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What is Evolution?
Micro vs. Macroevolution
What is a Population?
Deme: reproductive/breeding population [Larsen: A local population of organisms that have
similar genes, interbreed, and produce offspring]
Gene Pool
What is a Species?
Reproductive Isolation
Fossil Species

Only source of NEW alleles/variation beneficial/deleterious/neutral gametes vs. somatic cells

Random Genetic Mutations

o Induced or Spontaneous

Types: point (synonymous and non-synonymous), frameshift, chromosomal

- Down Syndrome: Trisomy 21 (nondisjuction) and Robertsonian translocation
- Turner syndrome (x) [underdeveloped ovaries, infertility]
- Kleinfelters Syndrome (xxy) [small testes and reduced fertility]
- FYI-Intersexuality (Fausto-Sterling)
Selection against expression of recessive allele (Tay Sachs)
Selection against expression of dominant alleles (achondroplasia)
Selection for heterozygote (aka balanced polymorphism/balancing selection/heterozygote
advantage) (sickle-cell anemia, in a malarial environment)
Complex Traits and Natural Selection
Stabilizing Selection
Directional Selection
Disruptive (Diversifying) Selection
Spread of genes across population boundaries through:
1. Migration of individuals from one group to another
2. Sexual reproduction
Decreases variation between group
Non-random because cultural and other influences upon the group from which to choose mates
(breeding population)
The random chance of alleles being passed to offspring, based on the law of probability.
Most important in cases of reproductive isolation (otherwise gene flow counteracts)
Increases variation between groups (but usually decreases variation within due to extinction of

Genetic drift is much more important in small populations

Founders Effect A special kind of genetic drift
How do we know which forces are acting?
How do we determine if evolution occurs?
Phenotype/Genotype Frequency = # of individuals with a specific phenotype/genotype
Total # of individuals within the population
Allele Frequency =

# of a specific allele in the population

Total alleles within the population

Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium Model

If there is random mating and no evolutionary forces act, the allele frequencies will remain
constant over time and we can predict the next generations genotype frequencies.

Non Random Mating Inbreeding and Assortative Mating; Result?

Speciation creation/separation of species, fifth force of evolution,
How does speciation happen?

Allopatric Speciation

Sympatric Speciation
1) **** no gene flow (or reproductive isolation)****
2) genetic divergence from mutation, genetic drift, and natural selection
Modes of Speciation
How fast does it happen?


Punctuated Equilibrium (Stephen Jay Gould and Niles Eldredge)


do Species Change?
e.g., Adaptive Radiation

How do we know any of this?

Additional Key Terms from Chapter 4: admixture, fitness

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