGIE La ying wasnt KT. Who with? You can’ tellmewho with because / you never ANGIE. Sh JOYCE has come out ofthe Bouse, She stops half wy aross be yan and latne, The late WCE You thee Ange? Ki? Vou here Kit? Want cup of Pm ve got some chocolate biscuits. Come on now I'll put the eae on Wan choc Bay Age ‘They ll listen and wie Fucking rotten ite cunt. You ean stay there nd die 1 ook the back door They all wat JOYCE goes back to the Bouse. ANGIE and KIT st slence fora bile KET. When there's a war, where’ the safes place? KIT. New Zealand is, my mum sid, Your skin's burned ight of ‘Shall we go co New Zealand? ANGIE. I'm no saying here KIT, Shall we goto New Zealand? 38 ToPGIRLS ANGIE, You'e not oi enough IT. You'e nota enough, ANGIE, Im old enough to get marie KIT. You done want to ge maid. ANGIE. No but I'm ol enough KIT. find out where they were going to drop it and stand ight ‘nthe place, ANGIE. You could’ find ou. KIT, Better chan walking round with your skin dragging onthe round. Eugh. / Would you lke walking ound with Your 5kin dragging onthe round? ANGIE. You couldn’ find ot, pid, t's secre KIT, Where are you going? ANGIE. tn not elling you IT. Why? ANGIE, I+ secret. KIT, Bu you tell me all your secrets ANGIE. Not the te eee KIT. Yes you do, ANGIE, No don’ KIT. I want to go somewhere away from the wa, ANGI, Just forget the war, KIT. Lean ANGIE, Vou have to, f+ 3 boring. IT. 11 remember eat night ANGIE. I'm going todo something ese anyway. KIT. What? Angie come on, Angie. ANGIE. 1s a tre ere KIT. 1ean't be worse than the kitten. And killing your mother, ACT ONE, SCENE THREE 39 ANGLE, Wel 'm no telling you 0 you can de foal cae KIT My mother says there's something wrong with you playing wien someone my age. She says why havent you got fends Your own ae. People your own age know there's something Fanny about you. She sys you'rea bad influence, She say She's oing to speak to your mother, ANGIE fois KIT' am il the ret on. ANGIE. Say you'te i. KIT She si it noe me ANGIE. Say yo cat shit, KIT. You can't make me ANGIE let go, ANGIE. I don’ cae anyway. leaving. KIT. Goon then ANGIE, You'l ll wakeup one morning an find I've gone KIT. Good, ANGIE. I'm not telling you when IT" Goon then, ANGIE, I'm sony I hast you. KIT. I'm tie. ANGIE. Do you like me? KIT. I don't know. ANGIE. You do ike me, KIT. 1m going home rr get up ANGIE. No you're not KIT. mired, ANGIE, She'l se you KIT, Shell give mea chocolate biti ANGIE. Kity 40 Torin IT. Tellme where you' gong ANGIE, Sic down, IT isn be ba again KIT. Go on then, ANGLE. Sweat? KIT. Swear. ANGIE. t'm going to London. Tose my aunt. KIT. And what? ANGIE, That's it [KIT se my aune al the tine, ANGIE. I don’ see my sunt KIT. What's so special? ANGIE. Ic is special She's speci. KIT. Why? ANGIE. Seis KIT. Why? ANGIE, Shei. rT. why? ANGIE. My mother hates her, KIT. Why? ANGIE. Because she does, KIT Pethape she's not very ice. ANGIE. She i nie KIT. How do you know? ANGIE. Becsue I know her. KIT. You ssid you never see he. ANGIE. I saw her lat yea. You saw her Ker. Did ANGIE. Never ming ACT ONE, SCENE THREE 41 FT emember her. That aunt What's so special? (IE, She gee people jobs I. What's so special? (GI. chink Ym my sun's cd ghink my mother’ really KIT. Why? [ANGIE,Becaase he gots to America, now shut up KIT. Ive ben to London. ANGIE. Now give ws cuddle and shu up because Um sik, IT. You'e siting on my arm JOYCE comer out ond comes upto them quity JOYCE. Come on KIT. Oh halo, JOYCE. Time you went home KIT, We want to goto the Odeon. JOYCE. What tine? KIT, Don't know JOYCE. Wha’ on? KIT. Don't know JOYCE. Don't know much do you? KIT, Thac all ght chen? JOYCE. Angie's goo clean her room fs ANGIE. Not don't JOYCE, Yes you do i's pies ANGLE. Well I'm no. JOYCE. Then you're not gong. [don't eae ANGIE, Well Lam going. JOYCE, You've no money, have you? 42 TorGiRis ANGIE, Kit’ paying anyway, JOYCE. No she's not KIT. 1 hlp you with your room. JOYCE. That nice. ANGIE. No you won't You wait her KIT. Hury then ANGIE, I'm not burying. You js wat ANGIE gee into the Bowe. Silence JOYCE. 1 don't know. Silence. Hows hoc! then? IT. Al ight JOYCE. What are you ow? Third year? KIT Second ye, JOYCE. Your mam sys you'e good a Ealh Silence. Maybe Angi should've stayed on KIT. She di’ ke ie JOYCE. I dda’ ket, And 136k at me.I your face fs at School it’ going to ft ther places to, It woulda ae no itference to Ange She's not going to gets jb when obs se had 0 ge. be sony for anyone in cage of Men She'd beter et marie don’ know whold hare herald Se's fone of those gs might neve eae home, What do you we tobe when you gow up, Ki? IT. Physic, JOYCE, Wha? KIT. Nuclear physicist JOVCE, Whatever for? JOYCE. know you're clever, pet. Sieee makes cup often, Silence Looks lik going orn, Silence. Don't you hae frends your own age? JOYCE. Wel then IT. Tao fr my age JOYCE, And Angie's simple ie she? She's not spe KIT. Tove Angie JOYCE. She's clever inher omn way KIT. You cn’ stop ie. JOYCE. don't want to, JOYCE. Don't be cheeky, Kity, She's vay kind to ise tiles IT. She's coming so you Better leave me alone. ANGIE comes out. Sbe bas changed into om old best dress, iighly sal for ber JOYCE. What you put that on for? Have you done your room? You ean clean your room io tit ANGIE, Iooked inthe cupboard and it was hee, JOYCE, OF coure ie was thee, i+ mean tobe thee Is chat why iewae a surprise, nding something in the right pace? should thin she's urrited, would’t you Rt to find something in her room inthe righ lace. ANGIE I decided to we JOYCE. Not roday, why? To clan your room? You'te not going 44 TopaiRis {othe pictres ill you've done your room. You can put your ‘ress oh afer yu ike ANGLE picks up a brik Have you done your room? You're not geting oof, you foo " . AIT. Angi, eg, JOYCE. Shes not going til she's done her oom, KET. 1s searing to an * JOYCE. Come on, come on shen Hurry and do your room, “Angi, and then you cin goto the chetna with Kit OM ‘wet, come on, We'l Took up the ue inthe paper, Does your ‘other know, Ki is going tobe alate ight for youn? Hurry up. Angie. Vou'l spoil your dress, Vou make me sik. JOYCE and KIT run in ANGIE says where she. Sound of rn KIT comer out ofthe bows and shuts KIT. Angie. Angie, come on, you'l get we. KIT comer back to ANGIE, ANGIE. 