Prayer For A Good Husband or Wife: Person

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Prayer for a Good Husband or Wife

O Jesus, lover of the young, the dearest Friend I have, in all confidence I open my heart
to You to beg Your light and assistance in the important task of planning my future. Give
me the light of Your grace, that I may decide wisely concerning the person who is to be
my partner through life. Dearest Jesus, send me such a one whom in Your divine
wisdom You judge best suited to be united with me in marriage. May her/his character
reflect some of the traits of Your own Sacred Heart. May s/he be upright, loyal, pure,
sincere and noble, so that with united efforts and with pure and unselfish love we both
may strive to perfect ourselves in soul and body, as well as the children it may please
You to entrust to our care. Bless our friendship before marriage, that sin may have no
part in it. May our mutual love bind us so closely, that our future home may ever be
most like Your own at Nazareth.
O Mary Immaculate, sweet Mother of the young, to your special care I entrust the
decision I am to make as to my future wife/husband. You are my guiding Star! Direct me
to the person with whom I can best cooperate in doing God's Holy Will, with whom I can
live in peace, love and harmony in this life, and attain to eternal joys in the next.

Prayer for Purity

Jesus, Lover of chastity, Mary, Mother most pure, and Joseph, chaste guardian of the
Virgin, to you I come at this hour, begging you to plead with God for me. I earnestly wish
to be pure in thought, word and deed in imitation of your own holy purity.
Obtain for me, then, a deep sense of modesty which will be reflected in my external
conduct. Protect my eyes, the windows of my soul, from anything that might dim the
luster of a heart that must mirror only Christlike purity.
And when the "Bread of Angels becomes the Bread of me" in my heart at Holy
Communion, seal it forever against the suggestions of sinful pleasures.
Heart of Jesus, Fount of all purity, have mercy on us.

Prayer for Success in Work

Glorious St. Joseph, model of all those who are devoted to labor, obtain for me the grace
to work conscientiously, putting the call of duty above my many sins; to work with
thankfulness and joy, considering it an honor to employ and develop, by means of labor,
the gifts received from God; to work with order, peace, prudence and patience, never
surrendering to weariness or difficulties; to work, above all, with purity of intention, and
with detachment from self, having always death before my eyes and the account which I
must render of time lost, of talents wasted, of good omitted, of vain complacency in
success so fatal to the work of God. All for Jesus, all for Mary, all after thy example, O
Patriarch Joseph. Such shall be my motto in life and death. Amen.

Prayer For Courage

Dear God, give me courage,
for perhaps I lack it more than anything else.
I need courage before men against their threats
and against their seductions.
I need courage to bear unkindness,
mockery, contradiction.
I need courage to fight against the devil,
against terrors and troubles, temptations,
attractions, darkness and false lights,
against tears, depression, and above all fear.
I need Your help, dear God.
Strengthen me with Your love and Your grace.
Console me with Your blessed Presence
and grant me the courage to persevere
until I am with You forever in heaven.

Prayer to Love God above all Things

God, my Father,
may I love You in all things and above all things.
May I reach the joy which You have prepared for me in
Nothing is good that is against Your Will,
and all that is good comes from Your Hand.
Place in my heart a desire to please You
and fill my mind with thoughts of Your Love,
so that I may grow in Your Wisdom and enjoy Your Peace.

Adoration Prayer
My Lord Jesus Christ,
I believe that You are really here in this Sacrament.
Night and day You remain here compassionate and loving.
You call, You wait for,
You welcome everyone who comes to visit You.
I thank You, Jesus my Divine Redeemer
for coming upon the earth for our sake
and for instituting the Adorable Sacrament of the Holy
in order to remain with us until the end of the world.
I thank You for hiding beneath the Eucharistic species
Your infinite majesty and beauty,
which Your Angels delight to behold,
so that I might have courage to approach the throne of
Your mercy.
I thank You dear Jesus,
for having become the priceless Victim,
to merit for me the fullness of heavenly favors.
Awaken in me such confidence in You
that their fullness may descend ever more fruitfully upon
my soul.
I thank You for offering Yourself
in thanksgiving to God for all His benefits,

spiritual and temporal

which He has bestowed on me.
Grant me grace and perseverance in your faithful service.

A Prayer for Peace of Mind (by Saint

Francis Xavier Cabrini)
FORTIFY me with the grace of Your Holy Spirit and give Your peace to my soul that I
may be free from all needless anxiety, solicitude and worry. Help me to desire always
that which is pleasing and acceptable to You so that Your will may be my will.

