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The need for a standard method of measurement for civil works

It is vital to create a substantial degree of standardization in the method of

Preparing the BQ and the units used in them. To reach this goal, a Standard Method of
Measurement is used.
As everyone is different from each other we tend to do things in our own way. But when its
come to measuring and describing the different parts works of civil work, we need to have a
method which is commonly accepted. If not for example, if 1000 people measure a road work
we would have 100 types of measurement. And its almost impossible to pick the right one
from them. This is why we need a standard method of measurement.
The different methods of measuring used by various Central and State Government
departments and by construction agencies were found to be a serious difficulty to estimators
and a standing cause of disputes. For this reason a unification of the various systems at the
technical level had been accepted as very desirable and wanting.
Civil engineering measurement is a fundamental requirement for the evaluation of the cost of
proposed works and the calculation of the final accounts for work executed. Formal
agreement to standardise the method of preparing such measurements within the civil
engineering industry occurred much later than in the building sector but the current code,
Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement Third Edition (or CESMM3), is an
excellent document with an innovative tabular layout which makes reference to the rules very

Why SMM for building projects are unsuitable for civil engineering works
Civil engineering work should be measured in accordance with Civil Engineering Standard
Method of Measurement prepared by the Institution of Civil Engineers and the Federation of
Civil Engineering Contractors. Building works are generally measured in accordance with
Standard Method of Measurement of Building Works, issued by the Royal Institution of
Chartered Surveyors and the Building Employers Confederation. In contrast it may look like
similar works but since the nature of the works is different we have to use different method of
measurement for building work & civil work. Following are some reasons The nature of the work is different.
Degree of detail and the estimating conventions used by both sectors are different
from each other.
The details of building works are usually in a far more precise stage at the time of
preparing the bill of quantities than is the case with civil engineering works.
Building work generally covers more work sections, and is in consequence subject to
more detailed measurement.
Building works mostly not subject to re measurement due to rare occurrence in design
variation while civil engineer works subject to design variation quite often.
Building work comprises many different trades whereas civil engineering works
consists of large quantities of a comparatively small range of items.
There are no precise civil work descriptions in SMM for building. While in CESMM3
there are detailed sections like Road works, Rail works, sewers and Dams.

The key differences of BOQ of civil engineering work to that SMM of building work
Although the principle in both BOQ look similar but because of the nature of work is
different we can find some difference in civil work BOQ compares with building work BOQ.
Building work BOQ generally consist of large number of items yet relatively small
number of quantity, while civil works BOQ consist of small number of items yet huge
numbers of quantity.
Building work BOQ normally covers more work sections, while civil work BOQ
covers less work sections.
Preliminaries bill generally less for building works compare to civil works
Contingencies percentage is relatively high on civil works BOQ compares to building
work BOQ.
In civil BOQ in-situ concrete is measured under two categories like Provision and

Placing but in Building work its just elements name and quantity.
Method related charges are clearly described in CESMM3 section 7, while in SMM

there is no clear description about method related charges.

Plant cost is generally high in civil BOQ, while it is low in Building BOQ.

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