1 put om this des to kill my mother KET. I suppose you thought you'd do ie with brick ANGIE. You can kl people witha brick KIT. Wellyou didn't 50 AcTTWO Scene Ove fie of Top Gi Emplgment Agency Tee ead Soest hcoteng wet end meri, Wid ELL to arte fo oe [NELL. Coffee coffe eotlee eae oles WIN, The ree were smashing. Mera [ELL Obbh WIN, feber. He taught me all their ames. [ELL bu some coffe now ELL, Ab. Now then WIN. He has one of he finest rote gardens in West Susex. He exhibit [NELL. He what ‘WIN, His wife wat virg her mosher Ie was lik living together NELL, Crafty, you never si. WIN, He rang om Saturday morning ELL. Lucky you wee fee (WIN, That's what tod him, NEL. Did you hel. WIN. Have you ever een relly Benusifl rose garden? [NELL.t don ike lowes /1 ike swimming poo ‘WIN Mariya, Esters Baby. They lee ater birds 46 ToPGIRLs [NELL. Our friend's It. Celebrating all weekend 1 bet you. WIN. Peal sone EN Or John Conteh WIN. Ifhe ish be bleeping ue with a problem NELL. Moward can jst hang onto himself WIN, Howard's realy ext up, INELL, Howard chinks becoute he's fla the job was is of sgh Our Maen’ oc fi more bal han Howard and hats WIN, Poor lle hugger, [ELL Hel tive WIN, Hel move on [ELL woulda’ mind «change of sie mysl WIN, Serious? ELL. ve never been stying pu lady. assures new WIN, So who's he pirate? ELL. There's nothing definite, WIN, inquire? NELL. There's always inguies.' think I'd go bad breath if thee stopped beg ines, Mont of them ean afer me WIN, I'm alright for the sme Being. Unless Igo to Austr ELL. There's no lot of room upward WIN. Macen's filed iru. ELL. Good luck to he, Unless there's some prospects ELL, Can always bat ak WIN, So what hare we gor? Ive got a Mr Holden I saw ast week. NELL. Any se? ACT TWO, SCENE.ONE 47 WIN. Pushy. Bit ofa cowboy. ELL, Goodtooker? WIN, Good dese. ELL. High yer? WIN. Ta ‘ep bere. [NEL Prestel wants six high flyers and ve only ven wo and x hal WIN. He's making bomb on the road bute thinks i's ime for ‘an office, Len im to IBM but he didn get his general ida certainly bat I'm not sre he's got it [ELL Preston the ond. WIN, Hes not overbrigh. [ELL Can he handle an office? WIN. Provided his secretary can punctuate he should go [ELL Bear Pest in mind then, might put my head round the door. Ive go that poor Hite nerd I should never hae sud ‘could help. Tender hear me (WIN, Tender like ad boots. How od? ELL. Yes wel forey-ive WIN. S3y no more, [ELL He knows his place he's not after elling hinself a ‘manage, he's juss poor litle bod want beter commission nd abi of eoneine WIN. Don't weal DELL He jut gt locate He got aang i WIN, And hie wie sys [NELL. The lady wife wouldn't ete to elocate, She's going ‘through the change WIN, I's his feral, don'e waste your time [ELL don't waste o. 48 Tor GIRLS WIN. Good weekend you? [NELL. You could sy WIN, Which one? [NELL. One Friday, one sunday. NEL. Sanday night I watched tly. WIN, Which of them do you ike best ely? NEL. Sunday wat bes, liked the Ova, * win Hold, Barker, Gardner, Dake NEL. ve a ady ete thinks se en el \WIN, Taking heron? [BLL She's ha some joe. WIN, Service? ELL. No, git heany sf, eet WIN, Tough bed ike ws. NEL. We could do with few more hee ‘WIN. There's nothing going here ELL. No but {always want the tough ones when Ie them, WIN. hin wer plenty [NELL. Derek asked me to mary him agai, WIN. He doesnt know when he's besten [ELL Io him Fm aot going to play hous, not even in Ascot. WIN, Mind you, you could playhouse [NEL IFT chose w play houte I would play house ae. WIN, You could marry him and go on working. NEL. 1 could go on working and not mary him, MARLENE. Moming adie. ACT TWO, SCENE ONE 49 WIN ond NELL cheer and white. Mind my hea, ELL. Coffe coffe sates WIN, Were tactfully not mentioning you're lt. MARLENE. Pucking ube TWIN, We've heard that one NELL. Weve wed that one WIN, I's the top executive doct't come ina aly a he poor working MARLENE. Pas the sugar and st your face, pet. WIN, Well I'm deli, ELL. Howard's looking sick ‘WIN. Howard is si. He's go ulcers and heart. He told me, [NELL. Hell have to stop then won't he? WIN. Stop what? [NEL Smoking, drinking, showing. Working, WIN, Wel, working. NBL, Wee jus looking through the day MARLENE. I'm doing some of Pam's adic. They've been ilngup while ss avy [ELL Half dozen ite pte and an ars yraduate who cant ‘yee WIN. I spent the whole weekend at his place in Suse [NEL She fancies is oe garden, WIN. I had te down inthe Back ofthe ct 0 the neighbours would’ ace me goin. NELL. You's kddig. WIN, 1 wa uy. ELL. Fock that for joke. WIN, 1 wa fay. 50 ToPGIRis MARLENE. Anyway they sce you inthe gant, WIN. The garden has extremely high walls [NBL chink ell he wie, WIN. Like hell [NELL. She might lave him and you cald have the rote garden. WIN. The minute e's nota secret tm out on mye. [NEL Don't know why you bother, WIN. Bit of fn, NEL. [think ifs time you went so Australis, WIN. I chink e's pushy at Holden sme NELL If youve any celly prem bastards, Masene, I want some foc Pree MARLENE. might one hi teroon This morning's all Pam's secretarial ] [NBLL, Not long ow and youl e upstairs watching ove sll MARLENE, Do you fee bad about [NELL. 1 don’ ike coming second MARLENE. Who does? ‘WIN. We'd rather was you than Howat, We're glad for you NELL. Oh ye. Ace Inceniew WIN ond LOUISE, WIN. Now Louis, hello, Ihave your deal here, Youve been ‘ery Toy to the one job Ie LOUISE, Yes have WIN, Twenty-one yar longtime in one place, LOUISE felis elit’ tme to more on WIN, And you are what age nom? ACT TWO, SCENE ONE $1 LOUISE, 7m in my ely fori. WIN, Exact? LOUISE. Forysx WIN. Ir nos neces handicap, welt i of coure we have to face that, bo isnot neces a dissing hance, experience dors coun for something. LOUISE, t nope so, WIN, Now becween ourselves is there any rouble, any reason ‘shy yout leaving that woul’ apear onthe form? LOUISE, Nothing ike ch. WIN, Like what? LOUISE, Nothing a WIN, No long term understanding come toa redden end, making foran insupporable amosphere? LOUISE, Ive always completely avoided anything ike that a al WIN. No personality clashes with your immediate superiors ot inteion? LOUISE, Ive always taken cae to get on very well with cveryone. WIN. Lonly ask because ic ean affect he efetence and it abo affects yout mosvation, {want tobe quite cles why you're ‘moving on. {ake the Job itself no longer suis You Is ithe monsy? LOUISE, t's party the money. I's not so much the money IWIN. Nine thousand is very cespctable. Have you dependant LOUISE. No, no dependants. My mother ded. WIN, So why are you making change? LOUISE. Oxher people make changes ‘WIN. But why are you, now, aftr spending most of your if in the one place? LOUISE. There you ate 1¥e ved for that company, 1'¥e given ‘my life relly yo could sy because haven had a grest s2 ToraiRis el of soci ite, ve wot inthe evenings: havent had tfc entanglement for the ery eson yous mentioned tgif you ate commited to your wane dont mone a Iman eter ely. had maageren sas rm he age of {wengseven and youll appecnte what that ea ve bal ups depanment, And thre works exemely well ad ec