A Prayer of Gratitude for God's

Blessings - Acts of Thomas
O Lord and Vivifier,
Your grace has achieved for us
all that You had spoken and promised.
Grant us access to the place of Your peace.
For You are our Vivifier,
You are our Consoler,
You are our life Remedy,
You are our Standard of Victory.
Blessed are we, O Lord,
because we have known You!
Blessed are we,
because we have believed in You!
Blessed are we,
because we bear Your wounds

and the sign of Your Blood on our contenances!

Blessed are we,
because You are our great hope!
Blessed are we,
because You are our God forever!

Prayer for the Gift of Wisdom

Great is the wisdom of the Lord!
God Almighty, Your Wisdom includes
An understanding of what is fair,
What is logical, what is true,
What is right and what is lasting.
It mirrors Your pure intellect!
I entreat You to grant me such Wisdom,
That my labours may reflect Your insight.
Your Wisdom expands in Your creations,
Displaying complexity and multiplicity.
Your Wisdom is an eternity ahead of man.
May Your wisdom flourish forever!

The Angelus
V. The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary,
R. And she conceived of the Holy Spirit.
Hail Mary, etc...
V. Behold the handmaid of the Lord.
R. Be it done unto me according to Your Word.
Hail Mary, etc...

V. And the Word was made flesh,

R. And dwelt among us.
Hail Mary, etc...
V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray:
Pour forth, we beseech You, O Lord,
Your Grace into our hearts;
that as we have known the incarnation of Christ,
your Son by the message of an angel,
so by His passion and cross
we may be brought to the glory of His Resurrection.
Through the same Christ, our Lord.

Prayer for Strength to Forgive

Faultless Lord, enduring death for me,
You have consummated the debt of my sins:
Your sacrifice of forgiveness was absolute!
Grant me the strength to also forgive others,
To excuse their transgressions against me.
So I may truly reflect this spiritual fruit,
Obliterate any persistent feelings of malice.
Let each trespass end as a closing chapter,
My continuing on the road of righteousness.
Forgive my sins as I aspire to forgive others.
You are truly archetypical of forgiveness.
You are a most forgiving Lord!

Prayer for a Happy Death

O God, great and omnipotent judge of the living and the dead, we are to appear before
You after this short life to render an account of our works. Give us the grace to prepare
for our last hour by a devout and holy life, and protect us against a sudden and
unprovided death. Let us remember our frailty and mortality, that we may always live in
the ways of Your commandments. Teach us to "watch and pray" (Luke 21, 36), that
when Your summons comes for our departure from this world, we may go forth to meet
You, experience a merciful judgment, and rejoice in everlasting happiness. We ask this
through Christ our Lord. Amen.

St. Michael, For Personal Protection

St. Michael, the Archangel! Glorious Prince, chief and champion of the heavenly hosts;
guardian of the souls of men; conqueror of the rebel angels! How beautiful art thou, in
thy heaven-made armor. We love thee, dear Prince of Heaven!
We, thy happy clients, yearn to enjoy thy special protection. Obtain for us from God a
share of thy sturdy courage; pray that we may have a strong and tender love for our
Redeemer and, in every danger or temptation, be invincible against the enemy of our
souls. O standard-bearer of our salvation! Be with us in our last moments and when our
souls quit this earthly exile, carry them safely to the judgement seat of Christ, and may
Our Lord and Master bid thee bear us speedily to the kingdom of eternal bliss. Teach us
ever to repeat the sublime cry: "Who is like unto God?" Amen.

Prayer in Time of Suffering

Behold me, my beloved Jesus,
weighed down under the burden of my trials and sufferings,
I cast myself at Your feet,
that You may renew my strength and my courage,
while I rest here in Your Presence.

Permit me to lay down my cross in Your Sacred Heart,

for only Your infinite goodness can sustain me;
only Your love can help me bear my cross;
only Your powerful hand can lighten its weight.
O Divine King, Jesus,
whose heart is so compassionate to the afflicted,
I wish to live in You;
suffer and die in You.
During my life be to me my model and my support;
At the hour of my death,
be my hope and my refuge.

