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Research Question:
Gender segregation in kids.

What is the question you
are trying to answer?

Background information:
According to this website, Kids are more likely to play with the
same gender peers because they like to play with a peers that is
easier to interactive with. Scientist has also found out that when
kid playing with each other there is usually stereotype such as
Doll are for girl or Truck are for boy E.T.C.. Punishment also
help Gender segregation such as if a boy play with a girl he will
usually get tease by his friend and thank to that a lot of boy never
ever talk or be friendly to girl. I am Intrest in Gender Segregation
because I see Grade 5 get separated by Gender a lot so and the
Grade 1 didnt get separate by Gender at all so Gender
Segregation interest me.

Background knowledge
What do I already know?

Aim: I want to see how much people get separated by

The boy will choose the same Genders peers to be there partner.
Fill in the table with the materials



1. I took information from website such as or Then I come up with the Data to make
my Hypothesis.
2. Me and Yanick plan or Experiment. We plan to ask the
Subject to pick a group of two. Then we use tally mark to
see how much group are boy and boy, and how much
group is girl and girl.

What do you want to do?
How will ____ affect _____?
If., then...

What will you be recording?
How will you recording your
Observations, Table (to be
turned into a graph),
AND Photos or Videos

I found out that when you get older you will get less gender
segregation. Comparing this to my hypothesis I found out that my
hypothesis was wrong because I thought that younger people get
more gender segregation than older kids . When doing my
experiment I found out that 45% of the kids in grade 1 doesnt like
to work with the different gender group and when it come to grade
2 the kids care more about the gender mix group which I think
that the grade 2 got separate by gender 35%. I also found out
that grade 3,4 and 5 are even more separate by gender but I
found that when I do the experiment on grade 6 they got less
separate by gender and in grade 7 25% of the student choose to
work with the mix genders student. In grade 8,9 and 10 they got
even less separate by gender and most of the group is mix
gender. Through what I do in my chart I think there is a massive
gap between grade 2-5 the boy and girl doesnt want to work with
each other at all and they think the other gender are gross but
when they grew older they stop thinking about the other gender
as gross but interesting (since they hitting puberty).

What do see in your
What do you see in your
e.g. A has
Compare your
analysis to your

When I do my experiment I saw that there is more same gender

peer then I expect. I now know that younger kid got very separate
by gender and the older the student care less about working in a
group with different gender. My hypothesis wasnt correct
because I thought that there will be more mixed gender group
than same gender group when it come to secondary. I saw that
the secondary kid work very well with the opposite gender kid and
almost all of them prefer to work with the opposite when I ask
them to made a group of two.

What happened?
What do you now know?
Was your hypothesis

I think it is a fair experiment because we did it two time in a row

and the result is still the same. I think next time I did this I will hide

Was this a valid (fair)

the camera better. I am still curious about why do the younger kid
got more separate than the older kid.I am still curious about why
do the older you other gender intresting. I am still confused about
why do when you got very old like 70 you find the other gender
lest interesting.

Hail, Pearson Alley Bracon Prentice. "Gender Segregation Among

Childhood Friend." Gender Segregation Among Childhood Friend.
Pearson Allyn Bacon Prentice Hall, 8 Oct. 2015. Web.
Hanish, D. Laura. "Peer Socialization of Gender in Young Boys and
Girl." Peer Socialization of Gender in Young Boys and Girls. Laura D.
Hanish, 5 Aug. 2014. Web. <>.
AdvertEnticement. "Gender Roles-Interviews with Kids." Gender
Roles-Interviews with Kids. AdvertEnticement, 20 Jan. 2011. Web.

experiment or not? Why?

What would you change
next time?
What are you still curious
What are you still confused
Use to help
you site your sources

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