im ssuck thet. ve spent eweny yun idl ‘management. ve sen ung ren wh tamed go on i my tven company ores, higher things Nobody ats t,t don't expect it don atatsention by making mocker, ever buy aks for granted thay wok | ees wit ese whey wb ny think to lose me, hey wil ferme ore eony of couse, Wiese Ther wilice when lve one what Tas deg for them WIN. Ifthe offer you more money you won't say? LOUISE, No won’ WIN. Are yu the ony woman? LOUISE, Apu fom he ico, yes Tere wat oe ‘woman sistant, avay's hal ry dos. dont ere ret {oevorking with women, hk tps ab aman st wont Bat "aid ake on th vung woman, her qulietons wore ‘xcllem and she ui well, she yor deparomen of her own, and let the company fra competitor wheteshe's wont onthe board and goodluck a her She has aferent sole dhe soe kindof attractive wellesed ~ I dont mean dont Seas properly. But there i kind of woman who this now who grewupin a diferent imate. They are nts careful They take themselves for granted. i have had tus my exteee ver mit, The done hve proved ~ WIN. Lets face i, vacances are gong tobe one where youl bein competition with younger men, And tete ae companies that wl valve your experience enough you'l be lnviha chance. There at alo fede that ae easier fo 8 ‘woman, theres commie company here where your ACT TWO, SCENEONE 53 ‘experience might be relevan. le’ eght anda half don't Know if that appeas, LOUISE. I've proved tea earn money. 1s more in gets. felis now or neve sometimes on WIN. You shouldn't coo much at an ntersew LOUISE 1 do's. 1 don’t normally talk about myself, know very ‘well how to handle myself nan office saation ony alk 1o you because it seems to me thie ferent, your to understand me, surly. Vou stked the quetions WIN. I think understand you sfisienty LOUISE. Well ood, thas good WIN. Do you drink? LOUISE. Ceranly not 1m nota tectotalle, think that's very suspect, i's seen as being a lcobolieif you're terra, What do youmean don't dank. Why? WIN. I dink, LOUISE, 1 don’ WIN, Good for you. Main office MARLENE ond ANGIE ANGIE. Helo MARLENE. Have you an apoincment? ANGIE. tee ve come, MARLENE, Whac I+ not Angie? ANGIE. Ie wat hard 0 find this plac. ot low MARLENE, How did you get past the receptions? The gi on ‘he desk, die’ she ey to op you? ANGIE. What desk? ANGIE. jue wale in. twas ooking for you. s4 ToPcints MARLENE. Well you found me ANGIE, Yeu MARLENE So where's your um? Ate you up town forthe ANGIE, No ely MARLENE, Sit down, Do you fc all ight? ANGIE, Yes think you. ANGIE She's at home MARLENE. Did you come up oma school tip thes? ANGIE. Ie left schol. MARLENE, Did you come up with friend? ANGIE. No, There's just me MARLENE. You came up by yourself tha’ fan, What have you been doing? Shopping? Tower of London? ANGIE, No, jus come her. I come t you. MARLENE Taney et you kof puget ‘ny avs There's at man eer make ha ef port ‘of call, Would you like a cup of coffee? r ANGIE, No thank you. MARLENE. Tes, range? ANGIE, No thank you, MARLENE. Do you feel ght? ANGIE. Yes thank you MARLENE. Aze you ed fom the journey? ANGIE, Yes, 'n Sted fom the journey MARLENE. You st therefor abit then How's Joyee? ANGIE. She' alright MARLENE, Same s eve. ANGIE. Oh ye, ACT TWO, SCENE ONE 55 MARLENE. Unforunately you've picked a day when fm rather busy, i there's everday when fm not, oP take you out fo lunch and we'd goto Madame Tustud's We could go shopping Whartime do you hve oe bck? Have ou ot MARLENE. So what tran are you going bck on? MARLENE. So what bus are you going back on? Ae you saying the nigh? MARLENE, Who ate you staying wth? Do you want me to put You up forthe nigh is hata? ANGIE. Yes please MARLENE. havent got spare bed ANGIE. 1 eta deep on the oor MARLENE. You can sep onthe 1 ANGIE. Ye please MARLENE. Ido think Joyce might have phoned me. I's ike hes. ANGIE. This is where you work i it? MARLENE. I's where Ihave been working the last two years bat Tn going to move into another office, ANGIE, I lovely, MARLENE. My new office ince han tis. There's jst the one big desk forme, MARLENE. Not now, no, there's someone ele in now. But he's leaving atthe end of next week and Vm going to 40 his jb. ANGIE, 1 that good? MARLENE, Ys, i's very good, 56 TOPGIRLS ANGIE, Are you going to bein charge? MARLENE. Yes [am ANGIE, Fknew you would be, MARLENE, How did you know? ANGIE, Uhnew you'd bein charge of everything MARLENE. Not quite evrything ANGIE. You willbe. MARLENE, Well well xe “ANGIE. Can Ieee next week then? MARLENE, Wil you sil be ete next week? ANGIE. Yes. MARLENE. Don's you have topo home? MARLENE, Why not? ANGLE, Ia ight MARLENE. tit all sigh? ANGIE. Yes, don’ worry about it MARLENE. Does Joyce know where you ae? ANGIE. Yer of cour she does, MARLENE, Wal does se? ANGLE. Don’ worry sbout it MARLENE, How long ae you planing to stay with me then? ANGIE. You know when you cae to see us ast yeu? MARLENE. Yes, that wat nice wasn't? ANGIE, That was the best day of my whole ie MARLENE. So how long ae you planing to say? ANGIE. Don't you want me? MARLENE. Ves yes, just wondered. ANGIE. won't stay if you don't want me. ACT TWO, SCENE ONE 57 MARLENE. No, of sours you can sy. ANGIE, Il ep onthe flor. won't be any bother MARLENE. Don't get pie. ANGIE, Vm not, im not, Don't worry shout i. DMRS KIDD. Excuse me [MRS KIDD. Excuse me MARLENE. Cant help you? MRS KIDD. Excuse me busting io on you Tike his but Ihave to talk co you. MARLENE. Lam engaged a the moment. /IFyou could goto eoptan MRS KIDD. I'm Rosemary Kidd, Howsrls wile, you don’ recognise me bue we id mer, I remember you of courte / bat you woaldn— MARLENE, Yer of cou, Mrs Kidd I'm sorry, we dl mec. ‘Howard's about somewhere [expect have you looked in hit office? [MRS KIDD. Howard's not about, nom afi is you Te ‘ome tse if could havea minute or 0, MARLENE. Ido have an appointment in five minutes [MRS KIDD. This won’ take five minutes. very sre. Isa ater of sme agen. MARLENE. Well ofcourse, What can {do for you? [MRS KIDD. 1 just wanted achat, an informal eit. not something {can simply ~ I'm sory if im intern your ‘work. know ofice work im’ ike housework which all interapeions MARLENE. No no tht is ny nse. Ange Mrs Kid [MRS KIDD. Very pleased ro meet you ANGIE, Very wall thank you 58 TOPGIRLS MRS KIDD. Howard's notin today MARLENE. t's he? MRS KIDD. He's fcting pool. MARLENE. dda’ know. 'm sony to hear that MRS KIDD. the faci hes ina state of shock, About what's happened MARLENE. Whac has happened? MRS KIDD. You should kaow ifnyone. Im refering to you being appointed managing director inated of Howard, He hasn't een at all welll weekend le hase sep fr thee sigs. Uwe ep, MARLENE. 