Prayer to St. Raphael, Angel of Happy

O Raphael, lead us towards those we are waiting for, those who are waiting for us!
Raphael, Angel of Happy Meetings, lead us by the hand towards those we are looking
for! May all our movements, all their movements, be guided by your Light and
transfigured by your Joy.
Angel Guide of Tobias, lay the request we now address to you at the feet of Him on
whose unveiled Face you are privileged to gaze. Lonely and tired, crushed by the
separations and sorrows of earth, we feel the need of calling to you and of pleading for
the protection of your wings, so that we may not be as strangers in the Province of Joy,
all ignorant of the concerns of our country.
Remember the weak, you who are strong--you whose home lies beyond the region of
thunder, in a land that is always peaceful, always serene, and bright with the
resplendent glory of God. Amen.

Prayer before Study or Instructions

Incomprehensible Creator, the true Fountain of light and only Author of all knowledge:
deign, we beseech Thee, to enlighten our understanding, and to remove from us all
darkness of sin and ignorance. Thou, who makest eloquent the tongues of those who
lack utterance, direct our tongues, and pour on our lips the grace of thy blessing. Give us
a diligent and obedient spirit, quickness of apprehension, capacity of retaining, and the
powerful assistance of Thy holy grace; that what we hear or learn we may apply to Thy
honor and the eternal salvation of our own souls. Amen.

Prayer in Time of Anger

Lord Jesus, there is anger in my heart and I cannot root it out.
I know that I should calm down and offer the hurt and disappointment to You
but my emotion is running away with me.
Help me to overcome this weakness and give me peace of heart as well as mind.
Let me learn from this experience and grow into a better human being. Amen.

Prayer for Enlightenment

O Holy Ghost, divine Spirit of light and love, I consecrate to Thee my understanding, my
heart and my will, my whole being for time and for eternity. May my understanding be
always obedient to Thy heavenly inspirations and the teachings of the holy Catholic
Church, of which Thou art the infallible Guide; may my heart be ever inflamed with love
of God and of my neighbor; may my will be ever conformed to the divine will, and may
my whole life be a faithful following of the life and virtues of Our Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ, to whom with the Father and Thee be honor and glory for ever. Amen.

A Student's Prayer (by St. Thomas

Come, Holy Spirit, Divine Creator, true source of light and fountain of wisdom! Pour
forth your brilliance upon my dense intellect, dissipate the darkness which covers me,
that of sin and of ignorance. Grant me a penetrating mind to understand, a retentive
memory, method and ease in learning, the lucidity to comprehend, and abundant grace

in expressing myself. Guide the beginning of my work, direct its progress, and bring it to
successful completion. This I ask through Jesus Christ, true God and true man, living and
reigning with You and the Father, forever and ever.

Saint Anthony, Performer of Miracles

Dear St. Anthony, your prayers obtained miracles during your lifetime. You still seem to
move at ease in the realm of minor and major miracles. St. Anthony, Performer of
Miracles, please obtain for me the blessings God holds in reserve who serve Him. Pray
that I may be worthy of the promises my Lord Jesus attaches to confident prayer.
(Mention your special intentions.)

Prayer for the Gift of Knowledge

Absolute and all knowing God,
Nothing is hidden from Your sight.
In the prescience since the beginning,
All knowledge existed within You.
Kindly share Your knowledge with me,
Making me aware of what is meant to be,
Permitting my soul to understand it,
And wisdom to agree with its outcome.
Provide me with the gift of discretion,
To prudently apply received knowledge,
To ensure the fulfillment of Your Will.
Your knowledge shines forth forever!

A Prayer to Redeem Lost Time, by St.

Teresa of Avila
O my God! Source of all mercy! I acknowledge Your sovereign power. While recalling
the wasted years that are past, I believe that You, Lord, can in an instant turn this loss

to gain. Miserable as I am, yet I firmly believe that You can do all things. Please restore
to me the time lost, giving me Your grace, both now and in the future, that I may appear
before You in "wedding garments." Amen.

Act of Love #1
O My God,
I love you above all things,
with my whole heart and soul,
because you are all-good and worthy of all love.
I love my neighbor as myself for the love of you.
I forgive all who have injured me,
and ask pardon of all whom I have injured.

Prayer for Protection by the Holy

Assist us, O Lord our God;
and defend us evermore by the might of Thy holy Cross,
in whose honour Thou makest us to rejoice.
Through Christ our Lord.

Prayer for Grace

O my God and my all,
in Thy goodness and mercy,
grant that before I die
I may regain all the graces
which I have lost through my carelessness and folly.

Permit me to attain the degree of merit and perfection

to which Thou didst desire to lead me,
and which I failed by my unfaithfulness to reach.
Mercifully grant also that others regain the graces
which they have lost through my fault.
This I humbly beg through the merits
of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and Immaculate Virgin Mary.

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