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Describes motion while ignoring the agents that caused the motion
motion along straight line

Motion in 1D & 2D are the subtitle of kinematics 1D and 2D kinematics

Concerns with
"What is happening?" or
"How is this moving?"
In physics, motion is categorized into 3 types:


Translational a car moving down a highway


Rotational Earths spin on its axis


Vibrational back & forth movement of a pendulum

***Now only concerned about translational motion

use particle model

has mass

Topics to be covered in both 1D & 2D kinematics:


***So, this Chapter 2 is only about motion in 1D.

***Motion in 2D will be covered in Chapter 4.

a) Position (x)
= location of the particle w.r.t a chosen reference point (origin)
can be +ve or -ve depending on the motion

Example with Position-Time Graph:

shows the motion of the particle (car)

b) Displacement (x)
= The change in the objects position during some time interval
Vector quantity (have magnitude & direction)
Can be +ve or -ve depending on the motion
SI unit = meters (m)

c) Distance
= Length of a path followed by a particle
Scalar quantity (only have magnitude; no direction)
Always +ve
SI unit = meters (m)
***distance not necessarily |x|
Example for both displacement & distance:
Example 1:
A boy travels from D to A, A to B, B to C and C to D

Displacement = 0 m
Distance = 24 m

Example 2:

John walks from the point A to B to C. What does the distance he

travels? What is the displacement?
Displacement = 5 m (direction A to C)
Distance = 7 m

d) Average velocity ( )
= rate at which the displacement occurs

can be +ve or -ve depending on the motion

vector quantity

dimension: []
SI unit = m/s

e) Average speed (saverage)


always +ve
no direction
SI unit = m/s

*** saverage not necessarily | |

Example of average velocity & average speed:
A man traveling with his car 150m to the east and then 70m to the west,
calculate the average speed and velocity of the car if the travel takes10
Average Velocity=Displacement/Time Interval
=8m/s east
Average Speed=Total Distance Traveled/Time Interval
= (150m+70m)/10s

f) Instantaneous Velocity @ Velocity (vx)

Things do not always move with a constant velocity velocity may
vx = velocity "right now"
velocity at some particular moment
Can be +ve or -ve depending on the motion
Vector quantity
SI unit = m/s

v x lim
t 0

x dx

t dt

+ve if an object is moving to the right

-ve if an object is moving to the left

g) Instantaneous Speed @ Speed

= tells how fast an object is moving without saying anything about its
always +ve
SI unit = m/s

*** speed not necessarily |vx|

Example of velocity & Speed:
Calculate the speed and velocity of the man moving 45m to
the north, and 36m to the south in 27 seconds.

First: Calculate distance & displacement of the man.
Total distance covered = 45m + 6m = 81m
Displacement = 45m 36m = 9m
Speed = total distance/time of travel = 81m / 27s = 3m/s
Velocity = displacement/time = 9m /27s = 0.33m/s

---------------------------------------------------------------------Graphical interpretation of and vx

(ave. v)
= Slope of the blue line joining (t1,
x1), (t2, x2) in x vs. t plot

vx (instant. v)
= Slope of tangential line (green)
at t for x vs. t curve

---------------------------------------------------------------------h) Average Acceleration ( )

= rate of change of the velocity


v x v xf v xi



[ 2 ]

SI unit = m/s2

i) Instantaneous Acceleration @ Acceleration ( )

tells how fast the velocity is changing
ax = acceleration right now

acceleration at this particular moment

v x dv x d 2 x
a x lim

t 0 t
SI unit = m/s2

---------------------------------------------------------------------Graphical interpretation of and ax

= Slope of the blue line joining

(t1, v1), (t2, v2) in v vs. t plot

= Slope of tangential line (green)
at t for v vs. t curve

---------------------------------------------------------------------Motion Diagrams
v = constant
a = 0 m/s2



a = constant (+ve)



a = constant (-ve)

1D Motion with Constant Acceleration

Kinematic Equations (constant ax) for 1D motion

= +
= + ( + )
= + + 2
2 = 2 + 2 ( )
***Motion is along x axis
used to solve any problem involving 1D motion with a constant ax

Relationships between x, vx, ax and t (Graphs)


Describing Motion with Graph (separately)

Position vs. Time Graphs:
1. Position is linearly increasing in +ve direction with the time

velocity = constant

2. Position is increasing in +ve direction with the time

velocity is changing

3. Position is increasing in -ve direction with the time

Red line -- nonlinear increasing position

-- changing velocity
-- ax 0
Black line -- linear increasing position
-- velocity = constant
-- ax = 0

4. Position is decreasing in different directions

Red line -- position of the object
which is slowing down in -ve
Black line -- position of the object
slowing down in +ve direction
Blue line -- linear decrease in
position in +ve direction
Green line -- linear decrease in
position in -ve direction

Velocity vs. Time Graphs

1. Velocity is constant w.r.t time

ax = 0
displacement = area under the curve

2. Linear increase in velocity w.r.t time

ax = constant
displacement = area under the curve

3. Decreasing and increasing velocity in +ve and -ve directions

ax is changing
(not covered in this chapter)

Acceleration vs. Time Graphs

ax is either
ax = 0

So, the graph:

ax = constant

Free Fall Motion

= a kind of motion that everybody can observe in daily life
drop object accidentally or purposely and see its motion
At the beginning it has low speed
Until the end it gains speed
Before the crash it reaches its maximum speed

Things fall because of the gravity

***Gravity is just the force that makes objects fall
As long as air resistance can be neglected,
all objects fall with the same acceleration, g = 9.8 m/s2
(gravitational acceleration)
Does not depend upon the initial motion of the object
Use the kinematic equations (1D) with ay = -g = -9.80 m/s2
***Let tossing upward be positive (v and y = +ve) use -9.80 m/s2 in eqn.
falling down be negative (v and y = -ve) use 9.80 m/s2 in eqn.

Kinematic Equations (constant g) for free fall motion

= + ( + )
1 2
= +
2 = 2 2( )
***Motion is along y axis

Graphs of free fall motion

An object does free fall motion. It hits the ground after 4 seconds. Calculate the velocity
of the object after 3 seconds and before it hits the ground. What can be the height it is

Use this equation:

yf = yi + vyit - gt2
yi = 0; vyi = 0; g = 10 m/s2
So, height, h = -yf

Kinematic Equations Derived from Calculus

Refer textbook

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