1m sorry o eae that, Mes Kid ashe thought of ‘aking sleeping pile DMRS KIDD. t's very had when someone hat worked al these MARLENE. Busnes lif fl fli sethacks, Im sre Howard know shat, He'l bounce back na ey or wo, We all bounce back MRS KIDD. 1f you could xe him you'd know what Im talking shout What's going todo to him working for «woman? think it was 2 an he'd get over fn someting normal MARLENE. think he's going o have to ge over it MRS KIDD. c's me that beats he bru. Fm not she one thats been promoted put him st every inch ofthe way. And now what dot get? You women ths, you women that 3 ot my aul You're going to hee tobe very cateul how you andl im e's very hare MARLENE. Newry I'l be tactful and pleasant to him, you ‘lop’ star pushing someone round TH sonsue him over any decisons affecting his department, Bur thi’ no diferent, Mes Kidd from any of my other collegues. [MRS KIDD. {hin ici ifferent, because he's a man MARLENE. I'm not quite sie why you came to se me MRS KIDD. 1h todo something MARLENE. Well you've done it, you've sen me. hnk he's probaly all we've time for. Im srry he's Been aking i avon you, He really i tht, Howat MRS KIDD. fa he's ots family to support. Me's go three hile sony a MARLENE, Are you suggesting give up the jb chim then? MRS KIDD. te had crosed my mind f you were unavable tral or some reason, he would be the natural second hoje I think, done you? fm not asking [MRS KIDD, You masn' tlh ame He's very proud MARLENE, If he doe’ ike what's happening Bere he ean go ‘an work somewhere els MRS KIDD. 1 that thes? MARLENE. I'm srry but Ido hate some work ro do, MRS KIDD, 1s not chat ety, man of Howard's ae, You dont fae thought he was going ro fr bat hes right You're ‘ne of these allbveakers/ that's wht you se: Vou'l end up MARLENE, I'm srry but Ido have some work vo do [MRS KIDD. miserable and lonely. You're ot natu MARLENE. Could you please piss of [MRS KIDD. 1 though if sw you a leas abe ding something MRS KIDD gor. MARLENE. I've got to go and do some work now. Will you ‘come back late? ANGIE. I think you were wonder, MARLENE. te got to go and do some work now ANGIE. You told he to pis off MARLENE. Will you come back later? 60 ToPcints ANGIE, Can't stay ete? [MARLENE. Don't you want to go sighseing? ANGIE. eather stay here. MARLENE, You can sty here I suppoe, if t's not boring. ANGIE. I's where most wan o be inthe word MARLENE. I se you later then MARLENE go. ANGLE seat WIN's dec, NELL and SHONA, NEL, Its ight? You ate Shons? SHONA. Yeh, [ELL te says here you're ment nine SHONA. Yeh NELL. Too many late nights, me, So you've been where you are forfour years, Shon, You're eating sx base and thee commision So whats the problem? ELL, Why do you want xchange? SHOWA. Jus change. ELL. Change of produc, change of area? SHONA. Both, NEL. But you're happy onthe road? SHONA driving [NELL. You'e not after management ats? SHONA. | would ike management status. [NELL. You'd be interested in sslar management stats but Ser come off the road? ACT TWO, SCENE ONE 61 SHONA. I want tobe on theron, yeh INELI, So how many callshate you been making sy? SSHONA. Six [NELL. And what proportion of hose ae rucesfl? [SHONA. Sx ELL. That's hard to belive. 'SHONA. Four [NELL. You fin ic ety to gt the intial intrest do you? SHONA. Ob ye, 1 et plenty of inti interes. NELL, And what about closing? SHONA. I lose, don’ [ELL Because that’s what am employer i going to have doubts shout wth you a lady a4 needn't ell you, whether he's go the gusto puth though to closing station. They think trove too ice. They think we inten tothe buyer's doubts ‘They think we consider hie nec and i felng. SHOWA. 1 never conser people's fecings ELL. {wa selling for sx years, Lcan sel anything sll in thre continent, and im jolly they come bt I'm BoE very nice SHONA. I'm not very nce [NELL. What zo of ime do you have on the oud withthe other epi? Get onal ight? Handle the chat? SHOWA. | ge on. Keep myself to myselt. [ELL Faidly much ofa loner are you? SHONA. Someries. [NBL So what field are you interested in? SHONA, Computers ELL, Thats top fel at you know and youl be up agin some ery sick fas there, there's some very prety Boyt omputern ian Ameria eld 62 TorciRis SHONA. Thats why I want todo it NELL. Video systems appeal? That's high-ying station, SHOWA, Video syste spe OK. [NEL Because Prestel hate half «dozen vacancis ' looking to {il at he moment. We'e talking in he aes often to fiteen thousand here and epuarde SHONA, Sounds OK NELL Ive half 2nd ogo fort myself, Bt i's good money rey go ep cnt Could you Taney 0 You SHONA, Work hee? [NELL. I'm no in 2 postion to afer, there’ nothing officially ‘going just row, but wee aways onthe lookout. There's not that many of, We could herp in touch, SHONA. ke diving NELL So th este appeals? INELL. What sbout es? SHONA, Note. NELL. So sleation wouldn't bea problem SHONA, No problem, ELL. So jst fil mein bie more could you about wht youve cn doing SHIONA. What I've ben doing. I'll down thet. [ELL The bare fact are down here bt I've g0 to present you to an employer, SHONA. I'm wentynine yeas ad [NBL So iy hee, SHONA. We ook young. Youngness rns in the family inoue ‘amily. ELL. So just describe your present job for oe ACT TWO, SCENE.ONE 63 SHONA, My presen jo at presen, havea car. havea Porsche "go up the M1 lor. Burn up che MT aot. Straight up the Mr inthe fast lane to where the cient ate, Stattondcie, Yorkshire, tdo alot in Vorksbce. tm sein let igs Like dishwashers, washing machines, satles tel ya A feature and the relay ofthe programme, After ales Sewice, we offer avery good after le ence spare pars, plenty of spare parts And frigges lll fot of figes Specialy i the Summer People want co bay frgpes inthe Simmer becuse ofthe heat melting the batter snd you pet fed Up sanding the milk ina basin of cold water witha cloth (fer, stad to veason people don’t want to do that inthis Ay and ae. So tae lo of them. Bg ones with big leer Big freezers And stayin hotels t night when Um away from home: On my expense acount I stayin various hotels. They ow me, the ones goto | ches in, have a bath have Shower Then | go dow to the bar, have» gn ad toni, have ‘chat Then Igo into the ding room and have dinner Usually have ile steak and mushrooms, tke musheooms ike smoked salmon very much. ike having sla on the Side. Groen sla don ike tomatoe. ELL, Christ what a wast of time SMONA. Be your pardon? NEL. Not «word of thsi te isi? SHONA. How do you mess? [NEL You jst filled in the form with pack of ies SHONA. Not exact NELL. How ol are you? : SHONA. Twentynine NEL. Nineteen? SHONA. Twensy-one ELL. And what jobs have you done? Hate you done any? SHONA. I could though, 1 bet you. 6+ Torainis Main office ANGIE sting o befor, WIN comes [WIN Whos sing in my che? ANGIE. What? Sor WIN. Who's been eating ny poridge? WIN. teal eight, Lsaw Marlene, Angie n't? Tm Win, And time not going ov for lunch beesse 'm knackered. 'm going to secme down hete and havea yoghurt. Do you ike yoghurt? WIN, Tha’ good because I've only got one. Are you hungry? ANGIE. No WIN. There's cafe on the comer, ANGIE. No thank you. Do you work here? WIN. How dd you gues? ANGIE. Because you look a if you might work here and you're siting at the desk. Have you sways worked hee? WIN. No was headhunted. That means was working for ‘another outfit ke tht and thi ot ame and efeted me more money. 1 broke my contract, here wats hell ofa sik ‘Ther’ no many top adie aout. You aon vp sony mahi bird. . ANGIE. Yer know MARLENE. Fan are you? Fan of your aunty’? ANGIE, Do you think I ould work here? WIN, Nota the moment. ANGIE. How do Ista? WIN. What can you do? ANGIE. {don’t know, Nothing, WIN. Type? ACE TWO, SCENE ONE 65 ANGIE, Not very well, The ters jump up when do capital Ts going to do = CSE in commerce bt didnt. TWIN, Whar have you go ANGIE. What? WIN, CSE’, 0% ANGIE, Nothing, none of that, Did you do all hat? WIN, Ob ys all that, and a science degree funnily enough started out doing medical researc but there's no money ia ie thought td go abroad Did you know they sell Core Cala in Rusa and Peprbcla in China? You don't have to be ‘alifed et muchas you might hid, Men are aw fal Balsbter, hey ike to make ost job are harder than they sre, Any job I eter did {are doing it beter than the tet ‘ofthe cow and they did lke fe So 1 get unpopular and Tahave a dink to cheer myself up. ved with a fel and supported him for four years, he coulda’ ot work. After that Tent to California | lieth snehine. American know how ‘olive This countrys to dow, Then went to Mexico, sil inale, but eno county fora singe ad. eae home, stent bonkers fori thought Iwas five diferent people fot over tha all igh, the pyehiani eid waspetety San and hgh nelignt. Got mated in « moment of tweaknes and he's insde now, he's ben inside four yeas, and T've not been to see him too mich this st yea. ike this, beter tha Sls, im not ely that spresive. started ‘inking sles as «good jb f you wane eo meet people, bat {you're meeting people tat don't want to mert you I's no rod i'you ike beg liked Hore your cents wane to meet You bectse you're the one doing them sme good, They ope. ANGIE ha allen ale, NELL. comes in. NBL, You're aking o yoursel,snshine ELL, Who is thie? WIN, Marlene’ ie ise 66 ToPcinis [NEL Wha’ she yor, brother, sister? She never talks about her fay. WIN, La eli her my life sory. NEL. Viline? NEL. You've head Howard's had a here attack? WIN. No, when [NELL. 1 heard jet now, He hadnt come in, he was at home he's one to hospital He's nor dead Hs wife was hee she rhea fin eb WIN, Too much butter, too much smoke, We must snd him tome lower. ‘You've heatd about Howard? MARLENE. Poor sd, [BLL Lucky he di’ ge the job if that's what his hel ike, MARLENE. the alep? WIN, She want to work here MARLENE, Packer in Tesco mot lke WIN. Shes nice kd. tn she? MARLENE. She's sbi hick, She's abit fanny WIN, She thinks you'r wonder MARLENE, She's ot going to make it A year eal. Sunday ecenng. JOYCE’: itchen JOYCE, ANGIE, MARLENE. MARLENE ie oking presents on of@ bright camer bg. ANGIE br aready opened a box of chocostr MARLENE, Justa fw litle things. /U'¥e no memory for ACT TWO, SCENE TWO 67 JOYCE. There's no need, MARLENE. biehdays have I, and Chrismas seems sip by. So Think Lowe Angi few peters JOYCE. What do you ny? ANGIE. Thank you very much, Thank you very much, AUREy ‘She opens present. 1 ie the dress fom Act One, new ANGIE, Oh look, Mam, sn’ lovely? MARLENE. {don't now if i's the igh ie She's grown Up since Isat he. knew she was aay al for he age ANGIE anti lovely? JOYCE. She's big limp, MARLENE, Hold ie up, Ange, lessee, ANGIE. Il peti on, hall MARLENE. Ye, try ion JOYCE. Go onto your room chen, we dont wan sip show hank you ANGIE. Ofcourse I'm going vo my room, what do you think? {Lok Murn, her's something for you. Open it oom. What JOYCE. Yes, you open it, pet ANGIE. Don't you want to open it yursel® / Go on JOYCE. 1 don" mind, you can do i, ANGIE. I's something hard. I's ~ what it A bottle, Drinkin it? No, its what? Perfume, look. What 2 lot Open ook, Tee's smell ie Oh e's rong e's ively. Pat ton me: Hove do you do? But ton me. JOYCE. You're too young. “ANGIE. tcan ply wearing elke dressing up JOYCE. And you' too od for that. Het, giv it het, 11 dot, You'll ep the whole bote aver yourself and wel have you 68 rorcints sling al summer ANGIE, Putit on you. Do Lsmel? Put ton Aunty too, Putt on ‘Aunty too, Les al sel MARLENE. I didn’ know wht you'd like, JOYCE. There's no danger I'd hae i alteny,/ that's ne thing. ANGIE, Now we ll sell the sme, MARLENE. Ie bit of nonsense JOYCE. 1s very kind of you Malene, you should’. ANGIE. Now I pe om the des and then wel se ANGIE goes. JOYCE. You've cag me onthe hop withthe place in ‘mes. you'd let me know you war coming hate got MARLENE, That doct'c matter, JOYCE. something in to ea. We had out dinner dinnertime, We're jas pong o havea cup of tes, Vou could hoe an MAKLENE, No, 'm no hungry, Tes fie JOYCE. 1 don’ expect you take supa. MARLENE, Why not? JOYCE, Vou tke ear of yours MARLENE, How do you mean you did't know F was coming? JOYCE. You cold have writen, 1 know we're not on the phone bc we're nr compleely inthe dark ages me do haves postman, MARLENE, But you asked mer come. JOYCE. How did atk you to come? MARLENE, Ange sid when she phoned up. JOYCE. Angie phoned up, did she? MARLENE. Wasi just Angle's idea? JOYCE. What did he say? MARLENE. she nd you waned ne to come and se you. ACT TWO, SCENE TWO 69 Ie wat couple of werkt ago. How was to know tha'sa JOYCE. Hs [MARLENE. ridiculous ies? My day's always fll a coupe of weeks ahead so we fixed i for hit weekend. {wat ment to irc ere caer but I wa eld up, She ave te meager JOYCE. Didn't you wonder why 1 didn't phone you mys “MARLENE. She suid you didnt ike using the phone. You'e shy fon the phone and con set dont Kove what you'e like JOYCE. Are hee people who can't te the phone? MARLENE. Lexpect JOYCE. t haven't met any, [MARLENE. Why should I think she was ying? JOYCE. Because she's ike wha he like, (MARLENE. How do I xow / what she's ike? JOYCE. t's not my fale you don't know what she's ike, You MARLENE. Welt have now /and you don'aem over the moon.* JOYCE. Good Well Ta have gota ake if she'd od me, Pau. MARLENE. Idd wonder why you waned tose me JOYCE. 1 dda’ want tose you MARLENE. Yes, hoow. Shall 10? JOYCE. | don’ ind seeing you, MARLENE, Gres, fel ely welcome, JOYCE. You can come and see Angi ny time ys ike, Ym not sopping You./ You know where we ae. Youre the MARLENE, Ta verso JOYCE. one went away, not me. im righ here whete Iwas. 70 ToPGIRLS And willbe few years yet {shouldnt wonder. MARLENE, Alright, All sight. JOYCE pies MARLENE a cup of tes JOYCE. Tes MARLENE, Suge? JOYCE pees MARLENE se suger Tes very quiet down here JOYCE. expect you'd notice it MARLENE. Their sels diferent too JOYCE, Tha’s the sent MARLENE. No, 1 mean walking down the ae JOYCE. What sor of sr you ge in London then? ANGIE comes, coring the drt. fits MARLENE. Oh, very pretty You do look pretty, Angie. JOYCE, That ial ig, MARLENE, Do you like the estou? ANGIE, Beauifi. Beau JOYCE. You better take off, / youl ge it diy, ANGIE. [want wea it wane to wear MARLENE. Ie for wearing after al. You cant just hang ‘and look a i ree ANGIE. ove it JOYCE. Well you mas you mut ANGIE. I someone aks me what's my favourite colour 1 tel her i hi, Thankyou very mush, Auosy Maen MARLENE. You did't tll your mim you asked me down, ANGIE. waned i coe a spi JOYCE. ge you ssrpie/ one ofthese days. ANGIE. though you'd like tose her She ans heen here ACTTWO, SCENE TWO 71 since Iwas nine. People do seth nts, MARLENE. Ie chat long? Doesn't time fy? ANGIE, I wanted to, JOYCE. I'm ot cross, ANGIE. Are you gad? JOYCE. Ismet nice anyhow, don't? KIT comes in without saying anything ef se loed there. MARLENE. I chink twas a good idea, Angie, about ime, We ‘esters afterall a py tle that po JOYCE. This is Kity,/ who lve up theron This is Angle's ‘Aunty Maven KIT, What's hat? ANGIE. I's present. Bo you ike i? IT, es all ight. Are you coming out MARLENE. Hello, Ki. ANGIE. *No, KIT. What's that se? ANGIE, 8 preset, KIT. 1s hore. Come on. MARLENE, Have a chocolate ANGIE. *No,1'm buy. ‘KIT, Coming out ater? ANGIE. No . IT @o MARLENE). Hello, KIT goes without «chocolate, JOVCE. She's itl gil Angic sometimes plays with because she's the only child lives realy close She's ikea lil ster to her realy. Angie's good wit ise childeen, MARLENE. Do you want to work with chides, Angie? /Be a teacher ora mosey muse? 72 Tor GIRLS JOYCE. 1 don't think she's ever thought oft MARLENE, What do you want todo? JOYCE. She has’ an idea inher hed what she wants to do. chy to get anything MARLENE, Angie? JOYCE. She's nor clever lke you MARLENE. I'm not clever, just pushy. JOYCE. Tre enough, MARLENE tater bottle of whisky ou of be bag 1 don’ drink sits ANGIE. You do at Chriss. JOYCE. tes nor Chita iit? ANGIE. 1's beter than Chests, JOYCE. Just small one shen MARLENE. Do you want some, Ange? JOYCE. Taste it ifyou want You won' ike MARLENE, We got unk epther the ight your grandather JOYCE, We did ot get drink, MARLENE. I got drunk. You were just overcome with rie JOYCE. | sill kep up the grave with lowers, MARLENE, Do you really? JOYCE. Why woulda MARLENE. Have you seen Mother? JOYCE, OF course Pe seen Mother. MARLENE, I mean ately, ACT TWO, SCENE TWO 75 JOYCE. OF course Ive sen her lately go every Thardey. MARLENE (1 ANGIE). Do you remember your grandfather? ANGIE. He got me out ofthe bath one night in towel MARLENE. Did he? t don't think he ever ave me «bath. Did he {Bre you a ath, Joyee? He probably got tof in his old ae Did you like bin? ANGIE, es of cout MARLENE, Why? ANGIE, What? MARLENE, So what's the newa? How's Mrs Paisey? Sil going eral? / And Dovohy. What happened to Dorthy?* ANGIE. Who's Mrs aisey? JOYCE. “She went to Canad. [MARLENE, Did he? What to do? JOYCE. I don’ know, She just went ro Canad, MARLENE, Well / good for her ANGIE. Me Connolly ile his wit. MARLENE. What, Connolly a Whitegates? ANGIE. They found her body inthe garden. / Under the eabbage. MARLENE, He wa always o proper. JOYCE. Sack upg. Connolly Best wyer money could buy but he coulda pet out of She was Crying ot with Matchen MARLENE, How o's Matthew then? JOYCE, Twenty-one. / He's got a motorbike. MARLENE, I hink he's about as ANGIE, How can he be sx? He'sst year ler than me. /1f ‘he was sx ' be nothing, 1 be at bom this minste. JOYCE. Your sunt knows tha, she's just being sly, She means ‘sso long since she's een here she's forgotten sbowt Mahe 24 ror cunts ANGIE. You were here for my birthday when twas nine had 2 pink cake ie was only ive then, she was forse had ‘reed school yee‘She could read lteady when she went fehoel. You reembeé my birthday? / You remember me? MARLENE. Yeu, remember the cae MARLENE. Yes, vember you ANGIE. And Mum and Dad was ther, and Kit was. MARLENE. Yes, hw i your did? Where he tonigh? Up the JOYCE, No, e's not here, MARLENE, 1 can ee he's not hte JOYCE, He moved ou MARLENE. Wht? When did he? / Just recensh?* ANGIE. Dide® you know that? You don't know much JOYCE. *No, it mse be vee yeas go, Dont be re, Angi. ANGIE. 1m not, am Aunty? What le dont you know? JOYCE. You was in Americk of sotewhere. Vou sent postat wan tose iO Skil pe can get forgo JOYCE. You cold be mari with twins for al know. You mus have afas and bres up an don't ned t know about ay ofthat so I don’ se what the fae abou, MARLENE, What fs? ANGIE comes bck withthe postcard ANGIE. "Driving srs the stat for anew jb in LA. 1s Tong ‘way but the cargos very fa I very hot Wish you were JOYCE. Di you make 4 lot of money? ACT TWO, SCENE TWO MARLENE. pen lt. ANGIE. Iwan 9 go 9 Ames. Wi I you tke me? JOYCE. She's not pong to America, he's been w Ameres, spd ANGIE. She might go again, spi. 1s not something you do once People who go keep goin the time ack ad forth fnjets. They go.on Concoe and Laker and pet et ag Wil you take met MARLENE. I'm no planning stip. ANGIE, Will you lt me know? JOYCE. Angie / you's petting sil ANGIE. wane tobe American, JOVCE. I's time you wer in be ANGIE, Noi’ et. 1 don't have ogo to bed at al cong JOYCE. School in the morning. ANGIE, 1 wake up, JOYCE. Come on nom, you know how you et. ANGIE. How dot ger? 1 don’ get anyhow, JOYCE. Ange. ‘Are you saying the night? MARLENE, Yes, if thas alright. ae you inthe morning ANGIE, You can have my bed sleep onthe of JOYCE. You wil ot, youl sleepin your Bed Think I ant ANGIE. Mut, JOYCE. se trough thet? Ica just se you ging to ep / with allig ANGIE, 1 would would go to seep, lve that, JOYCE. tm going to get cro, Angie ANGIE. I want to show her someting, JOYCE. Then bed %s 76 ToPciRs JOYCE. Then l expect i's in your room so off you go. Give usa shout when you'e ready fr bed and your aunyll be up and ANGLE. Will you? MARLENE. Yer of couse ANGIE goes. Ws cold cai JOYCE, Will you be all ight on the sofa? You can ave my bed. MARLENE, The so’ fine, JOYCE. Ves the forecast sid i tonight but e's held of MARLENE, 1 was going to walk down to the estuary but Ive left itabic lt. Tsie just the sane? JOYCE. They cut down the hedge few yeas back. I that since you were her? MARLENE. Bur i's not changed down the endl te mud? And ‘he reeds? We used to pick them when they wete bigger then ‘uh Ae there sil apwinge? JOYCE. You ger strangers walking here on «Sunday, expect they'te looking the md and the lapwings yen MARLENE. You could have lf JOYCE. Who syst wanted to leave? MARLENE. Stop geting at me then, you relly orig JOYCE. How coald Ihave lee? MARLENE. Did you want 0? JOYCE. I suid bow, / how could MARLENE. If you'd wanted to you'd have done it JOYCE, cri MARLENE, Are we getting drunk? JOYCE. Do you wane something to eat? ACT TWO, SCENE TWO 77 MARLENE. No, I'm getting drunk, JOYCE. Funny’ time to vst, Sunday evening, MARLENE. eame this morning pent he day ANGIE (off). Asoty! Aunty Marne! MARLENE. Pd beer go JOYCE. Goon then MARLENE, All igh ANGIE (off). Aunty! Can you hea ne? Um ead, [MARLENE ger, JOYCE goer om sting MARLENE comer Back, JOYCE. So what's the secret? JOYCE. I hoow what cis anyway. (MARLENE. bet you don't. You aways said that. JOYCE. I's her exerie book, MARLENE. Yes, but you don't know what's ini JOYCE, 1's some game, some sere sity she has with Kit MARLENE, You don't know the pseword. You dont know the ‘ole JOYCE. You're realy int, arent you, Can you do the handshake? MARLENE, She didn't mention a handshake, JOYCE. I thought they'd havea special handshake. She spends hours writing that but she's useles at choo. She copes things (ut oF Books about back magi, and plitelans out ofthe Daper sabi sh MARLENE. I hink it's plot to ake over he wold JOYCE. She's been in the remedial cas the ls evo ys. MARLENE. | came up thi moming and spent the day in Ipseh 78 Torcinis JOYCE, Did she recognise you? MARLENE. Are you tying tobe funny? JOYCE. No, the does wande. MARLENE, She was’ wandering ll she was very lui thnk JOYCE. You were very chy then, MARLENE, Fucking afl life she' had JOYCE. Don el me MARLENE, Fucking waste JOYCE. Done tlk to me. MARLENE. Why shoulda tlk? Why shoolént talk to you? / JOYCE. Look, you've left, you've gone away, we can do without you MARLENE, eft home, what, home tis oem JOYCE. We understand the, we can do without you. MARLENE, We weren't happy. Wete you happy? JOYCE. Don's come bac, left home, People do leave MARLENE. So it's jst your mothers it, you child, you never wanted me round, /you were jealous of me becnas I ws he JOYCE. Here we go MARLENE. ite one snd I was clever, JOYCE. I'm not clever enough foal his psychology /if that's MARLENE, Why can't vise my own family without ll ehik* JOYCE, Ash “Tas don’e go on about Mum's life when you havent been &o se he for how many yeas. Igo and we her ery weck® MARLENE. I's up to me, “Then don't go and sce her every week ACT TWO, SCENE TWO 79 JOYCE, Somebody has wo MARLENE, No they don't. Why do they? JOYCE, 1 MARLENE. Alot better JOYCE. hope you fe beter MARLENE, I's upto me JOYCE. You couldn’ ger out of here fast enough MARLENE. Of couse 1 could’ et out of here fast enouh What wat going todo? Mary diyman who'd come nome ssa? / Don you fucking eh faking that Fak ites JOYCE. Chis. MARLENE, fucking el me what to fucking do facing JOYCE. don't know how you coud leave your own child MARLENE, You were quick enough co take he. JOYCE. Wht does that mean? MARLENE, You were quick enough tae her. JOYCE, OF whac? Have her put ins home? Have some strange take ee would you rather? wold 1 fel ida’ go? MARLENE. You couldn't have one so you tok mine JOYCE. didn't know that then, MARLENE, Like hl, mased thee years JOYCE. Ida's know that. Plenty of people eke tha long MARLENE, Wellit cued out chy foryou,dida'e i? JOYCE. Turned ou alright for you by the look of you, You'd be getting «fewest housand yea, MARLENE. Nor necetaiy JOYCE. You'd be suck her ke you sid MARLENE, 1 ould have taken he with me JOYCE. You didn’ wane co take her with you. sno good ‘coming back ow, Matlene,? and saying fs TOP GIRLS MARLENE. I know a managing dzector who's gor wo chide, she bess feeds i he board toom, she pays Indeed pounds week om dome help alone andthe can ‘fond thar beens she's an extremely high-powered lady Chinn ret deal of money. JOYCE, So whats that go wo do with you tthe age of MARLENE. Jus esause you were marred and had somewhere * JOYCE, Vou could have lied at home. /O ve with me MARLENE. Dont be stupid. JOYCE. snd Frank / You sid you weren't keeping it. You MARLENE. You never suggested JOYCE, shouldn's have had it / if you wasnt going to keep i MARLENE, Here we go JOYCE. You was the most spi forsomeane so clever You teat de mont pid get youre pregant not goto ee Uoctor na eal MARLENE, You wanted it, you aid you were la, Lemember ‘he day, you tid 'm lsd you never gor of I ook teri jou sid hat down by the der. So what ae you "ying. suntine, you don't want he? JOYCE. Coure tm not saying that, MARLENE, Because lake her, / wake her up and pack now. JOYCE, You would's know how to begin to Took after her MARLENE. Don’t you waat he? JOYCE, Course do, he’ my chil MARLENE, Then whit are you going on abou why did Uhave JOYCE. You sd 1 gor her off you / when you dda’ — MARLENE. I sid you were acy / the way ie — JOYCE. Have a child now if you want one. You'e not ol ACP TWO, SCENETWO 81 MARLENE. {might do JOYCE. Good MARLENE. te been onthe pill so long Fm probably sere JOYCE. Listen when Ange was si months id ge pregnant and Ione becase twats ed looking alter your fucking bby Becaie she cid so mich ~ ye tll MARLENE, You never old JOYCE. you~ /and the doctor stds sat down ll day with MARLENE, Well I forgo. JOYCE, my fet up Fave hep it/ and that's the ony chance ever nad becae after tht MARLENE, I've had wo abortions te yo itereted? Shall tel you about them? Well won’ bong. wasnt problem: I don ike messy talk abovr blood /and wha bad JOYCE. 1f hada’ had your baby, The doctor ad (MARLENE. tow we ll had. don’ wan baby. done wane ro talk abour gynecology JOYCE. Then stop crying to get Angie ff of me, MARLENE, I come down het after ix yeas. ll night you've ‘been saying don't come often enough I don't some for other yeat shel be wwenty-one, wl tht be OR? JOYCE. Thal be ine, yes sx years would suit me ine Pause MARLENE, | wat afraid ofthis only eame beesase I ehought you wanted 1st wane JOYCE. Don’ prize, Marlene, for God's ske Marly? Come on, pet, Lave you really. Fucking sop it wil you? a2 Tor GiRis ‘They laugh, MARLENE begins to stop ering. new 18 ry if wan arf JOYCE. Fveryone's always eying inthis house, Nobody takes any notice, MARLENE. You've been woderfl looking after Ange JOYCE. Don get cared aay. MARLENE, leant wet letter but fd tink of you JOYCE. You're geting drunk. I'm going to make some ts, MARLENE. Love you JOYCE gts upto mae to, JOVCE, I can sce why you'd want to ewe. ta dump hee MARLENE, So wha’ thi about you and Frank? JOYCE. He was always carrying on, war’ he? And if wanted to 9 out in the evening he'd go mad, even if was nothing, © les 1 was going to go to an erclng ct So he had this. Bind, ony tweneywo poor sow, and Tsad goon, of You go. hoppit. don think he even likes er MARLENE. So what about money? JOYCE. Ue aways uid I don't want your money. MARLENE, No, does he send you money? JOYCE. Ive got fur different clesning jobs. Ads up. There's not lot ound here. MARLENE, Dot Ange mis him? JOYCE She doce’ sy. MARLENE, Doe hese him? JOYCE, He was never tha fond of er to be honest MARLENE. He tid okt me onc. When you were engaged JOYCE, Did you fancy im? MARLENE, Noe loked ikea fish JOYCE, He was lovely hes ACT TWO,SCENETWO 83 MARLENE, Ugh, JOYCE. Well fancied him, Fr about thee yeas. (MARLENE. Have you got someone ele? JOYCE. There's nota lor round here. Mind you, che minute you'r on your own, you'd be amazed how your fiends abana drop by. td sooner do without MARLENE: I don't se why you couldn tke iy money, JOYCE, 1 do, 50 don’ bother about, MARLENE, Only got to ak, JOYCE, So wha about you? Good job? MARLENE. Good for laugh, / Got back from the US of Abit JOYCE. Good for more than a laugh | should think "MARLENE, wiped out and slotted nto this speedy employment ‘seency and ail there, JOYCE. You ea always find youself work then, MARLENE, That's ight JOYCE. And men? MARLENE. Ob there's always men JOYCE, No one sect? MARLENE, There's fas who lle eo be seen with highlying lady, Shows they've got something really good in thee pants at they can't the day today. They're wating forme 0 tra Inco hele woman. Or maybe Um jst howble of course JOYCE. Who needs them? [MARLENE. Who needs them? Well do, Butt need adventures more. So on on into the sunset think the eights se ping to be spendous. JOYCE. Who for? MARLENE, For me. / think I'm going up up wp. JOYCE. Ob for you. Yeu, I'm sure they wil MARLENE. And for che country, come oth, Get the economy es TOP GIRLS back on is feet and whoosh. She's tough Indy, Magi. {veherajob./ She just need to hangin there. Ths country JOYCE. You voted fr them, did you? MARLENE, needs. stop whining. / Monetarism is not stupid JOYCE. Denk your tex and shat vp at MARLENE. I takes tine, determination, No mote op. / And JOYCE, Well think they'eflthy bastard, MARLENE. who's goto drive ion? Fiat woman pine minister Tertifio, Aces. Right on. / You aust admit Cereainly ges my vot, JOYCE. What good’ fre woman i e's her? Lauppote you'd have Tike Hier if he was woman, M Hite, Got slot done, ilrins. 1 Great adventure, MARLENE. Bosses sil walking on the workers face? Sill ‘Dads ite parot? Havent you leaned to think for yourse®? Tei in the individual, Look t me JOYCE. 1am looking at you. MARLENE. Come on, Joyce, we're not going o quate over JOYCE. Weare hough, MARLENE. Forget I mentioned it. No word about the my ‘pion wil eras my Hs JOYCE, You say Mother hada wasted lif MARLENE. Yes do, Married ro that basta JOYCE. What sore of life did he have? / Working inte lds ke MARLENE, Violent ite? JOYCE. an animal / Why woelda’ he want dink? MARLENE, Come of it. JOYCE. You wat ink. He couldn afford whisky (MARLENE. 1 don’ want ro alk about hi, ACT TWO, SCENE TWO 85 JOVCE. You stared, was talking about her She had «rotten life Because she id nobing. She wens bongy MARLENE, She was hungry bees he drank the money. / He ‘ed to nit her, JOYCE. 1's no al downto him. / Thi lives were rubbish. They MARLENE, She did't him, JOYCE. were tested lke rubbish. He's dead and she'd oon and what sor of life / did they have? MARLENE. [saw him one ght. cae down JOYCE. Do you tink didn't? / They did’ pet to Amecca and MARLENE. [ell have deans, JOYCE, drive actos ic ina fs ca. Bad nights, they bad bad toys MARLENE, America, America, yout jelous. 1 had to gto, JOYCE. Jealous? MARLENE. 1 knew when fa thireen, tof thei house out of them, never et a happen tome, aver lt him, make JOYCE. Jealous of whas you've done, you'e ashamed of me if ame to you office, your smart fiends, wouldn't yo, ‘Shamed of you think of nothing Dut Yourself, youve gt on, ‘nothing's changed for mor people / hat? MARLENE. I hate th working ast! which what you' ping JOYCE. Yes you do MARLENE. to go on about now it doet’t ei any me. it ‘means any abd stupid / don ike the way they al don", JOYCE. Come on, now we're getting. [MARLENE like ber puts and football vomic and suey tt / and ‘brothers and sere JOYCE. spit when Tea Rolls Royce, state wih my ing / Mercedes ews MARLENE, Oh very maute ~ a6 ToPGIRLs JOYCE. hace the cows work for andthe diy dithes with anquete of fucking ves MARLENE. and I il ot be pled down to thei evel by 8 ‘ying poker an won't be sent to Siberia Loony bin JOYCE. No, you'll be on 4 yacht, youl behead of Coct-Cala snd yoe wei, the eighties going tobe etapendoue light Beease we'l get you lot off our backs MARLENE. just because I'm original And I support Reagan even ithe sa lousy movie str beeste the rede ate swatming up hit ‘map and I want tbe fre in free word — JOYCE, What /Whae? MARLENE. L know what mean /by tht ~not sh up here JOYCE. So don’t be round here when it happens because if someones icking you 1 ue ah Silence MARLENE. 1 don’ mean anything peronal. 1 don' belie in clas Anyone can do anything they ve got what it take, JOYCE. Andi they haven MARLENE. If chey'e sup olny or feightened, to belp them gts job, why should I? JOYCE. What about Ange? MARLENE, What abous Angi? JOYCE. She's upd, ay and eghtened, so what about het? MARLENE. You run her down foo much, Shel be all ight. JOYCE. I don’ expect so, 20. expect her chien wil ty what ‘wasted life she had fae ha children, Because nothing's ‘hanged andi won with hemi MARLENE, Them, them, / Us and them? JOYCE, And you'r oe of them, MARLENE, And you're ws, wonderful, and Angie's sand Mum and Dad's 1 nt going JOVCE. Yes, hat’ ight, and you're them, MARLENE. Come on, Joyce, what night, You've got what it takes, JOYCE. know Ihave, MARLENE, I id’ ely ene lh JOYCE. did MARLENE, But we're fiends anyway JOYCE. 1 don think 0,90 MARLENE. Wells lovely tobe oat in he couoty. ily ‘must make the effor to cme more often, wane to got seep. wane tog tee, JOYCE gets blankets forthe sf JOYCE. Goodnight shea. t hope you'l Be warm enough. MARLENE, Goodnight. Joyce JOYCE. No, pe. Sory JOYCE goes MARLENE sts wrapped in a Blanket and bas another dink. ANGIE comet in, MARLENE. Angi? Whats the mater? MARLENE. No, she's gone to bed. I's Aunty Masene ANGIE. Frightening MARLENE. Did you havea bad dream? What happened int Well you're avake now, sent you pet? ANGLE. Feghtening

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